Electric Cars



EVS are going down GM just shut down EVs and dropped a shocking plan to bring back gas cars making all EV makers angry and Confused CEO Mary Bara has finally heard the public and just reversed GM’s EV strategy going back to the good old gas cars but why did GM ditch EVS after

Wasting billions already are EV makers hiding something from you what is GM’s CEO’s secret plan to bring back gas cars is the Eevee Market going to crash if you thought gas cars are gone for good keep on watching because I have some good news for you here’s what exactly

Happened so get this General Motors is ditching EES and going against the forced Eevee Push by the government Mary Bara just announced that she’s putting a stop to the majority of GM’s EV plans and finally doing what the people want trusty old combustion cars cheaper and without useless Frills this is because

The EV Market hasn’t been too kind on GM leading the them to lose more than a billion dollars last year but more on that in a minute so back in 2019 GM was like gas cars nah we’re over it and they 86 the Chevy pickups across the line

Which were actually doing pretty decent they were riding high on the EV wave thinking they’d conquer the world with their Chevy bolt EV and the shiny new ultium EV platform that they were all jazzed about the plan was to flood the streets with these electric Beauties and

Leave gas guzzlers in the dust but oh boy things didn’t quite pan out as they hoped their eveve dreams hit some serious speed bumps the bolt was supposed to be their bestselling EV but it’s been more of a problem child with all sorts of production and delivery

Hiccups and those fancy new ulti owered EVS GM couldn’t even sell a thousand units of those now here’s the kicker GM’s CEO Mary bar out of nowhere drops the bomb that they’re going back to gas cars gas cars have been selling in good numbers while EVS are exploding Catching

Fire and owners are reporting them for having lowquality or rattling interiors and if you thought this is bad wait tell I tell you about GM’s CEO’s remarks about never being able to beat Tesla or be profitable in the EV business on one of their most recent earnings call CEO

Mary bar told the Press how GM has been making huge losses plus they were also hit with the United Auto Workers strike for which they had to spend more than $750 million in just a single week as a result of this they’ve had to sell all

Their EVS at a huge loss of $112,000 and even more for some higher range EVS losing more than a billion in their Eevee Venture but now the GM CEO has flipped the script entirely telling all Eevee makers to basically shove off most people just aren’t willing to pay up to

$60 to $80,000 for a vehicle that can only go 150 m in Winters and is almost no good for towing as per the CEO of GM making EVS in that sweet spot price range of $30,000 to $40,000 yeah that’s not happening not profitable I mean can you imagine here they were rolling out

The red carpet for the 2024 Chevy Equinox EV with a price T waving around the $30,000 Mark and now they’re like no maybe not this is mainly due to the horrors of people dying in eveve fires lately which I’ll talk about towards the end of this video and because of this

And a thousand other EV problems people are instead choosing to stick with gas cars in the smaller price range but wait it gets juicier Bar’s out here admitting that Tesla yeah the Elon Musk Empire is running circles around them in the EV game they’ve got the tech the profits

And the scale that’s got GM playing catchup so the only way for them to now make profits is to go back to gas cars which are selling already in good numbers and last quarter GM’s gas car sales even left Ford behind becoming the number one in America so we know that

There’s still demand for the gas guzzlers Mary bar is also saying that due to the current high costs of making an EV battery we might not see cheap affordable EVS for yet another decade now let me tell you that GM is not in this alone Ford another Legacy automaker

Is facing the heat of the EV market crash then GM also scrapped a $5 billion deal with Honda to make over 400,000 EVS but wait there’s more GM’s not just stopping there they had this grand plan to ramp up production of their electric trucks like the Silverado EV at this

Michigan Factory right well they’ve slammed the brakes on that too not happening until late 2025 now they’re saying it’s all about managing capital and sinking up with EV demand but between you and me sounds like they’re hitting some serious bumps in the road and it’s not just stat side over in

China too they’re hitting a wall sales are down and they just can’t seem to keep up with the local competition it’s like they’re always playing catch-up as the other guys are just sprinting ahead in the EV race now don’t go thinking it’s just GM in this boat Fords riding

The same waves of chaos they’ve got their own drama cutting down production of their big EV star the F-150 Lightning they were all set to crank out a bunch of these babies but now they’re slashing those numbers in half cuz apparently the demand just isn’t there both of these

Auto Giants GM and Ford were racing to the EV Finish Line throwing down billions to pump out electric rides but now it’s like they’ve both hit a wall Sals are stalling production plans are getting tossed out the window and it’s all turning into into a bit of a mess

Now let me tell you about the problems these EVS have been having firstly we have the fire issue of EVS where people have literally been dying due to E’s catching fire out of nowhere even GM was hit by an incident where their Eevee was involved in a fatal accident hitting a

Woman and dragging her along for a mile even Tesla the biggest EV company has been having plenty of cases where EVS are going up in flames and there’s nothing we can do about it but wait sadly there’s more these high-tech EV batteries can’t handle a chill literally

Cold weather hits and the battery range drops like your phone’s battery on a bad day and charging in the cold forget about it you’ll be waiting forever just to get enough juice to get you to the next station and now for the kicker reliability or should I say the lack

Thereof EVS are racking up repair issues like they’re going out of style and if your battery con out get ready to Fork over enough cash to buy a whole new car just for a battery replac even the Biden Administration is all in on this setting up stricter emissions

Norms and basically telling car makers to go electric or go home it’s like they’re saying forget gas cars EVS are the future man but the future’s looking pretty fiery right now and don’t even get me started on the cost EVS are supposed to save us money right well

Between the explosions the repair bills and the charging station hide and seek I’m not seeing the savings so what’s the bottom line here EVS were supposed to be our ride into a cleaner Greener future but right now they’re looking more like a ticking Time Bomb On Wheels the dream

Of a world running on electric might just be that a dream now I’m all for electric cars and cleaning up the planet but you’ve got to admit this whole situation has a whiff of back paddling a few years ago GM’s big wigs were all about ditching gas cars saying they were

Just a pit stop on the way to the Eevee future now suddenly they’re back in the game it’s like watching someone dig through their closet and pull out their old flip phone because the latest smartphone keeps crashing the timing is pretty wild too especially with EV demand hitting some snags gms’s had a

Rough ride with recalls and some less than Stellar launches like the Hummer EV and the Blazer EV and now with the EV Market not looking as rosy as they hoped GM is going back to gas cars it’s a big reality check but for the whole Auto industry EVS have issues clearly and

Maybe we aren’t as ready as we thought we were brands are finally starting to understand this but when is the government going to get it

EVs are going down! GM just SHUT DOWN EVs and dropped a SHOCKING plan to bring back gas cars, making all EV makers angry and confused! CEO Mary Barra finally heard the public, and just REVERSED GM’s EV strategy, going back to the good old gas cars! But why did GM DITCH EVs after wasting billions already? Are EV makers hiding something from you? What is the GM CEO’s secret plan to bring gas cars back? Is the EV market going to crash? If you thought gas cars are gone for good, keep on watching because I have some good news for you!

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