Electric Cars

Tesla Drivers are FREEZING this winter and going BACK to GAS Cars…

Tesla Drivers are FREEZING this winter and going BACK to GAS Cars…

Going up in Nebraska shoot I do not miss those cold Winters that last seemingly forever apparently EVS don’t like cold Winters either check this out Chicago’s winter blast it’s just not Chicago this is just the reports coming from Chicago but it’s hitting everywhere that’s been getting this winter Vortex from Hell

Chicago’s winter blast gives Tesla superchargers a black I they could say black ice get it but um Freez temps offline charging stalls high demand are leaving people stranded we’re going to get into this today and are EVS not usable in the cold we’ll find Out you know Tesla is known for having the best charging Network in America it’s getting overwhelmed with the cold temperatures and since there are cold temperatures EVS need to charge more often since they lose your efficiency way more fast compared to gas cars when the temperatures get cold and

So now you have not only these charging stations trying to operate in subzero temperatures you’re having multiple times the demand due to people maybe not ever using uh supercharges now needing to use them due to the lack of range now on their Frozen EVS over the Martin Luther King Day weekend Tesla owners

Have had to have their vehicles towed after running out of juice while waiting for hours in a line to charge at the clogged up supercharger stations good old WGN you know I grew up watching WGN in Nebraska we’ve some for some reason got that channel so I could watch

Michael Jordan’s Bulls growing up I could watch Sami zosa crack home runs on wgm as a as a kid so that was amazing but anyways the charging stations on Monday had long lines tow trucks and in some cases and in some cases taking Tesla vehicles to owner homes or to

Other supercharging stations well yeah they have to tell them somewhere so they going to go home they’re going to go to another charging station I don’t know where else you would take it someone else’s home so you can charge it somebody else I’m not I’m not sure an

Unidentified Uber driver oof this has got to be rough if your primary is an EV in these cold winter times but an unidentified Uber driver and that’s a thing imagine being an Uber driver and relying on your range and your efficiency to to do a lot of the heavy

Lifting and what your efficiency’s gone out the window as well as your range and now you have to charge a lot which also reduces how much you can give people rides guys don’t forget that charging at supercharging stations costs sometimes double maybe more than what it would

Cost uh to charge at home so if we look at this guy jbass 3 over at Reddit he did an amazing graph of uh the cost of kilowatt hours at 67 Tesla superchargers he’s been to over the past 6 years so let’s just pick this data point here

It’s about 36 cents per kilowatt hour on average I don’t know what it’s going for in Chicago right now the model y has 57 KW hours of usable battery or so let’s just say you’re not completely empty let’s say you have you need 50 kilowatt

Hours to charge um to get back up on the road but that’s the thing you know are you going to charge past 80% so let’s even reduce this even more let’s just say 40 5 KW hours in that case times 36 cents per kilowatt hour so it’s costing you about

$16 uh to fill up fill up your EV battery pack so really it’s not that big of a deal in terms of cost yes it costs way more than charging at home but more than anything you just want to be safe and have the range to get back home

Before freezing to death so you’re not really concerned about the the the cost so yeah anyways I wouldn’t have an an electric car as an Uber especially if you live in a cold climate but he said he had to wait for an hour for an open

Charger then had to wait 2 hours for a full charge holy cow so this this has such a Compound Effect less range and cold temperatures due to less efficiency charging stations not being as readily available due to them going in like cryo mode right since it’s so cold then all

These extra people that need to charge and we know EVS don’t charge fast in cold weather so it’s just a stock piling of EVS at these charging stations I’m throwing Tesla under the bus here because this article is mainly aimed at Tesla and Tesla’s the number one

Automaker for EVS here in North America by a long shot so they’re going to get the the brunt of this all the other EVS still suffer from this situation poor charging networks slow charging uh and cold temperatures and reduced range it’s not just Tesla they’re they have the

Same Battery Technology as everyone else and this Uber driver while driving in the cold the battery range fell so fast he had to charge twice a day while working so you’re charging twice a day for 2 hours at a time so you’re sitting there not making money for 4 hours as an

Uber driver you know wait wait wait wait if you add the hour but I forgot to add the hour that you’re waiting while you’re charging um before you get your charging plug so up to 6 hours of waiting to charge your e as an Uber driver that just you’re just wasting

Money time is money I’m out of this Tesla after today the Uber driver told it good he wised up you know some people are super stubborn they don’t want to go back to internal combustion they like the the the feeling of not being reliant on you know higher maintenance costs in

Theory and having to go to a gas station you know when you can charge at home for this guy EES make no sense up in freezing temperatures he’s going to go back to gas absolutely the EPA says internal combustion engines lose well gasoline anyways I’m not sure about

Diesel I bet it’s similar we know diesel fueled gels when it gets cold right and you got to keep a a warmer plug on it but anyways uh gasoline mileage goes down about 15% in freezing temperatures now that is going to vary depending on the temperature outside as well EV

Efficiency can fall up to 40% depending on how much energy is used to heat the cabin now most EES have heat pumps now but that’s still not going to really help your situation a whole lot you know a little bit here and there but not as much as we needed to because the

Chemistry is the bottleneck here in this situation Tesla recommends and cold weather to include warming the cabin and Battery before leaving home preconditioning the battery before arriving at a supercharger driving slower to conserve energy and using seat heaters to keep warm rather than the cabin heater so you have all these extra

