Electric Cars

The TRUTH About How Long EV Batteries Really Last

The TRUTH About How Long EV Batteries Really Last

Have you heard your batter is only going to last three or four years then you’re going to have to scrap it and send that battery to a landfill site or you’re going to have to buy a new one and that’s a tremendous cost it can cost more than the car when you originally

Bought it I’m Dave welcome to Dave takes it on today we’re looking at batteries and seeing is that totally accurate well let’s have a look what the manufacturers claim Tesla and Elon Musk state that the battery of a Tesla car should last the life of the car and He suggests that is

About 150,000 miles for cars in the UK and Europe and about 200,000 miles on a car in the USA they do more mileage than so the average life of a petrol or diesel car is very similar most people State it’s reported as about 140 150,000 miles or or 14 or 15 years

Whichever is The Sooner now I myself covered more than 180,000 Mile with my last car it’s a diesel car it’s a citen C4 Grand Picasso so what we need to do is look at how people achieve those miles so for example if you’re rep on the road and

You’re doing 40 or 50,000 miles a year your car’s regularly serviced then your car is only going to last three maybe four years before the engine is just totally worn out this is a ice car nothing to do with EVS if on the other hand you only do

About 100 about 140 mil a week 8,000 miles a year then your car is going to take 20 years before it reaches the 150,000 mil 140,000 mil that is claimed to do so a rep on the road might have to replace the car every uh three or four years simply because they’ve worn

Everything out on it whereas someone doing eight or 8,000 miles a year might well last 14 or 15 years before everything does start running out now exactly the same is true for an EV battery if we take the UK figure a Tesla figure of 150,000 mil life and the

Average mileage is 8,000 m a year it will take nearly 20 years to reach the end of the battery life now the car then will differ you see with a petrol engine reaching a high mileage uh everything’s wearing out the clutch the gearbox the radiators the water pumps uh axles uh

These are all items that were out and need replacing electric cars don’t have that the electric motor is reported as being good for 500,000 mil so assuming the battery does deteriorate uh then we need to see how it deteriorates so as a petrol engine was these components just start producing

Less power if your piston rings of WN the gases sneak past the outside of it and the batteries the same there is no physical evidence on those though visibly internally the battery degrades constant moving backward and forward of electrons cold weather hot weather Etc that does wear away the inside of the

Battery you don’t see it because you can’t see your battery in most cases even if you could see the battery it’s what goes on inside so that means after any number of years it will be producing less power than it did when it was brand new this

Is totally normal to either petrol or diesel but the question now is how far can it degrade before it becomes unusable now with a petrol car you can run with worn piston rings or big Ur Rings or valves or cam shafts certainly you can but at a certain point if you

Keep on driving with that you will have a catastrophic failure the engine will be effectively destroyed EV is a different so whereas the ice car will deteriorate and fail totally an EV battery will just gradually deteriorate right the way through now EVS have a battery warranty

That is on average eight years but the value but the mileage varies between 120,000 miles some have 150,000 miles a few have 200,000 miles the warranty covers you for whichever of those events happen first so if you are a rep on the road with an

EV you doing 50,000 mil a year then your 8-year battery warranty will end when your car reaches the 150 or 200,000 mil whichever your manufacturer offers you will not get the full eight years warranty out of the battery but you will be able to drive that car until it does 150 or 200,000

Now warrantees also specify that the battery can be used quite happily when it gets as low as 70% of the original power remaining all warranties seem to pick the same figure so let’s have a look at what happens when your car is new you fill it right to the top you

Might be able to get let’s say in this car 200 miles it’ll be a bit more in the winter a bit more in the summer a bit less in the winter but let’s say it has an average range of 200 miles if the battery deteriorates down

To 70% of the original range it will now be capable of doing 140 miles on average now if you’re doing the average UK mileage of 8,000 miles in a year your battery even with a 70% maximum range will still cover a week’s driving for the average motorist if you only do

8,000 m a year you might well reach the 8-year limit on the warranty before the warranty expires on the mileage now here’s where it gets interesting the average motorist keeps his car three four occasionally five years and does an average mileage of 8,000 mil now putting the two together

If you only keep your car for four years and you do 8,000 miles a year the battery will remain under warranty for the whole all the time the car is owned if you sell the car after four years the used car is likely to have 30

