Electric Motorcycles

This AliBaba Electric Motorcycle Seller Tired To SCAM Me

This AliBaba Electric Motorcycle Seller Tired To SCAM Me

What’s going on guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to another video figured I’d ride around and uh tell you what happened tell you the story so it doesn’t happen to you so you’re safe and so you can avoid this uh horrible seller

You know I try to do my best to give you guys like the best information I can even if it’s uh shopping on Alibaba where I know a lot of people don’t like it cuz they’ve had a bad experience I had great experiences multiple experiences on Alibaba including this

Taria XXX I’m riding right now that was my third Alibaba bike that I’ve purchased and it came on time great price no issues great communication but I guess even though I did my research as best as I could I I didn’t do it well enough and it could happen to me it

Could happen to anybody so pretty much what happened is I had my eyes set on this one specific type of electric motorcycle that I’ve been wanting since day one and I still haven’t had that one that I had my eyes set on So eventually I was like oh my God I totally forgot

About that let me start researching that again so I do my research and I find like the perfect bike right the seller looks 100% legit everything is great you know so I go ahead and I start you know my my process of how to buy things on

Alibaba where I message him and get more details and things like that and now everything is great everything is beautiful he sends me the catalog I choose what I want I choose the battery I wanted I choose the motor I wanted I choose the color the brakes everything

Pretty much right and uh it’s beautiful gives me a price a little more than I wanted to spend but I had the budget and I just went ahead and did it and then I let time pass by I’m not one of those annoying buyers so like I let at least a

Month go by before I even message him again like the seller and ask him like what’s going on you know but anyways we get to that point now where I hit him up and I’m like hey what’s going on man you got any information for me tracking

Number anything like what’s up with the boat so he’s telling me Oh the boat will arrive um you know so and so in like a week or two I was like all right no problem or 10 days I was like cool we got it 10 days I hit him up I was like

Hey what’s going on man the boat arrived he’s like yeah yeah one more week some crazy stuff like that you know at this point I’m like okay this guy’s starting to kind of play games with me but whatever we’ll go with it we’ll go with

The flow so I go ahead and wait he tells me the boat has arrived I’m like sweet from uh the moment the boat arrives to well at least on the west coast in La takes about another week or two no more than two weeks for you to receive your

Item after it goes through inspection and all that stuff so I’m like sweet in like 2 weeks Max I I’m going to have my bike two weeks later no bike no word from that guy so I hit him up like hey what’s going on man any update and he’s

Starting to give me this oh it’s going through inspection another week said okay no problem another week goes by I hit him up what’s going on brother you know any any update you have a tracking number for me what’s going on with the inspection so he tells me oh let me

Contact my forwarder okay I was like okay he gets back to me tells me another week so on Alibaba once the item is received you have to mark it as received and it kind of ends the transaction but Alibaba gives the 60-day period as well if you don’t Market received or take any

Action in those 60 days alibaba’s system will automatically think that the transaction is is done it’s over it’s finished so it’ll close it so my time was running out now you have the option to extend it by like two more weeks so I didn’t want to take any uh any chances I

Extended it from my end the buyer can extend it from their end and the seller can extend it from their end so I extended it by 2 weeks and I messaged him I’m like hey man the time was running out on my order so I extended it

By two weeks he goes okay no problem in about 10 days you’ll have it it’s going through inspection 2 weeks come and go so I message him and I tell him hey man the time is going to run out again you need to do something about it can you

Extend it or what’s going on with the bike he tells me yes I’ll extend it for you and he extends it by two more weeks so now another two more weeks on top of what I extended it two weeks later now his two weeks are up okay that he

Extended and the system marked it as a completed kind of you know delivery even though there’s no delivery confirmation so I hit him up I was like hey man what’s going on brother you know you told me this told me that you know like I’m starting to uh doubt you you know

What I mean now this whole time I already had my doubts when he was starting play to play those games I already had my doubts but I kind of wanted to you know play his game game so so I I went with the flow knowing that I

Can always do a charge back right I contact the seller again and I tell him hey man what’s going on brother you know at this point it’s ridiculous so he contacts me back responds like oh yes I know it’s still in custumes this is so

