Electric Cars

EV SHOCK! London councils to raise EV parking price by 1800% due to HIGH lifetime emissions status!

EV SHOCK! London councils to raise EV parking price by 1800% due to HIGH lifetime emissions status!

Hey y right I’ve got some rather startling news uh for you today that I think if nothing else proves very much that um within the next 10 years the ability to travel using your own personal transport uh those days are going to end if things continue you as they are now

There just something I want to address before we get on to this parking issue for EVS in London British motorists are sleepwalking into sort of Transport poverty in this country and I think the naivity of your average British motorist and motorcyclist is quite worrying now I get hundreds of comments a month from

Guys that believe that they can keep their existing petrol car or motorcycle they can maintain it on the road for the next 20 or 30 years and they’re going to be okay this move to EVS is not going to affect them and I’ll tell you now that

Is not going to happen if things continue the way they are within 10 years you will find that you will be unable to buy petrol UL zones are going to expand so that it’s going to be impossible for you to ride anywhere and as EVS reach sort of 40% of the Road

Traffic obvious viously 40 or 50% of the petrol stations are going to close down because they’ll have fewer customers and by 2035 there will be so few petrol Vehicles left on the road that there will be no petrol stations all you’re going to have will be diesel stations

Intended to service heavy hul most of which will be on the motorways and you will be unable to find petrol let alone find petrol at an affordable price the government knows what it’s doing it’s got you stitched up like a Kipper by all means keep your motb for as long as you

Possibly can but eventually it’s just going to become an oversized paperware now the same goes for all you cyclists and Tre Huggers who believe that this is going to provide you with a utopian future where you can ride around in G abandon without worrying about traffic or your children can play on the

Streets without worrying about being run over but be careful what you wish for because the UK motorist is the lifeblood of the UK economy and the demise of the motorist will result in an exponential rise in the cost of everything from food to Services your cost of living will go through the Ceiling now as with all ridiculous stories this story starts in London first I’ve got to admit it did make me giggle a little bit that the electric vehicle owner was going to get hit with such huge parking charges but then I thought about it because really it’s not

Funny most EV owners have bought electric vehicles because they believe that they’re serving the planet they’re doing what’s good for future generations and if ever you required proof that that is a fallacy this is it now this story um sort of relates to an announcement by the Westminster Council uh labor Le

Council also these measures have been rolled out in Islington and at least one other Council area in London and what stats in London has a habit of spreading everywhere else we know that for several years now I’ve been making videos trying to explain the truth about electric vehicles that the cabin footprint is

Actually much bigger than an ice equivalent over the course of its lifetime the reason being a lot more resources are required to build an electric vehicle they are much heavier so Tire dust and brake dust is more of a problem than it is with an IC vehicle

The cause more wear and tear on the roads than an IC vehicle and of course they don’t last as long because they will only last as long as the batteries last and replacing the batteries is prohibitively expensive so these vehicles tend to get scrapped or will be scrapped earlier than an IC equivalent

In fact there is some evidence to suggest that electric vehicles are a huge environmental disaster in the making even though our UK government has a dedicated page on their website explaining that none of this is true only it is true listen up until recently the EV owner has had it pretty

Damn good uh the government initially were supporting them with subsidies which have now been removed charging them was cheap but now the price of electricity has gone up and they are comparable with petrol even more expensive than petrol and Diesel depending on where you’re charging them zero Road tax and of course they’re

Exempt from ules and zero emission zones all over the country because they’re electric to were even some PKS with cheap parking because they’re electric cars but all that is about to change and it’s about to change in a big Way now something very important happened at the beginning of this month January 2024 the Zev or zero emissions vehicle mandate came into force that was essentially the last nail in the coffin for the internal combustion engine because from the 1st of January 2024 manufacturers of Motor Vehicles are

Required to sell a specific percentage of a V compared to internal combustion engine vehicles and that percentage is set to increase year on year so that by 2030 80% of all vehicles sold must be electric vehicles and if those manufacturers get it wrong and they sell too many petrol Vehicles they will be

