Electric Motorcycles

Is Your Ebike Truly Class 3 Or Not? Do You Care?

Is Your Ebike Truly Class 3 Or Not? Do You Care?

Hey this is Russ hey is your bike truly class two or class three yeah take a look at your bike find out if it really is you know a lot of bikes come uh set up as a class two bike let let’s talk about classes real quickly class one bikes all right class

One bikes is where you have um a motor assist okay where you’re pedaling helps you up to 20 M hour the motor will help you up to 20 M hour won’t help you any further than that and it has no throttle that’s class one okay class two bikes

Where we see a lot of bikes at is uh the motor will help you up to 20 M hour if you pedal and it also has a throttle that’ll help you up to 20 M hour now that doesn’t mean your bike can’t go past 20 M an hour it’s just that the the

Motor won’t help you pass 20 M hour okay so if you pedal real hard on your own yeah you might go faster okay then there’s class three class three is kind of like class two but if you keep pedaling hard that motor will help you up to 28 mil hour however the throttle

Will only help you up to 20 mil hour all right so now people look at this and they go well my my bike came in as class two but I modified it in the menu of the bike now it’s uh 28 miles per hour it’s class three yeah really

Is it true class 3 here’s why I’m saying this okay because many bikes if you modify that menu you put it to the 28 M hour setting sometimes the throttle goes up to 28 mil per hour too so technically that’s no longer class three all right

That’s a uh a pseudo class 3 yeah just by name people think it’s class 3 but it really really isn’t because if the throttle will help you to 28 miles hour it’s not truly class three yeah so what is it is it an illegal bike now at this

Point yeah I you know I started thinking about this because you know the last video we were talking about you know you know regulations and whether that was going to affect us and the like um yeah if you modify your bike if you go into

The menu and you move that thing to 28 and the throttle goes to 28 you’re no longer class three yeah if if the throttle doesn’t go to 28 and up pedo goes to 28 that’s class three okay now I have a bike like that that’s the electric bike company model S that I

Have yeah that one I’ve I’ve uh changed it from the class two that came in that way I moved it to True class three now the minute 20 m per hour happens the throttle doesn’t help anymore all right but I can pedal that thing to 28 and a

Mo motor will help me that’s a true class 3 bike but uh you know some of my other bikes like the magic cycle for instance you know that will pedal and throtle the 28 so technically speaking that’s not true class 3 right now the thing is is who’s going to really know

This I mean unless unless the officer who stops you gets on the bike and he throttles That Thing Up himself and sees that that thing goes to 28 miles per hour I mean how’s he going to know right unless they unless they ask you to do

Certain things to see if if they can kind of determine whether it’s actually you know helping it to 28 or not I guess like I guess they could uh you know lift up the rear tire hit the throttle and see where it goes but uh you know that’s not under

Load you could always claim well you know that thing’s going that way but you know you add my weight it only does 20 how does he know he’d have to get on that bike and check it himself I I don’t think they’re going to do that all right

So the the point is this um if bike manufacturers give us throttles that’ll go to 28 they’re kind of skating the law right yeah they are and if you do it you’re kind of skating the law too now most of my bikes I took a look

At my bikes today I just kind of looked them over I says how many of these these bikes have I moved it to the 28 m per hour range pretty much all of them I I took it if the if the option was there

To to to give it a little bit more oomph yeah I I modified it so but again uh I actually prefer bikes that will throttle the 28 there’s times that I kind of need that 28 mph now you might think when would you need that well as you know I

Ride the street a lot more so than on the bike paths really and so sometimes I’m competing with the cars I’m moving pretty fast uh because you know if you’re really slow car is kind of like oh you know this guy’s in our way and everything if you’re moving at 28 mph on

A 35 mph Zone they don’t feel so bad okay they feel okay this guy’s moving it’s fine but if you’re crawling at like 12 miles an hour and you’re on the street and they doing 35 yeah you kind of feel like wow I’m really way behind

Here and and I kind of feel it’s more dangerous actually that’s it’s just me okay you might not think that way but that’s that’s me so others have said why don’t you get bikes that go faster than 28 well I don’t even feel comfortable at

28 I mean I’m moving um I’m I’m glad I’m able to do it when I have to do it but uh yeah I don’t I don’t feel that comfortable and I know that too if if I were to bite the bullet if I were to get

Into some type of Crash uh it’s going to hurt a lot more if I’m doing like 35 all right so the faster you go the worse it’s going to be for you if you take a crash you know you have to kind of remember too there’s there’s hazards

On the road you know you got potholes you got things that you know are on the road that maybe you didn’t see until the last minute you hit that you know so you take a you take a gamble when you go down and some of the spills can be very

Very bad so uh always wear your helmet but you know a lot of people don’t talk about other things you know if you fall and you scrape your knee or you fall and you hurt your elbow or whatever or your wrist or whatever whatever stops your

Fall it’s going to be some major road rash okay now I have not seen anyone uh at least in my area you know ride with knee pads elbow pads wrist guards I have not seen anyone ride that way with a bike with a knee bike or a regular bike

