Electric Motorcycles

Dual Battery Ebike Under $1000! – Jansno X70 Review

Dual Battery Ebike Under $1000! – Jansno X70 Review

I have the janno x70 electric bike sitting in front of me and yes this is the only color they make I don’t understand why they did yellow but it’s okay we’ll get past that because guess what this bike is coming in at $9.99 under $1,000 and if you guys already

Noticed while clicking in the video two batteries and these are Big batteries too this is a 20 amp hour battery gas tank looking style and then this one is a 14 amp hour giving you 34 amp hours in total which is crazy for a bike under $11,000 now these battery certified I

Have no idea but it’s pretty awesome for being under $1,000 now keep in mind though this isn’t like a high crazy torque spec ebike it’s not a huge top speed ebike it actually ships out only doing 15 M hour but there’s one wire that I’ll show you in a little bit that

We have to remove and it will unlock it to do about 28 or 29 mph the website only says 26 I believe but I think we go faster than that but this is is a 48 volt ebike 750 W Hub motor in the back you do get turn signals which is crazy

So you have these on the sides and they do Flex a little bit just in case you run into anything nice beefy headlight as well you got the brown gum sidewall tires fenders front and back and then you have this little thing that’s kind of imitating the Rev one I’m not a big

Fan of that cuz it’s white and then the brown walls I there’s a lot of colors going on in this bike so I think that’s the biggest downside to me on this when I unboxed it I was like whoo why couldn’t we have just done like a black

Color like you know every other bike on the market but maybe they’re trying to be different like a cyber truck out there I don’t know you tell me in the comments what you guys think about the color of this bike and let me bring in here the camera and show you guys some

Stuff up close and then we’ll take it out for a spin and see if it’s actually worth that $1,000 first thing we got to do is turn it on with our keys come over here turn the power button on and you’re going to notice that it’s not going to go 28

Mph yeah so that’s all we got out of her right now so let me unplug that wire and show you where it’s at it’s that one wire right there unplug that and you’re unlocked now the fun is about to begin now let’s see how fast this thing

Goes dang 35 mil per hour there we go yeah that’s what I’m talking about all right so let me show you guys how I look sitting on the bike at about 59 keep in mind uh this is a 330 lb weight limit so you can be pretty up there um

I’m 170 lb just to get that out of the way so you guys know when I’m doing my speed test and how fast the bike picks up our range all that kind of stuff but I will say at 5’9 I can flat foot it I

Am kind of forcing my feet to go down kind of hard because it does feel like this is a little wide in between here so it doesn’t feel that comfortable kind of sitting on it like this it feels a little bit more comfortable if I raise

My feet up in the back because it gives me a little bit more cushion right here but when you start riding and actually put your feet up all that goes away way I’d rather have a wider seat when actually riding instead of being a little bit uncomfortable for that 5

Seconds that you’re going to sit at that stoplight if you’re under 55 you probably don’t want to get this thing but if you’re going from 5’5 up to like 63 you shouldn’t have a problem with this bike at all this is where I think the bike is going to shine so under

$11,000 you get a brake light in the back you also get a very nice beefy headlight in the front looks very bright looks like a projector style housing so there’s a little bit of like a circle going around it pretty far out in the corner but for the most part it’s

Directly in the center looks like it’s going to be very bright and decently wide but we are really close to the garage so it’s kind of hard to tell but the cool thing about this bike and this is why I’m saying this bike is going to shine the lighting department is that

You get turn signals so you obviously get turn signals in the back if you can see that which is pretty cool that’s the left one this is the right one and this is also when you hit the brakes it works as a brake light so so it gets brighter

But if you do turn the headlight off and your brake light is off you can hit the brakes and during the day it will work so that is super cool but what I want to show you is the front turn signals if you guys can see that I hopefully it’s

Not going to be blinding you with this headlight but that’s that side and this is this side super cool that you get turn signals front and back brake light nice headlight for $1,000 that’s nuts the next thing I want to show you guys is the batteries and you get keys for

Both of them so let’s take this one off I already loosened it up I kind of wanted to see what it said underneath here and I just dropped the keys so 20 amp hours 960 W hours 48 volt and it’s using 18650 cells 13s so just keep that

