Plug-in Hybrids

GM Brings back Plug In Hybrids – Japanese bullet train – EV World News

GM Brings back Plug In Hybrids – Japanese bullet train – EV World News

Hi this is David with EV world news we’re talk about electric vehicles green energy and the stock markets I’m in the studio today with our founder Bill Moore how’s it going Bill oh yeah don’t be silent oh you muted yourself you’re honestly you are muted that is really funny um we were

Having all kinds of technical difficulties today and uh so I thought bill I thought you were trying to prank me no you’re good now you’re good now weird it was run by the way it was running the intro twice oh that’s that’s kind of entertaining

Too well um at least I speak been a good morning yeah we we we’ve certainly had our issues today so anyways you know like I always say technology keeps making our lives easier yeah anyways so let’s look at this our our first topic today we’re going to talk about General

Motors and what what kind of you know throwing out left field is Mary Bara putting us in now and uh you know it’s funny because they’ve been talking about this all EV strategy now all of a sudden they’re talking about bringing back plug-in hybrids and this is uh oh oh let me see

If I can get us back here to where we were yeah it’s got It’s got screen up there sorry folks but we’re really having we really seriously need a uh 20 yearold Tech here to oh I know well let me see um we we’ll

Get it back we’ll get it back yeah so we we had some technology working there and the technology didn’t like us but anyways so GM reverses its Allin strategy and they’re going to bring back the Chevy Volt now the Chevy Volt was a really good selling plugin hybrid

Electric vehicle for GM and by plugin hybrid that means you know you can charge you can charge it at home and then when you need it the gas engine will kick on and it had a feature that if it doesn’t if you don’t use the gas

Engine that it runs for at least 15 minutes every month just to uh keep the thing uh healthy I I used to think it was because of the gas but I’ve had people say it had more to do with the engine just needs to be run to make sure

Prob combination of both I know they the original version you had to burn premium gasoline uh in the generation one version of the uh of the volt I don’t know if that was required in the second in the the generation two version which is what the car we’re seeing right here

Yeah so Mary Bara said during a quarter 4 uh earnings call that our forward plans include bringing our plug-in hybrid Tech to to select vehicles in North America that GM aims to eliminate its light duty vehicle emissions by 2035 but said that hybrids will fill in the gaps where needed from a compliance

Perspective she didn’t specify which segments they may occupy but going by GM’s history they’ll probably be oh this is funny brilliantly engineered and utterly neglected by marketing oh this is bad I actually know the guy who was responsible for the marketing on the on this vehicle oh

Okay I’m not sure what to what to say about that so get ready to scoop up a Chevy Volt Plug-In hybrid EV or whatever instead of a used Blazer EV yeah you know I i’ I’ve told you before I really think that uh GM has intentionally made

Ugly EVS so the people will just buy gas cars yeah and you know if if they looked cooler I think think they’d have a better thing and that’s kind of the whole reason why I think Tesla and Hyundai do so well is their EES actually look got yeah theyve put some some nice

Touches in I I lower price points yeah I’ve actually looked at buying uh you know a second generation uh Vault um so that I could I could basically downsize the family from the two cars we have now one of which is a an older Prius and the

Other which is the Fiat 500e and by I could downsize then get rid of those two cars then have because the the the volt had a EV range of better than 40 miles which is more than I you know generally put on in a day running the Fiat so uh

So and then of course if we want to take a longer trip you know go see uh you know the Chiefs down in Kansas City or uh go skiing in in uh in the Alps no down out at Crescent you know or whatever um that you know we could do

That in the same car that’s I think that’s the appeal of it I mean that even sort of appeals to me um I want to see GM I want to see GM buy out aptera and put the start making the apas oh well that the that would be the thing they

Should do you know I think somebody’s GNA do that eventually I think somebody’s gonna wake up and say hey this is really a good idea a car that goes A Thousand Miles they have so many pre-orders yeah they have so many pre-orders and the fact they’re not manufacturing them is just crazy but

It’s new technology and they’re a small underfunded Company You Know bar went on to say the quicker you get to our goal of zero emissions the better and E get you there faster so I dedicate a lot of capital and Engineering in a segment that doesn’t get you to the the endgame

We know how to do the endgame you know my only thing with that and I I see you know I understand everybody wants to switch to EVS really fast but the plugins are such an easier try it see how it works out and you know decide if then it’s like well I

Really didn’t use any gas anyways and I and I think that’s really you know I I guess I’d like to see some have a little more maybe than 40 miles on the battery but maybe 50 60 you know but even then it’s still not a huge difference in what you’re

Looking at you know G GM’s done well with the bolt they used to do okay with the volt which was really strange they decided to drop it um they just don’t have a lot to uh you know lot to choose from there and that’s kind of a you know

