Electric Motorcycles

Just Another Boring Electric Bicycle? Let’s try the Wired Freedom.

Just Another Boring Electric Bicycle? Let’s try the Wired Freedom.

Hey folks here’s a little bit of an update of where we’re at boy it sure does clean up nice I didn’t uh I didn’t polish the body at all uh we just did a wash on it and then I actually ended up hand waxing it and you’ll notice that uh

A lot of the things that I noticed before they’re muted they’re just muted which is fine which means if I want to take a further I can later I haven’t clean the motor but I did have to replace the struts and we replace both struts there overall it’s looking pretty good but I

Do have a big problem and we’re not going to talk about this on that video um but here’s a little picture as to what I’m trying to deal with and uh we’ll see how that resolves out but today I want to talk about uh this other

Option well get that let’s go back here first of all got a Corvette we also have a I’m all about kind of speed I don’t know why I’ve got a vet 10 plus 50 mph standup scooter Corvette and then all these things are going to have something in common my

Friends here we go this is called a uh wired Freedom model it’s a electric Bike what do these things have in common ZO6 Corvette C5 wire Freedom these things are very value driven powerful options that are pretty decent in quality as far as I can tell this wired is just a it’s just a hoot riding this thing it is as big as a horse I feel

Like I’m trying to get on like a kx500 or a 1979 husco Vera or a big 490 moo it is a big beast I think at this point I don’t really have any complaints uh just try to get used to it trying to get used to

How it operates I’m not really going to go through the bike because uh there’s a lot of guys on YouTube have covered that extensively and I thank them for good job my friends uh this is just uh some Gearhead who likes value what do I think

Of this wired bike why did I buy it but let’s do this I’ve got it turned on we’ve got 64 volts I’ve got about uh 13.2 miles on it those are not all my miles I think it came with like four miles so boom kick stand

Up and I just uh sure what kind of view you guys have here um get on this horse there we go pedal assist one it’s got a throttle right here so I can just twist it it doesn’t matter what what pedal assist I’m in if I want to

Just rock and roll i’ just do the twisty twisty there way we go really nice I’m going in the Pedas s to two right there there’s three we’re doing about 21 not bad you know I’ve wanted an electric bike for a long time I had that electric

Scooter that’s a 60 volt deal there and the reason I bought that is because I thought all of the offerings at least where I looked all I saw was this 48 volt stuff that does like 20 M an hour maybe 28 with uh with the class 3 and to

Me even 28 was too slow I know we get into legalities and I know all that stuff too but you know what automobiles do a lot more than 65 or 75 M an hour I believe give the power there we go give me the power and let me regulate it

And when I found this wired freedom online at the price they were asking I thought well that looks to be my ticket something that’s got a lot of power sure I can shut it down sure it comes as a Class 2 750 W limit allows me to go in

There and be an adult and extract the power that it’s capable of when I feel I need it you know what I’m riding against wind right now I don’t know if you can hear it remember when you were a kid and you’re riding back from your friend’s

House Against the Wind oh man that always suck didn’t it well not with this this is basically a low powerered electric motorcycle probably about three horsepower and I still pedal it I need the exercise trust me I’m retired I need to I need to get out and

Do things but as you can see it just Motors right along handles quite well even with these balloony tires only thing I wish it have was turn signals even my scooters got turn signals and that’s pretty cool just lets other people know what I’m doing because most people who see

You on a bike that looks like this and let’s face it this looks more like a bicycle than an electric bike especially from afar they just don’t they’re not going to have the concept that you’re going as fast as you are so turn signals will be nice but you

Know what we just keep things safe for now check out these animals they like courses stay away from those ponies man might get bit anyway for a uh kind of a power junkie like me at this price point the wired’s pretty pretty impressive you know I looked at for over

A year I almost talked myself into getting one of those typical typical bikes you see a lot of a lot of people ride them a lot of people they’re all 48 volt some are 52 volt but I still remain quite unimpressed especially when I’ve got that scooter that dual motor 1400 watt back

And back and front motor 1,400 watt each propelling me to at least 40 m hour very quickly uh I felt like the bicycle offerings just were quite quite weak I mean I I don’t want to offend anybody but you know as a guy that likes

Power uh I just I just wasn’t going to spend the money on it I felt it’ be a waste of time but this wired bike oo it’s nice is just Nice over the bumps nice and quiet not lot no jangling at all somebody is I seen guys riding in there heard a little bit of metal slapping around that’s just a matter of getting the bolts tight that’s no big deal but I went through made sure everything was tied on this Tell you what if I was a uh a young person young working person trying to build a life I try to get uh try to get employment close to my residents I wouldn’t even buy a car for about five or six years I just save money and drive one of these bikes back

And forth you know it definitely would get the job done oh just rips just rips I mean look could I have could I have more power oh absolutely I definitely could take more power but you know what at this price point I think it’s a

Pretty good deal I see a lot of I see a lot of other bikes with less power they want even more money they want more than two grand that’s even after you get those discount codes and all that stuff that you find on find on YouTube and maybe

Instagram hell I don’t know I’m not on Instagram I’m not on Facebook any of that stuff see I’m getting a little exercise cuz I I like the pedal that’s that’s the whole point of having a bike I like to Pedal I like to move my legs a little

Bit I’m not going to do this may as well just get a what’s that get a Harley uh Live Wire right oo this is nice let’s go back all right let’s clear this way see I’ll use the uh such a high gear I go ahead and just use a throttle

To take off a little bit stopped spinning I could ghost pedal it and move down the road or I could just twist the throttle breaks KN beded in a little bit I don’t know what this person is doing here there we go boy does you see that wheelie

Anyway my friends I don’t know what else I could say it’s wired Freedom 2024 model W is it the corveta bicycles I don’t know tell you what I’m having fun I have fun in Corvettes too anyway wired freedom I dig it best deal I can find right now I’m going to go a

And shut this video down but if you like it go buy one no there’s no coupon codes I’m not offering anything like that I’m making a dime on this and I’m not looking to make a dime I just like riding things with power and you know if I see something I

Like I showcase it till next time my friends we’ll get back on the subject Corvette soon once I get that problem fixed till then take care of yourself get out there and enjoy life this Ruger and this my last Resort a

Hey Friends – I’ve wanted an ebike for about 2 years now. They all seemed way to slow at my price-point. I already own a 60volt scooter. Buying a 48 or even 52 volt bike was going to bore me to tears. Will this Wired Freedom live up to my expectations? Is it the value-buy for us speed junkies? It is a 60 volt bike. Not many out there (yet) at this price.

Let’s try it out. I don’t even have the acceleration settings fully unlocked (yet).

Oh, and there’s an update on the C6 Corvette as well…

Thanks for watching,


#ebikes #wiredfreedom

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