Crazy like damn it like as if he’s mad any but it sounded so not it sounded so fake so at this point I pretty much told him okay buddy what’s going on you know it’s been so long you know like what’s happening he’s like he’s like in two

More weeks you’ll have the bike okay I told him this I’m like no um I told him all right brother what’s going to happen if in 2 weeks the bike doesn’t arrive how will you be responsible and his respond was I’ll contact the forwarder and see what’s happening so I responded

So I’ll tell you what’s going to happen in 2 weeks if I don’t get my bike I’m going to need a full refund okay I know you you understand and he responds back with a handshake Emoji how Shady was that like so whatever he said two weeks

At this point I already contacted my credit card company and to explain to them what happened and right away they understood I did a charge back and right away I got my money back for all the for everything now the final quote unquote two weeks have run out so we’re like 4

Months deep into this like I should have had my bike a while ago okay the two weeks the last two weeks run out so I contact him I’m like hey man two weeks are up uh still no bike are you going to honor our agreement and give me my money

Back or are you going to start playing games with me right now he gets back to me and says oh it’s a large amount of money I’ll have to contact my supervisor so I respond I’m like okay I understand you’re already starting to play games don’t worry bro brother I’m

Going to end up getting my money back have a good year this is right before the New Year’s cuz I knew he was going to start playing games and so I told him happy New Year that’s it time goes by I guess they got the respond from Alibaba

From my credit card company so he messages me like a week after like Hey brother why did you do a charge back uh I’m telling you like two more weeks and the bike will be there all you have to do is just cancel the charge back so I

Replied to him and I go I will definitely cancel the charge back as soon as I get my bike with the exact specifications that I ordered and paid for I’ll definitely remove it you know I’m not here trying to scam nobody I already paid for it I want the bike now

One thing I didn’t mention earlier is uh throughout the process towards the end where I realized okay this guyy is a scammer or whatever I did more research like Google the company’s name which I I didn’t do before stupid of me cuz everything else looked amazing on on

Their stuff you know I’m pretty decent at at at like finding good good sellers everything looked good on this but when I Googled their name I found out from this other YouTuber who purchased from them now he kind of got scammed like he actually did end up getting his bike it

Just took like 6 months and they gave him half of what he paid for so like if he wanted like 10 kilow wats he got five if you wanted you know what I mean everything was cut in half so he got like a lower spec model for the price

The higher price and it took like 6 months and drama happened now he’s a popular YouTube channel when he made a video on it it blew up so much that it made that company change their name now I’m going to put all the information of this company and the salesperson so you

Never deal with them I don’t want this mistake happening to you guys that’s the reason of making this video I’ll put their old name up here as well I forgot what it is their new name is like wsie Jose or Jose wsie electric vehicle something I’ll put that up here as well

So you guys uh see it and never do business with them stay away beware beware beware luckily for me I used a credit card I did not receive the bike there was no tracking number that’s legitimate from Alibaba and I got my money back right away this was no small

Amount of money so I do have multiple how to buy on Alibaba guides on my channel they’re all legit there are legit sellers on Alibaba so don’t be scared from that you just got to know how to go about it this particular situation so was just unfortunate what I

Don’t understand is why do you even choose to do business like that you know they obviously have the bikes why don’t you ship them don’t you want and and I even mentioned that I’m like a YouTuber even though I’m you know I’m not big or anything I don’t have a you know crazy

Influence but you know for all you know somebody would have watched it and maybe contact them and and maybe they would have had more business so I don’t understand this way doing business at all cuz you didn’t get a penny out of me you just wasted everybody’s time for no

Reason but yeah guys that’s all I got for today just wanted to share that so you don’t make the same mistake I did I appreciate you guys watching thank you very very very much and I’ll catch you on the next one peace

Buyers Beware! This Ali Baba electric motorcycle seller tried to scam me. I made this video so you can learn from my mistakes and avoid this seller completely. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve purchased multiple bikes from Ali Baba with great experience in the past. Unfortunately this time the seller was not honest.

THE SELLERS COMPANY NAME IS “Wuxi Jose Electric Vehicles Co., Ltd” …Avoid them like the plague. They used to go by the name “Wuxi Saichi Vehicle Industry”

They will probably keep on changing names so this info might be outdated at any point. lol.

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