In mind these are LG batteries is what it says so if you guys can see that hopefully it’s uh focusing in on that and then you can read that pause it do whatever you got let me pull off the other one and see what that one

Says all right that one slides up and where’s the specs all right so we’re looking at a 14 amp hour battery same thing LG batteries and 18 650 cells so if you guys want to see that information right there I’ll try to get out of the

Camera cuz I know it’s going to focus on my face so you guys can screenshot that if you guys want this battery is way more heavier than this one I’m pretty sure a lot of you guys already knew that but definitely a light battery compared

To this one another thing I had to do guys that a lot of people aren’t going to tell you but when I got this uh my battery is moving back and for the rail underneath needed to be tightened all the screws were completely loose so just double check that because you definitely

Don’t want this coming off and hitting the ground and catching a fire or I don’t know something back Could Happen something to note about the batteries is that they run together the top one will always run 24/7 there’s no way of turning that one off the bottom

One on the other hand though you can actually take it off the bike if you want and just run with the top battery you could also do it right here if you don’t want to disconnect it with the key and remove it you can just turn it off

And on with that switch here’s a closer look at that brake light you also have a bracket right there to put a license plate on if you want like one of those cool ones you get from Amazon that has like custom names on them that’d be kind

Of sick here’s a closer look at that 750 W Motor on mag wheels then you got your sspeed right there with your derailer off to the side all by Shimano you have a motor disconnect right underneath here so it’s going to make it easy for flats

And this is what looks kind of cheap to me and you guys can be the judge of it but I don’t like these little Phillips head bolts they use and I just don’t like the white I actually think I’d probably take that off and paint it black or something here’s your little

Cockpit area you got some cheap plastic grips here’s your headlight button your turn signals and your horn oh that thing’s loud and then your display right there standard typical display no color just black and white no adjustments on the front suspension keep that in mind the handlebars are more of like a beach

Style Cruiser I’m not a huge fan of them but bars are easy to replace if you don’t like them but a lot of you guys might think that’s more comfortable just depends on your writing preference and here is your ignition key right there turn it on and off once it is on you

Cannot pull these out and then you half twist throttle and your other Palm rest uh cheap little grip right here but it’s not moving which is good no hydraulic brakes though that’s a huge downside I think cuz these feel real mushy and real cheap we’ll see how well they stop I

Don’t think they’re going to perform very well to come down here and check these even though it’s backwards 160 mm rotors on the front and the back with the Jan’s no branded brakes right here here’s a closer look at your meaty tires right here so you can ride on the street

And on the dirt and they are 20x 4 in wide and a closer look at that nice headlight can you see me hello okay with all that said and done I think now it’s time to take this thing out for a spin this is where the fun happens I’m going

To put my GoPro on and let’s just ride it and then towards the end of this video video I will let you guys know if it’s worth it or not and my final thoughts on it all right so we’re on the GoPro ladies and gentlemen my first

Initial impression right off the bat is the seat it has a nice hump in the back and it feels super nice like I’m not going to fly off the seat it’s like working perfectly for me and there’s some some guy over there I don’t know what that was about but trying to do

This review here all right so top speed we like to do this in the very beginning of all our test to see how fast it is and I’m going to say that this is saying about 26.8 and on here it’s saying 25.4 sometimes like 26 but it’s all over

The place cuz I got a new speedom meter but now saying like 27 so this thing’s I think a little off to be honest but we’re probably doing about 26 27 right now it’s a nice gradual get up to speed type of bike it’s not impressing me with

Oh my God like it’s blowing my socks off it’s crazy fast I’m going to get places super fast but it does feel nice and comfortable and just smooth just kind of cruising around like normal speed it’s a pretty cool like commuter style ebike especially for the price I can’t hate on

That if you’re about 5’9 this feels so comfortable the way my feet sit on the pedals and the way I’m sitting on the back of that seat with that little hump in the back it just feels so comfortable I was actually surprised I wasn’t thinking I was going to like these

Handlebars either but the riding style of this thing the way I set it up feels great and of course if you want you could still move the handlebars back and forth you also have a lot of spacers right here too so you can move the handlebars down if you want put the

