Electric Cars

EV & Tesla sales are FALLING in California // How will the state go Fully ELECTRIC?!

EV & Tesla sales are FALLING in California // How will the state go Fully ELECTRIC?!

EV Market really cooling off here in North America we have so much on the docket today and in fact we have so much to talk about that I’m thinking about making this a weekly session so every Sunday morning a little checkup on the EV industry here in North America as

Well as around the world because they’re all intertwined right all the markets are so we’ll talk about EV sales falling in California Tesla’s piece of the pie is getting smaller we’re going to talk about how bad EVS are for the environment we’ll talk about m going

Back to hybrids because their EV plan is not succeeding right EVS for all or an EV for everyone was their slogan dealers are also fed up with Biden’s eveve roll out and guidelines as well as forcing certain things at certain times we’ll talk about that and how dealers are

Pissed off about it Volvo is done with postar they’re letting them be 100% funded by giley and that’s a smart smart choice because H are shrinking man uh they cannot keep up with the fast changing Sands of the EV Market we’ll talk about vinfast a little bit and talk

About at the end EV range and how it’s changing so if you guys are excited for today’s news Gauntlet smash a like button and make sure you’re subscribed and if you want to see this every single Sunday let me know down in the comments and also I’m putting down below a link

To the Discord so you guys can talk about anything you want with other members of this community uh so all you car freaks out there if you like to just have a chat room of like-minded people specifically focused on this channel and the topics I bring up here I’ll put that

Link down below it used to be exclusive to members paying members they said hey let’s open it up so we can get a little bit more of a a vibrant Living Community out there on the Discord so you want to thank them the pain members for this as

Well so all right let’s start it off EV sales are starting to fall in California they say in Industry Bell weather that means this is the Gold Standard Market for EVS there this is supposed to be where they’re taking off and it should be a shining light for the rest of the

Nonevolved states in order to have EVS prosper and succeed to make sure our world is a healthier place with better air Etc so in consecutive quarters we have falling EV sales and this could really screw up um the state’s aspirations of being fully battery electric I think it’s around 2030 but

They have here we go California regulator set a 2035 deadline for all new car registrations to consist of zero emission vehicles that will also consist of fuel cells which they still sell fuel cells there but not very many so EV sales have now fallen two consecutive quarters in the state so California

Registered about 90,000 electric e s in the fourth quarter a 10% decline from the 101,000 in the third quarter that is a sharp decline there now the third quarter of 2022 they sold about 103,000 so there’s not really a dip too much quarter over quarter year over-ear there but it is

Significant and it is real but this 10% decline is massive has a drop off in demand been a result of the early adopters getting the Eevee they already want makes me wonder Eevee still accounted for over 21% of Auto Sales last year plug-in hybrids are only 3.4% of sales but

Here’s the thing if plug-in hybrids were incentivized correctly that might help but if more importantly there’s just not enough volume on plug-in Hybrids Honda doesn’t have one Honda has some of the best hybrids on the market they don’t even have a plug-in hybrid Toyota’s plug-in hybrid volume is a joke with

Their plugin Prius Prime and rout 4 Prime argu two of their best vehicles in their lineup objectively the prices are quite High there’s just there’s just not enough to go around uh Hyundai’s plug-in hybrids are just too expensive in my opinion they don’t actually offer any performance gain because of the added

Weight you get a little bit more horsepower so I’m driving the cx90 plug-in hybrid this week it’s a really good plug-in hybrid there’s just not that many plug-in hybrids on the market compared to EV volume especially Tesla EV volume is absolutely huge right so

This I think will go up in the long term um and this will go up as well e is accounting for more and more volume in California in theory right but we’ve had two quarters in a row where that sales volume has lessened the uptake of cars

With a plug including plug-in hybrids is three times the national average national average is somewhere around 6 to 7% Valdez strey says she expects uneven Eevee growth and she says there’ll be more products more incentives more price Cuts but as consumers start to see more reliable charging infrastructure and franchise

Dealers get more EV sales training we will see growth you’re going to rely on a more reliable charging infrastructure it seems it’s getting worse because the EV charging infrastructure is not keeping up with the amount a volume of EVS uh ramping up in the United States

At least in the cold states too that EV in infrastructure is not as good as where it should be not even close Brian Mass says California’s 203 5 EV mandate is questionable sales trend is slowing down and needs to get up to 100% And there’s a lot of ground to cover in just

11 years Tesla’s sales grew 25% in 2023 over 2022 its fourth quarter registrations fell by 10% from the same period a year earlier but we’re going to keep moving because there’s so much to talk about today still Automotive news Tesla EV shares fall in booming California Market

As Rivals make gains while they still have the majority of the market here so let’s be real uh 2023 Tesla had 60.5% of the market and 2022 is 71% their sales still increased 25% so there’s just more volume from competitors there’s also more volume from Tesla being snapped up so this this

Is uh to me not that big of a deal so we’re going to keep moving this is a big deal this is something I’ve been saying for a long time is that refining and mining these Metals for batteries and electric motors is extremely dangerous and it’s extremely harmful to the planet