But if you think about it U that is probably the safest way to do it right now maybe you think about even people who ride motorcycles you know take a look at their helmets now take then take a look at yours all right there’s a big difference but again they’re moving

Quickly uh they fall at 60 MPH they need some major protection right but still I think you you got to have to look look out for yourself I mean uh as you know I I ride with the X needle helmet and by the way they did do a a price uh drop on

The X needle helmets so I don’t I don’t know what did they go down to 135 maybe less I’m not sure but uh it’s in the description of my videos I updated my videos okay you still get a discount if you use the affiliate link there you still get a discount there so

Um I ride with the exano helmet because I know that thing’s rated to 28 mph okay so if I go down at least my head is semi-protected better than a a bike helmet that’s only like you know a basic bike helmet you want something something good you don’t want something that’s uh

Yeah not so good you know but that only protects your head I mean what about the other parts if you fall yeah it it becomes a problem I um I’ve only Fallen three times and I’ve mentioned before the only so far uh I Fallen three times

But again two of the times the first two times uh it was only because I had a weaken uh left leg and weakened knee and so when I stopped at the stop signs um you know the bike leans to one side it leaned toward the left side which is

Where I had the knee replacement and so I didn’t have the leg strength at the time and I went down Okay the third time my my shoelace got caught on the on the pedals so I purposely take took the fall okay I was on my right leg uh my right

Foot and and so I could have just leaned to the left but you know I fell twice on the left so I says forget it I’m not risking my knee again uh with the replaced knee so I purposely fell to the right okay now each time of those Falls

Um it had nothing to do with my ability or inability to ride a bike it had the problem was basically um I didn’t have the physical strength to hold the bike up plus myself on that weakened leg so here here’s what I’m going to say if if

You if you have a hip replac you have a knee replacement or something physically that um you’re not strong enough okay be prepared that you know when the bike stops you have to kind of lean the bike one way or the other if if if you if you

Can’t straddle the bike like you know I had a uh I think at that time I had the Red Rover 5 and that’s a step over bike so you know it it’s pretty tall and so um you know you tend to kind of lean it

To one side a little bit so you don’t hit the areas that guys don’t want to be hit at so so I leaned to the left which was a bad mistake you know I didn’t have the leg strength you know the one time I fell

Too I was I fell once at Costco uh this was while I was going through rehab of my knee for knee replacement I I took my own Mobility Scooter which I usually put in the trunk of my car and uh so I took that with me to Costco cuz you know the

Costco mobility scooters you know how slow those things are they barely moving right well minine moves pretty fast it moves faster than you can walk so I took my scooter so then I was reloading it back into the car in the trunk and um as I’m lifting the parts cuz it comes apart

Comes in sections as I’m lifting the parts into the car uh again weakened leg I I couldn’t hold myself and the scooter up and so down I went yeah and uh you know if there’s people around you watching you you know nobody came to help yeah people tend to avoid you when

They see something happen to you they don’t want to get involved uh eventually a Costco um Costco um U what would I say team member came running over to help me and my wife was there so she helped me but yeah it’s surprising how people don’t help others sometimes because they

Don’t want to get involved you know terrible anyway same thing you know uh when you have a weakened uh body part like your leg or something you could go down so it’s not like I didn’t know how to ride a Mobility Scooter I was just putting it in my

Trunk so my whole point is this if you have um parts of your body that’s not as strong and you’re riding an ebike be careful okay it’s not really that you can’t ride the bike it maybe same situation like me your weakened State makes it difficult for you to hold up

The bike and hold yourself up and you might go down so be careful is all I’m saying okay should always be careful anyways when you’re riding your bike but going back to our topic all right if your class of bike is rated for class two and you modify to what you think is

Class three check to see if it truly is class three all right now here’s the question for the day do you really care do you I mean do you really care if you if you want that 28 mph with the motor helping you do you really care if

Your throttle does it as well I mean do you want your throttle to go to 28 I do personally uh or do you want to stay by the letter of the law and say you know if my bike goes to 28 and so does the throttle as well as the pedaling then

I’m not going to modify it let me know if you do that okay I have a gut feeling many of you will say that um I don’t really care I want my 28 I don’t care how I get it right but maybe you have a difference of opinion maybe you say I

Have to be to the letter of the law like I said the the electric company um bike that I have the uh I’m not talking electric okay not l e c r i I’m talking electric bike company that’s two different companies people seem to get confused okay no this is the electric

Bike company that’s the name of the company electric bike company EB DC for short okay um their bike is a true class three when you modify to class three it will not throttle to 28 but it will help you if you pedal to 28 all right that is

A true class 3 bike uh I’ve always said if you want a bike to the letter of the law get an electric bike company bike because it will do that okay anyways that’s the topic for today I just wanted to find out what your opinion was based

On this whole class 3 business or whether it’s Tru truly class three or whether you really care I mean if you don’t care put that down all right I want to see how many people really don’t care I personally don’t care I I prefer

To have the throttle go to 28 but I know that that skates the law all right anyways if you like this video go and hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I’ll talk to you guys next time

Mondays: Health Updates
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturdays: Ebike Videos

Check out my new “blog” website that has a list of everything in this description (and more) for my recommendations of accessories and products. Affiliate links help my channel. Thanks!