Spacers on the top if you want them a little lower I’m going to say that they are decently low so man but if you want to have them lower you can do that the biggest thing that you’re probably going to be interested in buying this bike is

Number one is going to be the price and the battery capacity 34 amp hours of battery again for under $1,000 is crazy and look we’re going a little bit faster I think we were uh going against the wind look at this 27 mph I told you we’d

Probably hit about 28 mph even though this bike is listed on their website for 26 mph but keep in mind again it ships out at 15 mph and all you have to do is unplug that one wire not cutting anything like you have to do on a Taria

Or a siron so if you do want someone else to get on it and you’re worried about them being a little bit unsafe with it and going in the max mode and doing 28 mph all over the place just put that wire back on and it will go like 15

M hour and you won’t have to worry about it another thing too you got to think about is you got to put all these keys in your pocket just in case you plan on removing these batteries during your trip or whatever you’re going to do so

My pocket is full of keys right now okay so we’re in the designated speed test and I want to see how fast this thing goes from zero to whatever we’re going to hit most of these bikes do 27 mph in the stretch of road and since this one

Does about 27 mph let’s just see if it hits that before we reach the end of this road so here we go 1 2 3 pedal assist five the highest it will go batteries are fully charged I can also check the voltage on this thing which I

Actually have it on there right now and we’re at 51 volts under load and like I said see look if you guys are paying attention to these screens they’re off by like 2 mph or 1 mph when he hit about like over 25 but uh it’s not the fastest

Bike but nice and smooth so what do we hit like 23 24 somewhere around there so it’s definitely one of the slower electric bikes now this thing does weigh 95 lbs because it is a steel frame and you have both of the batteries so keep

That in mind as well it’s a very heavy bike all right let’s do a little bit of pedaling out on the road and see how this feels okay so so right off the bat I was telling you guys the seat is very wide and it feels good when you’re just

Sitting on it but it’s definitely rubbing on my thighs like right in here if you guys can see that right in here it’s like rubbing it’s probably not the most comfortable bike to Pedal if you’re a bigger person a little bit wider stance than me you might feel a little

Bit more comfortable but if you’re a skinnier person it might feel a little uncomfortable pedaling the one thing I’m not enjoying on this bike right now and I knew I wasn’t are these brakes we’ll do a braking test shortly but I just they feel mushy they don’t respond good

And they feel like they just take forever they feel like I’m just Gliding Over the disc and I did a lot of break-in procedures when I get these bikes I normally go up and down the street like I’m doing right now at about

26 27 M hour to make sure we hit our top speed and then I slam on the brakes so I make sure to bleed these in and get them all dialed in but they’re just not not feeling that great all right so now that

We’re out in the sun let me show you how this bike looks now that it’s out of my garage now this is what I wanted to tell you is that this seat right here see how it has this nice little hump to it this feels real nice to sit against because I

Don’t feel like I’m going to slide back on the seat like again it’s not a fast bike but it just feels nice and comfortable and it keeps you planted so you’re not like oh I’m just going to like slide off of it something I didn’t mention earlier is that you do have a

Nice handle back here that you can grab onto so you can lift the bike up maneuver it however you want but you can also use this for storage so you got all these bolt holes right here so you can mount something up here like a big

Basket that comes out here and have some extra cargo now I was just messing with these settings and it looks like if you hold this minus button down it will go into a walking mode and I’m not doing a single thing I’m not pulling the throttle and it will go about 3 miles

Hour so that will help you if you got a flat or you just slightly need to move it around if there’s a lot of people out now here comes the real test I actually have mixed feelings about this I don’t know how well it’s going to do but let’s

Just go ahead and try it I’m not going to Pedal we’re just going going to use a throttle only and let’s see if it does it and then I’ll do it one more time pedaling with throttle and see if it makes it so here we go 1 2

3 come on janow you can do it oh oh I had to put my feet down that was a fail that was a fail it did not make it all right let’s see if I pedal if it will do it one two 3 get that pedaling action okay yeah pedaling

Barely barely made to a pedaling but I mean it did it so this is definitely not a bike for hilly areas and if you got steep inclines in your area where you live at I got to say this is not the bike but if you’re barely getting into

