Plug-in Hybrids

How Slowing EV Sales and Strict Fuel Economy Standards Made GM Return to Plug-In Hybrid Cars

How Slowing EV Sales and Strict Fuel Economy Standards Made GM Return to Plug-In Hybrid Cars

With Rising concerns about increasing CO2  emissions globally several actions are being   taken to counter it and this includes automobiles  which are among the biggest contributors to CO2   emissions several countries around the world are  looking at the transition to cleaner Automobiles  

And this includes electric vehicles Norway for  example plans to transition to sales of zero   emission Vehicles by 2025 this includes battery  electric vehicles and Fuel Cell hydrogen vehicles   but many automakers are struggling to meet such  timelines and some automakers are pushing back  

Against timelines entirely Global Automotive giant  General Motors is one such company the company is   revising its transition to electric vehicles once  committed to an all electric future the company is   now looking to reintroduce plug-in hybrid electric  vehicles back into its vehicle lineup in North  

America this change comes in the wake of slowing  electric vehicle sales and the urgent need to meet   increasingly stringent fuel economy standards in  April 2022 the US Department of transportation’s   National highway traffic safety administration or  nhtsa announced new fuel economy standards which  

Follow President Joe Biden’s executive order to  drive America’s transition to clean cars these   standards are called the corporate average fuel  economy or Cafe so what is CAFE? well CAFE stands   standards are regulations in the United States  aimed at improving the average fuel economy of  

Cars and light trucks including trucks vans and  sport utility vehicles manufactured for sale in   the US CAFE was implemented with three major goals  the first of which being energy conservation Cafe   standards were first enacted by the US Congress  in 1975 in response to the 1973 oil crisis the  

Oil embargo against the US led to fuel shortages  as well as high fuel prices and really highlighted   the US’s vulnerability due to its heavy Reliance  on foreign oil the second goal is reducing fuel   consumption by setting fuel economy targets  for automakers Cafe standards aim to reduce  

The amount of fuel consumed by vehicles in the US  thereby decreasing the overall consumption of oil   and finally environmental benefits over time the  scope of Cafe standards were expanded to include   environmental considerations improved fuel economy  reduces greenhouse gas emissions which contributes  

To us efforts to combat climate change the new  standards are aimed at making vehicle miles per   gallon more efficient saving consumers more  money at the pump and reducing emissions from   Transportation Cafe in reality is more complicated  than conserving energy and reducing fuel  

Consumption Cafe standards require each automaker  to meet certain miles per gallon averages across   the fleet of vehicles that they sell in a given  year this means the average fuel economy of all   the new vehicles from an automaker must meet or  exceed specified targets so if they are selling  

The automaker is selling a small vehicle and a  large SUV or pickup truck the average of those   vehicles must meet Cafe standards for that given  year the standards are periodically updated to   reflect the advances in automotive technology and  changing economic and environmental needs this  

Includes setting progressively more stringent  fuel economy targets to comply with these   standards automakers invest in new technologies  to improve the fuel efficiency of their vehicles   this includes developing more efficient engines  transmissions and using lighter weight materials   as well as advancing hybrid and electric vehicle  propulsion technology automakers that fail to  

Meet these standards are subject to fines these  penalties are calculated based on the extent to   which the automakers fall short of the standards  and the total volume of their vehicles sold Cafe   is challenging for automakers because they plan  their product lines years in advance predict iting  

The fuel economy for various vehicle types like  SUVs and pickup trucks can be quite challenging   for an automaker there can also be shifts in  Market demands which could cause a shift away   from the types of vehicles that an automaker is  focusing on bringing to Market sometimes there’s a  

Mismatch between the fuele efficient vehicles that  regulations encourage and the types of vehicles   that cons consumers prefer such as SUVs and  trucks these vehicles typically have lower fuel   efficiency and these two classes of vehicles have  been the most popular classes of vehicles sold in  

The US over the past 10 years the increased  costs associated with meeting Cafe standards   can lead to higher prices for new vehicles this  can affect Market competitiveness for automakers   and consumer purchasing decisions the new Cafe  standards under the Biden Administration require  

An industrywide Fleet average of 49 miles per  gallon for passenger vehicles and light trucks   this includes SUVs and these Cafe standards  are among the most stringent fuel efficiency   requirements to date the previous Cafe standards  requ required Passenger cars and light trucks to  

Achieve an industrywide Fleet average of roughly  40 m per gallon this was part of the regulations   established in 2012 under the Obama Administration  however there was a roll back of these standards   during the Trump Administration in 2020 which  reduced the requirement the industrywide fleet  

Average 2 28 mil per gallon the new stand  standards under the Biden Administration   will increase fuel efficiency 8% annually for  vehicle model years 2024 to 2025 and 10% annually   beginning for model year 2026 they will also  increase the estimated Fleet average by nearly  

10 miles per gallon for model year 2026 relative  to vehicle model year 2021 the new Cafe standards   for model years 2024 through 2026 are projected  to reduce fuel use by about 200 billion gallons   through 2050 as compared to continuing under the  current standards increasing vehicle efficiency  

