Electric Cars

ALL New LUXURY Electric Cars Coming in 2024

ALL New LUXURY Electric Cars Coming in 2024

Let me tell you about all luxury electric cars that are entering the market this year and they are awesome they’re actually more than 10 of them this year so let’s get started Aura ZDX now much like its parent company Honda it is a little late to the electric car

Revolution and by a little I mean a lot but this is not a bad offering right here about 325 miles that’s what’s acur is promising which is pretty decent 0 to 60 in about 5 seconds and the starting price uh a little Hefty between 60 and

$770,000 but they will figure it out uh it is coming to the US but not likely to come to Europe the Cadillac Escalade is finally going electric the Escalade IQ the full luxury SUV with a full luxury price of starting at $130,000 max range 450 miles that’s what

GM is promising which is quite impressive 0 to 60 in less than 5 seconds and it looks like the Cadillac lyric is going to have a big brother it always wanted moving on to number three and it is the Cadillac celastic now this is a big one this is the fullsize Ultra

Luxury lift back in the price is going to be celastic as well starting at ready 340,000 American dollars with 300 miles of range 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds it will be available in the US and Europe a little bit later and I got to tell you they’re

Not going to be making too many of them but this is going to be one awesome electric car all right let’s move on to the next one and it is the Lotus EMA now you may be surprised to hear that this is not lotus’s first electric car it’s

Not even their second electric car now we don’t know too much about about it not the price not the specs but we do know the most important spec of any sports car which is 0 to 60 it will be 2.78 seconds which is not that bad it is

Coming to all Global markets 2024 and it is a beauty all right before we move on to the next one a quick reminder that this video is brought to you by energy pal are you thinking about going solar but not sure what panels to get whether

Or not to get a home battery or how much all of this is going going to cost well energy pal will do all of that for you and you will get a $500 gift card when your installation is complete if you use the link in the description of this

Video oh and they even have this EV calculator that will tell you exactly what system to get so it can handle charging your EV all year around that link is down there as well all right back to the list the Lucid gravity now this is the second car from lucid and

Even though they’ve had all kinds of production problems they are the best at two most important things when it comes to electric cars which is the range and the charging time so take this one seriously it’s a full-sized SUV it’s a luxury SUV over 440 miles of range 0 to 60 in 3.5

Seconds and I think it’s pretty good looking it’s coming to the US in 2024 and to Europe after that all right number six and it is the pole star 3 one of three new pole stars coming to the market this year and I got to tell you

The pole star 2 to my surprise has done very very well obviously it is a sub brand of Volvo it’s got the infotainment system that’s based on the Android automotive OS which I think is a huge perk this one is going to have over 300 miles of range the starting price is about

$84,000 0 to 60 in about 4.6 seconds it’s coming to the US it’s coming to Europe this year and I I I I can’t even tell you whether or not it’s going to do well because I’ve been wrong about this one so I think it’s safe to assume that

It’s going to do at least as well as the poar 2 the PO star 4 along with the PO star three and P star five all coming to the market this year this one’s got pretty decent specs just like the rest of them over 300 miles of range it’s

Going to start at around $60,000 and 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds as always I’m going to mention this because the infotainment system is based on the Android automotive OS which I think is a huge perk and of course it is a sub brand of

Vola coming to the US and Europe in 2024 all right now we got to talk about this one the poar precept or the PO Star 5 I don’t know which name they’re going to go with But whichever it’s going to be it’s going to be one of the three new p

Stars on the market they’ve done very very well with a PO star too we don’t know much about this one this is going to be an executive sedan pretty much no pricing or specs have been revealed but I’m going to assume it’s going to fall in love with the rest of them probably

With over 300 miles of range but I’m going to assume this one will start closer to $100,000 American dollar it’s going to be available in the US and Europe this year 2024 all right let’s move on to the next one and it is the range Rover is finally going electric

Though I’m not really sure how serious they are about it because they didn’t even bother come up with a cool name or any name except for the Range Rover electric as a matter of fact I have to show you their hybrid version because they don’t really have much of a video

Or the specs of the price for the electric version even though they are saying they’re coming to the US and Europe in 2024 instead they have you know this video the mainly features the girl here which I don’t mind but aren’t we supposed to be talking about the car

Let’s get to number 11 the Volvo ex90 I cannot stop talking about how impressed I am by Volvo only 10 years ago I wouldn’t consider buying one but now their designs are beautiful they’ve gone electric pretty successfully their specs are pretty decent including this one

I’ll tell you about them in a second and I cannot stop telling you guys that it is Android based operating system inside the car which I think is a huge perk now this one starts at around $777,000 which is fair because it’s a full-sized SUV V

300 M of range and 0 to 60 in 4.7 seconds all pretty decent specs for the US and Europe where it’s coming to in 2024 all right let me know which one you’re rooting for and if you want to know about all electric cars that are

Coming on the market this year I’ve put all of them together in one video and you can check it out right here all right looking forward to all of your comments other than that see you guys next time and remember to stay charged

Here’s the list of all luxury electric cars coming in 2024 and none of them a Tesla! Well, Tesla is not really a “luxury” car to start with anyway.

WATCH NEXT – ALL electric cars & trucks coming in 2024: https://youtu.be/3X-ZNJgf8b4


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