Plug-in Hybrids

2024 Lexus TX | Talking Cars with Consumer Reports #437

2024 Lexus TX | Talking Cars with Consumer Reports #437

Welcome to talking cars I’m Jennifer stockberger I’m Mike Quincy I’m Gabe shenhar so this week we are talking about the 2024 our first impressions of the 2024 Lexus TX now this is a vehicle that has been dominating the commercials in my football watching so which which

Is a clear indication that it’s new and popular or could be popular so a lot to talk about because it’s a big vehicle so Gabe we’re going to start with you how does the TX fit into the Lexus lineup uh so it fits in beautifully it’s based on

The Toyota Grand Highlander as we all know and uh it’s h for Lexus it’s a slam dunk because uh Lexus never had a real contemporary three row car-based SUV in that segment it had the RXL for a little bit that was a stop Gap kind of patch

And uh they’ve had the GX which is basically a pickup truck so uh you know and then that’s long in the tooth dates back to 2010 there is going to be a redesign very soon but that’s besides the story so um so finally uh Lexus has

Uh a luxury midsize three row SUV that can compete with the Acura MDX with the and with Infiniti with Volvo with the any any self-respecting car company that has a65 $70,000 kind of a SUV there I mean it can be a total competitor to an Audi Q7 for instance and uh judging by

The phone calls that I’ve been getting about it already it’s probably going to generate a lot of interest in the market yeah and I’m sure which is why it’s in those football ads but again you touched on truck based car-based the GX as we wrote it much more designed for towing a

Little bit off the beaten path type thing so the other interesting thing is this three pronged approach to the powertrains Mike Quincy right so so we have a TX 350 in our test Fleet and this is powered by 275 horsepower 2.4 L turbocharged 4-cylinder engine it’s hooked up to an 8-speed automatic

Transmission and the EPA estimates that’ll have about 23 m per gallon in terms of fuel economy and just a reminder to everyone out there we do our own fuel economy tests so we will come up with the um perhaps more accurate number uh and I I I got a lot of uh I

Spent a lot of time with this vehicle drove it for hours on end one weekend uh and I was only thing about fuel economy was has a pretty small fuel tank about 17 gallons which really didn’t give me the cruising range that I thought it was

Looking at like 330 Mi or something like that and I like it’s got to it’s got a bit stopping often Oh Yes actually and now is the time to mention that Toyota Lexus likes to give you the low fuel light when you’re 20 miles in the range

So what happens if you’re like let’s say in on the uh Pennsylvania Turnpike and you see a sign next to rest area 36 miles yeah yeah yeah yeah so so there’s so so don’t let it get there maybe so there’s that ex advice yeah um uh but

But the the next level up is the TX 500h which we also have in our test program and this get a 366 horsepower 2.4 L turbocharged 4- cylinder uh it’s a hybrid and this is hooked up to a traditional six-speed automatic transmission uh we have the f-sport trim

Which is kind of the highest and I don’t know if that’s just because that was all that was out there when we were trying to buy one or we really wanted to try a different suspension settings no the 500h only comes as an F Sports okay well

There’s that that’s why we have that one yeah and finally uh the TX 500h plus which is a plug-in hybrid and we’re seeing that more and more from manufacturers offering yet another powertrain option and this gets 404 horsepower uh 33 mil of electric only

Range and it is hooked up to a CVT so um you know this this last Model is sort of a big deal because it is one step closer to what sort of we call rightly or wrongly electrification a lot of people are kind of nervous about going from an

Internal combustion engine vehicle right into an electric so doing the plugin might be the best Next Step yeah and I think it’s worth just quickly talking about the plugin even though it’s not the ones we have yet before we get to those in that you know the reaction and

And as a general average plug-in hybrids in our reliability were 146% more problematic than their internal combustion engine counterparts but that is probably not the case for for Toyota Lexus so if there was any hesitation based on the general uh P phevs are not not reliable there’s different tactics that

Toyota Lexus take to be more conservative more pragmatic right we as we spoke about in our pre-production meeting we would all can definitely buy a a a plug-in Toyota ra or prime uh which did very well in consumer reports testing excellent reliability but that is going counter to most of our

