Electric Cars

The Hidden Benefits of Electric Car Ownership!

The Hidden Benefits of Electric Car Ownership!

Electric vehicles their Motors their batteries and their parts are expensive to replace and if you are concerned that you are going to be putting a lot of money into your electric vehicle to maintain it well do not be afraid I’m here to tell you why you should buy an

Electric vehicle as your next car what’s up guys my name’s Nick my name’s Nathan and this is full throtle cars today we are telling you why you should not be afraid to purchase an electric car for your next vehicle that’s right guys we’re going to be going really deep into

It we’re going to be talking about maintenance we’re going to be talking about purchase price and we’re going to be talking about charging one of the first things you probably look at when you’re going to buy a new C is the purchase price now that’s a very

Important factor and one that is at the Forefront of almost every consumer’s mind now you’re going to notice immediately that EVs do cost more than their gasoline equals however there are ways to bring this cost down first off you have government tax credits the United States government gives many tax

Credits eligible on many EVS some as much as $7,500 now to be eligible for these tax credits there are some requirements you and the vehicle must meet first you can’t earn over a certain income I believe if you are a single filer you cannot earn more than $150,000 in a year

To be eligible for these tax credits or if you’re filing jointly I believe the number is $225,000 which are pretty high income requirements for these tax credits now moving on to the vehicle the vehicle has to be manufactured or assembled at least in part in the United States I believe

Depending on the year as the years gradually go higher we are going to be focusing more on manufacturing and assembly here in the United States so now I believe the cut off is 50% for how much of the vehicle and battery has to be done in the United States to be

Eligible for this tax credit you can pull up a long list of vehicles that are eligible some are eligible for the full $7500 some are eligible for half it just depends on how much of that vehicle is made here in the US now it might be a

Little bit higher of an initial purchase price like Nick was saying but you can get some of that money back at the end of the year whenever you file your taxes and have that tax credit and as we will uh continue on in this video it will be

A little bit cheaper of a vehicle to maintain and to use in terms of charging and set of of purchasing gas and just in terms of general maintenance if you guys have watched our videos in the past you might have seen me doing a lot of maintenance on my 2008 Honda Civic that

Has about 290,000 M on it uh one thing that I have replaced pretty often is the brakes now brakes are just a a good example of how EVS uh do very well in terms of Maintenance and that’s because they have regenerative uh charging capabilities and so as you slow down in

An EV you aren using heat and friction and losing energy rather you are charging your battery and just getting extra range so brakes aren’t going to be something that you’re going to constantly be replacing whenever you’re using an electric vehicle and that’s just one example so on that maintenance

Idea there are a lot less moving Parts on an electric vehicle of course you don’t have an internal combustion engine without the internal combustion engine there are so many moving Parts just within the engine itself and all the sub assemblies and sub components of the engine instead you replace it with a

Battery and electric motor and electric motors for one are actually very reliable and tend to not wear out that quickly the battery is going to be your biggest concern but again most manufacturers have warranties on these batteries for in the neighborhood of 8 to 10 years or around 100,000 miles all

Right so going a little bit off of what Nick said about that when we talk about the the electric motor uh and just the electrical vehicle having fewer moving Parts in the electric motor there are there are two main parts really you have your stator and you have your rotor um

Now the stator actually just uses magnetic fields to translate power into the rotor and then the rotor is the only thing that is moving and uh it is easy to remember it’s rotating inside of that electric motor whenever you compare that to the internal combustion engine you

Have a lot more um spinning things and even more types of motion so your Pistons are going up and down and you need to figure out a way to translate that power um to a rotating power um and that goes into your crankshaft and then that goes into your uh powertrain and

Wheels so not only is there less moving Parts in electric powertrain there’s also a lot less loss and a lot less movement for the energy in the internal combustion engine you have chemical energy stored in the fuel tank tank which then goes into the engine which

Then combusts and moves the Pistons in a translational motion which then has to move the crankshaft in a rotational motion which then that gets sent that power gets sent to the transmission then to the drive shaft and then through the axles and the differential before it

Gets to the wheels in an electric power Trin you typically have one two or four electric motors one in the back for the basic rear wheel drive more simple cheaper powertrain which then Powers both the rear wheels which you only have energy coming that’s stored from the

Battery into the electric motor to the wheels there’s a lot less spots for loss in electric power tring so another concern you’re probably thinking about is how am I going to charge this vehicle I would say in your daytoday use you won’t have any issue charging your

Vehicle in fact it’ll be much easier to charge your vehicle than it would be to stop at a gas station because as soon as you get home you plug in your car at night by the time you wake up in the morning it’s full charge again if you’re

Not driving more than 50 or so miles a day it should be able to easily recharge overnight and typically for less than the cost of what you would put in in terms of gallons of gas yeah and just talking about that comparing it to gas

You know I’m not going to sit here and say that our cost of electricity is super stable but it’s definitely more stable than the cost of gasoline so if you know how much you’re going to be driving uh if you like to have you know your books all laid out for how much

Money you’re going to be spending you can definitely be a lot more consistent in how much money you’re going to be spending and predict yeah and also on top of that there are some states in the US and again we’re going to mostly be focusing on US market here that’s where

