Electric Cars



Car makers have had enough all EV makers have realized EES are a scam and are demanding the government shut down the forced EV production Tesla just recalled over 1.2 million EVS Ford just shut down F-150 Lightning production General Motors killed the Silverado e while Toyota and Honda are constantly fighting

Against EES leaving the entire industry in disbelief do you think EVS are a scam why are car makers shutting down their EV production in this video I’m going to tell you why buying an EV might be the most unsafe and fatal mistake you could possibly make EVS are a ticking time

Bomb and the five major flaws that I’m going to expose even caused multiple people to lose their lives so listen very carefully EV makers are not able to sell EVs and the public is completely against buying electric cars so car makers are demanding the government to

Stop forcing EVS Upon Us sales have hit a rough patch and car lots are starting to look like Eevee graveyards let’s start with Tesla they’re the eeve Kings right but even they had to slash their prices Thrice in a single quarter and still couldn’t meet their sales Target

Fords in the same boat with their F-150 Lightning they cut production and are now sitting on a pile of unsold trucks and General Motors they’ve had to delay launching new models it’s like the industry hit a speed bump all at the same time EV sales make up just a tiny

Fraction of total vehicle sales Ford sold over 2 million vehicles but only about 9,000 were EVS Toyota and Chevrolet have similar stories it’s like finding a needle in a hay stack that Eevee Revolution we were all once excited about well it’s more of a slow crawl at this point automakers are

Rethinking their strategies the Market’s not ready the infrastructure is not there and the technology still has Kinks to be ironed out if you thought EVS have good quality wait until I tell you about more than 100,000 EVS that have been recalled already in the past year due to

Quality issues towards the end I’ll also cover a brutal warning regarding a deadly feature in EVS causing people to lose their lives now back to the topic at hand first up Tesla the name synonymous with EVS they’ve recently hit a major bump we’re talking a colossal recall of more than 2 million vehicles

In the US and why is this to fix their autopilot system it turns out the system which is supposed to make sure drivers are paying attention might not be as foolproof as thought we even have people complaining about massive panel gaps and issues with parts but the problems don’t

Stop there Tesla’s had troubles making sure their cars don’t end up being too autonomous you’ve probably heard about some crashes even some Deadly Ones involving Teslas on autopilot now over to GM they’ve had their share of wos with the Chevy bolt EV imagine this you’ve got your cool hip electric car

But then you find out it could catch fire after a crash yikes GM had to recall 140,000 bolts because the carpet might catch fire if the seat belt pretensioners deploy in a crash then there’s Ford with their Mustang Muk e they’ve had to recall 355,000 of these

Beauties what’s the problem you ask well high voltage battery main connectors overheating leading to a loss of driving power these recalls are more than just individual hiccups they’re part of a larger Trend where the Eevee industry is finding its feet but it’s almost like everyone jumped head first into the deep

End all excited about electric cars but now it’s clear to see there are some sharks in that water now let’s talk about gas cars the long-standing champions of the road despite the Green Revolution they’re selling remarkably well the familiarity of a gas car from the vom of the engine

To the availability of gas stations at every other Corner adds to their appeal but it’s not just about Comfort gas cars through the decades have become incredibly reliable think about it we’ve had decades to refine and perfect the internal combustion engine mechanics understand these cars inside and out

They’re easier and often cheaper to repair compared to their electric counterparts this reliability Factor plays a huge rooll especially when the latest EVS are still ironing out their Kinks people value reliability on the other side of the coin government’s worldwide are ramping up efforts to phase out gas cars the EU has already

Announced a ban on EVs and the Biden Administration is also planning to do this in a shady manner they’re doing this by offering incentives for EVS tax breaks grants subsidies for charging infrastructure you name it in some regions there are even plans to ban the sale of new gas cars within the next

Couple of decades and these incentives are significant for example in the US the federal government offers a tax credit of up to $7500 for new EV purchases many states have had their additional incentives making EVS financially appealing it’s a clear message from policymakers the future is electric and the transition needs to

Happen right now but what they don’t tell you is the high entry cost for EVS which can almost be double compared to a gas car Biden is even forcing all government employees to use all only EVs and wants two out of every three cars

