Electric Cars

You are being lied to about Electric Vehicles

You are being lied to about Electric Vehicles

I’m going to share my perspective and it’s probably going to not align perfectly with other people and it may actually trigger some biases so when your bias gets triggered think about whether your information that you know about the topic is is based on real world direct personal experience or

You’re reading headlines and information that’s like several steps detached from your life uh and informing your opinions based on that uh because I think what’s happening in general is people are just getting tricked by media uh craziness right and it’s been happening for years but this is a very good example so my

Perspective is that you have a company called Tesla that started back a long time ago released a car in 2012 so it’s a long time ago based on you know the current thing and they basically built up a market for electric cars so there was no market for electric cars then they built

Up a market for electric cars and kept introducing more products into the market lowering in a lower price tier which has started competing with a you know a normal buyer you know realm as far as like normal consumers uh so you’re competing for those normal consumers not just the real super high

And you know kind of you know small uh group of people so when the regular car makers realize that this Market is it has been already developed and they’re like hey we’ll go ahead and we’ll make some electric cars and we’ll get we’ll just go ahead and steamroll that little

Tesla company over there that thinks it’s going to do something because we’re the big we’re the big dogs in the industry right so they go out and they make some electric cars and and then they put them on the market and then because they haven’t refined the process

Because they are trying to adapt their existing processes to this new technology uh they can’t make them profitably or they can’t make them in a in a in a price range which people can afford them uh and they just can’t do it in a scale that’s going to be productive

For them or the consumer really it’s just too expensive so they can’t compete so the the legy auto companies can’t compete with Tesla and that’s been shown because they tried to enter the market they bragged about how they’re going to steamroll Tesla and they’re going to go

Over there and take over the market and then they tried and then they couldn’t do it so now they’re trying to pull back and they’re like hey wait a minute you don’t want those electric vehicles you want our gas cars that we’ve had all along that was just a scam that was just

A trick you don’t want that nonsense come back to us come back to the normal everyday electric or or gas engine right we’ll put a little hybrid in there to make it more efficient just so it’s a little bit different than what we’ve been selling for the last 50 years and

Right at that time when they realized that they can’t compete here comes the negative press I mean just huge amount of negative press on electric vehicles lately come completely like false misleading all kinds of stuff it sure is a coincidence that all this stuff just a

Few years ago when uh when all the Legacy auto companies thought they were going to compete electric cars were rainbows and butterflies these is the future and all that stuff now it’s like oh wait a minute uh the demand isn’t there right the demand isn’t there but yet Tesla’s actually selling more

Vehicles but their their vehicles the demand isn’t for their vehicles right so the negative press is like non-stop pushing negative information and then of course because the vast majority of people have no idea what they’re talking about because they have no experience with electric vehicles they have no experience with

Charging them or anything they repeat the only information that the only they have a bias that’s only reinforced by high-fiving and fist bumping other people with the same uh level of knowledge which is like zero you know so so basically that there’s just just adding flame to the fire and and it’s

Like a it’s like a confirmation bias Riot right now uh all over the place regarding EVS so if you don’t have direct experience with them you don’t you’re not going to really understand whether you’re being lied to and then when you repeat the negative information

Uh with a chip on your shoulder or an a level of arrogance then you’re not going to actually learn because that’s the that’s the one thing that if you have and I’ve dealt with this myself it’s not like you know I’m saying other people myself uh if you are arrogant then it

Solidifies your ignorance is once you drop the arrogance then you can learn and realize oh man I I was I didn’t know so now I have to learn so therefore you have to drop the arrogance um so yeah as long as people are as long as people are amplifying negativity that the media

Dishes out then we’re going to be in big trouble and this is just I’m just talking about Eevees but this is a bigger topic politics uh you name it every time the media wants to demonize or bring down or destroy something uh they apparently works because people

Even the people that I know that are Absolut like I could not believe that there’s certain people out there that I that I have a lot of respect for that are amplifying and and falling for this nonsense sense you know um the the people that want to cancel and bring

Down and you know eliminate free speech and destroy reputations those type of people are being just tricking so many you know like it’s it’s just it’s like a it’s you know what I’m talking about it’s a big problem right now been a problem but this is a very good example

Of this big problem and this is an election year and people are just falling forward hookline and sinker so that’s my perspective it may be completely wrong um but at least I’m sharing my perspective and time will tell time always tells so we can refer

Back to this video maybe 5 10 years from now and see what what the actual reality is to some degree uh because we can look back in in in political events in last you know 5 10 years and we kind of can see the difference there uh in

Hindsight’s a little bit more clear that in the moment especially when your mind is uh is bombarded with uh negativity or false information misinformation misleading information and if you don’t have a defense for that if you don’t have a defense for that type of barrage of negativity and you just like absorb

It in and then amplify it like a like you’re just said antenna uh a repeater for the negativity uh then it just causes it just causes a ripple throughout society and nothing you know it’s just a ill and informed not just misinformed ill-informed uh amplification uh is what’s happening

It’s it’s crazy but anyways thanks for watching I’ll see you next time

It is amazing how much sway the media has on the average mind. Many YouTube creators fall in line to reinforce the current narrative. Here is a different perspective.

Now that legacy auto companies realized they can’t compete with Tesla they are turning up the anti-EV propaganda. People that know nothing about EVs are soaking it up like a sponge.
Arrogance Solidifies Ignorance.

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