Plug-in Hybrids

EV Owners Are Demanding Gas Cars Again For These 4 Reasons! HUGE NEWS!

EV Owners Are Demanding Gas Cars Again For These 4 Reasons! HUGE NEWS!

A wave of EV owners is slamming into reality ditching their electric dreams faster than a Tesla loses range in subzero weather that’s right Eevee Rebellion is brewing and the cries for gas guzzling Freedom are echoing across charging stations shocking right so what’s causing the Exodus and why EV

Owners are demanding their cars back electric vehicle EV fans are currently raising the alarm about a strange problem that has come up in the EV Community despite what most people think it’s not about how good EVS are for the Earth or how efficient they are more and

More EV buyers are switching back to regular combustion engines an even bigger surprise is that political leaders are trying to hide this knowledge finding the four main problems with EVS helps us understand other worries besides the money issue not only are the costs of repairs High there are

Also possible safety risks when Eves first became famous people rushed to get this new technology politicians pushed for more electric vehicles EVS because everyone wanted to participate in the electric char charge in the present day after about 3 years the truth is hitting hard as EV batteries wear out and

Drivers put more miles on their futuristic cars problems that weren’t expected are coming up now that things are bad enough people aren’t just thinking about fixes they’re trading in their old EVS for hybrid cars the electric vehicle EV Community is reeling from this Sudden Change in taste therefore it’s critical to figure out

Why it’s not just about how cool new technology is it also talks about the Practical and safety issues that have come up as ev’s age because of the severe effects people who own or are considering buying an electric car need to know about the story’s darker side before getting into the specifics of

Recent incidents let’s examine real cases that underscore the challenges faced by Electric Vehicle EV owners a striking example involves Scott mcfan a man whose unfortunate encounter with a minor accident in his Ryan resulted in a dent typically such a dent repair would be straightforward however the repair process for his electric vehicle was

Neither Swift nor economical mcfan had to part with his car for over 2 months and was handed a staggering repair bill of $22,000 this case exemplifies a pervasive issue with EVS many repair shops lack the equipment and expertise to handle their advanced technology leading to excessive repair costs and increased insurance premiums another

Noteworthy incident involves a California man who shared his anxiety inducing experience with his ev’s range in cold weather he observed a rapid drop of over 30% in his EVS range within 5 minutes of driving this unsettling situation unfolded as he was rushing to the hospital with an infant in the back

Seat due to an emergency this case is not an isolated incident similar scenarios unfold daily highlighting the vulnerability of EVS to adverse weather conditions and the subsequent impact on their performance in addition to the benefits people expect from electric cars these real life examples show how complicated and complex things can be

For Ev owners these incidents show the complexity of using electric vehicles daily with problems like huge repair costs and unexpectedly short ranges understanding these problems is essential for people thinking about switching to electric cars so they can make intelligent choices about using this new technology in their daily lives

Living in places with cold weather or Cyclones can be challenging for electric vehicle EV owners imagine a situation where the power is out or you can’t charge your car during an emergency it makes you wonder if we’re ready to ditch our good old gas cars a recent study by

S&P Global found that more than half of people who own electric cars are considering returning to regular gas cars for their next ride that’s right over 50% of them it’s like buying a new fancy phone and then returning to using an old flip phone and it’s not just

Because of the weather or emergencies even when you look at the numbers it’s interesting if a household has an electric car there’s only a 50% chance they’ll get another one next time and guess what three out of five people who own an electric car except for Tesla

Owners don’t want another one it is even more surprising because because car companies spend a lot on making electric cars they want people to keep buying them not return to regular gas cars it’s like they’re making the most excellent new phone and don’t want people to

Return to using old flip phones it’s a tricky situation for the electric car world and it shows real concerns and doubts people have especially when dealing with harsh weather or emergencies now the situation for electric vehicles is quite unsettling at Porsche fewer than 37% of owners are considering another electric car with

Only 45 .9% of their owners contemplating another EV BMW has declined down from 46.6% 3 years ago according to Consumer Reports EVS are grappling with significantly more issues than traditional gas powered cars Approximately 80% more problems the primary concerns revolve around the batteries charging systems and the fit

And finish of the car’s body panels and interior parts this whole situation is like growing pains for the electric car business they’re still figuring out how to make these new cars without many problems but in the meantime people are feeling the pinch they worry about whether EVS are reliable not to mention

The higher costs the scarcity of charging stations and how long does it take to charge these things and guess what plug-in hybrids which Mix electric and gas power have even more issues than fully electric cars it’s like trying to juggle with one hand tied behind your back on a positive note traditional gas

Electric hybrids which have been around for a while are proving more reliable the average consumer finds greater satisfaction in purchasing a 20 $5,000 hybrid than investing $660,000 in an EV let me tell you a story about Michael K from New York he got himself a brand new

2023 Chevy bolt electric SUV thinking it would be cool and save him some cash on gas but you won’t believe what happened one cold day his car wouldn’t shift into drive he had to play the on andof game 10 or 12 times before it cooperated and it’s not just Michael other electric

Cars have had their fair share of issues Hyundai’s ionic 5 EV had trouble with its battery and charging due to some computer glitch rivan a new player in the electric vehicle scene struggled to get its body panels in line and dealt with broken parts inside the car let’s

Talk about why getting an electric car might not be the best idea for everyone home charging can be a headache imagine getting an EV and dreaming of never having to go to a gas station again sounds fantastic right but here’s the catch charging at home isn’t as easy as

They make it sound many homes especially in California don’t have the setup for level two charging which you need for the magic overnight tank fill up and if you live in an apartment good luck finding a spot with a charger it’s like finding a needle in a hay stack public

Charging stations aren’t always a breeze either they’re rare or permanently out of order and around 4 and 10 don’t even work then there’s the energy crisis issue we all think EVS are about saving energy but here’s a shocker these cars use more electricity at home than expected people thought they’d use

Around 2.9 KW daily but guess what it’s more like 7.2 to 8 KW over double your regular electricity bill and if you thought hey at least it’s cheaper than my gas car you might want to think again to offset the $20,000 to $30,000 premium you pay for an EV over a hybrid you’ll

Need to drive it for a whopping 60,000 Mi before you start saving money that’s a lot of miles next up we’ve got range anxiety which we touched upon earlier it’s that fear of your EV running out of juice before you reach your destination not fun right and then perhaps the most

Surprising issue is the weight of these EVS take the G MC EV Hummer a giant on Wheels weighing 9,000 lb like three Honda Civics squeezed together on a scale why so heavy well it’s the batteries to power EVS for longer ranges you need substantial battery power and

Batteries my friends are heavy now why is this way to concern besides affecting driving Dynamics a study found that getting hit by a car 1,000 lb heavier than yours increases your chances of not surviving by a whopping 47% that’s a significant risk with these heavyweight EVS roaming the roads the danger becomes

Even more pronounced especially for those smaller lighter Vehicles what are your thoughts do you think EVS are more expensive to maintain drop your comments below and if you’re curious about groundbreaking news that could shake up the entire EV industry check out my latest video don’t forget to hit that

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WARNING! Hold off on purchasing an EV! Recent revelations have put EVs in the spotlight! Owners are voicing concerns and switching back to combustion engines. Surprisingly, political leaders are mum on this! Today, I’ll unveil 4 critical issues with EVs that could lead to costly repairs and jeopardize safety! Pay close attention!

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