Electric Cars

This Just Killed the Future of Electric Cars

This Just Killed the Future of Electric Cars

Demand for EVS is leveling off and EVS are piling up at dealerships across the country it’s one of the reasons why Ford is ramping down production of the F-150 Lightning and what comes as a surprise to many is that Ford is also ramping up the production of the F-150 hybrid

Here’s the thing that not many people know hybrids are actually outselling battery electric cars here in the United States I’m talking some 1.4 million hybrid sold in the US this year today we’re looking at why hybrids are the future not BS by the way a lot of time and research

Was done to put together this video and I really want to know what you think so while you’re watching this please comment below and share your thoughts higher prices of battery EVS High interest rates range anxiety limited charging infrastructure these are some of the major factors why demand for bevs

Has been leveling off there’s also the fact that the earliest adopters of bevs are finding it difficult to sell their used bevs to a more hesitant consumer base that’s slower to adopt new technology and the consumers are willing to buy used bevs seek to pay a much

Lower price than what beev owners are expecting the fact remains that consumers right now prefer hybrid vehicles over battery EVS if you’re wondering why while the short answer is that hybrids cost less than be EVS the same time hybrids help you save on gas money compared to traditional combustion

Engine cars I’ll talk more about how battery EVS are losing popularity in a few minutes but first let me tell you about hybrids it’s funny because up until more recently hybrids largely fell out of favor car makers raced to develop fully electric vehicles because those are receiving generous government

Incentives and praise from forward thinkers but times have changed and hybrids are making their comeback Believe It or Not Us hybrid sale vehicles have more than doubled since 2020 on top of that hybrid sales here in the states are headed towards a 35% increase this year also the number of

Hybrid models for sale in the US market is expected to grow to 369 different models by 2026 that’s more than double the 164 that were on sale here in the US in 2020 right now hybrids control 9% of the American car market whereas F your electric vehicles control

8% it’s for all these reasons that this past September Ford announced plans to double up the production of the F-150 hybrid in 2024 Ford is also lowering the parts by 1900 bucks to make it almost equal to the gasoline version and almost 10% cheaper than the all electric

Version that introduced in 20122 on top of that Ford plans to quadruple its hybrid sales over the next 5 years and expand hybrid technology across its lineup Ford CEO Jim Farley himself said that Ford has been surprised at the popularity of hybrid here’s another factor to think about you see heavy load

Sa an ev’s battery and reduce the driving range if you’re t a trailer the F-150 hybrid is a better option than the lightning for example the F-150 hybrid combines an electric motor with the 3.5 L V6 engine and pumps out 430 horsepower that puts it among the most powerful in

The F-150 lineup the 2023 model averages about 25 MPG which has a leg over the 21 MPG with the conventional gas powerered F-150 with the same V6 engine Ford has also struggled to keep up with demand for the hybrid version of the compact Maverick not many people know this and

Even CEO Jim Farley was surprised to learn this but the Maverick hybrid accounts for almost 60% of the model sales in fact it exceeded even Ford’s expectations flashback just a few months ago Toyota was really feeling the heat from environmental groups who were criticizing the automaker for sticking with hybrid technology which still

Relies on fossil fuel yeah Toyota’s hybrid sales are also expected to rise 7.5% this year I’m talking more than 600,000 units right now hybrids make up 13d of Toyota’s total Us sales some its models are only available with hybrid powertrain like the Sienna minivan and the Sequoia full-size SUV the Toyota

Santa has a waiting list of at least 8 months and that’s if you’re fortunate honestly Toyota would sell even more hybrids as a percentage of a total especially plug-in models if it just had more powert trins available Toyota’s Us sales Chief Jack Hollis says if you look

At plug-in hybrids the market is really growing fast he believes that Toyota can easily double its plugin hybrid sales or look at Honda hybrids make about 20% of Honda’s total sales here in the state in fact the kind of volume Honda is achieving with hybrids is starting to

Set the tone for its future EVS Honda tributes recent hybrid success to a new dual motor system this new system provides a boost to horsepower and fuel economy unlike Honda’s previous generation of single motor hybrids this upward Trend in hybrids isn’t isolated to the us alone it’s happening worldwide

