Electric Cars



Toyota’s CEO knows EVS are a scam Akio Toyota exposed all the lies leaking massive EV problems car makers have been trying to hide from the public Toyota’s latest move will bring cheap gas cars back finally putting an end to all the lies eeve makers told us EVS have huge

Problems and the entire EV Market is collapsing proving the Toyota man was right all along people are losing their jobs EVS are rotting in dealer lots and companies are literally about out to close their doors but Toyota’s new move is set to change the game forever and

Bring back cheap reliable cars what are the political leaders hiding about EVS could EVS be a scam why did nobody listen to Toyota’s CEO’s EV warning it all began with one man a Kio Toyota the guy running the biggest car company in the world the man has been making gas

Cars all his life but recently he was forced to make EVs and to him this just didn’t make sense Toyota warned every everyone saying going all in on EVS is a mistake we must give consumers the choice to choose you see AIO Toyota warned us years ago that EVS will be

Super pricey and not practical in the long run and now that people are finally seeing through the hype we can see just how right he was in a minute I will also tell you how political leaders even forced him out of his own company due to speaking the truth so keep listening

Closely companies like Ford are selling each electric car at a $36,000 loss Tesla are catching fire EV charging networks have huge problems and the entire Market is a disaster right now Toyota is pointing out that the EV craze isn’t the one siiz fits-all solution that many thought it would be just like

The fully autonomous cars that we’re all supposed to be driving by now EVS are just going to take longer to become mainstream than the media would like us to believe but here’s the kicker Toyota isn’t just throwing shade without reason he’s backed by some hard truths especially about the raw materials we’re

Banking on to fuel this EV Revolution according to him we’re looking at tremendous shortages of lithium and Battery grade Nickel in the next 5 to 10 years imagine the chaos when production lines come to a screeching halt because we just don’t have enough juice to power all these Dream Machines and if you’re

Thinking that’s all hold on to your hats because there’s always more companies are already shutting down due to EES but more on that towards the end of this video Toyota has been vocal about a looming disaster if we keep pushing EVS without a solid plan the current

Business model of the car industry is going to collapse the more EVS we build the worse carbon dioxide gets when politicians are out there saying let’s get rid of all cars using gasoline do they understand this this is what he said in a recent interview he thinks EVS

Right now have three big problems that will only get worse with time first EV fires this happens because EVS run on lithium ion batteries and when the temperatures go up a not so little thing called thermal runaway kicks in and the EV catches fire and the worst part is

That when that does happen you can’t even get out of your car or run because most EVS only rely on software for even the simplest functions even the gear selector in the latest Tesla cybertruck is on the roof line of the car I mean how ridiculous is that another big issue

That he warned us about is the charging infrastructure problem he warned us that the current systems are not good enough for people to only use EVS as their daily driver what if you want to go somewhere remote what if there’s a storm and the charging grid gets overloaded

Your only option would be to Hitch a hike with someone with a gas car and the last problem Toyota’s CEO had has to do with the political leaders blindly promising false agendas while trying to sell you on EVS now you’d think that if a guy is speaking for the public and

Actually wanting to do some real good out there everyone would support him right but Akio Toyota had to give up his CEO position because too many environmentalists and politicians got angry over his love for gas guzzlers the Biden Administration even imposed heavy fines on companies that are not able to

Sell a certain number of EVS leaving no choice for smaller automakers than to build EVS just last week 4,000 dealers sent a letter to Biden telling him to stop forcing EVS because they’re simply not selling and nobody wants to listen Ford got 9 billion dollar in aid from

The government while Tesla smartly set up their Manufacturing in China to lower costs and everyone started thinking maybe EVS will get cheaper now but little did they know the reality behind fake promises so what did Toyota do they appointed a new CEO cois thinking that he’ll move them towards an all e future

