Electric Cars

Coyote Container Delivery | Nikola Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

Coyote Container Delivery | Nikola Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

[Applause] we’re uh super excited Nikola is out here in Stockton California launching one of the very uh first hydrogen fuel cell Class 8 commercial trucks to uh an early adopter coyote container I started my company for the sole purpose of getting to the hydrogen economy and and trying to pursue that

Change in in trucking the size of Fleet that he has really can give us that Insight of what an operator at his scale can can do for niola it’s so smooth the the ride is so comfortable I’ve looked over the maintenance schedule very low overhead I love the infotainment and

Displays that are there they’re very easy to see you don’t have to do a lot of digging around with controls or knobs or anything to see what you need uh there so it’s safer they are leader in the industry well ahead of anybody else in terms of actually bringing the technology that’s

Why I chose Nicola

The Nikola hydrogen fuel cell electric truck is on California roads with Coyote Container. Their founder shares his vision for pursuing the hydrogen economy and how the Nikola hydrogen fuel cell electric truck is making a difference.

Order yours: https://nikolamotor.com/dealers/


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