Electric Cars

80% of Dealers Hate Biden’s EV Strategy and Refuse to Sell EVs!

80% of Dealers Hate Biden’s EV Strategy and Refuse to Sell EVs!

Over the last few years we’ve been witnessing surprisingly quick growth of the EV Market but that started to change recently early adopters encountered negative practical realities of electric car ownership the initial enthusiasm in the EV Market has suddenly cooled down on the other hand Biden’s Administration doesn’t give up on its over ambitious

Electrification plan so it’s clear that dealers are suffering the most being forced to sell something customers don’t want to buy according to the latest survey more than 80% of dealers hate Biden’s electric strategy and refuse to sell EVS if you wonder why here are the top five reasons number five Biden’s

Plan is too aggressive we presume you’re already familiar with the plan of Biden’s Administration to make 2third of new cars all electric by 2032 well car dealers are anything but happy with this plan for numerous reasons we’ll break them down later in the video but it all

Comes down to the fact that the plan is way too optimistic according to the latest survey taken by Auto news 83% of dealers think that Biden’s Administration is pushing too hard for EVS according to dealers the government is forcing the automotive industry to move too far ahead of market demand if

Anyone knows what customers want that would be dealers and they clearly stated that most people are still not interested in buying EVS customers tend to point out the cost charging and range anxiety along with many other issues associated with electric cars as the key reasons why they’d rather stick with

Internal combustion cars the latest survey clearly shows that 41% of customers strongly oppose electric cars and we’re not surprised at all most customers are not at all against EVS but they’re not happy with the officials embosing battery electric cars as the only road to zero emissions customers

Want a choice they want not just EVS but also hybrids and plug-in hybrids and even hydrogen as a choice but more than anything they would like to have gas engines more advanced and with lower emissions with the current adoption rate dealers are pretty sure that the widespread adoption of EVS in such a

Short period will remain unobtainable customers need time to embrace new technology and the current regulations are way out in front of where customers are at customers are those who lead while regulations are there to protect them not the opposite number four EVS take more effort to sell at the time the

Whole automotive industry was in a big supply chain crisis caused by covid-19 pandemics and War conflicts around the world dealers actually had some of the most successful years now they weren’t making record high sales numbers they managed to Mark record high profits these supply chain issues disrupted the balance between demand and Supply

Completely which allowed dealers to embose massive markups which would usually measure in thousands of dollars even more for the most attractive car models unfortunately for them that’s over and car makers are once again able to produce enough cars which means that there’s no room for massive markups anymore things went completely on the

Other end of the spectrum with electric cars things are Beyond bad not only that dealer lots are full of them they’re also selling much slower than expected all that means no markups on electric cars that if you add to the fact that dealers have to put way more effort into

Selling them it becomes obvious why none of them are happy with Biden’s Administration pushing EVS too hard salesmen are the most affected because it takes way more time to sell an electric car we can refer to buzz Smith a former salesman now an EV dealer trainer who stated that unlike gas

Powerered cars that usually take no more than a single visit and no more than an hour to sell electric cars usually take four visits and 4 hours simply said customers want to learn everything about the new technology and be 100% sure before they make their final decision to

Purchase an EV for salesman that practically means volunteering to take a 75% pay cut and that doesn’t make any sense number three infrastructural issues as we’ve already mentioned car dealers know better than anyone what customers really want so they’re pretty familiar with their main concerns when it comes to purchasing an electric car

Therefore it doesn’t surprise that they’re constantly pointing out that the infrastructure is not ready for massive electrification although the government has already invested billions in charging Networks across the states it’s still not enough the number of chargers is insufficient especially in rural areas the numbers are much better in

Urban areas but still not good enough because Reliance on home charging is way more complicated in cities where so many customers live in apartments and don’t have a garage for them public Chargers are the only solution so those scenes of long lines on public Stations don’t surprise at all moreover even the

Existing Chargers are far from perfect the latest survey show that EV owners are not particularly happy with them for several reasons low charging speed broken Chargers broken screens faulty payment systems are some of the most common issues EV owners have with public stations according to the latest study

