Electric Motorcycles

Taking this Cool Red eBike to The Grocery Store (I love this bike)

Taking this Cool Red eBike to The Grocery Store (I love this bike)

All right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel school just got out it looks like so we’re going to have to be a little careful over here might not be able to take our shortcut maybe we can cuz I want to show you guys the bike

That I’m on right now I just got done reviewing it so if you haven’t seen the video before this one of the red Scara muck wheel ebike then you might want to go back and look at that okay so here is how the bike looks nice beautiful bike

We got nice tires of these are like a street tread and they have that brown sidewall they go up to 20 psi I have these at 18 PSI right now to give me a little bit more Comfort but still give me some good range which we’re also

Going to be doing a range test in this video it’s only going to be 9 miles 4 and 1/2 miles to work 4 and 1/2 miles back but I’m just curious to see where it’s going to be at the range test is going to be kind of hard though because

In my review video If you haven’t watched that yet again please go back and watch that first and then come back to this video I’m assuming these green green battery things or these green bars are for your battery because there’s nothing that changes anything none of these buttons changes any of the screen

And that’s the horn down there and this is your headlight and you can tell the headlight comes on with that little button but that’s it so I’m hoping that’s our battery bars and we’re just going to kind of keep an eye on that and

See how it is I’m going to be on the throttle 24/7 we’re not going to Pedal this bike but don’t let that confuse you on understanding that this bike is actually a bike that you would probably want to buy if you’re someone that pedals because it has a torque sensor in

It and a torque sensor goes off the pedal input so it actually makes it feel like you’re connected to the bike but I will say there is a mile hour that it feels like you’re not connected to the bike at all and I believe that’s about

20 M an hour so it’s cool if you want to Pedal under 20 M an hour anything above that just doesn’t feel right dang that’s a lot of traic I feel like I picked a bad day to come out because it is the weekend and there’s just cars everywhere I’m

Going to have to make this turn before all these cars up here have the green light so what is it looking like now oh we still got like three more cars and the cars are starting to come oh boy I’m going to have to go all the way to the

Crosswalk because there’s so much traffic today what the heck now I know we’re at the very beginning of the video but since we’re just kind of hanging out vibing going to work really quick another thing is is probably keep both the hands on this bike it has a little

Bit of a shake to it if you don’t have both hands on drop a comment let me know if you guys actually did see the review video or you just saw the bike just now for the first time and maybe you’re thinking about buying it what do you like about this

Bike if you’ve seen other videos other than mine I’m just curious on what this bike stands out and I’ll tell you my personal opinion on why I like this bike and let me put my hand back on here God dang it why I keep taking my hand off I

Talk with my hand is I love how it looks and if you see it in person I got to tell you 100% you’re going to understand that it has high quality components on it you see every little detail on this bike and it doesn’t look put together

Like all janky or like oh that shouldn’t have been like that and that was just kind of like an oversight that they messed up on it looks like everything was planned out on this bike and it looks high quality it really does and this bike is coming in under $2,000 and

You might be thinking to yourself like oh that’s that’s expensive for a moped style ebike that does about 27 28 mph which is legal it’s class 3 it does have a sticker on the bottom like somewhere right here I think down there that says Class 2 750 WS but the reason why it’s

So expensive is because you have the torque sensor compared to a Cadence Sensor and then you also have the inverter as well and there’s an inverter uh it’s on the bottom of the frame right above where the controller sits in there then the torque drive so that’s pretty

Cool that they have an inverter that you can buy on the website for about $3.99 and then you can uh I don’t know just charge some regular appliances off this thing if you guys are going to take this thing camping it’d be cool to like take

It on like your RV or van or something like that and then you can get an inverter and you can use that inverter to steal battery power from this battery now it’s not the biggest battery out there I like to see like an inverter on like the anoke bikes the ones that have

Like the 60 amp hour bikes that would be kind of cool cuz the 20 amp 48 volt uh battery is not very big but I will say compared to that truck and the other car that’s next to me this thing definitely holds its own picking up speed it’s

