Electric Motorcycles

LAND MOTO Electric Motorcycle 2024: 70MPH First Ride & Review Thrills in Las Vegas!

LAND MOTO Electric Motorcycle 2024: 70MPH First Ride & Review Thrills in Las Vegas!

This is Las Vegas guys this is crazy  never thought I’d be riding e bikes here what is up my shred heads welcome back to the  channel this is Land Moto and we’re going to be  

Doing the first ride and review so we’re here with  Cody from Land Moto and he’s going to be going   over some specs with us so let’s check it out  what’s up everyone Cody here with Land Moto I’ve   got the Land District motorcycle here in front  of us in the street and Scrambler configuration  

Top speed at 70 mph the range is right around  110 Mi both of these bikes come with our 4.8 KW   hour battery that’s our large battery that prices  the bike out at $8,995 and these bikes are also   configured with our performance package which  gives you the fox shock and the magura brakes  

As well as steel braided brake lines we’ve even  got Domino throttles on here we do all of these   incredible welds at our Factory in Cleveland  Ohio everything we do in land is done in house   everything from the motor to the front shocks as  you can see it’s chain driven with a belt drive  

Between the motor and the Jack screw we chose  the chain because we like the haptic feedback   it gives you and the little bit of noise feels  like you’re riding a motorcycle you get vibration   and when you’re riding you can tell how fast  you’re going the main difference between the  

Two bikes you see here is that the gray bike  is in our street configuration and the black   bike is in our Scrambler configuration the street  configuration gives you street tires and a lower   front fender where the Scrambler gives you the  higher front fender and the off-road tires you  

Can see a totally changes up the look but those  are the only real differences besides that this   bike has our black wheel covers which I think  gives a really awesome kind of look so what’s  

The voltage on these bikes are they 72 volt yep  both bikes are 72 volt the motor has a peak power   of 17 kwatt top speed of 70 mph in modes 3 and  four one thing that’s really unique about these  

Bikes is that they have four ride modes ride mode  one the motorcycle acts like an ebike torque is   virtually non-existent and the top speed is 28 mph  power in ride mode 2 the top speed is about 38 and  

The torque is about half of its potential Power  Ride modes three and four are what we call our e   motorcycle modes and that’s where you’re going to  get your 70 mph top speed as well as that insane  

Tesla ludicrous torque these goes 70 M an hour  70 M an hour holy moly yep I didn’t know that   I thought it was like 50 or something but wow  70 no they’re fast we think because of the form  

Factor of our electric motorcycles we’re going  to attract a lot of New Riders who maybe haven’t   ridden motorcycles before and you can graduate up  through the modes as you become a more experienced   rider another really unique selling point about  land is that you do not need a motorcycle license  

Or a motorcycle endorsement to ride in modes  one or two so those are the specs guys let me   know what you guys think about the land Moto down  in the comments we’re going to hop on this thing  

We’re going to check it out we’re going to maybe  top it out I’m not sure we’re in Las Vegas Nevada   I’m not used to this area but we’re going to see  how fast we can get on one of these bad boys can  

I wheel it I’m not sure am I allowed to whe it I  don’t know but we’ll see we’ll see all right let’s   hop on this thing I think I want to ride that  one is that the one you were thinking I wanted  

To that’s the one everybody wants to ride it’s the  coolest one in my opinion I think I’m hopping on   that one okay let’s hop on this thing we’re going  to get a quick little overview on the cockpit here  

We put up the kickstand we turn the key and when  we hit the kill switch here and turn it on you’re   going to get a little bit of uh feedback there  that you can feel in here I think it’s really  

Pretty cool um like I said uh it’s it’s Tactical  and it’s audible in case you’re on the bike and   you got a lot of noise you got your helmet on  you can’t hear it one thing that I really think  

Is cool about that that noise that it kicks out  is that is not a speaker on the bike but that’s   actually an electric pulse that we in the motor  okay you can feel it and you can hear it it again  

There you go it makes noise every 9 seconds so you  know it’s live unlike a tradition Park yep yep no   no that wasn’t it going in the park that was it  just letting you know it’s it’s live we still   that’s an electric motorcycles engine rumbling  right because if you on a traditional motorcycle  

You know ready to go and you know the throttle was  live because the motorcycle would be making noise   but with an electric motorcycle there’s no noise  so we give you that little bit of feedback every   seconds all of these controls are just normal  motorcycle controls right you got your high  

Beams your lights your horn you’ve got your kill  switch what we’ve done differently is what would   normally be your start button here is your button  to switch modes and yeah I’m excited dude are you   excited like yeah it feels it’s like a real  motorcycle this is literally a real motorcycle  

I don’t know if you guys saw who’s with us Chris  Sher we met him in Las Vegas and be hanging out   we’re heading to California after this but first  we got to H hop on these land Moto and see what  

They’re all about so far mode one feels nice and  smooth like it does yeah he said mode one makes it   like 28 mph uh like kind of like a normal ebike  a total ebike mode yeah definitely that’s Full  

Throttle right there once I get to mode two you  got a lot more punch all right guys I got [Music] to it’s pretty heavy I mean it’s definitely  weighted like a motorcycle I think this thing  

Weighs about 150 to close to 200 lb you could  tell it’s heavy when you can’t even like lift   it up in the front I’m going to go to mode  two now yeah I’m in mode two also luckily   both of us have our motorcycle licenses so  we’re not breaking any laws here guys wow  

Man I can’t believe we’re on land motos  in Vegas so supposedly the batteries on   these you might be able to power your house  like use it as like a kind of like the Tesla   cybertruck allows you now is that cool dude the  suspension feels crazy it does so right now we  

Are in mode three and we can definitely  hit 55 mph easy on mode 3 which is pretty insane and here we go 60 M hour right there   Insanity that was 60 mph in mode  3 now we’re popping into Mode 4 wow the torque is crazy on these

