Electric Cars

Copper thieves are targeting EV Charging Cables (and wind turbines) | MGUY Australia

Copper thieves are targeting EV Charging Cables (and wind turbines) | MGUY Australia

Moving the planet to an electrified Net Zero would need almost unimaginable quantities of materials for the wind turbines solar panels electric motors and batteries all of which would ironically have to be mined using fossil fuels copper is one of the elements that will be needed most as it is heavily

Used due to its low electrical resistance but even that fairly abundant element will need to be mined at a rate not seen in history if we’re going to extract enough of the stuff to complete electrification in such a short time but that’s a story for a future video

Because EVS require such a vast amount of power to charge them the cables need thick copper conductors to carry the large electrical current required and now some criminal elements in our society have found an easy way to make a quick Buck from that copper in the charging cables which as we’ll see in

This video are now a target for theft welcome back to mg guy British engineer and lawyer turn Sydney YouTuber please be sure to like share and subscribe hit the notification Bell and drop a comment down below I don’t know if you’ve ever watched the why but Bubbles and his

Sidekick Johnny weeks have a habit of stealing copper pipe off the back of a lorry and then selling it to builders for drug money well in our electrified world it’s not so much copper pipe as copper wires that are proving a target for theft as this report explains green

Crime an electric car wind and solar crime wave green energy feeds a cycle of copper theft and environmentalist crime Seattle began installing dozens of EV chargers only for thieves to show up and raid at least eight of the charging cables for copper requiring thousands of dollars worth of repairs in response the

City is planning to put the charges high up on poles that can be only lowered by an app this will cost even more money and in an environment in which Brazen copper thieves toppled an FM radio tower in Oklahoma isn’t likely to deter the criminals EV owners who suffered from

Copper theft while leaving their cars to be charged in public places we’re told by the Seattle Police Department to stay with the vehicle if you can while it’s being charged considering that it can take an electric car hours to charge that’s going to be a wait in Oaker

California every cable was cut on a Tesla Supercharger station almost as soon as it had been set up at a nonprofit in Van nise 38 cables were stolen since the thieves rarely see any real punishment in cities where property crime has effectively been legalized it’s getting worse can you imagine the

Infrastructure required to have automated cables that magically whiz up up and down a light pole with yet another smartphone app EV drivers already have to have a shedload of apps for the different charging infrastructure so I guess this is just one more right in response to the increasing green crime wave the Biden

Administration helpfully came up with a whole bunch of suggestions as to how to avoid this fight which end up being just another inconvenience of EV ownership to add to the already long list plan to charge at home electric car and plug-in hybrid charging differ in every every owner’s situation for ongoing security

The best strategy is to do all your charging overnight at home in the best situation your car can charge inside your garage well there are plenty of people who would say that’s the worst idea given the risk of battery fire which will destroy your home and I’m sure some insurance companies would

Agree use a padlock it may sound simple but there are situations where a well-sized padlock can attach and lock your cable to a fence an installed cable tether on the underside of your car or in the case of some cars the small hole under the trigger of the cable some

Drivers swear by parking on their charging cable this is effective but can damage the cable yeah right instead you could buy a section of cable protector the plastic ramps that stop cables being a trip Hazard cut it down to size carry it in the frunk OR trunk then put it

Over the cable and park on it insurance coverage GPS trackers were other suggestions to deal with this problem but it’s not just charging cables that are being being targeted other Net Zero dreams are also at risk in Fresno California $100,000 in copper wire was stolen from a solar farm but wind farms

Because they’re often far away from people are an even more attractive Target for copper thieves and wind turbines have massive amounts of copper in them making them even more desirable copper thieves cut into a turbine haul out cables and then drive away causing as much as millions of dollars in damage

Such thefts have been reported from Arizona to Minnesota to Iowa to Massachusetts internationally in the UK there was a 48% increase in solar and Cable Green copper theft and 5,000 major solar thefts across Europe and the thieves are then selling it to recyclers often using the proceeds to buy drugs

It’s tragic that so many US cities seem to have such terminal drug problems that users are forced to steal copper in order to feed the habit but yet again we are seeing the unintended consequences of a too rapid transition forced on us by our top-down government mandated

Approach that’s it for this video thanks very much for watching I hope you enjoyed it drop a comment down below and let me know what you think if you have any tips or stories you can hit me up on Twitter email or Instagram and I look

Forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now

Send tips or stories to Twitter/X @mguytv or email: simon@mguy.tv – thanks!

Green crime article: https://m-g.uy/zaz
US DoE guidance: https://m-g.uy/xop

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