Electric Cars

Heavy Electric Vehicles vs Guardrails

Heavy Electric Vehicles vs Guardrails

In a groundbreaking study by the Midwest roadside safety facility at the University of Nebraska Lincoln the rise of electric vehicles on American roads is scrutinized for its impact on roadside safety measures the standout subject of This research is the 2022 rivan r1t truck a heavyweight contender in the EV Market that has put

Traditional safety protocols to the test weighing in at over 7,000 lb the rivan r1ts mass significantly exceeds that of traditional gasoline powered vehicles challenging existing roadside safety measures like guard rails in a recent crash test this electric pickup truck barreled through a guard rail at 60 mil per hour with minimal speed reduction

Underscoring the urgent need to reassess and potentially redesign these barriers to accommodate the unique characteristics of EVS the rivan r1ts Hefty weight typical of electric vehicles due to their large batteries contributes to a higher impact energy during collisions this trait not only poses a risk to the vehicle’s occupants

But also to the roadside infrastructure and by extension Public Safety the current guardrail system designed to decelerate and redirect lighter Vehicles struggles to manage the force exerted by heavier EVS as demonstrated in the rivan r1t crash test this Revelation is part of a larger initiative sponsored by the US army engineer research and

Development center to evaluate the effectiveness of current guard rails and Military protection measures against the increasing number of EVS the research underscores a critical And Timely need to revisit the design of roadside barriers to accommodate a vehicle Fleet that now includes heavier electric trucks and SUVs the tests involving the

Rivan r1t exemplify the broader implications of the shift towards Electric Mobility they underscore the necessity for infrastructure that can ensure the safety of all Road users in the face of evolving vehicle technology as the proportion of electric vehicles on the road increases so too does the urgency to adapt our roadside safety

Measures to this new reality

In a groundbreaking study by the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, the rise of electric vehicles on American roads is scrutinized for its impact on roadside safety measures. A standout subject of this research is the 2022 Rivian R1T truck, a heavyweight contender in the EV market that has put traditional safety protocols to the test.

Weighing in at over 7,000 pounds, the Rivian R1T’s mass significantly exceeds that of traditional gasoline-powered vehicles, challenging existing roadside safety measures like guardrails. In a recent crash test, this electric pickup truck barreled through a guardrail at 60 mph with minimal speed reduction, underscoring the urgent need to reassess and potentially redesign these barriers to accommodate the unique characteristics of EVs.

The Rivian R1T’s hefty weight, typical of electric vehicles due to their large batteries, contributes to a higher impact energy during collisions. This trait not only poses a risk to the vehicle’s occupants but also to the roadside infrastructure and, by extension, public safety. The current guardrail system, designed to decelerate and redirect lighter vehicles, struggles to manage the force exerted by heavier EVs, as demonstrated in the Rivian R1T crash test.

This revelation is part of a larger initiative sponsored by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center to evaluate the effectiveness of current guardrails and military protection measures against the increasing number of EVs. The research underscores a critical and timely need to revisit the design of roadside barriers to accommodate a vehicle fleet that now includes heavier electric trucks and SUVs.

The tests involving the Rivian R1T exemplify the broader implications of the shift towards electric mobility. They underscore the necessity for infrastructure that can ensure the safety of all road users in the face of evolving vehicle technology. As the proportion of electric vehicles on the road increases, so too does the urgency to adapt our roadside safety measures to this new reality.

Video Credit: https://news.unl.edu/newsrooms/today/article/nebraska-experts-weigh-highway-safety-and-electric-vehicles/

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