Electric Cars

HUGE NEWS! Tesla CEO SHOCKED As EV Demand Crashes!

HUGE NEWS! Tesla CEO SHOCKED As EV Demand Crashes!

China just defeated Tesla Tesla’s CEO just got shocked as the biggest EV market crash of this century is here EVS are not selling and the public is going completely against government leaders CEO Elon Musk is running around ringing huge alarm Bells warning us about Chinese companies that plan to take over

Our Market Tesla is facing a huge threat and their CEO is giving up already why does no one want to buy EVS anymore why is musk so scared of this secret ch competitor and why exactly is this government EV plan failing if you thought gas cars were soon going to die

Prepare to change your mind as I expose the Dark Truth behind EVS here’s what exactly happened the EV Market is crashing hard and Elon Musk is facing huge consumer backlash consumers are abandoning their EVS while a new competitor is now planning to destroy Tesla’s EV dominance musk has issued a

Brutal warning about Chinese automakers especially byd saying that they are absolutely demolishing Global competition including Tesla this company has already beaten Tesla in their biggest Market China and is now planning on coming to the EU and the USA while companies like Ford GM and Tesla were busy making overpriced EVS that the

Common Joe couldn’t even afford the Chinese are planning on taking over the market with their own Eevees that they claim to be as good as the American counterparts even German giants like Volkswagen one of the biggest car makers in the world are threatened by being yd saying that they absolutely cannot

Compete in China what made all this even worse is the EV Market crashing and a charging crisis that caused Teslas to die and stop charging without any warning but more on that in a minute here’s where it gets even crazier musks remarks have set off a chain reaction

Tesla’s stock which has been riding high on the success of their EVS took a massive hit the company’s stock plunged over 12% wiping out a jaw-dropping $80 billion in market value in just one day can you imagine that’s like losing the entire economy of a small country overnight now let’s talk numbers Tesla’s

Been trying to make its cars more affordable slashing prices and all but that’s been a double-edged sword their margins are suffering and investors are getting antsy adding to this was their massive recall of over 2 million vehicles in the US due to having a malfunctioning autop pilot system which

Has caused several accidents and in some cases even fatal crashes taking the lives of multiple people while Tesla had the early movers Advantage byd is now undercutting Tesla in several markets with the help of the Chinese government giving them the edge in the form of incentives musk is worried that if the

Chinese convince the Biden Administration to side with them which seems highly likely given that the US elections are coming we will too start seeing offers on these Chinese cars making them even cheaper thus destroying Tesla completely byd is now planning to build a factory in Hungary as well along

With a plan of shipping 800,000 EVS to the states Alone by 2030 unlike Biden who’s a supporter of EVS even if it means taking China’s side Donald Trump has promised that if China wins he will end this Eevee Madness and give the choice back to the hands of the

Consumers instead of forcing Eves upon them but how did this Chinese company become such a big threat without anyone even noticing let’s wind back the clock back to 2011 picture this a young Elon Musk CEO of Tesla chuckling At The Mention Of by and fast forward to today

The tables have turned big time byd has skyrocketed past Tesla becoming the world’s biggest electric vehicle Company by sales volume in the fourth quarter of 2023 byd sold a record shattering 526,000 battery only electric vehicles when byd was founded by Wang chanu in 1995 it was all about rechargeable

Batteries for electronics fast forward to 2003 and byd dives into the carbiz transforming from a battery manufacturer to an automaker in 2008 the plot thickens when Warren Buffett the legendary investor buys a 10% stake in byd for a cool 232 million talk about a vote of confidence the thing which makes

Them so special is their price we’re talking about an average selling price of roughly $22,000 about half the cost of an average Tesla this is where byd plays its Master stroke but how does byd keep its prices so low it’s all about weighings aggressive cost cutting and massive State subsidies from China

Totaling over a billion dollar but there’s one thing that even byd cannot control and it’s the Eevee market crash leaving all the eeve makers in shock and disbelief but before I talk about that and how you can easily save a cool five grand on a new EV let’s talk about

Tesla’s big EV charging crisis all right picture this you’re driving your brand new shiny Tesla feeling good about saving the planet and doing your part you know being a part of the solution rather than a part of the problem and and then bam your car just gives up in

