Plug-in Hybrids

2024 Toyota Prius: Forget EVs and Buy This Instead

2024 Toyota Prius: Forget EVs and Buy This Instead

Okay you guys asked for this so here we go in the last video I talked about how EVS could be dying an early death due to increasing apathy from retail consumers and the effect that’s having on the prospects for our biggest automakers however some of you moan that

There’s more to EES than just Ford and GM well I thought about that for a couple of seconds and then I decided to give you all another reason why EVS could be on their way out ladies and gentlemen I present you with what could easily be Japan’s biggest automaker

Driving a sizable first nail into the ev’s coffin the absolutely Sensational fifth generation Toyota Prius now I never thought the day would come when I would write a positive word about the Prius but you know what that day has finally arrived in fact I haven’t just

Got a good word for the incredible new Prius I’ve got a load of them if you’ve seen my recent video about the BMW XM you’ll know I’m a big fan of hybrid technology unfortunately too many hybrids have leaned too far towards fuel effic efficiency and not enough towards

Performance also many of them are just hybridized versions of existing gas models and when a manufacturer finally comes up with a hybridon model they tend to be quirky ugly and extremely undesirable yes I’m talking about you first generation kid neros high andics and Honda insights I get nauseous just

Thinking about those three but unlike those monstrosities the new Prius has solved every criticism I’ve ever had about it but what does this have to do with killing off EVS I hear you ask the thing is as well as solving all the issues hybrids have had in the past the

Latest Toyota Prius is also a complete solution to the many issues EVS have in the eyes of most normal consumers you know all those things that are putting people off switching to all electric models and are also convincing many existing EV drivers to switch back to internal combustion engines and hybrids

For a start the 2024 Toyota Prius has impeccable green credentials do you remember when every Hollywood star who wanted to Signal their virtue was driving a Prius okay they had an Escalade round the back of their house in the hills and they spent a lot of time in private jets and helicopters but

At least they could be seen in a fuele efficient Planet saving Prius for the odd Paparazzi shot now and again this latest Prius is even more efficient than any of its hideous predecessors but that hasn’t come about by sacrificing performance to be fair there wasn’t much performance to sacrifice with previous

PR incarnations anyway the fourth generation Prius had a hyrid system under its hood that put out a ptry 121 horsepower but the fifth generation offers a healthy 194 horsepower and if that’s not enough for you the plug-in hyrid Prius Prime boast an impressive 220 horsepower so the new Prius is more

Efficient and a lot more fun to drive than it ever was before but we haven’t got to the elephant in the room yet the way this thing looks I would probably have to refer to to an online resource to come up with enough appropriate words to describe just how disgustingly ugly

The first four generations of the Prius have been I mean just look at them these are looks that only a mother could love and even then she probably have to have been blind into the bargain by way of complete contrast the allnew fifth generation Toyota Prius is nothing short

Of being an absolute stunner I’ll probably get a lot of flak for saying this but I think it looks more than a little like a Lamborghini hurricane that’s let itself go a little in middle age and started wearing sensible shoes so it’s efficient powerful enough to enjoy driving it and it looks pretty

Sensational but so are plenty of internal combustion engine and EV Rivals but when you add everything together and include the practicality factor of this excellent addition to today the car’s sleek and aerodynamic design reduces wind resistance and improves performance as well as making the preist immensely desirable it has a spacious and

Comfortable interior that can accommodate up to five pass passengers it has an 11.6 in touchscreen display that lets you access all the features and functions of the car it has a wiress charging pad that lets you charge your phone without any cords it also has a head-up display projecting important

Information on the windshield and a smart key system that lets you unlock and start the car with just a touch the 2023 Toyota Prius Prime is the perfect car for anyone who wants to enjoy The Best of Both Worlds performance and fuel economy it is a car that will make make

You feel good about yourself and the environment it is a car that will make your friends and family jealous it is a car that will make you wonder why you ever drove anything else you may or may not know this but Toyota isn’t keen on full electric vehicle technology its

Previous CEO said several years ago that the future of the industry wasn’t electric and even though the company now makes the be’s 4X EV the majority of its portfolio is gas or hybrid the company is swimming against the tide on this but it appears to see hydrogen fuel cell and

Hydrogen combustion technology as the future for itself and The Wider industry back to the original premise then the 2024 Toyota Prius doesn’t appear to have a weakness it’s practical efficient comfortable enjoyable to drive extremely stylish and very desirable and being a Toyota it’s also likely to be monumentally reliable with extremely

Strong resale values how desirable is it the lease on my current SUV comes to an end in a few months and I decided to get a new Prius for myself I decided to forgive Toyota for the atrocities to the Auto industry they committed over the last two decades with the previous Prius

Models and go and get a new Prius in the end I decided against it and that brings me to the only downside to the new Prius availability I simply couldn’t get knees soon enough as demand is off the scale at the time of making this video the current typical waiting time to order

And take delivery of a 2024 Toyota Prius in the USA is about 4 to 6 months however this may vary depending on the model trim and location of the order the Prius Prime which is the plug-in hybrid version has an even longer waiting time of around 8 months at a time when EVS

Are financially crippling traditional automakers the 2024 Toyota Prius is showing what people really want hardpressed consumers don’t want virtue signaling they don’t want forcing to buy new vehicles that are impractical for their needs and often ruinously expensive compared to their fossil fuel powered equivalents they don’t want to

Worry about whether they will make it to where they want to go without having to spend hours queuing and recharging governments won’t like it and automakers who are almost terminally committed to EVS won’t like it either but The Sensational Toyota Prius is what the future of the mass market auto business

Should look like at least for the medium term anyway if people power has anything left in its tank the new Prius should sound the death Nell for EES at least until or un solid state batteries become a reality with ranges close to or in excess of hybrids but let me know what

You think is the new Prius the EV killer I think it should be or if I got this all wrong and by the way please subscribe to the channel to help me make more of these videos for you more often it doesn’t cost anything it would be

Greatly appreciated and I’ll see you on the next one

The all-new 2024 Toyota Prius is a fantastic hybrid and plug-in hybrid car that could signal the end for the idea that full-electric cars are the future. The Prius has most of the benefits of electrification, coupled with the practicality and ease of use of traditional vehicles with combustion engines.

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