Electric Cars

Is the relentless EV tide FINALLY starting to turn? | MGUY Australia

Is the relentless EV tide FINALLY starting to turn? | MGUY Australia

It seems that the start of 2024 has seen a possible turning of the Relentless tide of electrification and EVS the demand for them has slumped almost everywhere thanks to a saturated Market cheap Chinese models now flooding in and continuing cost of living pressures for ordinary families in an avalanche of

Media coverage of this decline in the last few days we’ll take a look at a must-read article from the UK Daily Telegraph which foresees a huge EV backtracking and then take a look at GM which has at almost the last minute pulled back from the brink of the all

Electric Abyss how many others will do the same or face the alternative a long plunge over the edge to bankruptcy and irrelevance this is just a snapshot but all of these articles are laying out the same essential message the EV boom is over welcome back to mguy British

Engineer and lawyer turn Sydney YouTuber please be sure to like share and subscribe hit the notification Bell and drop a comment down below there is certain cly some ground swell in the view that the EV bubble may be about to burst with demand tanking around the world and investors getting

Nervous things may still change when the global economy picks up but for now with a combination of consumer ambivalence over Supply and financial uncertainty many are seeing this as the beginning of the end of the EV Madness we can only hope eh here’s the UK Telegraph the West’s humiliating electric car climb

Down has begun ambitious plans for an electrification LED Industrial Revolution are in full scale Retreat it was not so long ago that countries were competing furiously to launch battery powered visions of the future with Tesla riding the wave of green demand to become the world’s largest car manufacturer measured by market value if

Not volume and with ambitious Net Zero targets to meet they all wanted to make sure they could compete in electric vehicles we would reduce carbon emissions create many jobs and Shore up our industrial base sure governments would have to commit a a few billions or tens of billions to make it happen but

It will pay for itself many times over and yet right now plans for an EV Le Industrial Revolution are in fulls scale Retreat there is a lesson in the humiliating climb down state Le industrial strates never work indeed the failure of the driveing EV is a textbook example of everything that goes wrong

First it backs the wrong Industries no one really has any idea what products people might want in 5 or 10 years time time which is why it is best to leave it to private companies and their investors to make their own bets reap the rewards when they get it right and bear the

Losses when they don’t next the state overinvestment the us or in a dozen smaller countries the car industry was a wash with over capacity already and that was before the government started throwing billions at the electric vehicle plants all that happens is that prices collapse and no one makes any

Money finally it distorts the market with subsidies governments start out spending a few billion on new EV factories then they have to start subsidizing the EVS so that people actually buy them and then they have to impose tariffs and quotas to stop imports from countries where other governments have invested too much as

The article says it’s a vicious cycle and once it starts it’s very hard to stop and the auto manufacturers are starting to see the writing on the all Volvo has dumped its worthless EV offshoot postar withdrawing financial support and looking to shift its 48% stake in the brand and in a similarly

Seismic shift of strategy GM who were 100% committed to electrification not that long ago are bringing in hybrids which is code for keeping internal combustion engine research and manufacturer alive and well you know just in case GM not going all in with electric vehicles after all plans

Plug-in hybrids in light of slowing EV demand General Motors is introducing plug-in hybrids after previously saying it would skip this half step in a change of strategy American Automotive giant General Motors will roll out plug-in hybrids PHS in an attempt to meet both federal regulations and consumer demand

GM CEO Mary barer announced the plans during a conference call with investors and analysts on Tuesday previously GM announced it would move all of its product lineup from internal combustion engines to battery electric power by 2035 skipping hybrids and PHS in the process Miss bar didn’t detail how the

American product lineup would change only that select models will be rolled out with a phev option in the coming year obviously this allows for further backtracking down the line if required it’s a smart move and should make those other automakers who have bet the farm on electrification think very long and

Hard about whether to continue down that path take a look at my video linked up here to see all the foolish brands that have risked their future on the All or Nothing electric approach no matter how much the prices drop or the technology improves there is still the fundamental problem of the

Essentially disposable battery costing more than half the value of the car plus the physical limit to charging speeds and the consequent time required at a charging station nobody wants to spend more than a few minutes filling up let alone a few hours and so for those those of us

Without off street parking for overnight charging EVS remain unaffordable inconvenient and completely impractical and the current EV Market is merely reflecting that painful fact

Send tips or stories to Twitter/X @mguytv or email: simon@mguy.tv – thanks!

Telegraph article ($): https://m-g.uy/f78
GM article: https://m-g.uy/5g3

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