Electric Cars

HUGE NEWS! WORST EV Car Market Crash EVER Has Begun!

HUGE NEWS! WORST EV Car Market Crash EVER Has Begun!

The government needs to stop controlling the EV Market the EV Market is crashing and people are about to see the biggest financial disaster in the history of cars till date do not buy an EV right now political leaders are controlling EV companies leading to a massive loss that could destroy the middle class

Completely they’ve kept a dark hidden truth so people keep buying EVS but in this video I’m going to expose everything from ev’s killing people to literal graveyards of thousands of of EVs and people being fired due to the forced EV push we have a lot to cover

This might change how you see EVS forever here’s what exactly happened the entire EV Market is crashing people are literally exchanging their EVS for gas cars while EVS are dying in dealer Lots over a thousand car makers have pleaded that they never want to sell an EV we’ve

Seen over 2,000 complaints due to issues like massive repair costs sometimes going above 30,000 for a battery repair huge monthly insurance payments exceeding $500 a month and even some deadly fires and explosions cases that I’ll talk about later in this video in 2024 you’re going to see the biggest EV

Market crash and there are some reasons why this crash could affect you more than you thought it would so here’s the deal Ford GM Tesla literally everyone is failing to sell EVS in good numbers on average used EVS have tanked in value by a whopping 33.7% since last October that’s a an

Average price drop of $1 17,8 127 per car and those Teslas the poster child for EVS are taking some of the biggest hits we’re talking about the model X dropping by $2,775 and the model S and model 3 are not far behind you might have already seen the viral clips of EV graveyards

Where thousands of EVS are just stashed and forgotten Well turns out the number of useless EVS we’re going to have is only going to go up EV prices are soon going to fall by 50% % and the government is trying its best to hide it from you now let’s talk numbers because

They’re just simply jaw-dropping Ford for example is in such a bind that they’re selling EVS at a loss of $36,000 each Yes you heard me right the CEO Jim Farley basically came out and said no more EVS until we figure out how to actually make money on them can you

Believe it but Toyota’s not just sitting back they’ve got a new CEO coji who’s been dipping his toes in the eveve pool with the bz series but guess what even he’s starting to see the light questioning the whole ban on gas cars and advocating for a more inclusive

Approach to reducing emissions in a few minutes I’ll also tell you how Tesla is the reason behind the collapse of the used EV Market crashing it entirely but first let’s look at all the companies which got hit by the EV crash EV prices are Skyhigh with the average sticker shock being around

$65,000 I mean who in their right mind is going to drop that kind of cash on a car that can barely make it 200 miles without needing needing a recharge but wait it gets better the government in a move that feels like something out of a dystopian novel told car makers that

They’d have to pay Hefty fines if they didn’t sell enough EVs and Tesla the king of the EV Hill has already slashed its prices not once not twice but Thrice in a single quarter but Tesla is also getting hurt by another reason which no one could have seen coming China the

Thing is byd a major EV company in China is currently crushing Tesla because their local government gives byd good subsidies and just recently Elon Musk stated in an interview that byd could go on to become number one if things stay this way this statement alone caused Tesla’s Market evaluation to drop by

Nearly $80 billion in just one week and to add fuel to the fire we also got a thrashing report from the consumer reports group telling how EVS are unsafe with thousands of people having reliability issues with their EVS now here’s one company that could literally close its doors due to this crash

General Motors yep you heard that right one of the biggest brands is now on the verge of collapse thanks to their CEO Mary bar they already lost more than $750 million in weeks when bar refused to pay Fair wages to the workers and then their EV sales have also been

Pretty devastating last month GM couldn’t even manage to sell 10% of what Tesla sells but despite this Mary bar has refused to lower the prices on their EVS when asked about when the public will get to see affordable EV for under 30k GM’s CEO shockingly said EVS under

30k are not profitable so we’ll not make them out of all the brands it seems like only the Japanese are doing the right thing right now they have refused to make EVS focusing on hybrids and alternative fuels instead Akio Toyota the chairperson of Toyota group is saying Rare Earth minerals needed to