So much so that Global sales of hybrids are expected to be up 20% this year and grow by 71% over the next 5 years Asian North America will supposedly see the most growth in Europe should see an 11% jump in hybrid sales this year along with an uptick in hybrids we’re seeing a

Downward Trend in full battery electric cars and that’s ironic because many car companies up till now have been betting on BS and pouring a ton of investments into beev technology I’m talking of jaw-dropping $616 billion but look deep and you start to see a new trend this

Past August 2023 took twice as long to sell a beev here in the states as it did the previous January by comparison gasoline pared cars are selling more readily here’s the thing some 53% of Americans believe that bevs are the future and will eventually replace combustion engine cars but only 31% of

Car Dealers agree most dealers don’t think bevs are the future the simple truth is at right now we got over supply of EVS compared to a leveling demand the problem isn’t lack of consumer interest or hope the thing is most consumers can’t afford it or they have some for of

Range anxiety which is a fear that their EV will run out of juice and leave them stranded or they have other EV related concerns that’s holding them back from making a purchase consider too how the public charging infrastructure across the US is still in its infancy we’re

Just moving a little too fast and dealerships are struggling to catch up data from last summer showed that there was on average a 52-day supply of gas powered vehicles at dealership in other words hypothetically speaking if all car makers suddenly stop making traditional cars dealership would have enough

Inventory to last 52 days by comparison dealerships had a 57-day supply of traditional pickup truck then take a look at the EV Supply dealerships have been seen 90 to 100 day supply of EVS consider also large Brands like Ford and GM bevs accounted for just around 4 and

3% of us total Sal so you can see it’s a teeny tiny fraction of their sales funny thing is during the middle of the pandemic Eevee enthusiasm was an all-time high in 2021 a whopping 8 6% of American consumers were considering buying an EV but fast forward 2 years

Later to 2023 and only 67% of Americans are even considering buying an EV there’s even a shift on the behavior of the average EV buyer right now some 40% of EV Shoppers are trading in a vehicle that they already owned for a new one that’s about twice the volume we saw a

Decade ago the thing is the average EV that were purchased back then weren’t the primary car for house but an extra car which consumers with more money bought with tax credit factoring two that the second half of 2023 many automakers announced they’ll move to the Tesla charging standard which is known

As the North American charging standard or nacs pronounced n for sure that’s one simple announcement means that EV is currently out in the lot sitting there with the soon Tobe obsolete charging outut some are calling it The Great NEX migration Ford was the first to announce the switch they’ll implement this in the

F-150 Lightning Mustang my e Transit and future EVS GM’s following suit which is interesting because the GM Altium architecture uses 800 volt technology to off Ultra fast charging but Tesla supercharges currently run out 400 volt technology so it means when GM cars make the switch those EVS won’t maximize the

Charging speeds Ford foresaw that its EV division Model E will lose money this year turns out they’re losing more money this year than originally thought Ford originally targeted to build 400,000 EVS annually by 2023 but did not push net date out to 2024 in the third quarter of

The year Ford delivered 35003 of its electric truck the F-150 Lightning this was the 40 6% decrease from the year prior so it’s no surprise as packed October WD said that they’ll slow down production of the lightning don’t get me wrong many EVS across the country saw record high sales the last several

Months the problem is it wasn’t as high as car makers expected recently GM said it will delay its electric pickup production at a Orion Michigan factory GM cited evolving EV demand as a reason JM plans to convert its Orion plant for making a Chevy bolt to the original

Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra in late 201 25 instead of the original Target date of 2024 Ford and GM aren’t the only major American automaker to slow down EV production believe it or not so is Tesla last October Tesla said it was cautious about expanding its EV production capacity because of Economic

Uncertainties and slow down in demand Elon Musk said he was worried about high borrowing costs preventing potential customers from affording Tesla’s Vehicles despite substantial price Cuts one than for sure consumers typically hesitate to buy a new car when there’s economic uncertainty Tesla has been the first and most aggressive EV maker to

Slash prices past August model 3 transaction prices were down 20% year-over-year the model S prices were down 177% and model y’s were down 16% and model X prices were down 133% after Tesla slash prices other EV makers followed suit but price isn’t the only barrier to EV purchase some 30 to 34% of

Americans rent an apartment the average age of an American Home render is 39 years old and almost a third of renders here in the US are young longer than 35 the average income of a render is $42,500 a year but when it comes to credit score ratings renters typically

