Electric Cars

It was never about EV vs REAL CARS. It was a trap.

It was never about EV vs REAL CARS. It was a trap.

Good morning it’s a general chat and a general update um got myself really down over the weekend uh partly because my tooth fell out but also because I realized that I had fallen into a big trap um the EV thing so as you well know

I make a lot of videos trying to expose the I I like I make videos to tell it how it is and i’ like to extol the benefits of owning a petrol or a diesel car that you can jump in and drive wh you want because I believe for me that

That is freedom um I think I’ve uh been had basically I think I’ve fallen for um I’ve fallen into a trap and the trap was EVS were never meant to succeed the people that have been pushing EVS knew that they are not a viable solution and it was quite obvious to anyone with

A brain that there isn’t the resources um the wherewith all the materials all the all the desire to replace every single petrol or diesel car with an EV that that much is really really obvious however I think where I’ve gone wrong is um bashing EVS too

Much and I I feel really silly for doing it I think what I should have been doing is pushing them onto the gullible people that are happy to buy them in order to support the car manufacturers that make the products that we’ve always traditionally loved what I mean is I

Think the introduction of EVS was a deliberate Trojan Horse to destroy the car manufacturing industry and everything that goes with it because if we take down one car manufacturer it doesn’t just mean that you can no longer walk to the show room and buy say a

Three series but what it does mean is all those people are out of work at the dealership at the factory at every company that supplied parts to that company the infrastructure and the supply chain that is around Vehicles is absolutely huge and far-reaching and if a large car manufacturer was to fail the

Knock on would be huge now how can you deconstruct the West in a nice simple way over let’s say 5 years well a very easy way to do it would be to get the main car manufacturers to invest in a dead horse and um then pull the rug out

From underneath them and that’s exactly what has happened all of the car manufacturers are over invested in EVS that are not selling brand new they’re not selling second hand and now the support is being removed at a government level the government never bothered putting in any major infrastructure to

Support EVs and now it’s all crumbling so we’ve got Volkswagen in a right mess because they can’t sell EVs and they’ve overinvestment for the same reasons BMW have announced that they are not going to be making internal combustion engine cars after I think 2027 which is just

Wild when you look at what’s going on in EVS because it’s not like you can look at the EV market and go wow this is doing really really well let’s invest there it’s not it doesn’t work and as soon as you remove all of the government subsidies and the tax incentives they

Don’t work and again this is my thing with EVS I don’t have a problem with electrical vehicles but I want them to compete on their merits so Park an EV next to a diesel car and show me that the EV can do the same things that the

Diesel can do for the same amount of money and then promote the EV based on that but that’s not what happens EVS get promoted based on all of these weird government grants and all of this like fake manra of the climate which is balls if you understand how EVS were made um

And it’s it’s basically most of it is false I don’t have a problem with EVS as I said let them compete on their merits and there aren’t any EV really aren’t many EV YouTubers that do that there’s a lot of EV YouTubers that bash me and Bash Lee and claim that I’m spreading

Misinformation and claim that I’m doing that and claim that other people are doing this but there really aren’t that many YouTube channels that get an EV and promote them on what the capabilities of that car are and I think they should be so I’d like to apologize publicly for

Falling down the wrong Rabbit Hole thinking that I was going to be able to keep people in their pet and diesel cars by exposing the pitfalls of electric vehicle technology but it has now occurred to me that what I’ve accidentally done is helped with all the other YouTubers that have been doing a

Very similar thing to contribute to the deliberate planned downfall of Western capitalism uh I know that’s a big claim I’m only a relatively small YouTube channel and I’m not taking full responsibility for the collapse of Mercedes and BMW and Volkswagen and Ford they did do that themselves um but it

Was foed upon them by nefarious organizations who were trying to run the world at the moment so that was it really um I really felt like I had I just had this moment yesterday when I saw an article about Mercedes-Benz selling off all their dealerships on the

Back of the fact that BMW have got issues and Ford have got issues and as I said all these other manufacturers have got major problems at the moment and um my tooth had fallen out as well and I I just felt really miserable about the whole thing I just

Thought look I love cars that’s what the basis of this YouTube channel is was has been and always will be my thing has always been I love cars I love driving I love the feeling of being able to jump in a car and just go and all of the

