Electric Cars

5 Biggest EVs SCANDALS That Forced EV Market to COLLAPSE!

5 Biggest EVs SCANDALS That Forced EV Market to COLLAPSE!

Car makers investors politicians they all have one thing in common they’re taking advantage of the current Automotive electrification to achieve their goals whether it’s about establishing a better position on the market or it’s just about earning as much money as possible they often use all kinds of illegal means some of them

Remain under the surface and some get discovered and in this video we’re focusing on the latter we present to you the five biggest EV scandals that are forcing the EV Market to collapse number five Electrify America scand it’s been almost a decade since diesel gate which is still one of the biggest

Scandals in Automotive History Volkswagen was charged with installing software on its diesel powered cars to cheat on ebaa emissions tests eventually it turned out that emissions are actually 40 times higher than permitted that Scandal cost the German car maker billions so far besides paying huge amounts of money the company also agreed

To make amends and build a whole new network of public chargers for electric cars today known as Electrify America the total investment of $2 billion was one of the ways ways to compensate for all that air pollution today Electrify America has over 4,000 Chargers Across America but things didn’t turn out so

Well at least not as expected it turns out that the idea to compensate for diesel gate was just an overture for another Scandal it may not be as big as diesel gate but it definitely contributes to EV meltdown namely the latest reports from JD Power ranked Electrify America last in consumer

Satisfaction among fast charging networks another study focused on the San Francisco Bay Area showed that only 7 2.5% of fast Chargers were operative JD Power estimates that every fifth charging attempt is unsuccessful for numerous reasons broken screens faulty Payment Systems broken cords or excessively low charging are just some

Of them with more and more Americans buying EVS over the last few years consumers have also become aware of all the inconvenience that comes with electric cars something that you usually don’t hear from those who advertise EVS so it doesn’t surprise that some sources estimate that 18% of those who buy

Electric vehicles eventually return to gas powerered cars charging inconvenience is one of the key reasons and the poor performance of Electrify America charging stations is certainly contributing a lot to the current EV Market slowdown number four Tesla’s secret complaint suppressed Team without any doubt Tesla is the most advanced EV

Manufacturer in the world probably the only company that makes EVS that actually work but even these vehicles are not as great as the company advertises them and that particularly refers to the max range namely most Tesla models are correct Rise by impressive autonomy with claimed ranges

That go way over 300 sometimes 400 miles in reality things are a little bit different and in most cases that number drops significantly due to the battery’s vulnerability to factors like driving style weather conditions Etc even such exaggerating wouldn’t be much of a problem given all the battery issues

Customers are familiar with the problem occurred when Tesla owner started suspecting that the company uses rigged software with unrealistic range projections it turned out that Tesla cars indeed use algorithms that show Rosy distance projections once the battery Falls below 50% the software suddenly starts showing way more realistic projections with range figures

Decreasing rapidly in front of driver’s eyes the only mitigating circumstance is that Teslas are designed with a so-called safety buffer with around 15 Mi of additional range after empty battery readouts with a significantly lower range than advertised it wasn’t a surprise to see many owners tried to

Book their visits to dealers but Tesla figured out how to reduce these visits by sending a message that says that remote Diagnostics has determined that the battery was fine eventually we found out that Tesla employees were instructed to thwart all complaints about the range as the number of complaints were getting

Bigger Tesla eventually created a diversion team that would work on these cancellations all day long with hundreds of cancellations on a weekly basis things went so far that Tesla was tracking the number of cancellations of each employee neither Tesla nor musk responded to these accusations number three remember dash for diesel older

Generations probably remember the former UK Chancellor Gordon Brown and his tax system that was favoring diesel cars more than two decades ago diesel engines indeed have lower carbon emissions than gasoline cars but what officials were missing to say is that the emissions of nitrogen oxides particulates and other

Pollutants were much greater and we’re talking about things that are far more dangerous for human health sounds familiar that’s exactly what politicians from different parts of the world are doing right now with the only difference that this time it’s about electric cars rather than diesel Eevees are advertised as zero emission sustainable Vehicles

