Electric Cars



EVS are doomed all car makers just warned Biden to shut down EV production they’re literally saying we beg you to stop forcing EVS upon the middle class or else the market will crash EVS are killing people political leaders are forcing companies to make overpriced EVS while car makers are selling EVS at a

Loss and firing innocent people along the way the government just scammed the public into buying EVS when in reality EVS are a ticking time bomb that’s right Eves are exploding Catching Fire and straight up killing people and get this car makers lied to you about their ev’s

Range EVS are dying on the roads while the common man is being scammed into paying a hefty price for these cars in this video I won’t just expose why you should never buy an EV but I’ll also talk about how gas cars might make a comeback here’s what exactly happened

The Biden Administration has this Grand Vision of making half of all new car sales Electric by 2030 sounds ambitious right but here’s the catch as of now EVS only make up about 4% of car sales that’s like trying to fill a swimming pool one teaspoon at a time but wait

There’s always more these car dealers they’re on the front lines and they’re seen firsthand that the demand for EVS just isn’t what was predicted so imagine you’re a car manufacturer right you’ve been riding the E wave thinking it’s the future but out of the blue sales start

Tanking and I mean hitting the floor hard Fords looking at a $36,000 loss on each EV they sell GMS in the same boat bleeding cash on every model that rolls off the line even Tesla the King of the Hill is having to cut prices but despite

All the signs of a massive eveve crisis Joe Biden is hellbent on making the lives of Common People miserable he even shook hands with China regarding a shady deal that I’ll tell you about in a minute now I’m sure you know how the EPA you know the Environmental Protection

Agency not EPA is forcing companies to only sell EVS by 2032 right but now all the car dealers literally sent a huge letter thrashing and warning the Biden administration of all the consequences to come from Ford and GM all the way to the Toyota dealers everyone has signed

Up on this letter and they’re singing all the same tune we’re not ready for an all electric future they’ve got a laundry list of reasons why and it’s not just grumbling they’re talking about the big elephant in the room the sky high price tags on EVS which let’s be real

Aren’t exactly pocket change for most folks now Mickey Anderson the big Huna at Baxter Auto Group is leading this charge against the EV mandate he’s like if we could just sell cars that people actually want like gas and hybrids we wouldn’t be in this mess and it’s not

Just him the national Automobile Dealers Association orat is also throwing shade at the epa’s proposal calling it a rush job that’s not in touch with what consumers really want but here’s the the kicker despite all this push back the White House is still waving the Eevee flag saying look Eevee sales are booming

And the inflation reduction Act is making them more affordable and sure EVS are picking up some speed in the sales department but when you’ve got car dealers practically begging to slow down the EV train you’ve got to wonder if we’re really ready to go Full Throttle on this electric Highway the same thing

Happened last year to when nearly 4,000 dealers sent a letter to Joe Biden if you’ve been watching so far be sure to hit that sub subcribe button towards the end of the video I’ll also tell you about a Chinese company that might overthrow Tesla forever now back to the

Topic remember how I said Biden is shaking hands with China shocking everyone along the way well here’s the scoop on that since the US presidential elections are coming up Joe Biden is actually doing something no one saw coming just to win a few votes he’s ready to screw over the public and ask

China for Ev battery supplies even after China just imposed a brutal ban in an attempt to tank our Market the US is super reliant on China for a whopping 80% of our EV battery supplies and out of the blue China decides to hit us with this huge export ban leaving everyone

From Joe Biden to your average Eevee maker scrambling it’s like one day we’re all set with supplies and the next China’s like nah you’re on your own buddy just imagine we’re talking about a nose dive from 45,000 tons of crucial battery materials down to a mere 3,973 tons now you’re probably wondering

Why on Earth would China do this right well it turns out xiin ping dropped this bombshell of an export sanction cutting us off from essential stuff like graphite and lithium this isn’t just about keeping a few industry Secrets Under Wraps it’s about China holding the