We’re from and that’s where we have knowledge but where you go in the US gas prices vary significantly electricity prices also will vary but if you look at some of the cheapest states for gas and some of the most expensive States for gas you’re talking some cases three

Times the price you look in California in certain areas it might be $6 a gallon there or even in Hawaii it’s even more just because of that kind of scarcity of you got to import everything to Hawaii but if you look at electricity you might not have as big a variation you’re still

Definitely going to have variation but again I think in a lot of those situations where you have very high gas costs like in California your electricity cost is going to be significantly less if you take for example let’s say I don’t know exactly what the average rate per kilowatt hour

Of electricity is well let’s say it’s 15 cents a kilowatt hour or even 20 cents a kilowatt hour so at 20 cents a Kow hour if you have a 100 KW hour battery takes $20 to fill the battery but if you have and so let’s say that gets you 300 M of

Range and let’s say you have a 15gal fuel tank which does the same thing at $3 a gallon which about is what it is here in Ohio right now that would be $45 so you’re looking at Double the cost to fill your gas tank as you would charging

On electricity all right right when it comes to post purchase price when talking about an electric vehicle I feel like the most common thing that people talk about is how much it’s going to cost to replace the batteries whenever they do inevitably go bad so you know sometimes it can cost around

$10,000 to change out your batteries in an electric vehicle that you’ve only had for say like 8 years and that is a huge concern for a lot of people um and rightly so but I will say I don’t think you should be too terribly concerned because we will continue to to make

Progress as we uh do research and development on batteries and on on doing better at making them last longer in electric vehicles Nick anything to add there yeah so not only will they hopefully last longer they’ll also hopefully become more affordable and get a little bit cheaper not significantly I

Wouldn’t say but definitely it should hopefully help bring the cost down a little bit and again if you say you have a $10,000 of battery cost but you only have to replace it every 10 or 15 years that averages out to $1,000 or less per

Year now if you also on that same topic most manufacturers I believe have at least an 8year battery warranty so again if it does fail before 8 years then you don’t have to pay anything out of pocket but if it does come down to 15 years later and you’re going to replace the

Battery that’s still still not that big of a deal when you break that down over how much it would have cost every single year when you look back and see how much you saved on oil changes how much you saved on transmission flushes uh replacing a transmission replacing an

Engine which at 15 years you’re looking at probably anywhere between 100 150 maybe even 200,000 miles and again at 15 years if it’s 150,000 miles that’s only 10,000 miles a year which is less than most lease terms are most lease terms are like 12,000 m a year so if you would

Say you drive 12,000 m a year then you’re even over 150,000 Mi and a lot of cars the engines don’t even last that or they have major repairs before then so if you have a one-time battery expense costs at year 15 or year 12 or whatever

It is it does break down into a very reasonable amount that even could be cheaper than uh just gasoline engine maintenance yeah that’s something that we’ll definitely look forward to seeing if that does happen in the future all right guys so that’s going to wrap up

Today’s video I hope we gave you some insight and maybe ease some of your concerns about purchasing an electric vehicle personally I would seriously consider purchasing an electric vehicle if I was in the market to buy a new one if it was not my only vehicle now I say

That as a car Enthusiast who loves to have an internal combustion engine vehicle but for everyday use I can think of very little better than an electric vehicle just first off the practicality you don’t need to stop at the gas station if you’re using it for daily use

You will probably never have to stop at a charging station ever you go to work you come back you go to the grocery you come back charge it overnight and you’re full and again cheaper cost than the filling up the tank as we mentioned and I personally am not concerned about

Having to replace a battery in 10 years or 15 years who knows if I’ll even own that same car in 10 or 15 years maybe you would but I don’t think I would hold on to the car that long anyway and that would probably be more of a secondhand

Market concern so again if you’re buying something used though that is definitely a thing to take into account but for a new vehicle purchase with a battery warranty I personally have no issue or no concern in my mind about having to replace a battery yeah I

Feel very similar to the way uh the way Nick does on buying an electric vehicle I would not be too concerned myself about the maintenance costs and I would be very uh I would be very ecstatic actually about uh charging it instead of going to a gas station um now this is

Just me I’m an electrical engineer so I personally would probably wire up myself like a 30 amp charger in my house and so so that would really help and a lot of people could also buy or even pay an electrician to come in and wire a much larger charger than just say something

You would plug into your outlet in your garage so that is going to do it for this video we hope you enjoyed and until next time we’ll see you in the next video bye guys

Electric vehicles are more than just eco-friendly – they have many surprising advantages! From cost savings to lower maintenance, find out the benefits of driving an electric vehicle!

In this video we discuss the advantages of choosing an electric vehicle over a gas vehicle including:
1. Fewer Maintenance Items
2. Lower Charging Cost vs Gasoline
3. Tax Incentives for Purchasing EVs
4. Increased Efficiency

We also address many common concerns consumers have with electric vehicles including charging and battery replacement costs.

If you enjoy be sure to like and subscribe! Let us know if you would consider buying an electric vehicle!

Intro: 0:00
Purchasing EVs and Tax Credits: 0:34
Maintenance Savings: 2:33
Efficiency: 4:47
Charging: 5:47
Battery Replacement: 8:29
Closing Statements: 11:11

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