All that the EV manufacturers talking about all that the government’s talking about is CO2 like CO2 is the only enemy out there but look at what we’re doing to planet Earth to get these batteries all right doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me to have one metric be the

Gold standard of what’s good for our planet they don’t want you to imagine a truck the size of a house or apartment building essentially moving tons of toxic materials and then they have to be refined which creates even more toxic uh waste so anyways we’re going to get into

This I’m not the expert on it but Toyo Tokyo University’s tto okab absolutely is so let’s see what he has to say about the environment right now in the eveve landscape and how it pertains to the mining end of it the procurement of these materials he says Eevees are

Supposed to be environmentally friendly but they are causing environmental problem problems and that is a reality that is probably difficult for companies to say if they are even aware of it he’s a professor and director of the University of Tokyo’s Institute of industrial science all right so they

Have a little Q&A with this gentleman right here the question is what are your view views of the sharp rise and demand for rare metals from the eveve industry he says the spread of Eves is good since they do not emit CO2 well I almost want

To hold the phone on there because they absolutely do emit CO2 you guys know I have a soft spot for Volvo uh back in 2021 they came out with a carbon foot footprint report and here’s the grant that they have to show um with their ice model versus their EVs and the

Production of EVS look how much CO2 emissions they create not not toxic materials and additional materials it I did the calculations it’s about a 22 increase in weight over an ice car if you have a Bev and so you need significant L more material stripped out

Of the earth to be put in EV so yeah this is just CO2 but they also don’t have um graphs showing the amount of minerals and toxic waste going on so that’s a different topic we’re going to get back to in a little bit but check this out use face emissions so that’s

Charging the EV or refilling your car yeah the ice petrol version is worse for the environment just if you’re looking at CO2 but what’s interesting is when that ice vehicle be becomes worse for the environment so if you look at this graph here it can take in some instances

Depending on how clean your power is it can take up to 110,000 kilomet for an EV to be better for the environment with CO2 now if you have renewable energy it’s only about 50,000 km but that’s best case scenario so that being said there’s tons of CO2

Emissions in the production of EVS the mining of the batteries and in most cases around the world there is going to be some dirty energy and they’re producing emissions as well to fuel those EVS to recharge them right he says the EV batteries and Motors contain large quantities of rare Metals the

Process of mining the ores from underground and extracting useful metal produces vast amounts of harmful material Japan Imports only clean product from which harmful substances have removed but we need to recognize the environmental risk Upstream where are they getting these Mater these clean materials Upstream they’re getting them

From China they’re getting them from Indonesia more than likely those are the two biggest hot spots for refining uh these battery quality materials as well as electric motor permanent mag magnet Rare Earth metal materials as well which generate hundreds of times as much waste just to make one vehicle he’s comparing

That to an uh a non-electric car just an ice car you generate hundreds of times as much waste just to make one vehicle okay but it they they want sweep it on rug St the only thing that matters is CO2 far far more dirty than you guys

Could ever imagine I’ll put this article down below if you want to keep reading because I only covered just the highlights in my opinion but Automotive news General Motors knows their EVS well their Blazer EVS not on sale because of the awful software that has bricked cars

Made it unusable it doesn’t charge GM will bring pugan hyds back to North America strategic shift so I’ve I’ve met a lot of B volt owners volt not bolt volt owners this car right here that swear by this car now it doesn’t it’s not I don’t think it’s quite as reliable

As a Prius but it’s hit or miss right but the people who have had it be reliable for them swear by it and it’s absolute genius technology when it’s working correctly the volt you know it’s it’s a plugin it’s more of a series hybrid compared to the Prius which is a

Series or parallel hybrid Toyota’s architecture is a little bit more um flexible but the volt was very much kind of like the current Prius Prime Mary Bara said on Tuesday that hybrids would play a role in helping GM meet tightening emission standards and she did not disclose which segments GM will

Target with plug-in technology or win so this could be a long ways off still several years potentially now if you take out their heavy duty pickup trucks it sounds like GM like the state of California one wants to be fully battery electric with no tailpipe emissions but

Is that that’s not even what the dealers want and the dealers want what the customers want and dealers are clamoring for hybrids to go back into the lineup here she is with the president and 83% of dealers say the government is pushing the industry to move too fast on EVS

This one’s very fascinating I could have made a whole video on just this um are Eevees at the dealership generating a lot of customer interest 55% customers are not interested in buying 32% are interested but they’re not buying that’s 80 over 80% is saying that hey I don’t

Want an e okay only 133% are interested in buying 62% said the current Administration is bad for their business 16 say it has no effect 14% are unsure and only 8% is positive only 8% of dealers favor the decisions made by the current Administration very interesting and is the current Administration

Pushing the industry to move too fast on EVS 83% say yes an additional 9% saying maybe could be we’re not quite sure only 8% say no right holy cow what a disconnect what a disconnect so I I will leave this in description as well for you guys to read through these graphs

It’s very interesting um Volvo is pulling the plug on Gil or gie and I struggle with the pronunciation of the Chinese owner of Volvo and postar and Lotus uh Volvo is no longer funding postar and as a result their shares jumped big I think double digits after