Electric bikes and you just kind of want something on the low and super cheap and you can’t go wrong I was going to do a little bit more off-road action but the guy is doing this whole thing so I don’t want to get in his way but I got to say

For how cheap this bike is the susp ition is doing wonders I can’t believe how comfortable this bike is like how are they doing this the bike itself looks cheap and then you get on it and it changes your mind that’s the best explanation I can say right now because

I am blown away with how comfortable this thing is Offroad if I had to give it a rating I feel like it’s better than the Rev one I’m not even lying this is probably like a 9 out of 10 for Comfort all right let’s try out this turning test now cooling decently

Quick oh yeah this is beautiful what oh this is nice man oh wow let’s see how wide of a turning radius we have let me see that real quick okay so it goes until it hits the top battery and you can’t remove this thing so you’re limited on this but look

How wide that is that turns pretty wide I think there we go you might get some marks on the battery though just keep that in mind because there’s no stoppers on it and it is definitely smacking up against that battery but it is plastic so it shouldn’t be that bad so as long

As you’re like w you should be okay but let me see the Turning test for making a U-turn so if I need to make a U-turn right here oh wow look at this look how sharp this thing is it’s staying like in half the thing well almost half of it

That’s pretty good oh yeah that’s great Jan know you guys are doing some good things out here and you guys might be thinking why I do stuff like that and it’s really because like when you’re like storing it or putting on a bike rack or just mooving in your garage for

Whatever reason you got to back it into places it’s way more easier to move a bike instead of having to lift it up so the turning radius really comes in handy so that’s the only reason why I do that test but now since this bike is kind of

Slow I got to get up to the speed we got to go as fast as we can because we normally do this test at 28 mph since this thing is basically borderline hitting almost 28 mph we got to go super fast so here we go we’re about 25 right

Now this is as fast as I’m going to be able to go guys cuz I’m using the whole Road 26 here we go 1 2 3 woo okay all right stop decently good now we were 2 mph down on how fast I want it to go but this is the line we

Stop at for really good bikes and back this way the brakes didn’t lock up at all because they are not hydraulic I’m pretty sure I could have like smashing where you feel like you’re breaking the handles but I didn’t want to do that but

It held on pretty good but I will say it does not stop as good as other ebikes because if we were going probably 2 more miles per hour it would have probably stopped I’m going to say like right here so just keep in mind not the best stopping ebike that actually wasn’t that

Fun you know when I normally do these brake tests on all my videos If you guys watch all my videos I always have a good time breaking this one was just kind of like eh d someone got a ticket over there got to be quicker than that dang that sucks brother get an

Ebike oh actually you won’t be able to go on the freeway never mind so if you got to travel don’t get a newe bike you’re basically staying in your town you’re not going to be going very far now coming up this thing wasn’t terrible but it definitely didn’t have that much

Power it was losing speed as we were coming around that and we weren’t directly going up and overpass we will do that in my second video when I take it to work and you’ll see all the lights and all that fun stuff come on Mike let’s go I’m trying to get this green

Light gety up gy up we’re going to make it here we go all right let’s see how fast we can go coming down this thing so so far 28 this is saying 31 29 here we go 30 come on here we go 31 all right watch out for the glass don’t

Need a flat these tires are not the best all right that’s not too bad all right there we go let’s break in this Moto let loosen it up so we can go faster after a few charges on this bike I am positive that you’ll probably be able to hit 28 m

Per hour all day long but if you’re over my weight I’d say over 175 lbs don’t expect to get that because the heavier you are the slower you’re going to go and we made this light let’s go baby let’s go so the next thing we got to do on this

Bike is we got to see how quick the throttle response is and how quick the pedal response is and I didn’t change any of the settings most of these bikes you can go into the settings and change a bunch of stuff so you can hold the

Plus and minus button and you can change all these P settings but I like to review these bikes exactly how they come out of the box cuz most people aren’t going to go in there and mess around with stuff and be afraid of jacking something up cuz earlier when I was

Actually doing doing some stuff on this bike I messed up one setting and my mile per hour didn’t work I had to go back and figure it out and change it but anyways let’s see how fast it is with the throttle so here we go 1 2

