Electric Motorcycles

Electric Motorbikes – Are they any good?

Electric Motorbikes – Are they any good?

All right here we go guys Nicely come on you missed the shot what are you Doing there you go got the shot it’s something happy with any of the standard mode you can make your own there’s a custom mode yeah so you can go into the the app decide the the power the regen the ABS settings and how aggressive you

Want to be you want those settings to be and then map it in call it after your own name and as you go through the system it’ll come up with your name there’s your there’s your map Tom just for for the the sake of the exercise

Let’s go back and turn off the tra traction controller again and um do just one run and you’ll get a sense of uh the difference between you know although it’s fun to see the bike spinning a tire it literally can’t accelerate fast enough compared to what you normally can

Manage with the traction on for sure so smoking I’m got to manage that yeah so the experts in Bosch who built the ABS were saying that when it comes to the reaction of a bike with traction control modes on nothing like electric you know in a petrol bike you’ve got to

Drop Spark got to alter the fuel injection there’s a delay with the electric bike it’s able to to check it a couple hundred times a second and bring it to the limit of adhesion all right speaking of the limit of adhesion hi Luke hi guys so Luke going to show us

Some things about the um the ABS and the difference that that makes and how important it is not just for for your zero but for any bike and how good ABS really is but on the fxe it’s really pronounced how well it works take us through it absolutely so guys you would

Have seen that um Tom Tom’s limit of traction here so the surface is quite slippery I just not my horn um the surface is quite slippery now that goes to front and rear wheels obviously if you want to use your you want to breake hard you want to load up the front end

On a slip on a slippery surface like this it’s not going to be a good day for you you’re going to end up on the floor so what I’m going to do is demonstrate quickly how well I can break with ads off on a Surface like this I’m going to

Be limited with what I can do and you’ll see that the bike will limit traction um and then we’re going to turn ABS on and do the same thing you’ll see a clear difference in how quickly I stop and how stable the motorcycle stays while I’m doing that this with the ideas is

Off not bad but not but not great now what’s with the foot down so if I don’t put my foot down every time that front end locks just that little bit I I lose stability yeah so that’s a bit of a safety safety mechanism for me I’ll do one more time without ABS so you see how long it takes me to actually break and with the rear wheel locked up it’s hard to modulate break on a Surface that’s right you’re constantly adjusting this the rear is pretty much locked on that’s what you would do in emergency you just sort of freak out your Panic

You just grab a handful of everything so now I’m to turn ABS on and treat it the same Way okay good to go all right CH all right the bike stays in a straight line there’s your first point so the bike stays upright have to put my foot down for stability the bike’s really stable I feel confident I can even turn the front end if you motorcyclists out there you

Don’t turn and break not you’re very very good on the brakes are you very good on the brakes Luke I’ve been known to be good on the brakes not yesterday there you go look at that actually wiggling the front end so they assing doing very unnatural movements on the front

End and the B stand and you stop that there instead of up there exactly fall down like I did the other day I wasn’t going to mention it but thank you all right well he’s done you he’s done you again he’s done you just to be fair if you have to stand

Down B cuts out we go again are we ready this time ready okay Tom you set Luke don’t touch the other bik I can’t turn you this enough I’m good all right ready set go o Tom’s found reverse I mean I’m not asking you guys to take it seriously but

We’d be really good if you could F so for those of you who missed the earlier all of the zeros in the bigger bikes all have reversed and you don’t know you need reversed and you find yourself nosed into a car park or in a similar

Situation you don’t need to warm up your tire for slow speed race Gentlemen let’s be really clear you must warm up the tire foring around ready set go what what is Happening Halloween okay there he’s nearly ready you ready to go there let me know all right here we go guys I got You that let the game Begin I’m St that’s that was terrible I’m still where are you going hi he’s got There oh very good green light ladies and Gentlemen please give it up for Ral and the Z experience Mr ly L Australian super sport racer Tod brage d DJ this is DJ come on down see yes it’s for the environment ladies and gentlemen the E Night we are inured ladies and gentlemen Mostly come on you missed the shot what what are you Doing there you go got the shot he’s

The Zero team show off ABS, traction control and power

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