Electric Cars

Why Electric Vehicles DON’T Need To Have A 1,000 Mile Range

Why Electric Vehicles DON’T Need To Have A 1,000 Mile Range

When an EV can do a thousand miles on a single charge and only takes five minutes to top back up again I’ll consider having one have you heard that one before what a crazy argument and Dave welcome to Dave takes it on and we’re just going to have a shallow dive

Into this one because the claim is so ludicrous that doesn’t deserve anymore so let’s go back to petrol cars I don’t know if anyone’s ever worked it out it’s not something that we do but how far will your car go on a full tank of petrol and if you ask that question

To someone who ask you how far will the EV go usually get I don’t know um I can get 50 to the gallon or whatever it is they have no idea the size of the tank versus number of miles per gallon and the range of the car and that’s because

It’s not an important question to them how far can I go they know they can fill the tank up they know they can drive two three 400 mil doesn’t matter exactly how much but they know when it’s starting to run low they’ll pull into a garage and they’ll top it up

Again on a long journey if you’re doing a 6 seven8 hour road trip you cannot drive six seven or8 hours without stopping if you try that you’re absolute danger to people on the road because they say you get tired you get blood sugars and all sorts of things going

Down uh it’s really bad thing to do what we should do is stop every couple of hours just for a break stretch your legs stretch your back uh going over cup of coffee take a toilet break and then go back on the road and the idea is during

That time you top your you fill your petrol tank up again and off you go so even with a petrol car very few people actually run the full distance without stopping now exactly the same applies to EVS what you should do and I can quote

Tesla here I I do that because I’ve got a Tesla not because I totally favor them people accuse me of doing that but that’s a different matter but if I’m on a journey um then the modern Teslas something like a model 3 or a model y uh

Will replace between 150 and 200 miles in 15 minutes 15 so let’s take an example you jump in your car it’s full you set off on your road trip you do a couple of hours you’ve done 100 150 180 miles that’s all you can do today that’

Be three hours driving you never average 70 M an hour that just doesn’t happen there’s traffic there’s Road works as all sorts um but all the SAT have’s used 60 M an hour as a as an average speed on the motorway so after 3 hours you’ve

Done 180 miles so you decide to stop off at a Motorway Services you go to a Tesla supercharge you plug it in you go off you go toilet you get a cup of coffee you stretch your legs you walk around breathe in fresh air going get a donut

Whatever it is you’re doing head back to the car in 15 minutes an average Tesla will replace between 150 and 200 miles of range You’ve Done 3 hours maximum 180 mil so you can replace it all while you’re having your toilet break cup of coffee and a donut and a walk around and

Stretch so your battery is now full again jump in your car off on the next one you’d know do another two or three hours Stop stretch maybe have lunch this time over lunch you’re not worried about 15 minutes or anything over lunch you’re going to sit there for half an hour 40

Minutes maybe an hour if it’s nice leisurely one uh so you can charge up to whatever level you want so what we have is people say when electric car can do a thousand miles I’ll have one I ask them name name all of the petrol cars that can do a th000

Mile on a tankful and the simple fact is there’s not a single one in the world uh that’s in mass production that could do a th000 miles there’s not one some of the them uh for example a Mustang muscle car over in America these have a V4 a V8 4.8 L

Petrol Engine with multiple Barrel cars all sorts of stuff um they have a stated range if you look on the sales ticket of about 14 m per gallon in town driving and anything up to 20 mil per gallon out on the road and if you check the size of

The tank they around about 13 14 gallons in plain English one of those which they love over in the states will do you about 150 to 200 mile on a full tank that’s it so where did this Thousand Mile come from well the simple fact is 1,000 mile

Is just an excuse not to buy one at the moment it’s just telling you can’t afford one don’t want one but I’ve got to have a good excuse why I I’m not having one otherwise it would look like I can’t afford one no petrol car will

Get anywhere near a th000 mile range so that’s just ludicrous to start with so let’s get rid of that there’s a very sensible argument for making EVS which have smaller batteries and shorter range oh whoa I know what people are saying now you crazy no let me explain my

Thinking behind this is in the UK the average driver does 20 m a day that’s it 8,000 m a year 140 a week 20 m a day 20 mil a day you’ve got a battery you can do 300 miles it just means you don’t need to fill it up for probably a week

Week and a half that’s fine but you’re carrying around a huge battery and motors and everything else bigger brakes CU it’s heavy bigger suspension because it’s heavy you’re carrying around all of this weight uh statistic just out of Tesla Tesla monitor everything uh Big Brother gone mad uh but they monitor

Everything and they monitor all their Tesla cars as four million of them on the road and when they look at when a Tesla car will charge they found out the vast majority of people charge at home absolutely but the vast majority of people charge when their car has done 62

Miles that’s it now some people will run it almost flat and charge up other people will Top it up every night when they get home just a couple of miles but the average when they top up is 62 miles so why if you’re doing that do you need

A whopping big battery which is 80 kilowatt hours and will take you 400 miles and the simple answer is you don’t what we’re seeing now over in China is the rise of the super minis the super tiny cars now some of them like the woin um you’d never get them in in this

Country they are death traps there’s no safety no airbags I don’t even know if they got seat belts there’s nothing there no padding nothing but the basic batteries about 10 or 15 kilowatt hours they’re tiny and I mean the cars are tiny they’re very light you can actually

Park them head onto the curb in between two cars so what you’ve actually got is a really super mini now we can’t deal with them in the UK they they would just kill too many people but byd is now launching their super mini it’s coming out at about

$8,000 and this is the size of a voxel corser it’s got tiny little battery in it’s probably good for about 200 mile that’s all 150 maybe but I don’t think you need even that because if you can charge it at home all you need is 20 or

30 mile range so you can put a really small battery in it’s very light the suspension is much lighter and cheaper the brakes much lighter and cheaper the whole thing is much lighter and cheaper your batter is no longer the biggest cost in the car so you could have um the

What we call the super minis now now we did have a go at this back in the 70s in the UK and some of you will remember Reliant Robbins these were really lightweight cars uh didn’t catch on they were not the most stable of vehicles they they weren’t that bad uh went up

You wanted a GT version they had something like the Bond Bug uh we had the bubble cars we had a Sinkler with his C5 we have tried in this country in the past 50 years ago uh to get these super little mini cars in and they never

They never caught on but with congested roads with the price of everything going up there is a real place a real market now for these super little minis round about 8 to 10,000 that’s all you need they need a range of about 50 m or so so I’m suggesting there someone out there

Needs to have a look at these don’t go for your big Hummers and your F150s and your Silverados and your uh Model S and model X somebody please just have a go with some of these super minis that are safe for the roads in the

UK and the beauty of that one is the market that’s open to you is absolutely enormous now I know there’ll be no use whatsoever if you can’t charge at home however the number of people who can afford 8 to 10,000 for a brand new little runaround EV must be staggering

And of those a good number of those will be able to charge at home so we’ll have a look into that if you want to see that one please subscribe hit the notification Bell and we’ll notify you when we do launch the next video thanks for watching I’m Dave

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About The Channel:
Dave Takes It On was founded in 2023 and focuses primarily on content about electric vehicles and issues that impact drivers. Dave is based in the North West of the UK and owns a Tesla Model S. He regularly travels around the country, so if you see him feel free to say hello. The channel is supported by his son Jonas, who supports with thumbnails, titles, and technical aspects of the channel.

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