
Heart Rate Monitor Onboard – Hot Lap with Record Lap Driver Maro Engel in the new GT!

Heart Rate Monitor Onboard – Hot Lap with Record Lap Driver Maro Engel in the new GT!

So cool! Nice! Holy moly! So, do you know what is going to happen now? A general idea, yes. Your emotional state in one word? Excited. Relaxed. Okay. Now? Yeah. Unsure. Unsure, okay. I really don’t know what to expect. That is a new one. Guess what your heart rate is right now.

I would say 95. 95, okay. Still pretty relaxed. 103, 104. 110. I am probably a little bit nervous. Okay. 105. We have a set of questions here. Please read them out loud. And give your answers out loud. What was the moment you realized you have a passion for cars? So…

I realized I had a passion for cars when I first started driving at 16. I realized that I wanted to race when I first went to a drift event and I started building my cars and that is where I am at now. Favourite AMG of all time? Probably the GT, I would say.

SL, was nice. Yeah, okay. As of now, it is the GT… GT 63 SE, because that is what I was able to drive. And you are in the main now. Nice, nice! Wow! It is so cool! This is amazing! I wish I could drift like you just drifted! Amazing!

What does your most relaxed face look like? Yes, it is relaxed. I think like this. I think: right now. What do the letters in AMG stand for? Oh, I learned this yesterday, I don’t know how to pronounce it. It is something in German. Ah, they told us yesterday, I am not sure anymore.

Give it a try. It was the founders. Could you give me some help? Aufrecht. Aufrecht. Melcher. Melcher. Großaspach. Großaspach. What makes your heart beat faster? Being in a fast car and enjoying the experience.

Does the AMG GT makes hearts race?

5 questions, 4 passengers, 1 race driver and a heart rate monitor – How do Lauryn, Loulu, Luke and Charly handle a hot lap in Immendingen with record lap driver Maro Engel in the new Mercedes-AMG GT? Watch now to find out!

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