Electric Motorcycles

This 40 MPH E-BIKE Will Melt Your Face Off!! * 2024 Wired Freedom Review

This 40 MPH E-BIKE Will Melt Your Face Off!! * 2024 Wired Freedom Review

Hey what’s up chithe heads welcome back to the channel today I’m going to be doing a review of the 2024 wired Freedom I’ve had this bike for a couple months now and ridden it a decent amount about 160 miles unfortunately it’s been raining quite a bit this year so I

Haven’t ridden as much as I’d like to I do feel like I’ve ridden this enough to give you a comprehensive review tell you some of the things I absolutely love about this bike and some of the things I’m not so crazy about guys you’re absolutely not going to want to miss

This one but before you do anything else in your life I need you to like this video And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already here it is guys the 2024 wired freedom and the first thing I noticed when I took this thing out of the box

This paint job just looks Leaps and Bounds better than the paint job that’s on my 2023 wired Cruiser granted I have significantly more miles on the cruiser you can see here there are a lot of scratches on the lower portion of this bike this paint job is just nowhere near

As good of quality as the one on the freedom you can see the paint on the freedom is a nice glossy finish on it this to me feels more like a paint job you’d expect to see on a car this feels very nice some key differences between

The 2024 model and the 2023 2024 has metal fenders 2023 has plastic I actually kind of prefer the plastic fenders because these are quiet these don’t make much noise if you hear the metal ones banging around they make a significant amount of noise not going to

Be an issue to me because I do in fact plan on taking off Defenders all the 2024 models come with an rst Guide front fork which is way better than the fork that comes on the 2023 Cruiser as a matter of fact I don’t even see a brand

Name on the fork on the 2023 Cruiser which lets you know even the people that made this Fork they’re like hey we’ll sell it to you but we don’t want our brand name on it let me just show you one reason why the the fork is much

Better on this new model if I push forward on the bike you’ll see that the fork is actually pushing forward there’s a significant amount of slop or slack in this Fork where it’s pushing forward against the fork instead of pushing down in the suspension now we’re going to do

The same test on the freedom I’m holding the front brakes when I’m pushing forward you notice the bike immediately starts to go into the suspension the 2023 models used a 52 to front chain ring the 2024 model 56 to front chain ring okay now I know what you guys are

Probably thinking hey how’d you get a white freedom I don’t see that list on their website well guys I’m glad you asked all you have to do is click your heels together three times and then using your player Two controller you’re going to Simply press up up down down

Left right left right ba start and that will unlock the wired Freedom wired’s really made a name for themselves because they set the bar for this style of ebike this is a 60 volt system typical ebikes in this segment of the market with the Hub driven Motors

They’re going to be 48 to 52 volt 1500 watt hintok motor and this 2023 model had a 1200 watt motor as this one has special windings to do something or other honestly riding both of these bikes I couldn’t tell you a single difference the best part about these

Motors is they have a hybrid gears makes it significantly stronger typical ebikes have nylon gears which makes for a quiet ride but they’re more prone to failure this is a significantly stronger setup how many watts can a 60x 40 amp controller put out so if you times the

Two together 60 * 40 that’ll give you your answer this can put out 2400 watt another ebike I recently reviewed 48 volt system that could put out a total of about 1300 Watts so this bike puts out 1,000 Watts more than a lot of the competitors this has a 60 volt 20 amp

Hour battery and what that means this is a 1200w hour battery that means this battery can sustain a load of 12200 Watts for 1 hour as far as ebike terms go this is a on the ver on the large side of battery capacities this is a 26x

4 in fat Tire this one comes with the Kenda Crusade tires this bike is equipped with Tetro hydraulic disc brakes front and rear with 180 mm rotors has a seven-speed turning derailer I uh do not like this derailer one bit however if you look around almost every single ebike that’s a seven-speed has

The same exact derailer this may seem like a minor detail but the pedals that come on this bike these are wellgo pedals these are perfectly fine pedals look at the pedals that came on the 2023 Cruiser aren’t these hideous I was probably going to get beat up if I got

Caught out on the bike trails with these pedals one of the biggest selling points of the 2024 freedom is the fact that it’s a full suspension bike all the end links on the suspension here look like they’re very high quality the rear DNM shock offers a couple of uh adjustments