Reliability data on plugins yeah the ra 4 Prime is a very slick vehicle and Toyota has a lot of experience in hybrid technology for you know 25 years already and uh yeah I mean what we’re seeing is uh the according to our survey is that these are bulletproof uh vehicles with

The technology that can keep going and going and going right even though it’s new even though it’s a a new powertrain any of these even though they’re a new vehicle because their Toyota Lexus come with some confidence that they’ll be fine the other thing to me it still

Surprises me when you get a vehicle of this size and then you look and it says four-cylinder right albe it a turbocharged four-cylinder I will say it does it very very well so Gabe let’s talk about now the two that we own the TX 350 and the TX 500h what do you see

In terms of performance yeah so the 350 is a has a pretty healthy mid mid-range tour uh you’re going to know that it’s a four-cylinder because there is some grally sound and it’s it’s not uh the old slick uh V6 that was really uh smooth and quiet uh just like we said

About the grand Highlander but the 500h I bet you’re never going to know it’s a four-cylinder because that power Trin is amazing it’s it’s quick and it’s effortless and smooth and who cares it has sixs speeed automatic you never going to know how many uh ratios it has

But uh here Toyota really uh uh deviated from their traditional hybrid that tends to have a an e CVT electronic uh CVT that tends to uh drone and be kind of monotonous here it’s uh it’s really well done I mean this power train is really exciting and and satisfying on many

Levels plus I mean the f- sport makes the car a little totter and more agile than the typical Lexus so it’s a different kind of Alexus there and just on on gab’s point like many of us grew up in households that had you know V8s

And v6s and it was like oh my gosh if you if you don’t get the V8 you’re going to downgrade to the V6 and now we’re seeing you know more and more turbo four-cylinder engines coming in and with a 500h you’re absolutely agree 100% you

You would have no idea that this was a four-cylinder when when you and you take it out especially on the highway yeah even to me the 350 like you’re right the noise is there it’s not unappealing to me it actually is kind of some nice noise and I think the 8speed in that

Awesome and you know like you say even the six in the 500h they’re really well done it’s almost like a step back but a step forward in terms of performance not a CVT but then you lose all that funny no the power flaring and the

Things that come with the CVT yeah and I agree with you other 350 I don’t think it was ever lacking for power it was not as slick as the 500 but it’s not like you’re trying to merge on the highway and you’re waiting for like the turbo to

Spool up and to come to boil and you’re no it just goes yeah actually i’ would say the the initial takeoff is a bit abrupt Al to my uh in my view right but not but my point is not it’s not Laing power exactly so the other way around from a

Delay so you alluded to handling too touching on that the 500 might be a little more Nimble a little more agile it’s a big vehicle so Mike handling wise ridewise I I think the 350 you know hits more of the mainstream in terms of of the ride it is a little smoother a

Little calmer I suppose than the 500 um but that being said much like we found in the Highlander and the grand Highlander it’s not exactly an engaging driving experience with the 350 it’s sort of it’s it just just hits the mainstream I suppose uh the 500h is is

Sort of a different animal but I don’t think it I never felt it was compromise you know sometimes if you go the sport route you you you you give up the ride for handling whatnot but but in the SE of my pants the 500h was never too stiff

Or anything to get the better handling right yeah and Lex is typically not a not typically what we describe as agile quiet softer little less steering feel Gabe you agree with handling yeah totally I mean the 350 is very mainstream it’s not going to there’s no chance it’s going to uh be off-putting

To anyone the 500h is is to me is a younger more Dynamic kind of uh version and uh it they drive very differently to my taste the 500h is uh has a little bit more of a flare to it also it it even though it’s a large vehicle as you said

Uh it doesn’t it kind of shrinks around itself in Corners some of it is due to the uh little bit of rear steering that it has and in terms of ride I think even with the with the fport treatment of the suspens and the 22-in wheels and tires

It’s uh it’s it’s nice yeah and what what gab says is right there’s an expression in the car world where we say a car drives smaller than it is and I think the 500h definitely qualifies for that yeah and we talked about body control and and I know that we said um

Good body control and I think we caveat it that with for a vehicle of this size yeah I think that’s important I think that is important cuz I agree but I still found in Corners when I’m rolling out of my driver’s seat even a little bit that that’s it’s not in the universe