Charged £15,000 per vehicle oversold the Trap was set back in 2020 by Boris Johnson the hapless sleepwalking UK Mist walked into the Trap and it has now sprung and these labor councils know that because all three are labor councils and they’ve realized that there’s no longer any need to keep up

Any form of pretense now it’s bad enough what our current government the conservatives have done in putting all of this in place but the shadow government which is a labor government has made it quite clear that if and when it gets into this year or next year one

Of the first things it’s going to do is speed up the schedule for getting rid of the IC cars and that they’re going to bring the Banning date back to 2030 instead of the current 2035 now over the last few years um both the current government and the shadow government

Have been sort of misleading us into believing that okay we’re going to have to give up the internal combustion engine but but it’s going to be replaced with the electric cow which will be just as good well almost as good well actually not almost as good nowhere near

As good but you know at least you’ll have something but that was a red herring the intention was that electric cars were going to be too inconvenient and too expensive for your average working man and woman and so actually we would have to give up our internal combustion engine and then just go

Without because now what they’re going to do here is clobber electric vehicle owners with super high parking charges approximately 1, 800% higher than they’re currently used to Pay Yes you heard that right it wasn’t a mispronunciation 1, 1800% higher than the current parking charges for an electric vehicle in Westminster and other labor lead councils currently EVS can pack in certain areas of Westminster for as little as 96 P for a 4-Hour stay

But new proposals which are set to come into force in April of this year the beginning of the new Financial year the Westminster council is going to scrap the ability of the EV owner to do that and the charge will increase to £1 1880 for a 4-Hour period so if you

Have’t to par there for the day to go to work it will cost the average EV owner £ 3696 to pack up just to go to work and get this a spokesman for the Westminster Council has cited that this increase charge is emissions based I’ll read out

What the Westminster Council had to say about this justifying its decision in the document the council said that the existing charging structure was unsustainable with the rapid growth of EVs and an emission-based approach would future proof the service this Westminster document went on to say in outlining its decision the council said

That a higher charge was to cover larger EVS SUVs and sports cars which have a significant carbon imprint from the production and the recycling of the batteries the council also explained that big batteries meant larger and heavier Vehicles which took up more space and caused more wear and tear on

The road now I don’t think they’ve really considered the Optics of this because you know for the past three or four years they’ve been telling us that um electric vehicles are the savior of the earth they are less polluting than IC vehicles yet here they’re clearly stating that during the life time of

These vehicles from construction to scrapping they are more damaging to the environment than an IC car there’s no other way you can interpret that they’re also admitting that the heavyweight of these vehicles is causing more environmental damage than an IC car is the evidence for this has been available

For a long long time and EV owners have walked right into this one now there’s quite a long article about this in the telegraph I mean it’s pretty much the same article in any new newspaper you can think of but I’ll leave the one for the telegraph do a bit of research and

Read up on it from there this is real it’s not an April Fool’s joke this is what they intended all along to price every motorist off the road I warned about this a couple of years ago and you know it’s hard not to feel smug but I

Did tell you something like this was coming this was never about the environment and saving the planet this has always been about controlling movement and getting rid of personal motorized [Laughter] Transport right once again thank you so so much for taking the time to watch this and my other videos and in doing so helping to support this channel I really do appreciate it I’d also appreciate it if you would leave a like and if you’re not a subscriber but you’d like to be

Kept a breast about these sort of developments please subscribe to the channel hit the notification Bell and ensure that your notifications are enabled there are of course other ways that you can assist this channel either through my patrons page or through the super thanks button down below either

Way your assistance and your support is much appreciated I am of course going to be back on Friday so until then please ride safely and I’ll see you Soon

New Parking regime in Westminster aim to increase the parking charges for Electric vehicles based on their high lifetime emissions status and to compensate for the environmental damage caused by the weight of the batteries!
Telegraph article. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/28/electric-vehicle-charged-extra-westminster-london/
PATREON. https://www.patreon.com/stuartfillingham
PayPal Donations. threelittlefishes@live.co.uk

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