The middle of nowhere no warning NADA this isn’t some freak incident it’s happening to thousands of EV owners because of the charging grid which has collapsed here’s the crazy part EVS especially Teslas are losing charge by just sitting in the cold imagine being stranded in freezing weather thinking

You’ve got enough juice to get home and your range drops by a whopping 40% but wait there’s more Tesla superchargers the supposed saving years of the EV world are malfunctioning left and right it’s like going to a gas station and finding all the pumps broken what a

Nightmare now let’s talk science for a sec the problem boils down to the ev’s lithium ion batteries they hate the cold more than a cat hates water the cold doesn’t just kill the range it simply disables the EVS from charging according to kinic from CBS if the battery is too

Cold it will charge slower and may need to heat itself up before the charging speed can increase great so now your car’s battery battery needs a warm-up session and don’t forget about the costs laflor says she’s spending $25 to $30 every day simply on charging that’s a

Pretty penny just to keep your car running in the winter but here’s where it gets downright scary it’s not just about cars dying in the cold EVS including Teslas are even Catching Fire since most of these cars depend heavily on software if there’s a glitch you can’t really do anything about it until

It’s too late so first these cars are catching fire and then they refuse to open their doors trapping one occupant inside while they were engulfed in flames and this isn’t a one-off thing E’s Catching Fire is becoming alarmingly common from a Tesla bursting into flames in a Shanghai parking lot to multiple

Fires after Hurricane Adalia it’s like EVS have become ticking time bombs why is this happening well it’s all about those precious lithium ion batteries they’re prone to Thermal runaway which is a fancy term for a chain reaction that turns a small problem into a big big fiery disaster now let’s Dive Into

The Heart of the problem the EV charging infrastructure it’s a mess according to a JD Power survey 20% of EV owners can’t even charge their cars at public stations it’s like going to a restaurant and leaving hungrier than when you arrived the US is throwing billions at

This problem but it’s like trying to plug a dam with bubble gum there’s only about 11,000 Quick Charge points Nationwide and the business model for these Chargers is more confusing than a with missing pieces but there’s a glimmer of hope EV owners can do things like preconditioning their batteries to

Fight the cold mark bck from the Chicago AutoTrader Association says it’s not plug-and go you have to precondition the battery meaning that you have to get the battery up to the optimal temperature just to accept a fast charge but the big picture here is EVS are not really

Practical and the political leaders hid this from us for a long time now let me tell you how you can save a pretty penny by not buying an EV right now and buying it at the right time instead what exactly do I mean by the right time

You’ll see all EVS need Rare Earth minerals like lithium and nickel and ever since the EV hype has died out due to Fire cases the cost of these minerals has been dropping like crazy going from over $50,000 per ton to nearly $122,000 last week this means that companies who

Handled their own manufacturing instead of ring on China let’s say Ford VW and General Motors these companies will now be able to make cheaper EVs and if we go by their announced timelines newer EV batches are set to arrive by early 2025 so instead of buying an EV right now if

You just waited out a few more quarters you could get your hands on a much better deal and also take advantage of an improved charging infrastructure as Tesla is slowly opening its charging Network to other brands as for the Chinese players it’s highly likely that they’ll try to destroy Tesla by

Undercutting them in terms of price and when that does happen Tesla will have to bring something that appeals to the masses Musk is reportedly working on a cheaper $20,000 Tesla as well which is already being tested in China all in all the EV Market is a big mess right now

And Tesla is stuck smack dab in the middle of this storm this is what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket it’s time that we get to choose between buying a gas car or an EV instead of being forced so what do you

Think are EVS just one big scam let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire e industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

CHINA just DEFEATED Tesla! Tesla CEO just got SHOCKED as the BIGGEST EV market crash of this century is here! EVs are not selling and the public is going completely AGAINST government leaders. CEO Elon Musk is running around ringing huge alarm bells, warning us about Chinese companies that plan to take over our market! Tesla is facing a huge threat, and their CEO is giving up already! Why does no one want to buy EVs anymore? Why is Musk so scared of this secret Chinese competitor? And why exactly is the government EV plan failing?

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