And reducing fuel consumption will save Americans  at the pump Americans who buy vehicles in 2026   will get 33% more miles per gallon compared to  current standards but what does this mean for   the automotive industry and consumers alike well  some automakers have begun introducing EVS into  

Their lineup but recently there has been a well  documented slowdown in the automotive industry   as it relates to EVS automakers and suppliers bet  big on on future demand for electric vehicles but   the Slowdown has caused huge financial losses for  several automakers prompting production cuts and a  

Delay in their plans to shift to EVS investment  in capacity and Technology development actually   outpaced the demand for EVS really putting  added pressure on automakers to cut costs   American automakers general motor and Ford Motor  Company are two examples GM recently announced a  

Delay to it production plans for its EVS until  2026 as the company rethinks its strategy in   order for its EV business to become profitable  Ford has also delayed its EV production plans   as well as implemented production Cuts due to  slower than expected demand for their vehicles  

For more information on these company’s plans as  it relates to EVS see the related video link for   GM it has decided to refocus its near-term Plans  by bringing plug-in hybrid electric vehicles or   phevs back into its lineup plug-in hybrids combine  traditional internal combustion engine technology  

With electric Battery Technology they offer a  blend of reduced emissions and extended driving   range Bridging the Gap between conventional and  fully electric vehicles despite this shift in   plans GM says it’s maintaining its commitment to  eliminating tailpipe emissions from light duty  

Vehicles by 2035 the integration of phevs is seen  as a strategic move to balance environmental goals   and the current challenges in the automotive  Market General Motors isn’t new to plug-in   hybrid vehicles if you recall the company had the  Chevrolet Volt Plug-In hybrid from 2010 to 2019  

Which was a very popular choice among consumers  following the discontinuation of the vault which   was met with a lot of controversy the company  shifted its focus to EVS with the initial Focus   being on the Chevrolet Bolt EV the company also  has high hopes for its ultium Battery Technology  

However models like the Chevrolet Blazer EV  and GMC Hummer EV have faced challenges from   owner frustrations with the vehicle software to  the function of the vehicle overall including   Motors batteries and brakes interestingly GM  has been offering plug-in hybrid vehicles in  

Markets outside the US China would be an example  but now the company is bringing the technology   back home to North America GM strategy this goes  beyond meeting Federal fuel economy and tailpipe   emission regulation it’s about meeting consumer  demand as well shifting to plug-in hybrids offer  

Several advantages to automakers one they can  attract a wider range of consumers as consumers   may have concerns around range anxiety as  it relates to battery electric vehicles   there are also concerns from consumers around EV  charging infrastructure and whether they will be  

Able to safely and reliably charge their EVs and  there’s also the higher upfront costs associated   with buying an EV many automakers also have the  technology in place as well as the manufacturing   capabilities for plugin hybrid electric vehicles  which allows for a quicker and potentially less  

Costly transition compared to developing an  allnew battery electric vehicle Toyota would   be one such example while plug-in hybrids emit  fewer pollutants than internal combustion engine   Vehicles they still contribute to emissions in  the atmosphere when they are operating in gasoline   mode meaning that they are less environmentally  friendly than their battery electric vehicle  

Counterparts then there’s the consumer Behavior  aspect to plug-in hybrid vehicles research by the   international Council on clean transportation in  2023 found that many plug-in hybrid vehicle owners   don’t actually plug in their vehicles for charging  especially those with company cars meaning that  

These hybrid vehicles are operating primarily in  gasoline mode this could be influenced by various   factors such as convenience meaning whether  owners have access to charging stations or   whether the vehicle is actually directly owned by  by them they may not feel that it’s necessary to  

Plug the vehicles in for charging in some cases  plug-in hybrids may actually emit more carbon   dioxide into the atmosphere than is advertised  by automakers this is due to these vehicles being   heavier than their internal combustion engine  counterparts due to the hybrid electric motor  

And the combination of the internal combustion  engine also some of these vehicles are being   operated primarily in gasoline mode as many  drivers are not charging the batteries in   their plug-in hybrids meaning that these vehicles  are actually having a counterproductive effect  

Versus what is advertised by automakers as the  world increasingly moves toward a zero emission   future plug-in hybrids may only be a short-term  solution long-term Investments by automakers into   plug hybrid technology may not align with the  trajectory of the automotive industry as well  

As governments there is an increasing focus  on carbon emissions reductions and one way to   achieve that is through full electrification  so what does this mean for you the consumer   in the near term it means more choices in terms  of vehicle offerings and the type of technology  

That they use it also allows automakers to  make a more gradual transition to electric   vehicles as the industry adapts to evolving  demands and as the technological capabilities   develop as always thanks for watching and for  more from the definitive source for clean tech  

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General Motors is revising its vehicle strategy by reintroducing plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) into their lineup, alongside their electric vehicles (EVs). This strategic pivot reflects GM’s response to market demands and regulatory pressures, balancing the company’s environmental commitments with practical consumer needs.



Related Videos:

1. Why GM Reversed Its Decision and Kept Chevy Bolt in Its EV Plans –
2. Ford’s $12 Billion Dollar Shift In Reverse: What Its EV Decision Reveals About the EV Market –
3. Ford Cuts F-150 Lightning EV Production as Sales Continue to Fall –

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