Actually pretty gradual to get up to speed once you’ve been on like a lot of bikes like I have but it it’s really going to feel good for the average person out there if you’re thinking about buying something like this and I really do think this bike is a a

Showstopper man you see it and it’s just it’s shining if you got this bike you have to get it in the red color the red color I think is the most sold because they said that it was out of stock when I ordered it and they said hey uh we got

To wait for it to come in well actually I didn’t order they’re going to order it for me but they said it was out of stock and I said I’ll wait until the red one comes in so it took an extra extra 2 weeks but I almost again oh my what the

Heck I almost didn’t uh review this bike because I was like no it looks like any other bike that’s on the road and then once you actually see it in person I am so glad that I accepted this bike and we’re going to run into another eiker

Right now let’s see who gets up the hill first what’s up man how you go that uh about 29 2850 on this one oh miles uh it’s about 50 to 60 is that am I the one that sold you that one huh am I the one that sold

You that one I don’t know or did you buy it from another guy cuz I I uh had that one and sold it well no no I bought it I bought it online oh okay okay I had it and I sold it to a guy in town so I

Thought this was the same one same color and everything huh the same color and everything oh it did yeah I love it man I made a review on it on my YouTube channel yeah it’s a nice bike man hey be safe dude that’s cool that thing will

Actually uh whoop my ass I think coming up the hill it’s a very heavy bike and there’s no suspension well I guess there’s no suspension on this bike either but uh he has two batteries and I believe that had some good power on the electric uh Expedition bike I actually

Liked it it’s just not a bike for me but he’s definitely using it for storage and I thought it was the same one I sold because I reviewed one of those but if I really had to pick a bike from the one that he was riding or this one I would

Definitely get this one just because I like the style of this one I’m not really going to have a bunch of uh stuff that I’m going to carry with me going all over the place if you need a cargo bike the one that we just passed that’s

Actually a very good bike and let’s see how fast we uh come down this hill 30 it cut power it cut my power oh man so you can’t go any faster than 30 mph that’s what we’re limited to unfortunately it is what it is now I should have reset my trip and I’m

Actually not exactly sure how to reset the trip I got to figure that out but I’m I’m going go I’m going go through it ah I knew it head of the game baby head of the game I know when these lights are going to change that’s one good thing about if

You ride dang you guys are hauling ass and you’re going to come up to a red light bro um that’s one good thing about if you ride ride fast if you know the area if you don’t know the area sometimes riding fast will get you in trouble not knowing the turns and the

Streets and the potholes and everything like that but I know everything out here pretty well and I really wish man we had a different route for me to go back and forth to work on bikes like this I’m just going to keep it straight and go to

Work this way but we do have some cool bikes that are coming I don’t know when they’re coming they’re supposed to come last year but the solar uh so there’s a company called um solar and they e scooter company but they have a eclipse I think that’s what it’s called it’s a

Ebike it’s well it’s an electric dirt bike it looks like a suron in in a way it has a mid-drive motor I was supposed to get that last year we’re hopefully going to get this NE uh this year and then we also have the rumble Motors

Predator I supposed to get the I don’t know the pre production one the one that’s not really like made to go to Consumers yet but they’re waiting for the batteries I was supposed to get that before Christmas but hey we got this one instead and uh I’m still having fun but

I definitely want something a little faster than this but I got to say this is street legal no one’s going to bat an ey unless there’s going to be stupid people that still comment you were doing 30 mph going on the overpass we always get those types of people but

This is a straight up legal class 3 bike and I like the fact it works with the throttle I didn’t have to go into the settings and change anything so I like that and yeah it’s cool overall I just wish it had like rear suspension but it doesn’t have rear suspension it feels

Like a solid bike that way because bikes that don’t have rear suspension really do feel like premium and Rock Solid but when you really hit something it doesn’t feel that great now something that you’re going to hear on this bike is the motor over the tires that’s really the

Only thing that I hear on this bike the tires are nice and like quiet because they’re a street Tire I actually I’m the biggest fan of these tires especially the brown walls on there like the gum walls I guess is what they call them but