Videos that I started making that I grew the channel on the back of were very much just me wanting to defend my ability to be able to do that and to pass my ability to be able to do that onto my children because I don’t see

That owning and running a car has an environmental harm over and above the disadvantages of not owning one if that makes sense so when we’re being told that the CO2 that comes out the tailpipe is bad and we must reduce the CO2 we have to then tally that up with the

Stuff that we were taught in schools about the fact that trees need CO2 and one of the biggest consumers of CO2 is the ocean and all that sort of BAS science stuff don’t try and take my car off me based on bad science and don’t

Try and take my car off me based on bad legislation which is based on dodgy surveys that could really be the headline of the YouTube channel um as I’ve said many many times before I do just want to be left alone to enjoy my old cars that’s all I want to be doing

And I saw the EV thing as um not a threat that’s that’s the wrong word but I just wanted people to see in the way I presented my videos that it’s not the way forward I wanted to find a different way forward I wanted manufacturers to go back to making small economical engines

To keep working on diesel technology keep making it cleaner keep making it better keep making petrol more economical but what manufacturers actually did in the quest to find those things is make vehicles that are overly complex that you can’t get microchips for and all the rest of it I prefer

Simple motoring and I’d love now I’d really really love it if this was the wake up point where all the man facturers went hang on a minute we’ve cocked up over the last decade we’ve made a big mistake we’ve gone down the route of EV and it doesn’t work because

The people don’t really want them and we’ve gone way over complex on our technology what we need to do is we need to go back to basics let’s look at how we can retool the production line to make a nice simple car with a six-speed gearbox and a petrol engine that does 60

M to the gallon looks cute and is relatively safe and affordable let’s go back to doing that the problem is I don’t think there’s any money in it and that’s sort of why we’ve ended up where We’ve Ended up there is no desire for any of the car manufacturers to build

The kind of electric cars that we need and by that I mean small affordable hatchbacks transport for the masses 15 to 20,000 affordable cars for real people there’s no money in it they don’t want to do it what they want to do is build overblown gargantuan 3 ton

Electric SUVs that depreciate like a jeffing Rock so that is my um public apology for falling down the rabbit hole of EV bashing and um I don’t I don’t feel great about it I I really don’t I mean could I tell me in the comments could I

Have done better would there be a better way for me to present the um Pro electric car argument should I have been reviewing them and saying you know these cars are great for XY Z if if you’re this sort of person or you’re that sort

Of person I I don’t know if I could have done that cuz I still can’t get around the battery mining technology and you know I’ve got 100,000 YouTube subscribers now I’m pretty sure I could contact any company and ask for a car to review but I don’t because I’m not

Interested in new cars what I am interested in is keeping old cars on the road and enjoying what you’ve got so I don’t know if any of that really made any sense but I just very much feel like have fallen into a trap and we are now going to witness the complete

Destruction of um what is left of Western I.E European manufacturing I may be wrong I’m not an industry commentator but I would not be surprised if we saw Jaguar Land Rover collapsed down into a small production operation that pretty much just operates in China that is now pretty obvious what is happening with

The poar thing they’re going to devalue poar and then they’ll ship everything all of the stuff will be done in China there’ll be no pole star left in Sweden um Mercedes has just sold or is in the process of selling a whole bunch of dealerships in Germany which there may

Be a financial accounting sort of side of that but for me that just Rings alarm Bells B&W we know are in trouble Ford we know are in trouble and Volkswagen are are just far too overinvestment um how would you like me to proceed with my approach to electric

Vehicles on the channel should I continue as I am should I adjust my content to try and support some of these car manufacturers in order to as you know as a sort of backo way of supporting the hobby product thing that I love um has my Approach been all wrong

Have I been spot on am I okay in what I’m saying in telling people about you know these cars or um should I just review food um shall I confine myself to my 15 minute City uh stay home to save lives and just film um videos of me barbecuing vegan I can’t barbecue

Because I’d have to use electric should I just move the channel ready for the future to me staying within my 100 met Zone and air frying uh vegan food made of bugs let me know in the comments um thanks for watching right screw it if you’re still watching I’ll carry on um