Great body control but for a vehicle of this size it’s got great body control to your point it drives a little smaller than it actually is and you touched on the dynamic steering too yeah which is f- Sport only I think so yeah yeah so it gives you better turn in better

Controllability at higher speeds but also a better turning Circle when you’re parking because those rear wheels adapt which is something that most owners are more probably more concerned with than than trying to you know qualify to Formula 1 race when their mainstream family car exactly you know I mean I

Mean I I appreciate that Toyota is putting some some Sizzle in in the in the TX the 500h but but you know the day-to-day livability is is is probably higher on the on the list for for people’s priorities I still think and and you’re right I think the low speed stuff is

Actually where where you’ll appreciate it more right right when you’re trying to park and maneuver in in tighter spaces yeah I mean it’s not as obvious as it is in a Mercedes fourwh wheel steer but uh you you’ll if you’re attuned to it you feel it and in terms

Of uh higher speed handling it gives the car a little bit of a uh Point ability that is usually associated with rear wheeel drive cars yep and speaking of bigness largess so again I go back to the to the football commercials there’s a lot of adults sitting in that third

Row in those commercials not forget that also Gabe said slam dunk so this is like a nons sports guy he a basketball refence football reference come keep up keep up Michael anyway third row it’s a it’s a it’s an accommodating third row right it it is it is livable it is you

Know probably perfect for kids you know young teens uh when when when adults go back in there this the seat is close to the floor you do kind of feel your knees coming you know next to your chin and whatnot uh it’s not a place that I mean

I’m not I’m just under 6 feet tall but I wouldn’t want to spend a you know many many hours back there but in a temporary ride it’s it’s it’s really fine and it would would accommodate most families I think what’s cool about the third row is

How easy it is to get into there’s this little button on the on the seat back in the second row you push it and the whole thing slides forward I had a a great time you know doing a video on this with anatol the great and you know yeah we

Had to do it a couple times to get it right but but it really it it makes it very easy to to get into the third row one thing I will say though that the car comes either as a seven or eight passenger configuration and yeah and if

It’s uh if you if you don’t get the bench seat as a middle row you get two captains and to me that uh that makes the car for all intents and purposes a four seater because if you want the fifth passenger with you instead of them

Sitting in the middle of the middle row you’re going to have to deploy the third row seat and and send them the back there even though it’s you know it’s not total Penalty Box but still you know there is an inconvenience there to me where this size vehicle and why it makes

It a slam dunk um is that you and I think of somebody I think you should have said home run the why it makes it a home run go no why it makes it is not just that you can fit three rows cuz we there’s so many vehicles that have a

Third row to me the differentiator and I think of anyone who has more than two children is the ability to put the third row up and use it but also then have room for some stuff so many third row vehicles you put that third row up and

It’s really quite small of what you can put back there if you have a family and you want to put the oldest child back there and still have the two Captain’s chairs for maybe two younger kids or that second row for two teenage kids who have stuff this is a really nice vehicle

And it’s few and far between I think Suburbans that let you have that and some and sufficient cargo space first Perfect soccer mobile yes you haven’t mentioned soccer yet exactly there you go there you go why is it always soccer why can’t be a soccer dad there’s a lot

Of soccer dads but yeah but with with the third row in place um you have the the room behind to to stack you know three or four um uh duffel bags so so you’re absolutely right but then fold the third row seat down or some hockey

Gear Andrew yes but F fold the third seat third row seat down and it is a a massive Caro yeah yeah yeah yeah or split and and the and the buttons for the power fold that’s very convenient yep so yeah that’s to me the differentiator is you can still put some

Stuff inside fit and finish controls Gabe we’ll start with yeah so in typical Lexus fashion it’s uh it’s it’s plush inside and there are a lot of soft touches and exposed stitching and high quality uh switch gear and whatnot uh but if you look closely you might and

If you’re familiar with Toyota products you’ll see some commonalities there which you know some people you know may or may not appreciate and and a larger screen in the Lexus over say our grand Highlander so but I do think controls wise and we’ve talked about it on other

