Electric Motorcycles

Cyrusher Ovia Electric Bike. WOW!!!!

Cyrusher Ovia Electric Bike. WOW!!!!

So what are your thoughts on the crusher oia electric bike well it’s Ace isn’t it so if you’re looking for a off-road electric bike for camping motor H home in this might just be the perfect [Applause] thing oh you wait to see this it’s me bike bike yeah you wait to see

This so This Is The Crusher electric bike I’m going to set it up I’m going to show you how it comes out of the box how to build it up and a few little tricks so that you don’t have to Pedal somebody said we shouldn’t do bike reviews cuz

Ain’t got a clue what I’m on about it’s the crusher bike we going to put together and make up in a second and then have a little rideing see what it’s like 250 W Motors in this 50 volt 52v 17 a battery 52 mil on a full range but the

Reason that they’re quite confident on the mileage range is because they’ve taken away the throttle um sort of side of it so on this I don’t believe we’re going to find out definitely in a minute but I don’t believe we’ve got the throttle so you can’t on some of the

Electric bikes you used to be able to use the throttle uh and that would go and you didn’t actually use a pedal assist on them that’s actually illegal yeah a lot of the new bikes now that are going to come out aren’t going to have the throttle on there and it’s just

Going to be pedal assist because to um conform with UK legislation and what have you that is actually becoming illegal and it’s not going to be allowed we then slide on uh throttle so this is pretty much the bike out of the box um just put the little hold on here

For the handle bars but that then essentially is how it all comes it comes with all the tools so got all the spanners all of the little connections so lights the lights Etc they literally just plug in um so we can put these into place and they’re just a

Little plug in so really nice and easy going to get it all together and then we’re going to see what it’s actually Like You’re a waterfall on a fire no surprise we don’t go together but it took us a while before we figured it out what a shame I’m not asking you for closure I just want it to be over we don’t need to break up so really really quick we did a

Bike before and it was a bit of a pain I don’t know whether it’s because it’s doing it a second second time it was dead easy but literally put the handlebars on put the light on put the fender on um Slide the seat in dead dead

Easy so that was really really quick to put together um so let’s have a go with it now um I think you might find you missing something before you ever go with it what you about oh pedals oh no no so what we said at the beginning of the video is

That they’re sort of taking off the throttle CU of new regulations on UK roads Etc so they’re restricting them down but they do actually Supply you with a little throttle so there’s nothing to stop you fitting this on here yourself um having a quick look online

At how to derestrict it uh I think that might be my next little go and then we might put the pedals on and then we might have a go on it on private land of course on private land we’re not going to go on on UK roads obviously oh no woo

Listen I’m using I’m not going to take the bike on the road so I want it fast as possible so what’s going on well this is how you unrestrict it so that if you’re going to use it Offroad because it’s completely illegal and it you’ll

Get the the bike taken off you if you use it on the road but Offroad we can do this oh so this little wire here we can undo just put this back together together and that’s the restrictor that little one that’s the restrictor don’t tell anyone now

Shh I’ve not put my light on have I now that I’m going to go faster I need to put my light On Can’t be help we might just we forever mer 12 miles an hour So we’ve got a little Country Lane that is sort of off the highway we’re going to test and see how fast this actually goes now it’s been unrestricted so we’re saying 19 mph so we’ve got a little Country Lane that is sort of off the highway we’re

Going to test and see how fast this actually goes now it’s been unrestricted so we saying 19 Mph the uh the big tires really make a smooth ride and obviously the suspension and everything on this is uh is really good so uh for cruising obviously I think on public roads you’re only allowed to go 15 M hour so again youve got the speedometer so you can actually reduce your speed

Accordingly and then when you get off to the uh little Lanes like this again we can go that little bit quicker and it’s it’s proving to be a really allrounder it where we can sort of go off road and it C it’s no problem whatsoever big down few ditches through water

Yeah uh it’s your 5 foot three 5 foot three and toes are just touching the floor nice and easily nice little helmet that you’ve got on there as well so yeah lovely how you finding it nice and comfy yeah it’s good it is it is sort of um at

The top end sizewise cuz I can only just touch it with my to cut that seat down very slightly there’s a stem on there couldn’t you if you wanted to so there is a little bit more adjustment on on that seat to actually if you just cut a

Little bit off the uh the stem of the saddle so already heav let’s make our way back how you doing on battery uh 58 so uh no about 70 60 OD yeah late 60 70 so uh seems okay on the battery and again obviously if you ever running battery

You’ve always got your pedals as well I was going to say I’m on pedal assist too I’m not using the throttle I can turn it up to 3 4 5 yeah I’m not even on full pedal [Applause] assist oh my gosh how fast does it go not very it’s only

Going to go as fast as you pull the throttle oh yeah so that’s the the the benefit of fit in the throttle is if you get onto a big slope like this and you’ve got it in the wrong gear you can just start and ease it in with a throttle and then

Pedal uh and you’re not going to be the most confident with a a throttle you can still just use the actual pedals [Laughter] sugar that’s the nice thing with that as well with it being open frame like that that you can just hop off if you get into trouble and you’ve got not

You’ve not got a crossbar there that normally gets in your way and that’s what makes you fall over you can actually just hop off and then that throttle like you say gets you out of trouble a bit yeah definitely it’s worth fitting that throttle 100% so what are your thoughts on the uh

Crusher over electric bike well it’s Ace isn’t it it’s it’s like really comfy with this air suspension dealt with everything really easy B tires that throttle when you’re up a steep hill it’s really heavy bike to get going so just twitch that throttle and it sets

You off and then you can start pedaling then but it doesn’t take away it doesn’t shoot it’s nice and steady um I think 19 I know only does 19 mph but do you really need to get I think any faster than that it actually feels a little bit unstable and unsteady

And it’s not a nice experience so I was going at 12 down there down the field yeah and you wouldn’t really want to go any quicker over the fields anyway no no definitely not and even down that lane that I sort of went down just to say how

Fast it went uh that was plenty so hopefully you’ve enjoyed our little review of the Crusher oia electric bike um definitely got a thumbs up from us we’re not exactly bikers ourselves in all honesty um so it’s as a as a complete novice really it’s it’s a

Great little bike easy to jump on to easy to go across off-ground um off-road conditions Etc really good onroad as well so uh well worth a look if you’re after an electric bike are you why are you so wet you fell off something what have you been doing

I’m soaked I can’t blame the cameraman H it’s always his fault didn’t get the Shar first oh did he is that what he told you he should never trust that camera [Applause] Man

Cyrusher Ovia Electric Bike, perfect for Camping and motorhomes. Best electric bike?
UK Product Link: https://bit.ly/498i55Q
USA Product Link: https://bit.ly/3vQnNLx

We put the cyrusher Ovia Electric Bike to the test. Off road electric bike on road electric bike, the cyrusher electric bike has big wheels so makes uneven off road use a dream, air suspension makes the ride comfortable.

We add the twist throttle and de restrict this cyrusher electric bike for more Speed and off road use.

A very high quality electric bike for Motorhome or camping.

#cyrusher #electricbike #bestelectricbike

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