Sold by 2030 to be an EV but the car makers are finally fighting against this and are going back to making gas cars looking ahead the automotive landscape is likely to be a mix of gas and electric for some time transitioning to a fully electric Fleet isn’t something

That happens overnight it’s a gradual process influenced by technological advancements consumer preferences economic factors and governmental policies now let’s talk about how EVS are the likely culprit causing deaths out there in the last 2 months alone 35 electric vehicle battery fires resulted in eight injuries and four deaths a

Study by Ure oxa has revealed that EVS are involved in 50% more traffic accidents compared to their petrol and Diesel counterparts and what’s the reason it’s not the tech but the driver’s reaction to it EVS pack a-p punch with their instant torque and acceleration often catching drivers offg

Guard leading to mishaps EV batteries are no small Affair either if damaged in an accident especially from the re rear or Underside they pose serious fire risks these aren’t your average fires either lithium ion batteries can be incredibly challenging to extinguish often requiring the car to be submerged

In water for days there have been instances of Teslas Catching Fire and accidents involving the autopilot feature the Tesla deaths database points to 393 deaths involving Tesla vehicles with a significant portion involving fires or autopilot usage Tesla’s response to these concerns has been a mix of software updates and recalls to

Address the issues however the core question remains our automated Driving Systems and the current state of EV technology ready for mainstream adoption another issue is poor reliability you drop a hefty sum on a shiny new EV expecting a worry-free ride into the future but instead you’re greeted with a

Laundry list of issues we’re talking about battery problems charging glitches and even those fancy touch screens going haywire and here’s where it gets even more nightmarish Consumer Reports found that EVS have nearly 80% more repair problems than their gas or hybrid counterparts Yes you heard me right 80%

That’s like saying your chances of an EV headache is almost double compared to the good old gas guzzlers now let’s say you get a minor scratch on your ev’s underbelly something that wouldn’t be a big deal in a conventional car but in EV land you could be staring down the

Barrel of a $6,000 repair bill that’s not just a repair it’s a financial slap in the face and if you think that that’s an exaggeration just ask this guy in Canada who faced a $50,000 Bill simply to replace his Tesla’s battery he ended up scrapping the car instead moving on

To the charging infrastructure which is a whole another can of worms you’d think that with all the buzz about EVS charging them would be a breeze right well not exactly the truth is the American EV charging landscape is more like the wild west riddled with problems

Imagine planning a road trip in your EV only to spend more time charging it than than actually driving it and when you find a charging station it’s either out of order or so crowded it feels like a concert this isn’t just inconvenient it’s a deal breaker for many potential

EV owners winter adds another layer of chaos when the Mercury drops EVS can lose up to 41% of their range that’s almost half the distance you were promised it’s like being on a road trip and suddenly realizing your gas tank is half the size you thought it was and

Let’s not forget the software glitches with EES relying more and more on computers than traditional mechanics software issues are more common think of it as having a computer on Wheels except when it crashes you can’t just reboot it all in all EVS are supposed to save you

Money in the long run right but when The Upfront cost is Skyhigh that’s a tough pill to swallow and with gas prices not as crazy high as they once were the urgency to switch to Electric is kind of fizzling out so what’s next for EVS it’s

A mixed bag on one hand they present a cleaner Greener future on the other hand they’re not quite ready for the prime time automakers are finally going against the political leaders and listening to Consumers again and gas cars are finally making that promised comeback what do you think could EVS be

A scam did politicians overestimate the demand for EVS let me know down in the comments below hey I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Car Makers have had enough! All EV Makers realized EVs are a scam and are demanding the government SHUT DOWN the forced EV production! Tesla just recalled over 1.2 million EVs! Ford just shut down F-150 lightning production, General Motors killed the Silverado EV, while Toyota and Honda are constantly fighting AGAINST EVs, leaving the entire industry in disbelief! Do you think EVs are a SCAM? Why are car makers shutting down EV production? In this video, I’m gonna tell you why buying an EV might be the most unsafe and fatal mistake you could possibly make!

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