Port to add more air pressure this is your compression and then there’s your rebounds you guys really need to set up this shock before you go out and ride your bike if you want to get the most out of it the rst Guide front fork offers a couple adjustments here you

Have your rebound and compression this bike comes equipped with this nice sturdy rear rack one thing I not f with the design of this rack is I do plan on taking it off and unfortunately there’s no mounting Provisions for the fender or this tail light so if you remove the

Rack you’re going to have to remove the fender and tail light as well nice soft seat wire branded the one on the cruiser I was going to change it immediately but as I rode it I realized you know the seat was good enough for me so I ended

Up leaving it and one my absolute favorite things about the wired bikes are these BMX handlebars I don’t know what it is I just absolutely love the BMX bars display gives you all the same information the previous model did it gives you your pedal assist level one

Through five it has your battery meter here but more importantly I really like that this gives you the voltage the voltage is going to be more accurate than the bar system is by far power output there so if you are pedaling it shows you how much power you’re outputting temperature this is the

Ambient temperature new for 2024 models there is a motor temperature I like the grips here it’s got these nice Palm support areas it’s got a half twist throttle the same Shimano shifter here the sspeed I used to absolutely hate this shifter however it’s kind of grown

On me I still just think it’s really ugly I don’t know if somebody over at wired’s playing a cruel joke or they just wanted to see if they could torture the people who bought these bikes but the mounting bracket on this headlight is just absolutely terrible this is unconstitutional wired whoever did this

Should be put in prison for a long time so now we’ve gone over all the features of this bike what do you say we go do the fun part and take it out for a test drive yeah come on guys let’s go oh all right guys the main part of the

Reason you’re probably watching this video is because this is the freedom you want to see the full suspension in action and you know what well this may not be a typical use case scenario let’s see how this does on this old railroad tracks here I did this on my cruiser and uh it

Was a significantly less enjoyable experience uh however I still would not do this normally oh much better guys so if you’ve ever wondered how your wired Freedom would do on some railroad tracks here you go I would definitely not recommend riding over railroad tracks but uh just wanted to show you guys the

Suspension in action so I believe you need to set your expectations for a bike like this don’t go into this thinking this is going to be comparable to a full suspension mid Drive mountain bike cuz it’s not this does have full suspension but it doesn’t have as much travel and

To me this is more geared towards riding on paths like this or some more rough terrain but this bike is too heavy and you’re definitely not going to want to take this on some many any hardcore off-roading as the name of this bike implies the wired freedom I think that

Perfectly describes what this bike is this bike gives you the freedom to conquer all sorts of terrain so will eat up Asphalt will eat up gravel dirt roads sand you name it so far I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the performance of this rear suspension now I never heard of the brand named dnf

Before so my expectations were very low however once I set up the shock it responds very well and uh the rebound and compression settings are make a very noticeable difference when you adjust the knobs so one of the things this bike is equipped with metal fenders and it

Hasn’t bothered me yet but I’ve heard people point out that these fenders are noisy yes and it’s true you’ll hear rocks and various things bang against them and they come out of alignment very easy so I’m actually planning I’m going to be taking the fenders off this bike I

Like the way it looks with the fenders yeah I just don’t need them this is a very big bike this is something you might not notice if you only seen pictures of these but look I’m 6’2 and check out getting on this bike I have to

Step up pretty high and can you imagine if I had a paneer bag on there or a bag on the back wired States as this bike will fit someone from 5’4 to 65 which to me if you’re under if you’re 54 yeah I’m sure you can get on this bike but you’re

Not going to be having a great time getting on and off of it you can see here here is that lovely front headlight I was telling you about I didn’t do this this just the natural writing will bend this out of alignment one of my favorite

Things about this bike though is the way it looks I mean can you see that this is a really nice looking bike another thing I wanted to point out if you saw my 1,000m update video on the cruiser you’ll notice that I said the front end was very prone to shaking on

That bike back and forth and it’s especially noticeable after about 20 M hour you couldn’t ride that bike with no hands that is not an issue on this bike at all and I believe that to be to the fact that this is rear suspension and when you sit onto the suspension it’s

Slackening the front head tube angle and it’s remitting that problem all together so this bike does not have a shaky front at all it’s a much more stable ride you can see that you know I have to really try and shake it and it’s not wanting to

