Plug-in Hybrids

Did you know the difference between #hybrid and Plug-In Hybrid? #pluginhybrid #tucson #hyundai

Did you know the difference between #hybrid and Plug-In Hybrid? #pluginhybrid #tucson #hyundai

Hey guys we’re sitting today in a 2024 Hyundai Tucson hybrid I bet youall didn’t know what the differences were between a plug-in hybrid and a hybrid today we’re going to go through all of that just for you all righty so the biggest difference that I get commonly asked between a

Plug-in hybrid and a hybrid would be what is my pure electric range so in a plug-in hybrid you would get 50 km of pure electric range whereas in my hybrid model you do not get the pure electric range you do get slightly better fuel efficiency in hybrid but you do have the

Option of pure electric range when you go with a plug-in hybrid

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