Electric Cars

I spent HOURS recharging my electric car!

I spent HOURS recharging my electric car!

Welcome back to the channel I’ve just driven here it’s about 40 minute drive and I’ve realized I’m not going to have enough charge to get home I’m only on 40% so I’m going to plug my car in this is the only charger I can find nearby uh it’s a only a slow charger

So oh no it’s going to take 4 hours to charge up to 100% that’s really rubbish it’s raining I’m going to be standing here holding on to this cable for 4 hours now hm I don’t think this is a very good thing to do I know what I’ll do I’ll get

To one of those fast Chargers because they only take about 20 minutes that’s the solution I’ll go there yes that’s a good point right well it’s 50% um I had to wait around an hour holding onto the plug um I’ve come to this fast Ultra fast charger and um it’s still saying

I’m going to be waiting here for another another hour to get to 100% so I guess I’ll just be stood here in the rain for an hour on this fast charger to get to 100% cuz I I I need 100% obviously to drive um back home well of course I was

Joking you don’t have to hold on to the charger whilst your car is on charge now to me that seems obvious but to some people online especially some people comment on videos um like the ones I’ve made about charging up my EV that doesn’t seem to have quite sunk in yet

When you have an EV on charge you can do something else whilst it’s charging I’ll repeat that you can do something else whilst it’s charging in the year and 20,000 miles I’ve done in my electric car I’ve only I don’t know four or five times actually had to wait around to charge up

Generally I do something else and that is a massive advantage of electric vehicles you can combine charging with doing something else now you might think well it only takes me 5 minutes to fill up my petrol diesel car well that’s good but you are limited to refilling it at a

Petrol station and not at home or at work or at the gym or at a supermarket or whatever oh oh you can refuel at a petrol station at the supermarket but the thing is that you’ve got to pack your shopping away and then drive around to the petrol station queue

Up because there’ll be someone in front of you um then hold the petrol nozzle for 2 to 4 minutes and then queue up and end the shop and pay for your petrol when you’re charging up your electric vehicle you simply connect the connector tap your card and walk away

And when you come back it will have recharged and you don’t have to charge to 100% in fact it’s best not to charge to 100% when you’re at a rapid charger because the last 20 to you know 10 to 20% of charge takes actually quite a lot

Longer so you want to stop a little and often with an electric car um well you want to charge a little and often but in fact most of the time your car is stopped most of the time your car is parked up and all of those times it

Could be charging in fact my car is charging now and and don’t say you can uh only charge at home um if you have a driveway because I don’t have a driveway I can’t even park in front of my house I can’t even park anywhere near my house I

Have to park in the car park and it just so happens that that car park has electric vehicle charging bays and so if I need to park up I just put my car on charge and it charges up so you can get home with 1% charge plug in and by the

Next morning you’ll be fully charged remember all those times that you’ve had the petrol light come on as you’ve neared home after a long road trip yeah I do that happens to me all the time I go out I put in an fuel to uh do my trip come home the fuel light

Comes on I’m really tired I think I can’t be bothered to stop for fuel I’ll do that the next morning and then of course you forget about it and then you either don’t have enough fuel to get to the petrol station or it’s an annoying uh Interruption into that uh that first

Journey of the day so whilst there are advantages um to the quick refilling times of combustion cars they’re not actually that much of an advantage overall because most people do lots of short Journeys and most people sort of go places your electric car can charge almost anywhere it’s parked um in fact

Most places in the country have electricity going to them and it’s only a few places that have pet tanks buried underground you can put a charger in at your house or at work or wherever really very easily you only have to have a power connection which those places

Generally still do okay you’re not going to be able to put the 10 350 Kow uh grid surf charges that I featured in my last short um very easily without putting in a cable but in fact even that once that Cable’s in well it’s it’s not the same as having to have

A tank in the ground and a road large enough that a petrol tanker can come down there once a week to fill the tanks back up electricity is almost everywhere in the country and that means there are almost an infinite number of places you can refuel your electric car and once

You change your mindset a little bit that you should refuel your electric car whilst you’re doing something else then you realize that it’s very seldom that you actually have to wait around for it to refuel very very seldom I can assure you of that um it’s simply C very easy to

Just combine getting some food going to the gym or you know going shopping or being at work with recharging your car and you don’t have to do it every day unless you’re doing a massive amount of Miles actually I find on average I recharge about twice a week and of

Course that charge I did at the beginning of the video um we just went to the park with the kids and there were some Chargers there so I plugged in and I thought it’d be funny to make this film so hopefully that explains the situation with electric cars um you

Don’t have to charge 100% you don’t have to hold on to the cable whilst you’re charging you don’t have to wait around you just have to pop pop the car on charge um when it’s a convenient time to do so you know you’re not going to to

Put the car in charge if you’re literally just running into a shop and you have to be out it again in 30 seconds it’s not worth it you’re going to be somewhere um for half an hour and they have a fast charger then that’s a

Great time to put it on charge if you’re going to be somewhere for several hours and they have a 7 Kow charger then again it’s a great time to put it on charge you’re not going to put your car on charge at a 7 Kow charger and only go in

For five minutes it’s not worth the effort of getting the cable out but um it’s it’s really not difficult and you if you ever see someone waiting around to charge 100% at a fast you know DC charger well then they’re really doing it wrong um that’s not how you uh use an

Electric car it is how you use a fuel car um but that doesn’t apply to an electric car you can have a much more relaxed style of driving you don’t have to sit around for ages and um it’s really quite straightforward so thanks for watching hope to see you next time

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