Focused on the San Francisco Bay Area only 72.5% of Electrify America Chargers were operative last year the charging convenience is far from the desired level and that’s something eeve owners like to point out that may be one of the key reasons why every fifth EV owner

Already made a decision to return to gas powered cars dealers are perfectly aware that charging anxiety is one of the key reasons for the current slowdown of the market growth and that they’ll hardly convince enough buyers to swap their gas barred cars for something that’s far less convenient number two profit

Margins and repairs dealers are not happy with EVS for several reasons and one of them is that EVS are currently very unreliable according to the consumer report they cause 80% more problems than gas powered cars whether it’s about battery issues software problems or something different the

Problem is in the fact that EVS are new and therefore under warranty dealers are the ones that cover all these repairs and the only problem is that in many cases they don’t know how to deal with them it it’s not just about untrained technicians it’s also about the fact

That this is brand new technology that relies way too much on software in many cases dealers have to wait to get feedback from car makers to solve specific problems and that could take a very long time in many cases dealers are stacked with EVS that have been waiting

For weeks to be repaired that’s only one side of the metal the other one could possibly occur in the future because EV enthusiasts like to point out out how EVS are simpler and therefore should be more reliable so far that hasn’t been the case and we honestly doubt it could

Happen anytime soon because of the overuse of all those Advanced Tech goodies but even if that happens someday dealers won’t be happy instead of making a profit on regular maintenance service such as oil replacement they’ll have to bother with complex breakdowns not to mention bizarre software updates every

Now and then which often create new problems instead of solving the old ones in such a scenario neither dealers nor customers will be happy EVS will continue to sit at dealer Lots desperately waiting for someone who can solve the problem number one car makers require massive investments from dealers

With the current slowdown of the EV market growth as well as the fact that car makers struggle to make electric cars profitable it’s quite obvious that success is anything but guaranteed for many dealers problems extend Way Beyond the potential commercial failure of electric cars in order to sell EVS many

Dealers are forced to invest big amounts of money to become eligible for selling electric cars first of all there’s the infrastructure as every dealer needs to install a proper charging station then there’s salesman training and eventually the training of technicians and other professionals all that costs a lot and

Usually measures in hundreds of thousands of dollars sometimes even more that’s why we’re seeing so many dealers giving up on EVS as they don’t need such risky investments in their business GM and Ford are the best examples as half of their dealers simply don’t want to sell electric cars the best example we

Can give you Buick dealers with half of them opting for the buy program instead of investing between $300,000 and $400,000 as a result the number of Buick dealers Nationwide has been cut to around 1,000 compared to 2,000 just a year ago in Ford’s case things seem even more Extreme as the certification

Program which is required for all those planning to sell electric cars cost around a million at first it seemed like 2third of blue oval dealers would opt for this certification program but now that number has gone down to half which means that 1,500 dealers have decided to stick with internal combustion cars at

The moment Ford doesn’t Force its dealers to sell EVS but we won’t exclude that possibility in the future thanks for watching and see you next time

80% of Dealers Hate Biden’s EV Strategy and Refuse to Sell EVs! You might think that electric vehicles are the future of transportation, but not everyone agrees. In fact, 80% of dealers in the US hate Biden’s electric strategy and refuse to sell EVs! Also, many car dealers are begging President Joe Biden to shut down EVs immediately. Why is that? What are the hidden costs and risks of going electric? And how will this affect you as a consumer? Find out the shocking truth in this video, where we expose the dark side of the EV revolution. Don’t miss this exclusive report that will change the way you think about EVs!


🎬Watch our most recent video:

🔴 IT STARTED! The Greatest EVs Market CRASH Is Here WATCH HERE 👉 https://youtu.be/2IDDs2c3ER4


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The Electric Vehicle wave sooner or later will become huge, so this type of content might appear on this channel from time to time. But as we are still on the way to becoming fully electrical, we mostly cover fossil cars from many amazing brands.


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