They’re advertised as something that will save the planet and for that cause they’re spending billions of tax money on all kinds of Eevee incentives once again they’re missing to point out the negative sides of electric vehicles and there are so many of them they’re missing to say that electric vehicles

Are not the answer for many people first of all there are practical reasons like charging an ownership cost moreover EVS are also more dangerous than gasp powered cars as they’re heavier and therefore or more likely to kill or hurt more occupants of other vehicles in traffic accidents and if we consider

Who’s buying EVS as well as that 90% of owners also have a gas powered car that is used for long trips it’s obvious that EVS won’t save the environment instead the recent estimation suggest that even in 2050 Eves will make up no more than 20% of global car travel according to

The UN climate panel that’ll be enough to reduce global temperatures by no more than 110,000 of a Celsius degree by the end of the century meanwhile the international energy agency found that hybrid cars emit the same amount of CO2 as EVS over their lifetime which is quite interesting if we consider that

Hybrids are much cheaper and don’t have most of the eveve downsides especially when it comes to charging in other words politicians are missing to say that the benefits of electric cars are minimal while the downsides are numerous meanwhile they’re hesitating to deal with much bigger emitters of CO2 such as electricity production agriculture

Industry Etc to remind you passenger cars account for just 7% of global emissions number number two Nica fraud although based on a slightly different but essentially the same technology the company called Nica and its founder Trevor Milton are a perfect example of how things work in the EV world we won’t

Say that the whole Automotive electrification is built on the ocean of Lies but it’s pretty clear that many of its aspects are nothing more than wishful thinking of various Pioneers officials and politicians the reality is different and clearly shows a massive gap between promises and execution as mentioned this Scandal is a perfect

Example as it refers to a story that started a decade ago when Milton founded a startup company in his basement the idea was to make a hydrogen fuel cell heavy duty truck an electric vehicle that would use hydrogen instead of batteries to store energy 2 years later

We already saw a prototype called the nio 1 with Milton claiming it was a pickup capable of operating on its own rather than being just a pusher concept truck eventually it turned out that this concept as well as many other projects and technological achievements were a lie Milton ended up accused of numerous

False and misleading statements stting stting from the statement that one of his pickups the badger was built from the ground up and used Nicholas parts and Technology then there were misleadingsilhouette Mission GM has been considered a stumbling giant for decades and it is one of the best candidates because GM

Has been investing a lot in the last few years and seems quite committed to the all electric future but things don’t go as planned the company is losing billions on new EV Investments due to the inability to gain new technologies properly and adapt to production all the profit that’s coming from Pickups and

Other gasped vehicles is used to cover massive EV losses in such a set of circumstances where shareholders are very unhappy with the current expected earnings it doesn’t surprise that the the share price has been depressing a lot recently GM officials decided for the most logical move to buy back shares

Worth $10 billion which is a quarter of the company’s entire value investors are perfectly aware that in a situation where the company is blindly following government requirements related to massive electrification GM will continue losing billions on electric vehicles because traditional GM customers are among more conservative ones and don’t

Want EVS GM must rely on gasoline powered profits as long as possible and forget about the whole idea of producing over a million EVS annually by the end of this decade if that doesn’t happen both the company and shareholders could expect nothing but bad things thanks for watching and see you next time

5 Biggest EVs SCANDALS That Forced EV Market to COLLAPSE! The EV market is plummeting. The EV market is falling apart, and the worst auto catastrophe ever is about to happen. But what led to this? What are the EV scandals that turned people against electric vehicles? The EV industry that was seen as the future of mobility and the answer to global warming is now facing a disastrous crash. What sparked this unparalleled EV downfall? Who are the main actors and casualties of this historic event? And what are the consequences for the millions of EV owners and investors around the world? In this video, we will expose the shocking truth about the biggest EV market crash in history, and why it’s not the end.


🎬Watch our most recent video:

🔴 EVs Owners HAD ENOUGH & Want to SWITCH BACK to Gas Cars WATCH HERE 👉 https://youtu.be/4KEWR9WsVzQ


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The Electric Vehicle wave sooner or later will become huge, so this type of content might appear on this channel from time to time. But as we are still on the way to becoming fully electrical, we mostly cover fossil cars from many amazing brands.


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