3 nice and gradual I’d say probably almost a second one two 3 yeah it’s probably closer to like half a second to a second so here we go one two three yeah that’s not bad at all it’s not instant but it’s not a delay like a

Big one at all so that’s pretty good the only thing you got to get used to is when you do hit the throttle is it’s a gradual incline it doesn’t give you all the power right off the bat it feels like it slowly gets up to speed so it’s

A little like delayed on power but this starts working under a second now let’s see how the pedals work here we go 1 2 3 see nice gradual start and then the power comes in that’s probably to save the motor and like some issues with like

The gears going out and stuff let me drop it down in the gear so I can give it the a better chance of activating faster so here we go one two three okay it’s more delayed than the throttle it’s not as quick but it feels more laggy down here when the power does

Come on to give you full power compared to the throttle so here we go let me try to get one two 3 yeah it feels like a good 2 second delay and then it feels like it takes another second for the power to go from like maybe 100 watts to you know your

Max 750 WTS so it’s very odd whereas when you use this it feels like maybe it’s a half second delay after the power does kick on for it to kind of like ramp up it’s almost like a Turbocharger lag you know waiting to kind of get up to

Speed and get up the Boost so that’s the best explanation I can say all right I don’t really know why I took this road there’s a 50 mph street so we’re going to turn off here and watch out for this big old dip right there holy moly that

Was a big sinkhole let’s see how it is getting up stuff let’s say oh I got to hop over the curb oh that is beautiful the suspension on the front is just there’s no adjustments but it is dialed in it’s springy when you need it

To be but it is just perfect for me oh you can probably do uh willies with this thing it really isn’t that powerful I don’t think it’s going to hold a Willie but that thing lifts up easier than most bikes that I have ever reviewed on this channel the suspension is just great

Let’s try out this horn because I haven’t tried out the horn yet outside so let’s see ah it’s okay honestly like I’m going to give it a five out of 10 there’s nothing special about it the Horn’s coming off the back of the headlight so it’s going

To sound louder to me and it doesn’t even sound sound that loud so when you’re trying to get someone with attention in front of you they’re barely going to hear you all right let me pull over here really quick and I got to show you guys some of the settings that come

On here now there’s not many but you guys can go into the custom settings like I showed you earlier and you can change all the stuff you want look up a video on how to do that because there’s like 20 different things you can change and some of them you can mess some

Things up but if you’re a tinker and want to do stuff you can but what I wanted to show you is look so here is our mile so 6.3 miles this this is our voltage this is one of the coolest thing this bike has because it has a b a

Regular battery bar but you have your voltage right here so I can put on the screen and show you guys what our batter is at right now so 51.8 volts that’s so cool to know I’m actually curious to know if I turn off the secondary battery where it’s going to be it’s probably

Going to be out the same but that’s going to drop real quick and then that’s the odometer right there so that’s how many miles we actually have on the total bike and this is our current trip right now that is just so cool that a cheap bike like that just comes with voltage

And then again just hold these two buttons get in the advanced settings and you can change whatever you want all the P settings the first one I know is the screen brightness the second one is to change it from kilometers per hour to miles per hour and the third one is the

Voltage and the fourth one and on I don’t really know I don’t mess with that stuff but if it doesn’t say in the manual what those are but you can look up a video and you can easily find out everything on this display I’m curious

To see how it is coming up a curb and jumping off of it wait oh one yeah yeah I smashing it’s okay it’s not too bad it’s like 28 yeah I’m just trying to review and have a good time yeah that’s F man a good one yeah you too man thanks see man

Even people in cars know that I’m just out here having fun I’m just jumping off the curb honestly that’s probably a huge Pro to this bike is the fact that it is not janky at all to hop off the curb and do some off-roading it feel feels like

Better than like 80% of the competition with how cheap it is it just it doesn’t look great it does it but on that note let’s get back to the house give you my final thoughts on it cuz I feel like I ran through a bunch of stuff there’s no

Way I’m going to be able to do a range test video on this uh video alone so when I take it to work I’m not going to charge it so wherever we land up at or right now under load we’re at 49 volts but I’m pretty sure the next video we’re

Probably going to start at about 50 volts roughly but yeah my next video I won’t charge it at all and we’ll put another like 9 miles on it and we’ll see but let’s get back to the house give you my final conclusion if you should buy