Have a fair credit score rating whereas homeowners tend to have an excellent credit another thing that apartment renters have in common is their car logic can tell you why most apartment renters have a traditional combustion engine car or standard hybrid car that does not need recharging rarely will you

See an apartment Runner own a full battery electric car reason is most apartment complexes have limited parking stalls as it is so you’d really think they’re going to invest in EV charging ports so it’s actually a huge inconvenience for an apartment render to get a battery electric car that’s why

The thought of getting an EV is nowhere near their radar the only option for an apartment render who really wants a b EV is to use a public charging station maybe he has one nearest place of work for example but what will he do if the One charging station he’s counting on is

Busy or worse yet broken this might sound like a nightmarish worst case scenario but believe or not this has happened to multiple EV owners talk about limiting your already limited options this is yet another reason why buying an EV isn’t all that appealing to an apartment renter here’s another thing

About public charging last summer in La almost 25% of all new vehicle registered rep plugins on top of that Los Angeles estimates that the next two decades it will need to expand its distribution capacity somewhere between 25 to 50% around 2/3 of the increased demand is coming purely from Electric Vehicles now

Here’s where the problem starts public Chargers just aren’t being built or expanded fast enough to keep up with the increasing EV demand Nationwide last year in 2022 there were around 120,000 public charging ports featuring level two charging or above but at the same time there were almost 1.5 million EVS

Registered in the US that’s around 12 cars per one charger of course not all cars will be flocking into these public charging stations remember some people have at home Chargers but there’s no denying we still don’t have enough public charges for everyone who needs one there was a briefing prepared for

The US Department of energy last year done by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory it found that by 2030 there will be around 19 million EVS on our road and we’re going to need at least 9.6 million more charging stations than we currently have to charge I don’t know

About you but almost 10 million charging stations less than 7even years sounds like a tall order we don’t have sufficient capacity as it is right now here’s the thing America Americans are all about independence our first instinct and preference is Comfort the comfort of having our own home charging

Port but that comes at a cost I’m talking over $1,000 now going back to the average American apartment Runners they don’t even have that option for home charging they don’t own the building even if the apartment management were to miraculously install a station the renters would still need to share it I

Can just imagine the tension between renters trying to fight over first dips or imagine that one Oddball tries to string an extra long extension cord from his front door or balcony need to his EV so you can see that EV makers need to address this problem they want to tap

Into this 30 to 34% of the American population right now Engineers are trying to find a solution for apartment renters to charge their EVS cities across the US are trying to come up with Innovative public charging Solutions let’s get back to home charging residential Outlets are level one Chargers they’re not very practical

Unless you don’t drive your EV very much or you’re okay plugging it overnight Americans who like instant gratification or need to juice up faster prefer public Chargers that are installed with DC fast Chargers DC fast Chargers can give an EV all the juice it needs in 45 minutes or

Less there’s also level two charging which can take several hours to fully charge an EV right now across the states level two Chargers outnumber DC fast Chargers almost 4 to one but what we need is the opposite logic says City should install more of the fast public

Chargers in order to service more EVS in the same hour sounds pretty straightforward that is until you consider the the cost of a DC fast charging station range from $15,000 to $50,000 it depends on the number of charging ports and the brand when you see that price tag then you understand

Why there are fewer DC fast charges available one city that’s taken public charging into its own creative hands is Los Angeles La has already installed over 500 pole mounted EV Chargers around 450 of them can be found on street lights and around 50 on power poles apparently La plans adding 200 more

Every year cities like New York Charlotte and Kansas City are also considering similar measures other cities across the states plan on amending building codes for electric transition like Portland for example Portland has a proposal in the work that would require 50% of parking spaces in most new apartment complexes to have an

Electrical conduit and for apartment complexes with six or less spaces all of them would need to be EV ready if you were take a look across the pond in London you’ll find that the city has over 4,000 public Chargers on street lights installing public charges is a

Lot cheaper to do on street lights instead of wiring a charging station into the sidewalk but here’s the thing Los Angeles and London have an advantage over other US cities their street lights operate on 240 volts which is a lot better for EV charging most American