Visiting the Magicycle website using this link helps my channel if you plan to purchase an ebike. Please click on this link to be able to use the discount codes from Magicycle:

Save $100 on orders over $1200 on Magicycle Ebikes by using these codes: RUSS1: $100 off orders over $1500
RUSS2: $200 off orders over $1800
RUSS3: $300 off orders over $3600

If the codes become invalid over time, use the affiliate link above to access the Magicycle site and then use the discount codes on the site. The link above still helps the Russ Is Right Channel. Thanks!

Save $50 when you purchase a Rad Power Bikes EBike with this link to their ordering website: http://rwrd.io/7qoq3tv?c


To purchase the Euphree ebike, please use my affiliate link: https://euphree.com/RussIsRight

Use this code to get a $79 off a Euphree Combination Folding Lock with a minimum purchase of $1700: RUSSISRIGHT

Please use this affiliate link to purchase an Electric Bike Company ebike: https://bit.ly/3B1G3AY

To purchase a Himiway ebike, please use my affiliate link here: https://himiwaybike.com/RUSSISRIGHT
The coupon code is “RUSSISRIGHT”

To save on lots of accessories on the “Himi Zone” store on Amazon, use this link: https://amzn.to/3Bx2Zbn then use this coupon code to save 5%: RUSS95OFF

To purchase an Engwe ebike, please use this link:


Xnito Helmets: Be sure to click on this affliate link to save 10% off your Xnito Helmet! https://xnito.com/RUSS. In addition, Xnito has reduced the retail price too! Great deal! Use the code: RUSS after clicking on the affiliate link!

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Here are the eBike Accessories I have on my bikes:

Amazon Affiliate Links:

SunTour Suspension Seat Post (27.2mm x 350mm) – https://amzn.to/41S2oNe
SunTour Suspension Seat Post (31.6mm x 350mm) – https://amzn.to/3n8VoMA
Tire Levers – https://amzn.to/40HbgEo
Insta360 X3 camera: https://amzn.to/3sQyBog
Veeape Tire Inflator – Portable Air Compressor: https://amzn.to/3fXq0dG
Rockbros Hex Driver – Multi-tool: https://amzn.to/3fibv6B
Rockbros Triangle bag: https://amzn.to/3SOtrmY
Extension for Handle Bar: https://amzn.to/3LzoKvr
Phone Mount: https://amzn.to/3dKKUKx
Lamicall Phone Mount: https://amzn.to/3A3Irrq
Bluetooth Speaker: https://amzn.to/3rZV6nM
Left Side Mirror (on my Rad Rover 5): https://amzn.to/3mrxCa1
Hafny Left Side Mirror (Teardrop shape): https://amzn.to/3A2MAvl
Polar Insulated Water Bottle: https://amzn.to/3emGATv
Bottle Cage: https://amzn.to/3ejwjHE
Kryptonite Chain and Lock: https://amzn.to/2Qeq2mN
Giddy Up – XL Bike Seat With LED: https://amzn.to/3Rq1RMq
Giddy Up – XL Extra Padded Bike Seat with LED: https://amzn.to/3E7xOG0
(The Giddy Up seems hard to find now… so try the XWing saddle below. (I have not tested this saddle however!)
X Wing – XL Adult Ebike Saddle with LED: https://amzn.to/3ZwKy0g
Bikeroo Saddle (I got the Indoor Elastomer version): https://amzn.to/3AZntu6
Inner Tube Slime: https://amzn.to/3uGS8WQ
Rear Rack Pannier Bag: https://amzn.to/3usEGWV
Bike Alarm with Remote: https://amzn.to/3opebiO
Safety Vest: https://amzn.to/3uW9PlU
Thin Cycling Gloves: https://amzn.to/3u1IU76
Finish Line – Dry Bike Lubricant (for Bike Chain): https://amzn.to/3pFVrfX
Unit Pack Power Battery: 52 Volts, 20 Amps: https://amzn.to/3zyRIUT
Anderson to XT-90 Cable: https://amzn.to/3fdWT5d
Pepper Spray: https://amzn.to/2Y6iPtb
Chest Strap Harness Mount for GoPro: https://amzn.to/3jHwCPe
4mm Park Tools Hex Wrench: https://amzn.to/3zGoW4p
5mm Park Tools Hex Wrench: https://amzn.to/3kFZGHm
Bern Bike Helmet – Brentwood 2.0 Helmet with MIPS – https://amzn.to/348M6GJ
Entity HL800 Light: https://www.bikesonline.com/entity-hl800-800-lumens-front-bicycle-light-usb-re
Magicycle Headlight: https://www.magicyclebike.com/products/107
Tektro HD-E250 Hydraulic Disc Brakes: https://www.magicyclebike.com/products/tektro-hd-e350-hydraulic-disc-brakes
Selfie stick clamp: https://amzn.to/3UhEEhp

Music for Russ Is Right Open:
(YouTube royalty-free music): “Leslie’s Strut” by John Deley and the 41 Players

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