Wobble around at all the fat tires work much better going back and forth over obstacles like this where sometimes if you have a a skinnier tire and if you’re trying to go over like a little bump in the sidewalk it’ll grab the tire and it

Won’t let you go through the fat TIR is let you just go right over things wired kind of set the bar for this style of ebike and that’s true these are 60 volt systems and they’re touted as 40 mph ebikes well honestly yes you can do 40 on one of these bikes

But it’s not the easy you got to you have to really want to do 40 I think these bikes are great they are good for being allaround bikes you can use it for a commuter bike this F bike is fast enough to keep up with traffic on

Moderate speed limit streets up to about 30 35 but I’m going to go ahead and say something maybe maybe you think it’s controversial here well yes this bike can go 30 35 40 I think these bikes are best suited to be cruising right around 25 M hour cuz you

Know when I first got this bike I was riding like a maniac all the time let’s not forget guys this is an ebike e bicycle you ride this bike like a bicycle but you’re doing 30 35 mes hour you’re going to get yourself in a world of hurt very

Fast you can Goof Off on a bicycle at 12 to 15 M an hour and not have to worry about getting hit by cars or getting yourself in the situations you can get yourself into when you’re doing 30 or 35 so in my opinion well yeah everyone seems to be

Wanting to go faster and faster and faster on these bikes for a bike like this style the way that most people will probably end up riding this bike this bike is plenty fast enough cuz uh once you’re going to start going 35 40 45 and over you really need

To start riding this bike like it’s a motorcycle and start obeying the laws of traffic and not Goofy off running up and down curbs and doing all that sorts of stuff so that’s my piece there just be safe guys I’ve got myself in a few hairy situations already I had to adjust the

Way I ride you get caught up in the specs and you’re going to want to go faster and faster and faster and you realize like hey it’s really not uh you don’t really need to be riding around 40 m an hour on the sidewalks and stuff you

Know this is the nice bridge between a motorcycle and a bike example of why I like the freedom so much you could go on the boring bike trail here or you can just zip up and you can go off road that’s exactly what I’m going to do

Here so you’re going to find yourself going all over the place in these bikes especially on a freedom with a full suspension you’re not going to have to worry about terrorizing your back these bikes are like little monster trucks I me look at this I’m just riding right through the

Grass this is one section I noticed when I was riding my cruiser that the hard tail was definitely a limitation I was coming down this stretch right here and you could just hear the thing banging all around granted it is wet out now and it’s softer but you can just tell this

Eats up these little bumps way better controversial point but I believe gearing is too steep on this bike now on the wired Facebook grou there seems to be a competition who can put the biggest chain ring on the front of their bikes so this bike comes with a 56 to front

Chain ring and I’ve seen people go as high as 75 with people looking to go even higher than that I don’t understand what the point of that is because you know these bikes will only do about 40 something miles an hour regardless but nevertheless people seem to want to put

A bigger and bigger chain rings on their bike all right so let me State my case for why I think this bike is geared too steep you get riding you know you’re going around 25 M hour you get to a stop and you want to start pedaling again you

Realize like hey I’m in a really steep gear right now and and man I’m putting all my weight on this bike and the Cadence Sensor you see how long it took for the Cadence Sensor to kick in there so there’s a significant delay it’s like you’re starting off a car from a dead

Stop but you’re in fourth gear now I know some of you going to say and I do this a lot too but you can just use the throttle to get going from a stop yes that is the case but honestly I would like to see a solution where you can get

On this bike and start pedaling right away and it’s just a smooth transition back into Power without having to use the throttle or other you know which I kind of deem a Band-Aid approach and another problem is when you’re going up a steep hill you can’t get this thing

Geared low enough where you can actually pedal at an RPM such as this where I know the majority of the power from this bike is going to come from the motor and not from your legs but when you’re trying to go up a hill and you’re pedaling you know super slow you can’t

Get yourself in a meaningful enough Cadence to help get the bike up up the hill so I would like to see this bike have a bigger granny gear I’ll be willing to admit that maybe it’s just me maybe I’m the outlier because see people on the Facebook page seem to want to go

Higher and higher and higher with the chain rings I’m going to go the opposite direction I actually ordered a 46 to front chain ring do some testing with it and see how I like it and this bike is listed as having a 11 by 34 rear cassette however I’m 90% sure this bike

