Electric Cars

Big Push For EV: Is India Fully Prepared For Electric Vehicles?

Big Push For EV: Is India Fully Prepared For Electric Vehicles?

Electric vehicles are not a novelty anymore in India as of August 2023 we already had 2.3 million registered EVs and the number has only increased in 2024 all auto brands in India already have an eeve in their lineup or plan to launch at least one EV soon but ice

Vehicles have been the norm for decades now and completely changing the way people see Mobility will not change overnight so where are we at this whole energy transition business and its evolution is a big government push and an agenda there’s a very bold Vision that the

Government has set up and over the last 2 3 years several government initiatives have given a big impetus to this sector as far as we are concerned the way we look at it the two-wheeler and the three-wheeler sector which is a significant part of the EV Revolution I

Believe is around the corner for the next 3 5 years we’ve come a long way over the last 3 4 years but this sector and the revolution is is going to happen quite rap rid L and we are going to be at the Forefront a brief online search highlights deficiencies in the country’s

EV infrastructure quality control issues and inadequate maintenance raise questions about what is needed to enhance the infrastructure in a country like India EV infrastructure there would be several legs to it starting at an initial phase about the product and the product performance which is continuously evolving the charging facilities available in complexes and

Homes where people are residing and then there is the Third Leg of public infrastructure I believe there are already 6,000 charges available in the country and there is a complete government resolve to leverage either the retail stations and the infrastructure or spaces available in the community to set up that uh charging

Infrastructures like any news sector awareness and education is absolutely critical and I have no doubt that the journey that we have already embarked upon in bringing more awareness and education will lead to adoption and maintenance of a a significant investment that that has already been made beli to be a move towards

Sustainability EVS to reduce pollution and have a lower running cost but there is a catch lithium batteries that EVS are dependent on are very hard to recycle and while materials from old batteries can be extracted through the recycling process it is highly Capital intensive so how is it going to be a

Sustainable exercise critical for any sector especially in the battery side is the circular economy and as you have already seen the traditional 100 year old lead technology is fully recycled 99.9% of it is recycled on the lithium side there are now steps with global companies and even we are doing work to

Understand recycling of lithium as a process and as more installations happen this industry will continuously evolve and set up to make sure that the recycling happens lithium from Mobility or lithium uh EV batteries from Mobility also have a second life usage as far as home storage is concerned and there are

Several other applications for Le so I think there is no doubt in my mind that the circular economy for for the EV side and the lithium side would be a very sustainable aspect for this industry India has rapidly come a long way towards adopting electric all thanks to government push automakers quickly

Meeting Market demands and a general increase in public interest but we have an even longer way to go and at the rate things are going it won’t take that long I’m in the process of looking for an alternate uh car and seriously in fact yesterday in The Pavilions here I

Explored all the electric vehicles and I’m absolutely clear my next uh vehicle which is going to be pretty soon this year would be an electric have you switched to Eevee tell us in the comments

India’s EV landscape is evolving rapidly, boasting 2.3 million registered EVs as of August 2023. In 2024, every major auto brand in the country either features or plans to launch an EV. However, entrenched ICE vehicles persist, and addressing deficiencies in the EV infrastructure is crucial. While EVs promise sustainability, challenges like recycling lithium batteries persist. Despite obstacles, India is making significant strides in EV adoption, thanks to government initiatives and growing public interest. Share your EV experiences in the comments as we navigate towards a sustainable mobility future.

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