Interesting you know take maybe they’ll do some more Vehicles because right now obviously the leader in the field is um the uh uh is Toyota bill seems to be having some technical problems bill just come back in when you can all right all right do what you can

Bye all right bill having some technical issues but anyways I’ll continue on with what we’ve got going on for articles today so uh my next topic today is on the Hyandai ionic 5 and this is one that where I live in Nebraska it really didn’t see many of these but it’s a top

Seller off the lot say dealers prep for Ev growth it’s a decent looking car I think Hyundai and Kia have done a good job of making vehicles that look good and and Hyundai dealerships modernizing as the brand looks to build upon its growth in the EV Market the ionic 5 is a

Top seller at some dealers new vehicles rolling out including the ionx 7 SUV they’ve got the whole gamut covered now let’s see oh Kevin Riley Hyundai National dealer Council said he sold his first Hyundai in 1987 wow I didn’t even know they’d been around that long in the US so the South

Korean automaker sold 269,000 EVS last year so they’re they’re growing in that space and they’re number two overall in the US in the EV space let’s see in the US Hyundai’s largest sales Market the automaker with Kia blew pass for and GM become number two in

20123 the ionic 5 was the sixth best selling Eevee in the US last year climbing from sth the year before dealers are doubling down on a healthy demand for EVS and this what this dealership in Washington DC has seen 20 to 25% growth one two three h well you’re you’re back

Bill sort of um let me see if I can get you back on the screen here there we go I I hear you okay so anyways you can talk you may not oh he doesn’t hear us well this should make things interesting anyways I will I took him off the stage and uh

We’ll continue with the episode certainly uh makes things uh different anyways but back to U the Hyundai the spike k e sales may not stay on its current slope it’s going to still be a rapid adoption once a customer gets in an Eevee and starts driving it

There’s almost no chance they’ll go back to an internal combustion engine vehicle this is one of the things that I we get a lot of doubters but it’s just a different experience driving in an electric vehicle that it’s hard to comprehend how much of a change it is the automaker expects to become

Operational head of schedule as soon as the third quarter in terms of their new 5.5 billion dollar EV and Battery Mega plant in Georgia they expect let’s see uh 100 the foundation work was almost complete and its new facility would have the capacity to build around 300,000 EVS

Annually here in the United States as it looks to extend its leadership in the market one of the biggest reasons for the expected growth is the first three row electric SUV the I from hondai the ionic 7 it’ll sit alongside the Palisade as a family mover anyways that’s uh

Pretty interesting take and I’ve got one more topic to cover today we’re going to talk a little bit about the true cost of Japan’s bullet train now this is kind of interesting because while this isn’t necessarily talking so much we talk mostly about electric cars this is something a little bit different the

Bullet train can reach 500 kilometers per hour that’s a little faster than 300 it scheduled link Tokyo to ngoo in 40 minutes Osaka in 67 minutes that would which would beat the current bullet train that’s running those one of those by about 50 minutes and an hour and a

Half on the other the private company behind the project claims that the linear will bring huge economic benefits by bolster ing Japanese industry particularly if the technology gets exported abroad now this is traveling as fast pretty much as an airplane now since construction began in 2014 many Japanese residents have only seen its

Rising costs with few of the anticipated advantages Japanese taxpayers are asked to foot a large part of the Staggering uh 9 trillion yen which this is uh about 60 billion US dollar in 2016 the administration lent the company an astounding the equivalent of 20 billion US of ultra low interest long-term loans

From State funds the local governments and taxpayers are shouldering the bills for constructing new trains for the linear let’s see the average cost for station buildings alone is about $236 million per building that’s a that’s a steep price per pay even though they admitted that the maglev won’t turn a

Profit domestically but will rather mainly be used to sell Japanese technology abroad for instance while it supporters highlight the trains clean and Eevee can you can you hear me now bill I can hear you sorry folks my computer crashed well you know I I will tell you I’ve had strange Tech

Things going on maybe there’s been a solar flare or something just it could be who knows you know um 90% of the line journeyer from Tokyo to Osaka will be entirely underground 70 kilometers pass directly underneath the pristine Wilderness of the Japanese Alps wow that 90% underground that’s really hard to

Believe so you’re gonna be traveling 300 miles hour yeah 300 miles hour Underground now this is producing massive amounts of soil and dirt waste some of which is contaminated with toxic chemicals such as Arsenic and mercury and almost all of which will have no decided use or storage location it is estimated that

Tunnel construction will produce 56.8 million cubic meters of dirt and only a fraction of this can be reused most is being used to fill in gorges and river valleys h interesting to see what uh they’ve got going on there now yeah I thought thing to me of course besides all the

Budgetary overruns and everything else uh is the fact that uh they mentioned that from an Energy Efficiency point of view to run that maglev system is actually requires I think it said four times the amount of energy that required to run the current bullet train system and the current bullet train system is