They just look so sick I can’t get over how this bike looks and it just performs very good uh one thing from the motor though even though I am hearing it a little bit more than anything it’s not that loud but it does put off a light

Vibration now I’m pretty sure you can get rid of a little bit of that vibration if you lower the tires down a little bit past 18 cuz they go up to 20 like I said earlier but uh I’m just feeling it a little bit in the seat if

You replace the seat or get a seat post suspension this is going to that would be a game changer on this bike I really feel a wider seat would be a little bit nicer the seat itself isn’t terrible it’s actually decently wide I don’t think it’s just adjusted correctly for

The way I sit I feel like I’m going to slide off of it those guys are mean mugging me on my bike I think they just liked it it looks cool oh man I hate riding here I hate the fact that I get a lot of these bikes

To review and a lot of you guys are like put mirrors on the bike and I’m like I get that but they would go on the bar ends and I had to take the stuff apart and get a mirror and put it on here and I’m going to sell it right after I’m

Done with this video so it’s like you know what I mean like I don’t want to modify a bike that I’m just going to review and damn this is hella far into the thing I’m not going to put something and modify the bike I’m just going to

Sell it so that’s why on 90% of these videos see me going back and forth to work if it’s not something that I’m keeping it don’t have mirrors but I highly suggest if you do buy a bike like this they’re like $18 to $22 I get the

MC tuning mirrors for these bikes and I think they’re the 3-in ones they’re not the ones that look blue they’re just the regular Chrome looking ones and this guy is here every single day and he has a bunch of keys on him all the time I know he has a car like

He doesn’t look homeless at all I’m sorry but anyways other than that we made it safe and sound it’s going to be super cold tonight I think it’s going to be in the 30s so that’s going to be great the Beyond Riders uh fleece hoodie is really helping right

Now but my jeans aren’t cuz I just got some regular jeans and I can feel it all in my kneecaps and everything are just Frozen right now and it’s not even that cold it’s like 60 right now my phone says we did 4.2 miles it’s I measured it

It’s 4.5 but I mean this is pretty accurate by itself what up I’m finally back I got this one today yeah this one’s dope it has like a wood rack on it and B that’s like heavy duty right there dude yeah go it’s only like 28 29 you that yeah I’m telling you

Man if you want to ride it dude like I want to I I want to try I don’t want to all right guys everyone loves this bike so I will see you guys in 9 hours and we’ll see if we get anyone to ride it

After work but if not just going to be me by myself chilling and we’re going to check out the headlight the brake light and I also brought the electric XP uh Beacon head light and I’ll put a link down the description for this I love

This light we use this to test out to see how these lights look compared to to get an aftermarket light so we’ll see how it looks later all right let’s get out of here it is absolutely [Laughter] freezing oh no joke my kneecaps are already cold they feel

Frozen before we even start let me pull over here and show you and I love these brakes let’s see I I don’t know what I said earlier I think it was what like 20 or it going to be 20 or something like it actually doesn’t feel that cold but

The Beyond Rider a fleece jacket is helping so weather right now in Fresno current oh it said unavailable 40 okay that’s not yeah that’s not bad but oh man it’s supposed to rain at 1:00 in the morning and it is 12 18 in the morning right now so I

Better hurry up and get home ladies and gentlemen it’s a 90% 95% chance so let’s go back over here and I got my speedometer I also got the light on here but it’s on the wrong side I should have put on this side but it is what it is

Guys it’s my fault I was just in a rush leaving I was like oh my God I got to bring the light with me so I did but I know the cables are going to be blocking it and is that a model y baby hey what’s up brother what’s

Up yeah performance one to looks clean I want to go through this yep I’m going through it because uh that’s yellow so I’ll be all right I see a lot of cops down there but I’m not going to go that far because well one the rain and second I don’t know the

Range of this bike now I know we’re only doing 9 mil on a full charge but I just have no idea of finding out these battery meters I I don’t understand I should have went through the manual and I know a lot of people say like hey you