Or 40,000 miles on it and that’s still within the 120 150,000 M under the warranty and there are still four years of the warranty Le left to run so if you sell your car as a used car it will almost certainly come with remaining warranty from the manufacturer they keep

The car for as many years as people do which is four years and they only drive 8,000 mile you could find that the third owner still has a little bit of the warranty left maybe they’ve run the eight years out but they may have some miles left so any worries about the

Battery if anything happens to the battery at all 90% of EV owners it will be repaired or replaced under warranty now we also get constant stories don’t use Rapid charges Ultra rapid Chargers they’ll destroy your battery really quickly you go to a Tesla Supercharger all the time you’re going to destroy the

Battery much quicker well not entirely true in fact not even remotely true from the data that we’re now seeing it would suggest is definitely not true now they still advise you not to uh always use an ultra Rapid or rapid charger uh for the lifespan of the

Battery but the figures coming out now and we’ve been driving cars for 10 years or more don’t seem to vary very much whether you do or you don’t in fact one Tesla Model S which has covered the most mileage of any Tesla on the road today it’s covered

400,000 miles and that’s been done almost all at um Tesla superchargers Ultra Rapids so going back to the myths batteries failing all the time you need to send it down the scrapyard going to the uh going to the landfill site and everything it is all just uh it’s fear uncertainty

And doubt call it fud uh fear uncertainty and doubt that’s being raised by the petrochemical industry and the Legacy Auto industry just to stop you buying EVS because they want you to buy petrol and they want you to buy a petrol car but most people just to

Stress simple fact if you drive 8,000 miles a year you keep your car four or five years before trade it in your battery will always be under warranty if anything goes wrong be repaired or replaced under warranty so the total number of EVS requiring batteries to be replaced is actually very low which

First because there aren’t that many on the road they’ve only been around for 10 to 12 years and back then it was in very small num as EVS hit the road more people will be reaching the limits 150 or 200,000 miles or the8 years and will need to think about battery

Replacement but once again the media spout all these lies and misconceptions let me ask you would you buy a petrol car with 200,000 M on the clock and expect to use it for the next 5 years or expect any sort of warranty to remain on the from the manufacturer

If I was thinking of buying an EV used EV I would not personally go for one with 150 or 200,000 miles on the clock if I was looking for an EV and they were being offered 50 60 70 880,000 miles uh or after three four or five

Years those would be well worth it because the battery in each of those cases would be still well within the lifespan that’s for asking all the time about how what you’re going to do when the battery fails simple question if anyone asks me what I’m going to do when

My battery fails I always just ask them what are you going to do when you buy a petrol car and the motor fails and they always go well no um no that’s silly I don’t keep my cars that long so I answer neither do I it’s although the average

Age of a car being scrapped is somewhere around about 14 to 16 miles the average person in the UK uh with an EV will never ever reach a point where it needs to be scrapped final observation is it is law for Batteries to be recycled the

Idea of any going to a landfill site is just absolute garbage all batteries need to be recycled under the law that recycling claims to be able to recover 95% of the chemicals that are in the battery so they are not scrapped they are fully recycled and the recycling is one of two

Things the first thing they can do with them is put them into a location where the the range is not important and this would be something like a battery storage grid connected battery storage uh these work quite happily for year after year after year and although the

Range just keeps on dropping they just keep on working and in most cases these are not willever run down to to uh 0% and charge back up to 100% they just keep working forever second thing is 95% of the batteries that can’t be reused are the all the chemicals are

Recycled can we please stop all this hype with absolutely stupid questions they are not relevant well thanks very much for watching if you have enjoyed this video please click the like button and if you’d like to see more please subscribe and click the notification Bell so we can notify you

Next time we launch a video and a massive thank you to all our patreon supporters it is your support that enables us to go out and make these videos for you so thank you very much for your contribution I’m Dave

When electric vehicles cost so much, it’s understandable that people would be compared about their longevity. I mean, phone batteries are notorious for how quickly they degrade and they power devices that have a fraction of the functionality. But are claims that they will only last 3-4 years really credible? To find out what’s REALLY going on, stick around as Dave Takes It On.

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About The Channel:
Dave Takes It On was founded in 2023 and focuses primarily on content about electric vehicles and issues that impact drivers. Dave is based in the North West of the UK and owns a Tesla Model S. He regularly travels around the country, so if you see him feel free to say hello. The channel is supported by his son Jonas, who supports with thumbnails, titles, and technical aspects of the channel.

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