Is equipped with an 11x 28 so I ordered an 11x 34 I’m going to be putting on that with the 46 to front chain ring and I’m going to be testing that and see how I like it so this bike is equipped with the same tector hydraulic brakes that

They’ve had on a previous model let’s go ahead and see how the well those Do oh yeah this bike has plenty of stopping power I don’t know what grade this hill is because uh you know I’m not a dork but this is a fairly Steep Hill I’m going to try and go up it and pedal assist 3 I’m in the lowest gear right now let’s

See how it does hello you can see it’s already struggling and this goes back to my this thing is geared too high so I’m going to pop it in four it’s doing a little better in four but honestly the as steep as this thing is geared I’m going to go ahead and put

It in five oh yeah five has no problem at all I know this will go up and throttle as well look at this guy on his regular bike I’m just in really good shape sir he’s probably mad at me now I better get away from him so I don’t want to

Harp on the gearing too much but it’d be nice if uh I could go up a hill like that on pedal assist 3 rather than having to rely on cranking this thing up to full power because I can’t help it at all with my own legs okay so I’ve said

My piece guys and I’m willing to admit that possibly it’s just me and everyone else wants their bike geared as ridiculously steep as possible it just eats up these rough Trails like this no problem oh let’s take the detour here what do you say if this is your idea of

Riding if this is what you want to do this is the type of sort of thing you want to do then this bike is absolutely perfect for you this is a great use case scenario for this bike let’s see if we can climb this little Hill here go to

This Outlook up here probably need to get a head start here is this is really steep something the camera is definitely not going to pick up even on even with throttle it’s not having too fun of a time but we made it guys check it out and here’s the

Reward do you like doing stuff like this on your bike then you know what I think you’ll enjoy a wired Freedom check out that view Another thing I’ve noticed is the bottom bracket on this bike is way too low making the freedom very prone to Pedal strikes let me see if I can demonstrate what I mean typically I’ll get pedal strikes on my mountain bike when I’m riding over obstacles or anything but

This one I’ve gotten pedal strikes on Corners so just pedaling through a corner you can see can you hear that you’re going to end up hitting the pedals more than you’d like so I don’t know how they need a remedy to that but it’s pretty annoying I’ve already

Scraped down a good I’ve already shaved off a couple grams off of my pedals and it’s pretty alarming when you’re going fast and you’re going around a corner and you hear that scra scraping noise so I don’t know I haven’t heard anyone else mention that yet but yes this bike is

Very prone to Pedal strikes here let me hear the song of my people a closeup of the pedal here and you can see where it’s already grinding down from rubbing against the asphalt on Corners it’s another reason why I wouldn’t recommend this bike for real off-road riding but

It’s great for fire roads and things like that I’m sure if you’ve looked around at these bikes you’ve noticed that they always say 40 mph ebike well let’s see if this thing can actually hit 40 what do you say M pedal assist five now even using the throttle here pedaling very

Hard woo all right I think I got it to 36 there guys so you know while they claim this is a 40 mph ebike getting it to to 40 is not as easy as they say it is I’ve gotten my cruiser to 40 multiple

Times but so far I have not been able to get the freedom to 40 without using gravity that is you know what was in my mind going around that corner that’s right who guessed pedal strikes it’s the last thing you want to do is get a pedal strike when you’re

Going 30 35 M hour it’s another section where I really noticed the having the full suspension is when I come up and down these little curbs here on the cruiser it would just really bounce me out of my seat coming back up the ramp right there but not on this bike coming

Up here this is the type of train I think the wired freedom is perfect for you like to goof around like go Offroad set your own path and check this out let’s just do that right now woo do some trailblazing on your wired freedom okay that was a bit scary guys I’m not

Going to lie another cool feature of having a bike like this is you get to experience all the unique and beautiful graffiti that your town has to offer with this bike having a 1200w battery I’m give you an example of what kind of range to expect because I’ve actually done a

Range test on it already using pedal assist 3 and throttle I got a range of about 34 Mi I think that’s pretty typical what you can expect I do have Tannis Tire armor in my tires so I believe that’s going to eat up some ofier range I’m going to do a future