Keys to the kingdom or in this case our entire EV Market but Biden is willing to go to any length and he’s still buying Eevee materials instead of listening to the consumers and forcing his Focus back into gas cars even some brands are now starting to go against Biden Ford just

Stopped production of their F-150 pickup truck while GM Toyota and Honda retracted their EV goals by 40 to 60% each and get this while the entire EV Market is struggling right now there’s one Chinese company that’s planning to take over Tesla and beat them and it’s none other than byd they control their

Entire battery supply chain from scooping up the raw materials to assembling the final battery packs this is a game changer because the battery is the heart of an EV making up about 40% of its cost this vertical integration is byd’s Ace in theole allowing them to keep prices shockingly low while you

Might not see a byd on every corner in the US just yet experts reckon it’s only a matter of time before they make a splash despite the Hefty tariffs currently keeping them at Bay right now Chinese made EVS face a 25% tariff in the US on top of the standard 2.5%

Tariff on imported cars but even with these hurdles byd could disrupt the market with their pricing back in China byd has already caused a stir with the seagull EV priced at a mere $111,000 it’s been flying off the shelves becoming one of the country’s top selling EVS while Tesla is

Struggling in comparison here in the US EVS are priced at a $20,000 premium compared to a gas car if you think the high price on EVS is bad you’re going to want to wait for what I’m about to tell you EVS are leading to several deaths

And the reason is something no one saw coming now I’m all for cleaner energy and cutting down on emissions but there’s a chilling tale unfolding that’s giving some EV owners the kind of cold feat you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy let’s kick things off with a story

That sounds like it’s straight out of a horror flick imagine you’re chilling minding your own business and your car decides it’s time to go all Fourth of July on you that’s what happened at the US Canada Border where a couple met their tragic end thanks to their EV

Catching Fire and this wasn’t just any car fire we’re talking about a Tesla turning into a fireball that nobody could put out for hours but wait there’s more it’s not just one-off incidents there’s this whole scary Vibe with Eevees where even luxury rides like a 2023 Mercedes-Benz eqe 350 are bursting

Into flames picture this your Jennifer Ruto and your loner eeve decides your garage is the perfect spot for a fireworks show causing a million bucks in damage and that sweet kicker it wasn’t even plugged in but here’s the real shocker it’s not just about the fires and explosion there’s a whole Saga

Of issues plaguing EVS from their reliability to the infrastructure supporting them all in all the EV Market is a mess right now and it’s high time that Joe Biden heard the car dealers and stopped forcing automakers consumers should get to pick what they want instead of letting the political leaders

Intervene but there’s one Ray of Hope in the upcoming elections Donald Trump is going against Biden and his agenda agenda is pretty clear bring gas cars back and stop the EV Madness Trump’s disdain for Eves isn’t just about preference it’s rooted in concerns over safety economic impact and geopolitical

Tensions reports of ev’s Catching Fire have only made things worse where at a Crossroads where the future of cars hangs in the balance Trump’s throwing down the gauntlet challenging the EV status quo and standing with the folks who missed the good old days of gas-powered Freedom so here we are in

The middle of an EV crisis with Biden pushing full steam ahead and a whole bunch of people saying maybe let’s not it’s a showdown that’s got everything drama high stakes and a future that’s up in the air will EVS take over or will the classic gas engine make a comeback

What do you think should the US rely on China for Ev production is buying an EV a good idea right now let me know your thoughts down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if

You want to be truly shocked by what what’s about to happen with EVS

EVs are doomed! All carmakers just WARNED Biden to SHUT DOWN EV production! They’re literally saying: We beg you to stop forcing EVs on the middle class, or else the market will crash! EVs are KILLING people! Political leaders are forcing companies to make overpriced EVs, while carmakers are selling EVs at a loss & firing innocent people. The government just SCAMMED the public into buying EVs, when in reality, EVs are a ticking BOMB! That’s right, EVs are exploding, catching fire, and KILLING PEOPLE!

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