My tooth fell out over the weekend and it made me feel super miserable but I’ve got it sorted for the moment and there’s going to be a plan of stuff to get my tooth sorted longer term and blimy teeth are more expensive than cars um that’s

Why it’s Jeff buy cars and not Jeff bu teeth because I can’t afford the teeth anyway uh I went out yesterday funny anecdote that’s totally unconnected to anything that I’ve said in this video which would be hilarious if this video ends up going viral then this bit will just be really funny that

Everybody’s watched it we went for a walk yesterday because it was a nice day it was a Sunday and on a Sunday it’s nice to go out for a walk with your family obviously so we go to our local Forest the wire forest and um all the

Cars are parking on the verge and I was like yeah fair enough parked on the verge all right and then as we walk to the entrance to the wire Forest it’s closed right there’s a car park there with maybe I don’t know 200 car parking spaces and it’s a main road there

National speed limit don’t get me wrong it’s a problem everybody parking on the curb we park pretty safely but there’s a lot of people that have parked completely blocking the pavement so anyway I just think oh it’s odd that the gates closed today why would the gate be

Closed it’s a lovely day for a walk we go off for our walk and to be honest we got lost um and we ended up walking for far longer than we thought which was hilarious uh cu the kids are like Dad do you know where you going and I’m like

Yes of course I’m a dad of course I know where I’m going and secretly I’m like I wonder where this actually comes out um anyway we did eventually find our way back to where all the cars were parked on the road and the visitor center and sure enough there’s a police person man

There with his police person car and he’s starting to give parking tickets to some of the cars that are parked more weirdly anyway as I walk past him I jokingly say I hope you’re going to give a ticket to the person that locked the gate of the car park because it was the

Person that locked the gate of the car park that caused the car parking issues that nearly caused all the crashes and the police person man said to me the car Parks closed didn’t you see the post on social media no I checked my social media on a Sunday morning we’ve gone for

A nice walk out anyway the reason the car park has been closed is because it was a bit windy and from a healthy and safety point of view they didn’t want anybody to get knocked over by a falling tree so that’s where we’re at now we’re

In a world where um they can close a forest just in case a branch snaps and lands on your head and I was like it’s windy it’s a forest what kind of person would walk into a forest and go oh a branch just landed on my head now I will sue the forestry

Commission like I can’t believe I know that there’ll be people in the comments that be like oh Jeff well you see that’s fair enough because they’ve got a duty of care because it’s now a forestry commission land and there’s a duty of character and I was just like this is

Mental another funny thing on that one if you are still watching which nobody will be by this point as we drove away uh we were discussing the the the conversation that I had with the police person man at all parking and my little lad who’s 11 10 he’s either 11 or 10 um

He said to me what H how come the police were there for the parking do you think some Karens reported it and I was like what are you doing coming out with that you’re far too young to be talking in that sort of way but I did find it hilarious and then

I agreed with him uh that it probably was some kons and that that is the whole thing isn’t it that that’s the world that we live in now uh also lots of logging going on in thewire Forest lot lot of logs trees being cut down and I’m

Told the same thing is happening in canic Chase um friend of mine went mountain biking the other day and noticed that a lot of the trails that he likes to use have been closed for ages and he got to a point where he’s like can’t see anything going on I’m going to

Go down this Trail and see what’s happening and he went down his favorite mountain biking trail only to discover that the reason the trail has been closed is because there’s been so much logging going on and all the logs have been dragged across the trail and actually the trail was completely ruined

So more trees being cut down on the back of a long Monday morning video thank you very much for watching lots of stuff to put in the comments there so do make sure you put something in the comment comments and um lots more videos coming uh later today and I’m off

To meet Tony now in fact he’s probably phoning me so I better get off my phone but yeah lots of stuff coming Birmingham Council are doing some stupid stuff with Banning parking we’ve got an article that’s come out on the top 10 stolen cars in the country and there’s I’ve got

Some nefarious tactics going on with EVS being sold to people that don’t deserve them in motability so all of that is coming in the next day or so thank you very much for watching if you made it to the end of the video uh the code word is it’s a bit windy Jeff

Geoff has an apology

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