This bike or not all right guys so final conclusion it’s kind of crazy to think because when I unbox this bike for the first time because when the company hit me up I said yo yeah I’m down too because the x50 from janno was one of

The top bikes for like a super cheap bike now it was put together a little janky but I was very surprised by it so when they reached out out to me again I said sure let’s do it and then I unboxed it and I saw this color of the bike and

I was like oh man what I get myself into right but again I review these bikes just for fun and to show you guys out there and when I saw the price of $11,000 with two batteries 20 amp hour and a 14 amp hour down here I was like

This is a no-brainer because a lot of people like to get into electric bikes on the lad because not everyone wants to spend $2 or $3,000 on a bike they’d rather just go out and buy a car these are made to be additional or your main transportation vehicle going back and

Forth the work or the store whatever you got to do and this fits in that category very good for $1,000 if you can get over the way the bike looks because if you do see it in person the wells are kind of janky on the steel frame some of the

Brackets don’t look great most of my bolts if you can hear that the seat bolts are all coming loose so I had to I have to tighten those and I have to actually check a lot of stuff on this bike because the quality just isn’t there but when you write it the quality

Is there if that makes sense as soon as I wrote it I can’t even tell I’m on something that looks like this because this is not my style if they did all black on the frame I think it would have been a lot better but again they’re

Going for a different look out there but it blew my mind on how crazy this thing was I’m actually uh pretty impressed by it because you got to think you got a nice headlight which we’ll test out in the second video subscribe if you guys want to see that you got turn signals

Front and in the back you got a brake like that works even when the headlight is not on so during the day that’s a huge safety thing the seat is nice and comfortable it’s a little bit wider to Pedal so it wasn’t the best bike to

Pedal but it also depends on your build and how your your design but it was just rubbing too much on me the tires are okay I would definitely probably want to swap these out but again you don’t want to go with too much of a heavier Tire on

This bike because it’s really going to take away from the speed and the torque of this thing because it is not that torque it’s a very smooth accelerating not adrenaline sinking ebike it’s just a more comfortable bike to get out there and just ride and get where you need to

Be and just just be chilling you know just enjoy the sight scene you’re not going to be flying past everything on the road so that’s kind of where this bike shines and the fact that you just you have these two batteries I mean that’s crazy you’re going to get

Probably roughly if riding the way I was probably at least 1.2 miles out of each amp hour on this thing so I can easily say you would probably get 40 m out of this bike riding the way I was riding and what I wanted to show you guys is

That it did say that we did 8.3 mil on this trip and my phone said well of course the app that I’m using sucks ass and it won’t show me but before it didn’t load it had a bunch of information I wanted to go over but but

On here it said that we did 9 something miles so the bike actually shows lower than what we actually did I’m pretty sure that was right I had to go back in the video and look but yeah um the cool thing is that I can see my voltage right

Here on the screen so 51.2 volts the bike’s been sitting for roughly 5 minutes as I’ve been doing this outro and that’s crazy you’re going to get really good battery range out of this thing that’s what I really love about it so there you go guys under $11,000 on

Amazon if you do buy it from their website it’s actually an extra $100 I’ll put both links down in the description unfortunately I don’t have a discount code for Amazon but if you want to use the discount code on their website cuz you just feel more comfortable buying on

Their website than Amazon if you don’t have like an Amazon Prime thing or you just don’t have an Amazon account um I should have a link and a discount code for the website but not for Amazon but I like Amazon because they said this bike

Will ship out in 2 or 3 days from ordering it from the time of making this video so go check it out guys I think you guys are going to like this bike it just doesn’t look the part but it definitely performs the part so all right guys true MVPs thanks for sticking

Around I’m actually in a good mood this was a highlight of my day I actually liked it all right peace

buy on amazon: https://amzn.to/48cRzra
Buy on Jansno Website: https://www.jansno.com/products/jansno-x70-electric-bike-750w-motor-48v-14ah-and-20ah-dual-batteries-20-4-0-fat-tires-7-speed-shimano-120-miles-range-26mph-speed-electric-mountain-bicycle
Cheaper Older Model X50: https://amzn.to/3uofRkp

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