Electric Cars

Freezing weather leaves DOZENS of DEAD EVs stranded | MGUY Australia

Freezing weather leaves DOZENS of DEAD EVs stranded | MGUY Australia

In this video we’ll see firstly how government and media propaganda have brainwashed people into thinking that an EV would be a likeforlike replacement for their regular car and then how that comes crashing down when the weather turns bad thanks to those of you who sent links to these stories coming out

Of both the US and Canada which are experiencing extreme cold at the moment everyone should know that the performance of lithium iron batteries degrades considerably in extreme cold not only do they not hold as much energy but they take longer to accept that energy by charging this is the reality

Of a chemical reaction it slows down when it gets cold but this has come as a shock for many EV owners it seems you almost have to feel sorry for these poor miserable sods who are gullible enough to buy one without understanding the reality of EV ownership but it’s not

Entirely their fault the media and governments have openly misled people about the capabilities of EVs and we’ll see a shocking example of that very shortly if you’re after EV and Net Zero sanity you’ve come to the right place welcome to mguy British engineer and lawyer now Sydney YouTuber if you like

My videos and content please be sure to like share and subscribe hit the notification Bell and drop a comment down below this astonishing article was sent to me barely a couple of days ago and is typical of the mainstream media greenwashing and spin when it comes to

The practicality of EVs and try not to laugh when you hear this electric cars the best vehicle in frigid temperatures Sask Advocates say Sask may be in a deep freeze but EV drivers say they stay toasty warm with the federal government planning to phase out sales of new gas

Powerered vehicles during the next decade many drivers question how they will Faire on cold Prairie days like this week’s but two electric car enthusiasts who chatted with host Lea grabinsky on cbc’s Blue Sky this week say they love driving their vehicles in the winter it heats up faster than any

Gas car I’ve ever ever had it’s more reliable said Tyler Krauss who sits on the board of the Saskatchewan Electric Vehicle Association okay that makes sense and founded the Tesla Owners Club of saskat okay that makes sense also you know there’s no starting of the car it’s

Always just kind of on right it’s like a phone basically or a computer on Wheels do they realize that heating up their car uses up range in a gas car heat is a waste product of the combustion process which can easily be directed into the

Cabin but in an EV you have to actually use energy from the battery to heat up the car and heating is a very energy intensive process the major downside in winter is the loss of driving range and really frigid temperatures Krauss said his Tesla Model 3 can generally travel

500 km in a single charge in the summer but on cold winter days that decreases to around 300 km he said with the charging infrastructure that has come online in the last few years in the province that’s still enough to feel confident leaving town he said well at

Least they admit that cold has an effect on Range but then the hype and spin really goes off the scale Matthew pointer who also drives a Tesla Model 3 said he finds his electric vehicle to be a much better Driving Experience in the winter than a gas car I believe that an

Electric is the best vehicle in these temperatures just because it’s a simpler car it’s taking care of itself even if I’m not thinking about it he said I can leave my vehicle unplugged overnight to minus 40 fire up the app on my phone preheat the car heated steering wheels

Heated seats basically I hop in the car everything is defrosted toasty warm and away I go and your range is down to 50% I mean this is pathological levels of delusion on show right here as will be seen from the following video clips which demonstrate the brutal reality of

EV ownership in freezing temperatures firstly from Edmonton where there’s bad news for Ev drivers in Alberta Linda Ward is tracking this story for us and she joins us now so Linda tell us about this alert that was sent out to albertans yeah this uh alert is really

The latest in uh a series of effects that this cold snap has had on essential services that people rely on across the West Coast but we’ll tell you about this uh that went out to the the phones across the province this uh warning of high-risk rotating power outages asking

Albertans to limit their power use to only essential needs during the peak hours of 4: and 7:00 p.m. Alberta’s Electric Systems operator issuing a similar grid alert on Friday saying cold temperatures are putting too much stress on the grid it’s causing higher usage but also lower Imports because Alberta

Gets some of its power from neighboring provinces but BC and Saskatchewan also gripped by this cold snap they’re seeing increased demand just in case you didn’t read it the alert ask people to quote delay charging of electric vehicles unquote oh good well hope you didn’t

Need to go anywhere in a hurry then but hang on I thought our grids were all perfectly capable of dealing with a mass EV Fleet without any problems or so we’re told right well clearly not and then take a look at this clip from Chicago where there are literally lines