City street lights use 120 volts as you can imagine 120 volt takes a lot longer to charge an EV than 240 volts because of this most cities have to use a mix of public charging Solutions in 2022 the Biden Administration approved plans to roll out a network work of highspeed

Charges across interstate highways to do so the administration approved using $5 billion in federal funding over the next 5 years that might sound promising but states have to wait for an extra 2.5 billion in local grants to fill in for charging gaps first even if apartment complexes had

Charging stations on site there’s yet another factor that limits many renters from getting an EV it’ll be summed up in two words rent burden and this impacts 30% of Americans according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development a rent burdened family is one that spends more than 30% of their

Household income on housing costs alone many rent burden families have difficulty in affording other necessities like food clothing transportation and Medical Care sad thing is this 30% is the highest we’ve seen today put that in perspective last year some 28 half% of Americans were rent burden compared that to when the

Housing department first started tracking back in 1999 it was only 22.5% of Americans who are rent burdened back then so you can see it’s been rising the rent to income ratio is calculated by comparing the national medium house gold income which was 71,72 bucks last year with the average monthly rent which was

$1,794 year after year this percentage has been growing and it doesn’t show signs of stopping any time soon analysts say the US has actually been moving in this upward direction for decades since the 1970s rent has been raising a lot faster than income in general and when it comes to lower incoming households

High rent costs have been a norm for a long long time the pandemic only made this problem worse if you think back to 2020 and 2021 you might remember how many big cities began offering covid rent discounts low-income families were flocking to areas like New York jersey

And Boston cuz it’s now affordable but then Co restrictions got better and rents got worse the places call the biggest declines in rent cost two years ago are now seing the biggest increases in rent just look at New York City for example in New York the rent to income

Ratio in 2022 was a jaw-dropping 68.5% Miami came in second as 41.6% then Fort Lauderdale at 36.7% and Los Angeles at 35.6% us rent prices have been soaring the past four years demand for apartments soared during the pandemic cuz people wanted to work remotely and wanted to relocate this caused hike in

Rent prices the pandemic also changed the multif Family Market in many ways families wanted bigger Apartments outside the city because more people were working from home this was a huge sip from before and the previous Trend was a decrease in apartment unit size and today there’s another phenomena

Happening in the rental market we’re seeing a construction boom for rentals new apartment construction is reaching historic Peak and multif family construction is at a 50-year high around 1.1 million apartments are currently under construction last time the apartment completions past the 400,000 unit Mark was back in 1972 many

Anticipate that the increase in Supply may give render some relief in an upper hand some economists project that the US rent prices May decrease modestly this year but here’s the truth and real story the fact is much of the new apartment construction is happening in a few Metro

Areas in fact more than 40% will be concentrated in 10 high growth metros like Austin Nashville Denver Atlanta New York city so most of America won’t really see the surgeon apartment inventory and it’s not just that many of these new apartment units will be luxury apartments which isn’t something all

Americans can afford so in reality little relief and comfort for most us renters but let’s talk about the rest of Americans I’m talking about the 65 and to 70% of Americans who want house or condominium instead of renting now some 80% of those owned homes have a carport

Or garage of the families who live in those almost 70% of American households have either two or three cars let’s assume the family has one EV and home charger and the other one or two extra cars are traditional combustion engine ones what do you think of the odds will

Exchange their second or third car for an EV and install yet another charger at home frankly I’d say the chances are slim Believe It or Not statistically speaking the states with the most cars per household is Wyoming followed by Idaho Montana and South Dakota interestingly most of these states are

Among the coldest states in the US we all know that cold weather can be a big problem for battery electric cars but now you tell me which do you prefer hybrids or battery electric vehicles do you agree that hybrids are the future please share by commenting below if you

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Electric car review. Here’s Why These Car Companies are Shutting Down Electric Car Production, DIY and car review Scotty Kilmer. Worst electric car to buy. Buying a new electric car. Proof Electric Cars are a Scam. Should I buy an electric car. Why not to buy a electric car. The truth about owning an electric car. Car advice. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 56 years.

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⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool: http://amzn.to/2nfvmaD
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3. Professional Socket Set: http://amzn.to/2Bzmccg
4. Wrench Set: http://amzn.to/2kmBaOU
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter: https://amzn.to/2CthnUU
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter: http://amzn.to/2nrc6qR

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