Electric Motorcycles

Electric Motorbikes – Are we ready for them?

Electric Motorbikes – Are we ready for them?

Hey good day and welcome back I’m heading up to Sydney to the everything electric show it’s an electric car show but they do have electric motorcycles on display and you can take them out for a test ride now I’m running a bit of a risk because whenever I post anything to

Do with electric motorbikes on my YouTube channel I lose subscribers but I want to answer the question are Electro motorcycles ready for us or are we ready for them thank you ladies and gentlemen and a really really big warm welcome to uh everything electric 2024 we are so

Thrilled to be here uh my name is Robert lell I’m the founder of the fully chart show but my goodness me I just want to really underline the fact that I am not the organizer of the event because if I was you’d all be standing up in a quarry

At the wrong side of Sydney God knows but it would been an absolute disaster I don’t want You and we got That’s Good thing that’s good so once the key is on yep and the kill switches down and the side stands up the bike’s live right so every time you’re not riding obviously kill switch off and obviously side Stand Down yep uh you’ll know when it’s live

Side set up and k switch on it’ll give you a green light at the top so that’s obviously you ready to go uh mostly s similar to every other motorcycle not that you need a need switch box today I guess throttle front brake rear brake no

Gears no clutches y um you got a couple of different modes um so it’s in sport at the moment you can change it if you like and go down or up or anything like that leave it at perfect no problems at all uh there you go jump on yeah

Absolutely what could go wrong nothing at all you can ignore it that’s what cool okay right here so when that’s on that goes green yep cck that on you’re now live all right thank You pretty quick absolutely yeah yeah yeah definitely a lot of fun very quick very Nimble very light yeah I didn’t give it the Full Throttle y but um no she flies all right yeah absolutely can I have go on one of the others while I’m here jump

On that one now you can jump on this one if you like yep there you go you’re all good you’re obviously key on De once your fuel switch is down you got your green light on right is the one I was looking at oh [Applause] oh for

More on that one you got a faster one fine no that’s brilliant absolutely fun Nim light yeah what do they what do they say the specified range of the the um the larger models are 260 to 280 depending on the factors yeah okay so that’s what 14.4 was at Kow

Hours y okay the bigger engines are they’re all getting upgraded to 1.3s which is quite good they were an older generation engine compared to not that one the other one yeah inside so they’re all getting upgraded 173s yet brilant oh that’s magic I appreciate that thanks very much that’s okay made on you

It’s fascinating to see what difference a year makes since the everything electric show last year where I got to ride the Italian enera which at the time was selling for $50,000 now the zero motorcycles are back in Australia through Peter Stevens motorcycles and they’re under the $50,000 Mark so prices are trending down

And I personally think electric motorcycles in Australia are ready for mainstream now it’s just a matter of getting that price performance down so they become a bit more affordable like the very early electric vehicle Motorcars anyway keep an eye on this space thanks for [Applause] watching subscribe now and let’s ride

Electric motorbikes are becoming mainstream now, are you ready to buy one?

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