Know you should read the manuals before you get on these bikes but I tried to just get the specs down and just ride the bike and see how it would be for the average person like most people probably read manuals but if it’s a guy most likely we’re probably not reading the

Manual you know what I mean we like to just put stuff together and get on it and go right and half the time we just put the stuff together without looking at the manual to install the stuff until we get like stumped um but I really

Should have uh looked at the manual to see like our battery bars and I’m assuming it has to be those little bars on the side on both sides I’m assuming but I don’t know I can’t check it so we’re not going to go super far but anyways here’s the headlight we do have

A bunch of lights above me um it looks like it’s aimed down a little too low and holy moly it is like really far down there it’s not uh as accessible as like most of them where you can do on the Fly this bike is one of those ones that

You’d want to pull over on the side of the road adjust your light and then get going you went around me to turn and I’m going just as fast as you yeah I wasn’t about to let off we could play chicken I’ll play chicken all day

Long so I’m going to pull in here real quick and I’m doing I’m going to do it fast because it’s a neighborhood I don’t know the people here and I don’t know if they have cameras I don’t want them thinking I’m a weirdo just in their neighborhood checking this out cuz I

Don’t really have anywhere to go but it’s such a nice dark dark area so you guys can see you know how this looks now I don’t normally go all the way down normally turn right here and let’s show you how this looks it looks great right in front we

Can tell that it’s like angled like a lamp it just kind of goes like right in the middle doesn’t very go very wide at all um but if I were to turn it off this is how it looks and that’s how it looks with it on definitely a good pattern

It’s very like long it goes very like long distance but it’s just not bright for looking like over the side oh this bike is uh sitting straight up on that kickstand but you can adjust it which is nice but here is how the brake light

Looks and as if I go a little bit farther back you can also see the headlight as well it’s a nice light in the back it’s the same light as like the aerial Rider ebikes and uh this is how it looks when it gets brighter if you

Can see that not too bad of a brake light it’s not the brightest out there but it’s definitely going to do and I appreciate that it’s right center on the bike and it’s on the back section of it it’s not underneath the seat where it’s

Going to be hidden if you put like stuff on the rack so I think the placement of that tail light is very very good like I said earlier in this video If you guys just take my word for it if you really like how this bike looks and you love

The inverter you like the torque sensor and it’s kind of like a moped style ebike and it’s made for people that are like 5T starting up to 6ot you’re really going to like the quality of this bike it has so much going for it my only complaints I think is it’s a little

Shaky when you let one hand off it doesn’t like handle as well which is weird maybe my tires aren’t like like balanced correctly but I’m riding it right out of the box I didn’t do anything to it I’m not like reating the tire I’m not messing around with that

But I can’t guarantee that that’s what the issue is and the only other problem with this is really just the fact that I’m getting a little bit of vibration from the bike itself I’m just noticing it like at kind of high speeds but it’s like here and there it kind of comes and

Goes but I think getting a seat replacement and some seat suspension will really help this bike out even though it has has no rear suspension it honestly feels very very good I don’t have any complaints with the bike other than that you know uh it it’s cool man um I’m really

Glad that I accepted it from this company because it’s just so high quality like I really wish I had more friends that were really interested in this stuff like hey come over and ride this thing and tell me what you think and then go and ride this and tell me

What you think and I did that with a few people I remember when I had the area Rider kep and then I had another bike and I can’t remember what it was but it was a crazy like $2,600 bike and it was much slower it had a torque sensor and I told the

Guy I said look ride the aerial Rider and then ride this and he was like wow I can really understand what you’re saying the aerial rider was hella fast and it’s like torky and just took off but it feels so cheap compared to the other bike hero and I was like see exactly

That’s what I’m trying to overlay on my videos and if you guys listen to me which most so you guys do you understand this is a badass bike oh I guess one more complaint is the whole battery thing like how the hell do I figure that out and I know there’s probably some

Advanced settings you can go into maybe holding the power button and the down button or the up button and the power button or you hold both up and down buttons at the same time I’m not sure but normally there’s a way to get in the settings you can like change some stuff

