Electric Motorcycles

Ristretto 512 test ride | Astronomic Holiday Party

Ristretto 512 test ride | Astronomic Holiday Party

Welcome back guys today we’re here at the astronomic Holiday party astronomic they host this Supernova dinners they bring opportunities to startups and connect investors with Founders to pitch them their idea and today I’m going to give you guys an inside look of how they look Likees by hey there it’s Chris Bean founder and CEO at astronomic we think of ourselves as a One-Stop startup shop and every year we do a big holiday party we’ve had about 500 people here this Evening my name is Joel Pennington I’m the CEO and founder of black dot here in Austin Texas and we’ve made the world’s first commercially viable automatic tattoo machine As an investor and a Founder this is a great place to meet it’s a great place to [Applause] connect You really get a feel for like at the Expo you I got like a sense of how how much Tor it had and how fast it was all right guys so here we’re here today with Jack he test ride uh our new Resto 512 uh he’s a little bit in the size

Between the a20 and the a24 so we’re just going to go for a ride see what he Thinks but when you actually go up the hills just with the rows any little bumps on the road I don’t really feel the bumps first of all and then second it’s just like it’s cruising it’s just going yeah no struggle whatsoever like I don’t have to be afraid that if I ease

Off the throttle that it’s going to stop for example it will just pick right back up if I do that yeah so Yeah it is not not an easy choice I know man I know it’s it’s mostly a preference but I mean I think you told me you’re in downtown I I I think like you know you’re just going to go to different places around you definitely want something small in my case like this

This is kind of like much better but but again it’s it’s just some people like that yeah cuz this one it is more of the laid-back style and everything but the other one I guess the the bigger frame if you do ride other motorcycles or just

Bigger bikes or dirt bikes it feels a little more like feels a little more safe more like feel a little bit more like like a cruising bike when you’re on it yeah yeah know completely agree all right so tell us how how was the ride what what what’s your final choice

Choice man it’s it’s tough I am leaning towards the 24 even though I thought it would be the 20 I am leaning towards the 24 just because just the way it felt when you’re really like up there around that 40 mph and you’re like really cruising when you’re in race mode it

Feels nice but the torque on this is the torque on this is actually kind of insane yeah like yeah it’s actually insane the 20 is comfy like uh very legs are good on the floor even when I’m riding like I don’t feel like my legs are super highering like it’s super

Comfy either one like comfort for me like I’m fine with either to be Honest I thought it was this one initially I think it’s going to be this one okay just because like for me I’m going to do a lot of and stuff like that like this one just feels if you’ve ridden like dirt bikes or other motorcycles it feels like really nice

But this one is like a lot of fun though like you’re going to see the torque on this is like that was my gut I have the same I’m 5’11 how tall are you 510 okay comy on both I think we’re I think our size is okay kind of for both right both

Of them were very comfortable for me like no issues at all like my legs were good you can sit on it like if you’re not moving your legs are Good Okay so after you R it on Electrify Expo with a little bit wet so um just keep test ride both Botts want me in house B the ride for if you can give us some feedback on so a test D of the 20 and

The 24 they are both so good it it’s not it’s not super obvious to me like one’s not way better than the other to me like for my feel I feel equally comfortable on both like I don’t even feel like a little or a lot more comfortable on

Either one I I like the feeling of both of them although I like the maneuverability the smaller frame smaller tires of the 20 but I I see myself going a longer commutes so probably the 24 power incredible brakes plenty of breaks Amazing All right so we got Luke here he came all the way from Long Beach California to test uh they rest St of 512 uh we just went for a ride tell us how was your experience so far these things are monsters they are absolute monsters um I

Love them I think my purchase was probably the best decision I’ve made in a long time I’m going to have so much fun with this bike um they both have different personalities um this one uh the a20 is a torque monster and then this one I

Love it just like getting up to those top beat on it it really feels amazing like I’ve never been on an ebike that goes this fast um so the wind racing through your hair and everything like that it’s just amazing and it’s a head turner as well I

Was riding around and lots of people were looking at me going by and waving and some guys was like this and I was like yeah but uh no they’re they’re awesome uh the ergonomics are nice so that was something that I wasn’t sure about like I might got to be clinched over but

Really they feel both feel very comfortable um like the actual like how your body is where my arms are so I think you’ve done a great job of calculating that sort of ratio from paddle bars to seat and everything well thank you for coming and glad to have

You here thank you so much for having me appreciate it and give out of time I got on the bikes as well yeah all right guys so today we got a an unboxing right here um this is something I’ve been looking forward to it this is a artifact book from a collaboration

With ERG type 7 this is a collection of over 75 years of Porsche curated uh sketches and Engineering drawings um let’s see what’s Inside So this right here is one of the most valuable things in the office is are affordable B just for those long nights long working days just pull this out got a nice really comfortable bit perfect last day here at Bridgepoint Parkway definitely going to miss this view um but pretty excited with what’s

Next we’re launching a new product new electric motorcycle it’s one of the reasons why we’re moving to our another facility which is going to include an assembly line warehouse and headquarters uh make sure you subscribe we are going to be on China and Hong Kong in the

Following weeks we’re going to show you guys the production and assembly of the rest of Island 2os and once we get back we’ll show you guys the new place um a lot of exciting things coming out for 2024 and look forward to it I’ll see you guys in the next One oh

Join me today as I give you an exclusive glimpse inside the Investors’ Holiday Party hosted by Astronomics in Austin, Texas. Astronomics connects founders and investors through online chats, in-person events, and digital matchmaking platforms.

In addition to the party, we’re excited to share some test rides experienced by customers who visited us at our HQ to test ride the Ristretto 512 First Edition.

Don’t miss out on our special offer: Get your new Ristretto 512: First Edition now at a 15% discount using the Code: ATXF115OFF. Visit https://ristretto.us/ to learn more.

For further updates and insights, follow us on https://linktr.ee/gerardino.

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