Things to think about on top of your daily needs when the weather gets cold with your EV and a gas car none of these things other than you know some of us you know warmed up our car before leaving so you’re not freezing your

Bones on the way to work or the way to school so that you know this this portion is kind of the same with gas cars but all of this all of this has nothing to do with gas cars and they’re kind of um immune from the cold conditions once they’re up and and

Warmed up at that point so but yeah also with a gas car if you need to go get gas gas stations are everywhere they fill up in 5 minutes and you’re back on the road and the complete opposite is happening it’s a nightmare situation as I’ve reiterated over and over another guy

Talked to Automotive news that this experience came out of the blue he said he’s had his model 3 for three Chicago Winters and never had to wait a minute let alone 5 hours well here’s the thing okay Winters vary year-over-year in the midwest uh you can have some mild

Winters and then you can have the winters from the Arctic hell and those are the ones we all remember now if you have an EV you’re going to remember this one probably better than a lot of those other hellish Winters because you’re waiting and waiting for hours and hours

And hours and potentially you have to get your EV uh towed to the nearest supercharging station or home to make sure uh you don’t freeze to death because that is a true possibility happening here and also since Teslas are more numerous than ever before and you can say their superchargers are as well

But their their volume um on the streets has increased way faster than their supercharging networks and so this is also compounded by just a sheer volume of Teslas and EVS now on the road so this is not going to be an anomaly he’s got away with not having this

Inconvenience for the first two of his three Winters and I guarantee this is going to keep happening if he sticks with a model or any electric vehicle until we can get better chemistry mainly solid state batteries to overcome these you know shortfalls or shortcomings of EV batteries here in cold times that

Same guy said he got straight in Chicago with no heat for 5 hours and negative 10 degree weather he’s lucky he’s not dead eventually he arranged a a toe for his Tesla no heat for 5 hours and negative 10° weather there’s no V Eevee in the

World that can convince me in a cold climate to go with an Eevee over a gas car I’m sorry it just would never make sense to me unless I had if I was you know plenty wealthy I could have an EV for my summer driving and that’d be just

Fine and dandy and then i’ would have a gasoline car for my winter driving or a diesel I’d rather have gasoline so I don’t have to worry about warming that diesel fuel so you know that guy says you know it was a one-off bad experience and that he still loves his Tesla I

Don’t know if he will keep loving his Tesla as this Winter’s far from over and winter come comes every year for 6 months in Chicago and it sucks different people have different tolerances and they’re willing to forgive things and people for their shortcomings and that’s fine but for me this would not be

Happening you know e work just fine down here in hot Florida warm Florida all the time uh so I wouldn’t have any issues with people getting EVs and perfect weather California or hot Texas but Texas gets cold as hell too sometimes uh Florida unless you live in the Panhandle

Does not ever really get cold so Eevees here make a lot of sense especially if you’re not taking long trips and here we go a long commute that same gentleman who stressed it was a one-off he was wearing a black hoodie with a Tesla logo and explained that he has a long commute

From his home in Indiana to his work in Illinois but generally can make the roundtrip Journey without using public Chargers and after work this Sunday he told Fox he realized he needed to stop at a supercharger and Juice up because he didn’t have didn’t have enough range

Right we know that the efficiency goes down up to 40% in cold temperatures Tesla navigation software directed him to a supercharger and Evergreen Park Illinois but only five of the 10 stalls were working and four of the working stalls were blocked by empty cars because they’re freezing to death more

Than likely or they just refused to charge since they’re too damn cold or they just took forever to charge as well and so those guys are leaving the car so they don’t freeze to death for 4 hours while it’s charging and that left one charger for long line of people to use

It you’re supposed to precondition your battery when you’re on your way to the charger so it Chargers so it charges faster he said that makes sense to me but when you’re sitting in the cold and waiting for 2 3 four 5 hours like me you cannot precondition it why because

Preconditioning heats the battery we know heating an EV whether it’s a cabin or the battery requires battery energy your battery juice so you might just you know that’s just going to further exacerbate the problem so I felt like you know throwing EES under the bus right now they’re just not ready in most

Places for Mass consumption here in Florida or in California where you have good weather all the time I have no issues with Eevees but you know as long as you have a backup car that has an internal combustion engine yeah get yourself a Tesla get yourself an EV but

If it’s your only car in a freezing hellish environment you’re setting yourself up for not only major inconvenience in a waste of your time you’re setting yourself up for a potentially life-threatening situation that a gas car just does not have these same sort of Hazards built into them due

To their fast fill up times their better efficiency and colder temperatures as well as the the huge abundance of gasoline charging stations or gas stations my gosh anyways I felt like sharing this I do not Miss Winters at all this is beautiful this picture is beautiful and does make me miss um

Seeing the snowfall seeing it accumulate seeing the landscape changed overnight and be completely purified by the beauty of pure white snow picturesque is really the most of it and you know it is fun playing in the snow with the kids luckily I don’t have to worry about that

Here in Florida so anyways but I want to thank you guys for watching and dealing with my long rant for uh EVs and their uselessness and cold temperatures if it’s your primary vehicle all right I’ll see you in the comments have a great day stay warm if you are one of these uh

People who live in the frozen tundra of the north thank you guys have a good one peace

#ev and #winter don’t mix very well. Here’s the frozen mess that’s happening all across america with their #tesla and other EVs.


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