But um you’re really going to like it especially if you pedal pedaling Is Awesome on this bike I don’t do that though I don’t really care to Pedal which you know what I’m going to do really quick let’s pull over here it’s not really like lit up my buddy said

That he would take this section over here and take the shortcut and go underneath the bridge and then hit that uh Street and go that way I like that’s genius because then you would have to go all the way around that way but let me

See what happens if I was to hold the plus and minus button it’s really hard with these gloves oh there we go so now we’re in a brightness mode Let’s see what happens okay so do we hit the power button to go into it no we do not oh

Wait I hit the headlight button I didn’t hit the power button so that’s my fault so all right brightness hopefully you guys can see this cuz it’s very bright right now um hit the power button okay so it’s on the brightest right now if I want to lower it I can that probably

Looks a little bit better for you but when I sell this bike I don’t want to forget to put it on the highest brightness so I’m going to put it on three two and three seem the same I don’t know I didn’t see any noticeable difference units that’s mile per hour

And yeah kilm per hour startup mode what’s this free mode and safe mode uh yeah we don’t need safe mode and then reset trip that’s all you have what the heck that’s all the options they give you all right not as much as most bikes guys keep that in mind there always pros

And cons about everything and I really like to have a bike that you can really adjust some stuff and this one you really can’t oh and earlier I really didn’t tell you how fast this bike gets up to speed going up the overpass and you just saw

That we barely started at like 10 mph when I I made that turn so right now we’re doing 19 mph 20 now and it’s about to start leveling out here in a second but 20 mph coming up this thing is pretty good I would say and especially

If you’re going up a slope I like a 30% incliner something uh pedaling pedaling is going to be the best way to get up stuff and just make sure you’re in the lower gear like number one or number two and you’ll get up a bunch of stuff cuz

That torque sensor really really works when I was doing my video review I really wanted to do a video of taking the other incline please don’t go when I’m already like in the street thanks what the hell man just sit there the whole time and then decide to go when

I’m uh coming you guys probably couldn’t see it but he inched out don’t take your hands off the bike God dang it oh my God it twitched out on me I thought I was going to go down oh what the heck is going on over here damn D everyone has to turn over

Here they’re oh man they working on the middle of the the freeway they took all like all three lanes out that sucks oh up oh God that scared the hell out of me where the hell was I talking about oh so when I did my video review there’s two

Slopes to go up in the dirt I always do a dirt path and I it’s I don’t know what incline it is I need to get my phone and measure it I feel like it’s like a 15 or a 20 I don’t think it’s crazy but the

One next to it is a lot steeper it’s probably like a 25 or something or a none of my bikes make it up I think one bike made it up I was like holy crap and it had a lot of torque to it um but it wasn’t a really fast bike overall it

Just had a lot of like good like bottom end power like a car but um this one I think it would have made it up it I really think it would have made it up that hill but I didn’t try it because when I took that bike on that other

Slope I got 20 different Thorn heads in the tires and that bike had thicker tires than this so I was like you know what I don’t trust these street tires I trust TR them more than I trust other like tires that come from other companies which is funny because this

Brand makes cheaper tires I mean most companies make highend tires and lowend tires but these are kind of on the higher end of their spectrum of tires but um I really trust them more than I do the other tires that they make or those real like cheap Chinese tires you

Can literally fill them you I feel like you can like use your nail and pop a hole in those they’re so damn cheap and everyone doesn’t complain because they don’t understand until they get on it and then they have a flat within like the first ride of it and they haven’t

Even charged the battery yet you know what I mean so I trust these a lot more than I trust a lot of tires I think they’re like one of the top picks of tires but you still can’t beat the Rave GTX electric bike those had those Huntsman tires on it those tires are

Badass and dang we jamming around that corner that was pretty good it was a little bumpy though with that uh not having suspension in the back and then the ride one up Rev one has some really good tires as well which the C3 strong Deluxe has the same exact tires those

Are thicker than these but these tires are great the thumb throttle on this side I’m not really having any issues it does feel slightly farther than I would like for my thumb but I’m dealing with it it’s not that big a deal my hand’s not hurting at all I never really