Things I mean this is a straight up  street legal motorcycle these are   tagged we have our endorsements so this  is almost like the first time we’ve been   legal on ebikes on the Channel all right  let’s open it up insane insane guys W bird who

Damn dude between 7 and N  Grand starting price for these crazy I can definitely see me owning  one of these and just using it as my   daily Rider I’m wondering if they’re  going to be able to do like some kind   of quick charging on these maybe  in the future this is awesome guys

I think these are the same tires that I have on my   suron so definitely feels very familiar  damn man I can definitely see me owning   one of these I love the look and style of  them oh it looks this is like a suron on steroids man the Instant Power on these thing

Woo let’s go bro we got to do like a really long  real group ridewith one of these dude we hit 60   M an hour and it still had more to go the top  speed on this is 70 guys if I had the opening  

That hits 70 I’d do it but I don’t know this  area that well and getting pulled over by Las   Vegas cops would probably not be fun oh wow  the globe is around here somewhere it’s like  

This huge Globe that’s like a TV it’s a insane  looking we can hop in front of the cars I think   this Audi is going to go fast though so can  we and there’s cops everywhere what’s going on here wow guys we’re in Las Vegas this  is Las Vegas guys this is crazy never  

Thought I’d be riding e bikes here or  electric motor Motes wow look at this   place guys no better place than the test  out the land Moto than here in Vegas like what it is cold man I was starting to get a migraine but  riding this and the happiness that I’m getting  

Made me totally forget about it guys comment  Down Below have you ever uh ridden ebikes in   Las Vegas have you guys ever been here yet damn  the brakes feel really nice on this thing yeah  

These are not like the MCAS on my look uh bike  all right you like how I did that Vegas guys   on the land Moto I’m loving this bike guys we  need this on the channel you guys hit up loto  

Tell them that Shreddie needs this bike on the  Channel I want to do some freaking long rage   trips on this guys in the comments down below  let me know any questions you guys have about  

The Land Moto I can as long hit them up and get  any answers you guys need break check dude this   feels like a real gas tank up here let me get a  picture of you the front is so heavy I wonder what  

It takes to actually like lift it up I wonder  if you can tune it different for wheelie mode   I’ve seen people like straight up and down  with these God the handling is so beautiful   it is the weight of it feels the weight yes we  upgrade our ebikes but they’re like bikes that  

Are light and there’s not a whole lot of weight  so they go fast but yet they’re not as like ride comfortable man I love the sound what’s  up cops we’re legal if you guys could see   my face I’m literally grinning ear to  ear my cheeks hurt I definitely would  

Like to thank all the past present and future  subscribers cuz without you guys I would not be here yeah yo Mode 4 is nuts it’s fast dude the torque  on it is insane guys it’s about like 35 actually  

Let’s check the real temperature it’s 50° actually  we’re 30s this morning I’m from California man so   these bikes you don’t want to take these on bike  trails just for the the way they look I mean it’s  

A total M this is not a sidewalk Rider if you guys  want to see one of these on the channel and have   me right register and do a video on it comment  down below let me know your thoughts can I buy  

One right now and just take it with me bro I’ll  take two right yes dude my face hurts from like   the grinning Cody thank you so much for showing  us a lamoto and actually letting me and shave hop  

On it and ride it let your viewers know that if  they’re ever in Cleveland Ohio we’re always have   the ability to do demos at our HQ and if you ever  make your way out to California I’m in the Bay  

Area hit me up and we’ll right out there as well  let’s do it thank you so much K I appreciate it   brother cheers bud that’s going to be the end of  that video let me know your thoughts down in the  

Comments below I had such a blast on a land  moto I want to ride this thing a lot more uh   definitely stay tuned for more future content  coming soon with Land Moto possibly a camping   trip with Cody but as always if you guys enjoyed  that content please consider subscribing hitting  

That like button and ringing that notification  ding ding ding have to be notified when I’m   making videos and are you guys ready for the  moment of silence for that subscribe button   in 3 2 1 hit subscribe heads down all right  guys I’ll see you in the next L motor ride a

Land Moto District: the best electric motorcycle of 2024 under 10k! Join me, Cody from Land Moto and Chris for a first ride and review through the streets of Las Vegas, where we test the high-speed capabilities of these futuristic style e-bikes. We’re putting the street-legal Land District Scrambler and Street models through their paces to see if they live up to the title of best fast electric bike. Get expert insights and see these bikes in action as we explore their performance, style, and suitability for urban riding.

✅ Exclusive Land Moto Discount: $200 off use code SHREDDIE https://landmoto.io/? ref=Nr98CMiH8s7fSi

🔥First Ride & Review – Land Moto’s 2024 Lineup:

00:00 – Intro: Land Moto electrifies Las Vegas
00:18 – Land Moto District: Specs and Review
04:27 – Land Moto First Ride & Impressions
05:35 – Land Moto Speed Test
07:52 – Thrilling Ride thru Vegas Strip
11:28 – Final Thoughts

Explore the future of electric mobility with Land Moto, an electric motorcycle style bike for exploration! Remember, you can tag, title and register this bike for commuting or ride it as an e-bike for convenience.

⚡️Stay Tuned for In-Depth Reviews Coming Soon!

💬 Share Your Thoughts:
What excites you most about the Land Moto District Street and District Scrambler? Let’s discuss in the comments!

✅ Don’t Miss Out: $200 off use code SHREDDIE https://landmoto.io/? ref=Nr98CMiH8s7fSi

Join the electric revolution with Land Moto and let’s ride into the future together!

🎥 Watch Next:

LAND MOTO, RYVID Vs CAKE KALK – Best Electric Motorcycles of 2023 Under $10K!


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