And to some extent he even did Toyota’s new bz series of electric vehicles are selling relatively well but everyone got shocked when the new CEO went against EVS just weeks after his appointment he essentially said Banning gas cars is not the agenda we should focus on lowering

Emissions instead we need to think about everyone not just folks with fat wallets if you don’t believe EVS aren’t selling let’s take a look at some numbers numbers just last month Tesla revealed that their third quarter earnings in 2023 were the lowest in 4 years to make

Things worse Elon Musk also said that Chinese e companies are invincible and are soon about to come and take over our Market which led him to losing $80 billion in company valuation in just one week ouch imagine that the shares of the other big car makers who tried going

Electric like Ford and GM are also not doing well they have now started stopping EV production going back to good old gas cars and if you think the Chinese are doing well with their cheap EVS here’s something that might leave you in shock in 2019 there were nearly

500 EV companies in China and now guess how many are left do you think it’s 400 who thinks 300 how about 200 well it’s just 90 and half of them aren’t even profitable anymore just like the American EV Market that’s crashing right now China has also turned into a dumping

Yard for EVS so what should you a common person simply looking to buy a cheap reliable car do wait for EVS to get cheaper or stick with reliable gas cars the best option right now is to stick with gas cars and wait for our infrastructure to get better but don’t

Think Toyota’s CEO is just here with bad news he’s a man of solutions too he believes in the power of diversity in our journey to carbon neutrality there are many ways to climb the mountain that is achieving carbon neutrality he says reminding us that EVS aren’t the only path to a Greener future

In fact Toyota themselves are working on a revolutionary new engine that offers a range up to 1,000 M on a single tank and can even run on gas more on that in a minute in a world where EVS are often seen as the golden ticket to sustainability Toyota offers a reality

Check no matter how much bevs progress I think they’ll have a market share of 30% that leaves the remaining 70% as HS fcevs or hydrogen engines I have no doubt that engine Vehicles Will Survive it’s a bold statement that highlights the need for a balanced approach rather

Than putting all our eggs in one basket when asked about what he thinks of customer choices he said that we the common people should get to pick the kind of car that we want to drive instead of the politicians deciding what’s best for us and just due to these

Statements the man is now going to war with the political leaders fighting for the good old gasoline engines he believes in wanting to give cheaper and simpler cars to the public thankfully Toyota is developing something revolutionary that could end EVS forever this is a game changer they’re talking

About cars that could give you a jawdropping 1,000 mil on a single tank that’s going to take you from New York to Florida without stopping what no bathroom breaks wild right wait it gets better these futuristic rides won’t cost you an arm and a leg we’re talking about

Prices that are potentially half of what you’d pay for an EV today imagine getting all that range and saving your wallet from going up in Flames Toyota’s saying this dream could become a reality by 2025 with with their ammonia hydrogen Hybrid engine along with the support of companies like Honda and Porsche this

Could very well become a reality EVS have issues and unless you want to spend thousands of dollars in insurance and repairs right now is not a great time to buy one even Toyota’s current CEO cois had somewhat started getting the idea that maybe EVS are not the future

Everyone thought they are for people who live in colder climates the range drops by 30% and for people who drive in cities mostly the range just isn’t enough and not that most of these first generation EVS also have huge quality issues panel gaps and software glitches so what do you think should Toyota

Double down on gas cars instead of EVS are EVS a scam let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Toyota CEO knows EVs are a SCAM! Akio Toyoda EXPOSED all LIES, leaking massive EV problems car makers have been trying to hide from the public! Toyota’s latest move will bring cheap gas cars back, finally putting an end to all the lies EV makers told us! EVs have huge problems, and the entire EV market is collapsing, proving the Toyota man was right all along! People are losing their jobs, EVs are rotting in dealer lots, and companies are literally about to close their doors. But Toyota’s new move is set to change the game forever, and bring back cheap reliable cars! What are the political leaders hiding about EVs? Could EVs be a scam? Why did nobody listen to the Toyota CEO’s EV warning?

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