You know we talked about it on the RX that they’ve come such a long way from the touchpad and I found this pretty easy to navigate and what I like is they have the large screen but they also take advantage of the large screen so many infotainment systems have the large

Screen but there’s so much white space that the selections are still rather small right or or if you hook up Apple carplay or Android auto there’s this like there’s but there’s this unused space on some screens and with the Lexus uh it it is is is efficient use of space

And as we talked about in another podcast it always seems like as as the cost of the vehicle goes up the level of complication to operate it also goes up so it’s nice to see that with this Lexus which is a premium vehicle this is not

Inexpensive car no um that it it you don’t have to like be standing over someone’s shoulder to explain how to do things except for the gear selector which definitely takes a little getting used to to have to you move it to the left and then you know down for drive or

Up for reverse and it’s that mono stable it goes back so yeah not and and and I think once you once you if this is your day-to-day car I think you it will be second nature you won’t even think about it but in the beginning like well why

Did they do it that way yeah I think some people are going to have some U problems with the screens not the infotainment screen which is pretty easy to navigate but the uh instrument panel uh cluster yeah there’s a lot of uh configuration abilities a lot of choices

And that can be quite a bit confusing depending on what the information you want to view and count we like the idea of tailoring but if you’re not using it it can be confusing if you don’t take the time to say okay what do I want to see

In front of me all of the time too much customization can can often you know just send you down a rabbit hole or you you have something that you like and then you you switch to a different screen and then you can’t find it you

Can’t go back to it right and then if you spend too much time with it then uh the there is the car has ddms direct driver monitoring system so it tell it it’ll know that your eyes are not on the road and you’re leading right in you’re just

Guiding me to safety you know Toyota’s with its uh Lexus safety system plus 3.0 everything we want it to have at a bare minimum but it also adds some RAR cross Tropic warning one thing I like we talk about front over this idea of not

Being able to see what’s in front of you particularly with vehicles of this size is the feature we’ve been kind of testing for and we really like is if you’re approaching something be it a pedestrian a child worst or something it automatically gives you the camera view

And says and a warning hey here’s what’s in front of you don’t go any further love love love but even just parking yes I mean you know low speed just coming into uh a parking lot of of a grocery store and you’re parking you’re creeping

Up to to the car in front of you gives you an idea and and if if you want to be um appreciative of these sensors and these cameras go drive a car that doesn’t have a backup camera and you you will realize just how awesome they are

We have how used to them we had one in my in my household that I drove last week and I like oh my gosh I put in Reverse there’s no backup camera wow yep so yeah and then finally I do think some people will appreciate because it’s

Important to them that this is the first Lexus to be produced in the Toyota plant in Princeton Indiana and not not unprecedented for Toyota to produce cars in the United States they literally been doing it for decades and doing it quite well y as we see so just finally okay

You mentioned the grand Highlander comparisons to the Grand Highlander the first of which is about $110,000 you know the whole range 53,000 base for the TX and 43 for the Grand Highlander um are you getting your money’s worth with Lexus TX I’m just looking for your impressions it’s a difficult

Question it’s a very individual question so um I I think you get uh something in the U in the plusher interior and you get uh the ability to to have uh the advanced driving ass system like with the lane change assist ability that we have our 500h yep so there are some uh

Some things that whether or not they matter to you is it was a different story yeah but but $10,000 is is not you know that’s that’s that’s real money yeah and and for a lot of families because again we go back to this is a family car um that’s that’s a lot of

Coin and and I I kind of I I I air on the side of of a nice interior because you’re spending time in this car right so so to have you know nice exposed Stitch and nice to the touch leather uh a wood trim Alum trim all that stuff is

Very nice but if it’s worth the 10 grand I don’t I don’t know I mean because it’s still probably even because the cheaper it’s not like the more expensive model is going to be more reliable it’s still same really good you know guts and components in it so and uh and to be

Fair you have to say that the grand Highlander is also available that same hybrid system in the in the max so I mean and that that comes up to 60 Grand as well but uh in the real world I think that uh you’re I doubt that you’re going

To find a lot of people that are debating between getting the Toyota or the Lexus if you’re com if if you’re drawn to a luxury brand you’re going to compare the Lexus to an Audi or an Acura or an Infinity for me and you hit