Really fast I’ve ridden it and it’s awesome uh we don’t have anything in this country even can approach approach that system um so I don’t you know is is it smart You’re Gonna Save You know you’re going to get there in you know 50 minutes or whatever the travel time was

At that speed uh as opposed to the amount of energy it takes that that’s a that’s a question in my mind at least now here’s something that’s kind of interesting stellantis has decided to start making fuel cell vans in Poland and France using hydrogen which I I find that kind of to be

Fascinating but uh you know I don’t know what you really think of that five models or seven models something like that yeah I’m not not completely sure here that one was not let’s see they they had I mean this goes back you know better than a decade ago they rolled out

Uh postal vans in France that were uh that used fuel cells uh in conjunction so almost like a plug-in hybrid except instead of an internal combustion engine it was a fuel cell they did that to give their postal vehicles in rural France uh longer range because at that particular time the batter’s only

Version of the postal van which was built by Rena I think um just just wasn’t up to the job for Rural French delivery well diamler has been making buses in Germany that were on that technology it was a hybrid with yeah very early on 20 years ago basically

Right and let’s see Toyota is the 24 Toyota TOA miray fuel cell EV is priced from 51,000 and so this is probably oh it’s only going to be sold in California and Hawaii has 18 horsepower so which is where they have char fueling refueling stations right I understand there’s like

50 fuel hydrogen fueling stations the United States and 49 of them are in California or something ridiculous like that not quite yeah yeah here’s well the interesting thing mentioning Hawaii by the way is they have turned off their last remaining Coal Fired power plant and now they’re relying strictly on battery storage

Provided by can you name the company well hopefully not cylindra no I don’t know no Tesla really oh yeah yeah got a huge battery storage system provided by Tesla and they have turn officially turned off their last cold fired power plant see what we got here it’s kind of

Interesting well did I miss much when we when I was uh rebooting the computer no no not not terribly that it was just uh frightful being alone in the studio but yeah yeah so Hawaii’s replace so is there is the battery storage facility yep wow they limited 180 megawatts of fossil fueled Basel

Load so let’s see and so they switched to a portfolio small and large Renewables the run off the vagaries of the weather this is quite interesting so the plant’s 185 megawatts of instantaneous discharge capacity match with the old C old Coal Power Plant could inject into the grid the batteries

React quicker instead of generating power they absorb it from the grid ideally when it’s flush with renewable generation and deliver what cheap clean power back in the evening hours when it’s desperately needed it feels incredibly part of what Hawaii and Hawaiian Electric are doing to get to 100% renewable energy and to

Play this enabling role to help them get one step closer I’d be curious what their breakdown is of when solar Hydro nuclear I don’t know do they have nuclear in Hawaii no they do not that’s my knowledge let me see it can reduce curtailment of Renewables by 69% for the

First five years allowing Surplus clean energy that otherwise go to waste to get under the grid so apparently they have an over supply of both yeah I saw an article interestingly that uh and I think this was in England that they were paying util or wind farm

Operators uh quite a bit of money and I think I saw a figure of like a million dollars or what it was to turn off their wind turbines at particular times when the wind was generating more than the grid could handle so it would seem to be

That would make a case to uh for them to follow suit here that’s really amazing so uh Hawaii’s had very high rooftop solar adoption too so you know it it’s not the same you know people always talk about will the grid be overloaded or can the grid handle everything well part of it

Is as people have their own Min grids at home that takes away a lot of the need for it but anyways um bill that was all I had to cover today so hopefully I have I have to I I I did I do now have a new electric vehicle oh yeah battery

Powerered electric vehicle but oh that’s right the Drone it’s a little drone about that pig and finally got warm enough here and enough of the snow melted that I was able to take it out in my driveway and fly it for the first time and didn’t

Hit anything I tried a couple times to do it in the house and that didn’t go so well oh that’s not good that’s not good well I waited until the weather got nicer and went out and uh flew it above the driveway took it up you know I don’t know 50 meters or

Something like that and brought it back down and didn’t break anything so how far away from you can it go what what is the range you well I think I think it’s something like half a mile I don’t it really depends no I I to be honest I

Don’t know you’re supposed to legally you’re supposed to keep it within eyesight and and this is so small uh that you know you get out probably get out half a mile you wouldn’t see it um so does it does it have a screen does it feedback video

Back to you oh yeah right on to this oh under your phone that’s my controller and it’s got a beautiful little camera and it sends back video and it captures video and uh it’s got a little controller thing that the phone sits in and it’s great it’s fun oh I love it I

Love it all right well anyways um folks thanks for watching sorry we had some technical difficulties today my apologies yeah please leave us a comment if You’ like to see something different and anyways um have a great day

GM Brings back Plug In Hybrids – Japanese bullet train – EV World News

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