Complained about it on the ride either it does have some lines and grooves in it so you’re probably going to want to have some gloves when you ride this bike because over time when you’re pushing down on that thumb throttle you’re probably going to um have some indentations on your thumb that are

Probably going to get annoying and kind of hurt over time depending on how sensitive your hands are but I like it the brakes are [Laughter] great it does the bike feels solid man um I just wish I had some type of big ass Studio like something that sster is

Getting I think he’s getting like a warehouse I don’t know if he’s done it yet but I would love to have something like that because I would have so much stuff this would be a bike I would save I really love the color of it I just

Love the design of it and overall it is just a badass bike this is just one that you just kind of cruise with your friends you’re legal and just hang out and you know just you’re literally being safe on a cool looking bike the only thing I’d probably add to this is some

Like RGB pedals or the what is it red shift pedals The Arc pedals that’s what I would add and let me go across because of the car and I didn’t know if I was going to make it so I just went around they’re going hella slow man it’s

A 45 right here they were doing like 20 25 and I would definitely probably change these handlebar grips not a big fan of them uh Palm rest grips I don’t really care for maybe you like those but I feel like on bikes you don’t need them

And I like the ones that feel like tacky and sticky especially if you don’t have gloves or have gloves your hands are always like on there but they are a little bit more rougher on your hands overall but I really like to feel like I’m holding holding on to the bike and

My hands aren’t going to accidentally slip and then you need a mirror get a mirror for this bike if you buy it links and everything will be down in the the description I think it’s like 50 bucks off you’ll have to double check but I

Think it’s 50 bucks off and uh just be safe out there guys and if you do get any of these bikes that I have in my description or other videos drop a message tag me and I’ll post it up on my Instagram as well so if you have bought

A bike using my discount code I will share it on my Instagram channel so tag me I’m Mr Central driver and I’ll see you guys in the next one true MVPs let me get inside before I wake everybody up okay my bad guys I almost forgot to show

You guys how many miles we went to our battery and I kind of stressed this enough on this video that you can’t really tell on here but let me let you guys know remember when we got to work and I said hey how come it said like 4.2

Miles or something it’s supposed to be 4.5 well look it’s exactly 4.5 now coming back home and I did the exact same route so it’s sometimes a little awesome we did 9 miles in total right here it says 8.7 right here so that’s pretty close our top speed was 29.9 mph

That was when we were going down the overpass when we first did the video going to work and here’s the problem I have with this Buy in again I’ve talked about it many times I’m assuming these are your battery bars we got 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 eight I should have counted them when I had the bike and seen how many we have and maybe I can do this maybe if I turn the bike off really quick it takes forever that’s one thing about this bike too so just keep in mind that turning

This bike on and off look how long this takes I’m holding it there we go now it says hello let’s see if our battery bars are the same one two three four 5 six seven eight so I’m assuming those are our battery bars I have no other button this

Is the headlight button that’s the horn button nothing else changes any of these menus you see me hitting these buttons it’s not doing anything other than changing pedal assist so I don’t understand that so you guys have to take that with a grain of salt on how like

How good our battery range is I have no idea if you guys own this bike maybe you guys can drop a comment and also help these people out in the the chat and everything like that that are thinking about buying it and I also forgot to use the electric headlight so I really

Apologize because it’s probably going to be the last video I do on this bike but I really do highly recommend it again for like the fifth time I said in this video so I’ll see you guys in the next one oh and one more thing you can also

Get a front rack right here from the company I don’t know exactly how much it is but it will match the back and it will look super sick with that wood so all right so now I’ll let you guys go

Use code: MCD50 @ checkout
Mokwheel Website: https://bit.ly/4bgBpQu

BEYOND RIDERS CLOTHING 10% OFF Use Code: MrCentralDriver https://bit.ly/3eKXC05

Beacon headlight shown in video: https://lectricebikes.sjv.io/rQeYo3

Mictuning Mirrors: https://amzn.to/3Od8PWf

#mrcentraldriver #fresno #mokwheel
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