Plug-in Hybrids

GM announces the RETURN of Plug in Hybrids! How long UNTIL the first one comes out?

GM announces the RETURN of Plug in Hybrids! How long UNTIL the first one comes out?

I think that GM they wanted to hedge their bets on EVs and that is why I think they have hybrid and plug-in hybrid I think they got these cars about ready to go because they were like the government came and like look you have to start

Making EVS so GM’s like okay okay we we’ll start making EVs and you know I’m I’m sure they want them to be successful they don’t want to get left behind or anything but at the same time I think they’re like you know whatever these things don’t work and uh we’re going to

Just be out to out to dry so they I think they were working on some hybrids and plug-in hybrids at the same time they just didn’t come out with them I got one two three four five six seven eight wrenches in my top hey what’s up

Guys this is mj1 100k and today we got to talk about the announcement that GM is going to be reintroducing hybrids and plug in hybrids vehicles in North America we got danne on the line with us how you doing danne pretty good bud how about you I’m doing all right I’m a

Little sick you guys so give me a break if my voice doesn’t sound normal all right this is an article from if you want to check it out GM to reintroduce phevs in North America GM is aiming to transition its entire light duty vehicle Fleet to zero tailpipe emissions by

2035 uh let’s see they have a long list of electric models coming down the pike that said GM recently announced plans to reintroduce plug-in hybrid vehicles to the North American Market as a means of meeting Rising fuel economy and emission standards during the EV transition okay this was announcement

From CEO Mary Bara this was part of the earnings report that she said these things our forward plans include bringing our plug-in hybrid technology to select vehicles in North America GM remains committed to emitting tailpipe emissions by 2035 but in the interim deploying plug-in hybrid technology in strategic segments will deliver some of

The environmental benefits of EVS as the nation continues to build its charging infrastructure Dane what do you think about this uh I think it makes a lot of sense for your basic passenger car you know aim towards a consumer that wants a lower emission vehicle you know you kind of

Get the best of both worlds for short commutes you can run all battery and if you got to go longer you got a field Reserve you won’t ever be stranded that’s kind of a a good place to be if you ask me um and look I think it’s good

They bringing the Vault back they ran that vehicle from 2008 6 something like that when they introduced mid two mid teens yeah they discontinued that car which at its time was one of the only plugin hybrids and from what I understand a pretty reliable car I’m not

Sure how much you know about that car um I did I did a video on the Vault um when I did my video it was about buying a vault used and out of warranty which is not a good idea for any hybrid car I think because if you had to replace the

Battery it’s going to be a lot of money yeah I really feel like these cars are mostly for new car buyers what do you think I have a hard time put much my opinion on it because I’m not interested in one of these cars for myself but oh

Yeah for someone that is yeah there’s a there’s a lot of expense that’s potentially lurking buying a car that’s got a lot of miles on those batteries are not cheap and they’re not the easiest to replace either I’ve never done one but they’re you know they’re kind of hidden in the vehicle they’re

Not like a battery under your hood for starting your engine where it’s know a couple bolts and you can have it out they’re usually you know under the seats and you know built into the body the volt battery I was talking about was 30 grand to replace

It that’s that’s what the car cost yeah yeah so yeah I saw I did one on a Hyundai I enique it was a full EV it was 50 Grand that replace the battery Jesus Christ yeah yeah so then the car is John yeah what’s what’s the point does China

Not offer batteries for these yet at like quarter price uh I don’t know like when you go to the dealership right they want you to get it from a real supplier like Yeah from freaking China Harbor Freight battery yeah but you know like dealt wants you to use their batteries

Too but I can get the China ones for quarter of the price and they work just as good if not honestly better actually no I I kind of disagree with that because uh I was looking at getting some cheaper batteries for my Milwaukee uh cordless tools and like

Every review of the one on Amazon was like these batteries suck they don’t last as long and oh really yeah like it’s hard to make knockoff batteries because it’s all those um those precious metals are in there yeah you can’t really skimp on those where the