Test without the armor in there and see if it changes but I think you can realistically expect to get a range of about 40 mil on this bike which is pretty good most people uh most people get to be done with riding around the 20 mile mark I’m not

Most people I like to go on longer rides but this bike has adequate range is what I’m trying to say okay I almost forgot to point out my favorite part of this bike has a bell now coming through it’s nothing like hitting this Bell when you come up on people doing 30

M an hour to give them the scare of their lifetime YouTuber coming through oh and you think that’s the end of this Bell look at this it is 360° adjust able here you can adjust where you want the little clicker at how cool is that I’d say it’s worth buying this

Bike just for the bell and we’re back guys just so there’s full disclosure on this channel wire did in fact send me this bike but it was after I paid full price for it just like anyone else would have let’s give you a recap of things I really like about this

Bike first off it’s a really nice looking bike almost every single time I ride people are always making comments about it like hey watch where you’re going get off my property you know has a class leading 60 volt system that’s put wired on the map 1500 W hintok Motor

With the hybrid nylon steel gears the 60 volt 40 aamp controller capable of putting out 2400 ws and a 1200w hour battery I love the BMX bars the rear shock although it’s a brand I never heard of before operates very well especially once I dialed it in yes the

The suspension on this bike has exceeded my expectations it’s a very nice ride and wired has great customer service which brings me in the of the things I’m not too fond of number one is when I first received this bike the front steer Tu was bent and shipping first rode the

Bike it was pulling to the left wired was great I emailed them and they sent me out a new Fork but it kind of sucks when you get a brand new bike and you have to wait a week and a half for a replacement I really hope wired can

Address the shipping situation so how we have it when you show get your new bike you don’t have to worry about it being damaged it might not be able to notice from this video but this bike is very big look at the size comparison between the wired freedom and in this aventon

Here granted the aventon is a smaller frame but you’ll notice here the handlebars go up to where the stem of the wir are at so this bike is very big the benefit of a big bike is yes it’s bigger wider longer wheelbase and it’s more stable negatives are this bike’s

Very heavy even for me it’s like getting on and off of this bike can sometimes be a challenge so if you’re a smaller Rider or if you have mobility issues I’d almost universally recommend pick up the cruiser instead because you’re going to have a lot easier time getting on and

Off that bike if you’re transport in your bike you’re going to have to figure out a way to get it on and off a bike rack I put this bike in the bed of my truck and lifting this bike and I’m I’d have to say I’m above average strength Level lightweight when I pick up this bike it’s just big and awkward you can’t really get a good handle on it so putting it into the back of the truck is is not very easy to do the way the cruiser the cruiser is a heavy bike but

The way the frame is built on the cruiser it’s much easier to grab and move around so I live on a second story in an apartment and I have to bring this bike up and down the stairs every time uh I’m telling you it’s not very fun the

Front headlight I don’t even want to look at it right now it’s almost kind of a joke how bad it is I would love to see a bike like this with a smaller frame same drivetrain same battery same everything but about 20 lbs lighter smaller and with a 24 by4 in Fat Tire

And I know this will increase the price but I’d love to see how one of these bikes performs with an 11-speed cassette in the rear this is a definitely a step in the right direction this bike is great and you’re going to have a lot of

Fun on it if you decide to get one and however if you are looking at buying a wired bike feel free to use one of the links in the description of this video it does help support the channel if you like this video uh click the Thumbs Up

Button And subscribe to this channel if you haven’t already and don’t forget to live unrestricted I’ll catch you in the next video N

Hey guys, sorry for the ridiculous thumbnail and title, but seems like every other e-bike channel does the same so I don’t want to get left behind..

Finally got enough miles on the Wired Freedom to do a review and share my thoughts on it. If you like the White color, let Wired know and tell them you Shoot The Chit sent you! I really do think its the best color option.

Affiliate links if you want to purchase a Wired
E-Bike, at no extra cost to you!
Freedom = https://wiredebikes.com/products/wire…

Cruiser = https://wiredebikes.com/products/wire…

Retrospec Remi Bicycle Helmet = https://amzn.to/490O1Jk
Beto Bike Tire/Shock Pump = https://amzn.to/491OYRB
Fanttik X8 Tire Pump = https://amzn.to/48QOiPi
YBEKI 52 Tooth Chainring = https://amzn.to/3U2gOJv

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