They they’re cutting the cancer that is dragging down the Volvo company oh here we go now actually their stocks went up 30% when the market opened once people found out that postar is no longer to be dragging down Volvo Gile is going to be the only owner and fun funer of Po

Star’s business at this point postar Didn’t Have a good end of 20123 they reduced their targets throughout the year and they still didn’t even hit the reduced sales targets it’s a complete mess postar Shares are down over 83% since it went public in June 2022 after the shares went up 32% they

Stabilized around 20% up this is on top of postar saying it’s planning to cut 450 jobs around the world which is 15% of its Workforce amid challenging market conditions they had plans to out sell Porsche or come close to Porsche sales an upstart that no one knows anyone

About that has a funny name postar when you hear that in America it sounds like a stripper name to me don’t sorry sry if the kidss are watching that’s what it sounds like to me Polaris is the actual no Northstar but there’s already a Brandon America that has the Polaris

Name so they can’t use it so they just called it poar which is it did not translate well to America you know so anyways that’s just my two cents on the Brand’s naming it’s worse I think it’s a worse name than Aila from Honda and Sony

So let me know down below do you think Aila with Sony and Honda mobility is a worst car break name than poar I mean it also sounds like porn star that’s what my when I talk about it she’s like wait what did you say cuz she thought she she

Thinks I’m saying porn star instead of P star and when I hear P star I think of a star on the the strip pole so anyways that was a little bit of mature talk there try to keep that out of the discussion as much as possible and let’s

Get back into uh the last couple articles here so over at Jalopnik vinfast has accepted its fate offers cheapest lease in America long story short you can get a lease at certain deal yes they sell them at certain dealers now V fast for about $300 a

Month uh so it’s the cheapest lease not only in America potentially it’s it’s on a $5,000 EV these things aren’t worth $50,000 it’s a no-name startup brand from Vietnam who’s going to drop $50,000 so they’re having to lease them incentivize the crap out of them just to

Get them into people’s hands and based on off of a lot of car journalists out there that have driven this car they deem it unsafe now I haven’t driven I can’t say for myself but there’s plenty of Articles out there saying do not spend any money on vinfast at all

Because these cars aren’t finished yet on the other side of the river some people are saying hey remember when Hyundai came into the country they were trash yeah well look where they’re at now I don’t think Ben fast has the luxury of being able to wait out the

Market Market that long the EV Market’s not exactly thriving right now in North America I know that they they have a obviously in their home Market in Vietnam they’re doing I think fairly well I don’t think vinfast here’s my projection I don’t think vinfast is

Going to make it as a car company in the next few years I think they’re going to go bankrupt it all depends on how much Vin group how much money they want to pour into a money losing company poar right which is a far more desirable EV

Brand they’re not doing well Tesla’s not doing that well their sh their their shares diminishing in California their sales have actually gone down right in the fourth quarter in California 10% versus the fourth quarter last year I mean if you’re buying an Eevee why would you pick this over a Tesla unless you

Can get a crazy good deal but even then it needs to be like a third of the price of the Tesla because I would trust a Tesla any day over the week over a vinfast vehicle all right range is going up with e this is good this is one of the barriers for

Many people as well as cost as well as charging infrastructure as well as charging times as well as cold weather uh capacity of the batteries too but anyways we need range to to go up and to grow and the average range now is 270

Miles let me know if if you have an EV is that range fine for your needs I think currently it’s perfectly fine assuming you can charge at home and you can recharge regularly some people can charge at work for free and that’s that’s like best case scenario that’s

Free that’s free fuel if you have to take long road trips regularly outside of town this is where the miles need to like significantly go up until the EV infrastructure is better and until we also have way faster charging batteries so this is just one of the pieces of the

P puzzle that needs to go up let me know down below how many miles you think you would need for you for you to get into an EV I think they’re best right now if you have a onew punch uh if you have an eeve for in and around town and if you

Have a hybrid or ice vehicle for longer trips I’m going to end it there so much to talk about and if you guys enjoy this sort of Eevee wrapup the news revolving around the industry on a weekly basis all packaged up as best as I can do it

Before the sun rises on a Sunday morning so I can get it to your doorstep uh when you guys wake up on some sometime on Sunday morning so anyways thank you guys for watching if you like it like I said let me know down below subscribe for

More hit the like button if you made this far I would appreciate that and join the Discord I need to put that link down below for you guys to click it and enter into the community over on Discord as well have a good one guys I’ll see

You in the comments it’s going to be fun as always have a good day and peace

#Tesla #EV #volvo #GM #ultium #polestar

“Although market leader Tesla sales grew 25 percent in 2023 over 2022, its fourth-quarter registrations fell by 10 percent from the same period a year earlier.” – Automotive News

Sales are dropping for EVs in California. The state expects to be fully #electric by 2035 , will they succeed if people aren’t buying?

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00:00 – EV Docket
01:56 – EV falling in California
06:24 – EVs are BAD for environment
10:43 – GM reneging
12:03 – Dealers are P*$$3D
13:27 – Volvo dropping Polestar
14:52 – Polestar Naming Rant
15:55 – Vinfast is in panic mode
17:58 – Range Inching up

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