Battery’s not going to be as good right work but it might not work for as long yeah I haven’t seen that yet I’ve got a couple of those since when I like the wal ones died and I didn’t want to you know spend 100 bucks or 150 bucks a

Piece on a battery decided to wing it and throw you know 100 bucks at three batteries for the same size and man I’ve had these things for years they’ve worked great same with my snap-on impact those batteries went dead like would not take a charge after a year yeah and

They’re out of warranty after that point so I bought some China ones and I’m been on them for the last eight years oh all right so so yeah let me show you now I’m not dissing these uh hybrid cars I think it’s a good idea that they start

Making these cars um what I heard was a lot of the dealers were they have like a meeting with uh the GM Executives to talk about you know business and a lot of the dealers were saying people were requesting uh hybrid and plugin hybrid cars that they didn’t want the EVS for

The most part yeah so uh I think um a lot of the a lot of reason why people are okay with hybrids now is because there’s EVS everywhere so people are just kind of like all right well I don’t want an EV but I can get a hybrid you know like

That is that Ford Maverick is that’s got a hybrid version right I think so yeah there’s a bunch of hyd so I’m gonna give you my conspiracy theory Dane I want to see yeah what do you think about it L on me looks like the internet on fire I’m

The Alex Jones of of car predictions yeah give tell all right this what I think right I think that GM they wanted to hedge their bets on EVs and that is why I think they have hybrid and plug-in hybrid I think they got these cars about ready to

Go because they were like did government came and like look you have to start making EVS so GM’s like okay okay we we’ll start making EVS and you know I’m I’m sure they want them to be successful they don’t want to get left behind or anything but at the same time I think

They’re like you know what if these things don’t work and uh we’re going to just be out to out to dry so they I think they were working on some hybrids and plug-in hybrids at the same time they just didn’t come out with them I

Think the proof is going to be if you see some new plug-in hybrids and EVS coming out within the next year year and a half that is Pro prove that they were working on them at the same time because it takes about you know four to five

Years to go from nothing to a full C that you come out with it takes time to get everything together you got to get all the suppliers together you got to write the service manuals you got to get the lines ready the production lines ready you got to Source all your your

Supplies and everything and that takes time and you got to test the engine you got to certify it for emmissions if this did these cars come out fast for the next year year and a half that means I was right and they were getting ready for this what do you think oh dude

I’m I’m ping yeah it makes total sense it’s it’s almost like they knew there was going to be a decline in EV Market before there was a decline in the EV Market because like you said I mean four to five years would be an accelerated time to develop

A new you know power train we’re probably talking eight years or more on some of these you know combined hybrid systems it’s not like oh man we saw sales dipping on the EVS we gota we got to figure something out and then a couple months later you got a hybrid no

It doesn’t it just that these things get tested for years they gotta get tested in the hot they gotta get tested in the cold they gotta get tested in dirty environments wet environments y you know high humidity environments dry I mean you name it they get tested in it and

Then of course that’s a test cells real world environments this stuff does not happen over time plus everything’s got to get meshed together it’s got to get you know the wiring and power Train’s going to get coupled to the vehicle it’s going to be in there’s so much stuff to

Do oh so much stuff to do yeah so these things have been in the works for a while it’s almost like they knew what was coming before it came yeah so that’s what uh I’m telling you I think people you know they sometime they want to talk

Trash about GM but I think GM is a is a top OEM is I think it’s the top one in the US and um throughout the world uh they’re in the top top 10 of sales throughout the world like Toyota’s number one but GM I think they’re I

Don’t know I think about six or seven worldwide yeah and yeah they those guys know what they’re doing they’re they’re not amateurs in this game for a long time they’re not in a position that are in for being dummies all right you guys well thanks for tuning in and have a

Good one all right see you Guys

In this video we discuss GMs announcement that they will once again make Hybrids and Plug in Hybrids. Today we discuss – how long will it take before the first one comes out?

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