Exactly what I this is a family car so I I literally sat in both and said okay which would I do and because like you think of the 500 with that like suede like insert I think I would go with the Highlander because families are messy right depending how old your kids are

Messy and I’m thinking I would not want them wrecking my nice suede inserts on my doors or all of that I think I would go with the Highlander for a dirty soccer CLE football playing basketball sweaty kids speaking of THS and one advantage that the grand Highlander has

It it doesn’t have those electronic uh door handles that the Lexus has tral shifter a good point yeah because I still uh I I still don’t get along with these handles uh you you walk up to the car you want to open the door there’s always this delay and when you want to

Get out of the car you always uh are looking for that button and if you have somebody else in the car doesn’t know especially at night right you always have to explain to them how to get out of the car Mike said every passenger you have to tell how because they pull it

And you can it’s hard to understand why the engineer Buton to Alex you know thought this was a good idea when when it when it forces you to explain someone how to use something simple like to how to get out of the car I don’t we’ve done

It the same way for so long again all that being said I still really like the interior of the Le it’s very very nice to drive just not for kids anyway oh one more thing about the Alexa the name the TX do we think that they chose TX because Toyota’s headqu US headquarters

Is now in Texas ah could be could be never thought of that see another little bit of Americana to go into our Lexus so again that will that’s our first impressions obviously both of these TX and I’m sure eventually the plug-in hybrid will go through our full battery

Of testing and and we’ll see where it falls um so stay tuned stay tuned for those final test results so moving on to questions from our audience um we love them keep them coming if you want to do an email or a video clip talking cars and our first question today

Is from Grant and Grant writes the lease for my 2021 Jeep Wrangler 4 bye is coming due in April with the highs and lows of the current car market I wanted to get a jump start on what to do at the end of my lease buy it trade it in for a

New model or walk away the car is in great shape and is under the lease mileage limit my lease buyout is around 365 but to my surprise all of the offers I have received are well below 30k however when I look online sales sites at online sales sites the asking price

Is anywhere from 42 to 45k I understand dealers need to make a profit but is this trend of low Market values due to people paying over MSRP the past few years could the EV Market be affecting its value suggestions please Mike I’m going to toss it to you first for a

Grant well while I do this at home with my wife I answer a question with a question which always drives her bananas I will ask Grant question for his question right it’s h how much do you like your vehicle do you do you like driving it um uh because a Jeep Wrangler

Is is not just you know it’s not a Toyota Camry it’s not a Honda Accord this it’s an icon this this a vehicle that that requires a lot of compromise it’s hard to get into it’s hard to see out of it gets you know terrible gas mileage when you’re not doing the after

Three years he already knows it yeah right right but but I guess my point is it has it worn out it’s welcome so do you like living with this car because if you like it it’s running well it’s not a reliability nightmare contrary to Consumer Reports reliability data and you benefit from

The fact a plug in hybrid right right right uh so so if if you like it maybe you want to stick with it yeah and you’ve already paid in your lease part so you’re still walking out at 365 better off than four five $110,000 over sticker on something else and are

You using the plugin uh uh technology yeah are you regularly plugging it in and and driving the EV miles as as it’s designed to do are you using it utilizing the technology my story was my absolute real story of getting rid of our lease vehicle which I think I’ve

Shared on the show my daughter we did this in college it was midco um when again those lease buyout rates are set when you take the lease so in the middle of covid we bought out that Subaru Impreza for her at 156 we literally had an offer in our hand I

Could have printed it out and walked into a CarMax the next day and sold it for 19 so Grant if you don’t like it I would absolutely look at those sites get an offer in hand either use that to Leverage The tradein or maybe you do buy

Out the lease even if you don’t like the car for 365 and turn around and unload it for 42 45k as you’re being offered so is in a good place well you’re in a good place as we talked about it isn’t uh it’s it’s unprecedented sort of to buy a

New car and think it’s going to go up in value and since Co we’ve actually seen this happening the advice that we’ve always give out the second you drive a new car off a dealer’s lot it goes down to Value it’s a depreciating asset but then we have examples of your daughters