Of dead Teslas unable to charge due to the cold weather electric cars may be the way of the future but it’s clear there are some problem s when it comes to charging them in Chicago’s deep freeze dead Tesla’s packed the parking lot at this Tesla supercharging station

In Oakbrook a scene mirrored in other supercharging stations around the Chicago area yeah this is crazy this is it’s a disaster seriously with temperatures falling into the negative double digits these charging ports have stopped charging leaving many Tesla owners stranded here in long lines since Sunday nothing no

Juice it’s still on 0% and this is like 3 hours this morning being out here after being out here 8 hours yesterday has it been charging no not at all it just isn’t working at all it’s just Frozen and so I’m now getting it tow to the um Tesla Service Center

Because that’s my only option at this point adding to their frustration they say is that they’re getting no help when they call Tesla for assistance no response from Tesla we have been suffering since yesterday uh afternoon Tesla has not responded to our emails for comment but an automobile expert we

Talked to said that the owners of all EVS should hit the battery preconditioned button on their car before attempting to charge it in extremely cold weather yeah well that’ll cut your range by another 50% probably there are 20 superchargers at this station off Tui and skoki and they have

All been full all day long with people waiting in line to charge up in this brutal BR cold batteries are taking much longer to do that and they are draining much faster at the Tesla supercharging station in skoki one driver grateful to finally be here I saw that my batter’s

Getting low it was about 20 25% uh went out to the uh uh the gas station that was there I saw that there was a long line West France then drove to the Fashion Outlet station in Rosemont but it wasn’t in service and by that time my battery drained down

To 5% which is faster than normal long story short here I am we had to tow it out this way the Subzero temperature is taking a toll on the electric batteries this Uber driver frustrated it’s horrible um it takes two hours the wait you might wait an hour it takes two

Hours to charge then the charge leaves really quickly so now you’re back at the charger twice a day so it it’s actually horrible I read about it I didn’t realized the logistics of it and how hard it was I I figured okay I’d get the

Charger in at home and it would be fine but it’s it’s becoming a little more difficult than what I expected let’s just hear that last sentence again it’s becoming a little more difficult than what I expected yeah no Sherlock if you’d been reading all the BS articles

From the mainstream media then it’s no wonder it’s all coming as a bit of a shock and then to cap it all you have to deal with all the ridiculous extra nonsense you have to do to even get these rich things to work at all if you

Can park in a garage clearly it’s better to keep the car warm it makes a huge difference and then when you’re going and you’re going to go charge you should let the navig go in the navigation and say that you’re going to charger so the car can precondition the battery it’ll

Accept to charge a lot faster that way he also suggests charging up before your battery gets below 30% drivers dealing with the headache hoping the company can do something to improve battery life in brutally cold weather so let’s get this straight plan your Journeys around the Chargers tell the car you’re charging so

It can waste more range by warming the battery itself so it charges better Park in a garage tough luck if you don’t have one don’t let the battery discharge below 30% so you’ve only got 70% of a battery at the best of times gez this is just

Ridiculous and one final clip just to make the point even clearer if you haven’t got it already some Tesla drivers learned the hard way about how cold weather impacts their battery life this was the scene this morning at a charging station near 95th in Western in Evergreen Park drivers say some of the

Stations weren’t working and those that were were taking a lot longer to charge I’ve been here for over 5 hours at this point and I’m still have not got to charge my car charge it should take 45 minutes it’s taking 2 hours that driver says he saw at least 10 cars

Towed Tesla advises owners to keep the charge level above 20% during bitter cold weather these awful EVS are simply unfit for purpose they cannot be used in the cold without a range of completely impractical precautions most of which don’t work anyway and in fact they can be downright dangerous can you imagine

The battery running out when you’re stuck in a snow drift waiting for the Emergency Services your regular IC car will just idle away keeping you warm and safe for hours if necessary on a few drops of fuel but your hopeless EV will turn into a freezing brick with possible life threatening

Consequences well that’s it for this video thanks very much for watching hope you enjoyed it drop a comment down below and let me know what you think if you have any tips or stories you can hit me up on Instagram or by email and I look

Forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now

Send tips or stories to Instagram: https://instagram.com/mguy.tv or email: simon@mguy.tv – thanks!

EV delusional article: https://m-g.uy/sjj
Alberta Grid alert: https://m-g.uy/t97
Fox dead Teslas: https://m-g.uy/s90
WGN News: https://m-g.uy/mif
CBS Chicago: https://m-g.uy/rbk

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