Make EVS are limited and we might see shortages soon the prices will continue to increase focus on simpler cars that appeal to everyone instead Toyota’s been sounding the alarm about a disaster in the making he’s saying the car industry’s current model is on the verge

Of collapse and the more EVS we pump out the bigger the carbon dioxide headache Toyota’s been a vocal critic of the push for EVS but it’s speaking out came with the price he had to step down as CEO because he ruffled too many feathers with his love for gas- powerered engines

But why did this get so bad and why are car companies not able to make affordable EVS this is mainly due to an export ban that was thrown Upon Us by China last week but this also means companies will start making more gas cars again and more on that later now

I’m going to tell you how Tesla’s sales are also hurting the used EV market prices for used electric vehicles are nose diving like never before we’re not just talking about a gentle slope here it’s more like a steep Cliff according to the salesman over at ICC cars.com

Used EV prices have plummeted by nearly 30% in just a year this is due to Tesla’s jaw-dropping price cuts on their new models earlier this year it’s like they decided to have a fire sale and the used EV Market just couldn’t keep up with Tesla’s slashing prices left and

Right the value of their used cars took a nose dive even despite cheaper prices of used EVS people aren’t ready to buy an EV due to some of the horror stories I’m going to tell you about for the people who have already purchased an EV

This crash is turning out to be an even bigger disaster first off let’s talk about the charging crisis imagine buying a shiny new Eevee thinking you’re going to zip around all eco-friendly like doing your part man but then reality hits finding a charging station isn’t a

Walk in the park and when you do find one it’s like striking gold if it’s actually working or not overcrowded and then there’s the issue of EV fires EVS are literally exploding killing several owners due to a new problem called thermal runaway that’s causing EVS to catch fire while charging over a 100

Deaths have occurred already while nearly 500 people reported EV fires where a loss of property and monetary damages were involved if these problems Aren’t Enough What if I told you EVS might cause you to spend more money than you thought you’d save on gas you’d think insuring an Eevee would be like

Every other car right wrong insurance premiums for these electric Beauties can be through the roof some owners have seen their rates triple imagine forking over something like $6,000 a year just to ensure your ride it’s enough to make you want to park the car and just walk

And the repair bills get this a man in Ohio was quoted a $50,000 sum just to replace the batteries in his car then there have been multiple cases where people are better off buying a gas car than to just repair their EV so what’s the deal here why are EVS turning out to

Be such a headache for some it boils down to a few things the tech is still new and like all new tech there are Kinks to iron out the infrastructure especially for charging hasn’t caught up to the sales boom and let’s not forget EVS are packed with sophisticated Tech

Which means sophisticated and expensive repairs the kicker is despite all these challenges the push for EVS isn’t slowing down governments and Manu ufacturers are all aboard the electric train choo choo but it feels like the passengers aka the owners aren’t the ones dealing with the problems now the

World is starting to go back to gas cars and companies aren’t listening to the politicians anymore even luxury car makers are on a quest to find alternative fuels BMW has already launched a new hydrogen powered SUV while Porsche is already testing a fuel which helps cars run on water and

Meanwhile over in Japan we’re seeing companies experiment with ammonia engines that offer crazy good good range up to 1,000 miles but have some production issues that are being worked out but one thing is for sure relying only on one fuel is never a good idea with China controlling over 80% of the

Global supply of EV materials who knows if they will or won’t completely disrupt the supply chains it’s high time that as consumers we take action against the forced EV push and tell car makers not to listen to the government leaders but instead to the actual public you know

The ones buying their cars what do you think are EVS a scam are we not ready for EVS let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s

About to happen with EVS

The government needs to stop controlling the EV market! The EV market is crashing, and people are about to see the biggest financial disaster in the history of cars till date! DO NOT BUY AN EV RIGHT NOW! Political leaders are controlling EV companies, leading to a massive loss that could destroy the middle class completely! They kept a DARK TRUTH hidden so people keep buying EVs, but in this video, I’m going to expose everything! From EVs killing people to literal graveyards of thousands of EVs, and people being fired due to the forced EV push, we have a lot to cover. This might change how you see EVs forever!

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