Or or the the the the Ford Maverick hybrid which you can turn you could buy one turn around and sell it probably for more than you bought it for I mean it’s it’s and we see it in our car sales here and it’s a Jeep right so yeah a loyal

Willing Market always so Grant hopefully that’s helpful second question comes from Leslie Lots is published that EVS are cheaper to run and maintain over the Long Haul what about plug-in hybrid electric vehicles where you have both the electric and the fuel systems to maintain this comes right back around to

The the conversation we just had about the TX and logically you have the parts that are now a gas engine and now you have the parts of an electric motor plus the charging infrastructure so as a plug-in electric vehicle you have all the more components that could go wrong um what

We’ve said though again coming back around if you’re getting a plug-in hybrid so that’s the maintenance part but if you’re getting one from an already known reliable automaker on a reliable platform like the Lexus TX plugin when it comes that’s your best bet but Gabe running costs are there’s two questions there

Maintenance and running and the running cost it depends who you are and it depends where you are yep because uh if you going to benefit from uh uh driving on the electric power and you’re you have the opportunity and the the the discipline to charge it frequently in most cases you’re

Benefiting because uh the prices of electricity are more stable uh although you have to uh well and that bring to the where you are because there are some places where the gas prices are high and uh electricity pric are low and vice versa and there are some places where

Both are high like California and some places where both are low like Florida right so uh it really depends uh on these factors uh also uh depending on on your driving pattern if you do a lot of local driving and you can um get by with

30 mil a day on electric power and come home and plug it in you’re golden if you do a lot of uh cross country trips uh then then be aware that your fuel economy when the car operates as a as a regular hybrid may not be any better

Than uh than a normal ice car internal combustion engine car it’s all about being able to use that electric and it’s assuming that that Leslie lives in an in a place where she can blug in cuz because if if you live in a condo if you

Live in an apartment you live in a city you don’t always have access to an a way to plug in overnight if you have if you even if you have a house and you have to park on the street yeah that also might be an issue too so so this is these are

These are the the continuing evolution of EVs and plugin vehicles that we’re seeing here yeah another cost factor is uh the uh tax incentive that you might get on the plug-in hybrid if you’re qualify depending on the battery size so it’s either going to be a $7,500 or 3750 so that’s something to

Take into account yeah if your monthly costs are lower payment is lower Maybe running costs all balance out it’s a big calculation as as you say often it’s complicated it’s complicated it’s complicated so thank you that will do it for this show please always keep your questions coming talking cars at and thank you for listening thank you for watching and we will see you next Time

Lexus has expanded its SUV line with the all-new TX, a three-row model that shares its dimensions and many mechanical bits with the new Toyota Grand Highlander. On this episode we share our initial impressions of the 2024 Lexus TX and discuss its driving characteristics, luxurious interior, controls, and three different powertrains offered by Lexus, including a V6 plug-in hybrid. We give advice on what to do when a car lease comes to an end: buy the car out; trade it in for a new model; or walk away. Also, we answer if PHEVs (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles) are cheaper or more expensive to operate and maintain than the all-electric and internal combustion engine vehicles.

More info on the 2024 Lexus TX here:

Ratings and test results on every car CR purchases and tests:

00:00 – Introduction
00:16 – First Impressions: 2024 Lexus TX
02:06 – 3 Powertrain Options
04:32 – Plug-in Hybrid Version
06:03 – 4-Cylinder Engine Performance
08:47 – Ride and Handling
11:14 – Dynamic Steering
12:23 – 3rd-Row Seats
13:34 – 2nd-Row Seats
14:07 – Cargo and Space
15:51 – Controls, Fit and Finish
18:36 – Safety Systems
20:13 – Lexus TX vs. Toyota Grand Highlander
22:49 – Electronic Door Release
24:19 – Question #1: What to do at the end of a vehicle lease: buy the car out; trade it in; or walk away?
28:16 – Question #2: Are PHEVs more expensive to operate and maintain than all-electric and internal combustion vehicles?
First Drive: All-New 2024 Lexus TX Delivers Modern Luxury for the Whole Family

2024 Lexus TX

First Drive: 2024 Toyota Grand Highlander Shines Brightest With Hybrid Max Engine

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Popular Midsized SUVs to Avoid and What to Buy Instead
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