Electric Cars

Ford’s EV Revolution: The BYD Partnership Unveiled!

Ford’s EV Revolution: The BYD Partnership Unveiled!

Ford looks like they’re G to be getting serious about EVS no no this time they’re super serious you guys for Real uh but they’ve announced a kind of a big partnership with byd for the commercial side uh I’m being joined by Yan this week uh who’s going to be uh giving us

Some great insights I hope uh I’m Brian welcome to futur Raza so I don’t know if you saw the big news but yeah it turns out uh Ford hasn’t given up entirely just yet uh pretty exciting stuff I suppose yeah I mean that’s absolutely crazy I mean they were’re already at it and now yet they’re at it again I hope this time

They’re going to succeed with that so there’s different battery companies around the world uh the biggest is byd and rounding out the top 10 you’ve got the likes of Panasonic catl LG oh I think it’s cattle no it’s pronounced cattle is it pronounced cattle all right

No no no I don’t know I don’t I’ve heard both I’ve heard both so really okay I have I have heard people call it that I and then they’ve got SK Innovations is at like number six or seven and that’s the one that Ford was really trying to partner they’re everybody’s dance cards

Were full they were looking for someone who was willing to do a partnership with them and I feel like SK Innovations might have gotten a little burnt on it because they keep scaling back their EV ambitions do you really want me to build this2 billion Factory for you if you’re

Not going to buy the batteries and we’re in a contract that says I can’t sell them to someone else so that’s tricky I think SDK is um Samsung also is that included there uh I don’t I I don’t know if I’ve seen it listed separately Samsung is I think the biggest provider

Who is not currently selling batteries to Tesla uh so Samsung is very serious I uh my only concern with Samsung is and I don’t know if you know this but their old cell phone batteries are incredibly failure prone uhuh MKBHD made a video where he’ heard rumors of old Samsungs

Getting puffy batteries so he went into his display area where he has all his old phones and he had to remove because like three of them had already popped it’s like not I’m not yeah I’m not burning my house down I’m not gonna do not worth it but I haven’t heard in

Terms of cylindrical batteries if that’s an issue so let’s look at this byd article we’ve got here there’s some interesting points in it uh so they’ve secured a deal with not Ford and GM but with uh Borg Warner who is a very large Auto supplier I don’t know if you’re are

You familiar with them no oh okay they’re they’re huge they’re absolutely huge um but this is not for uh personal vehicles but for commercial vehicles on the next one here you’ll see that uh they’ve signed design the deal not with Ford or GM but the supplier itself Borg

Warner uh their battery unit fin dreams under the Deal Autos supplier will be the only non-original equipment manufacturer uh with rights to localize byd p uh blade batteries for commercial vehicles what uh do you know what the advantage is for lfp Batteries because these are lithium iron phosphate we’re

Talking about not the traditional High nickel Cobalt kind of batteries you know what the big advantage of an lfp battery is in a commercial application like a delivery van is is it because of um the the charging like the charging the way the charging works that you can charge it to

100% yeah you you know what your real range is you don’t have to Baby the battery you don’t have to keep it between 20 and 80 to prolong the life of the vehicle you can go I mean don’t go under 10% that’s stressful and a little

Bit stressful to the battery but you can go 10 to to 100% every single day your range is your range and for longevity lfp batteries appear to have a longer total number of Cycles a greater number of Cycles before they begin to deteriorate and fail so the supplier

Will be uh the preferred one for America’s Europe and other regions in Asia Pacific so what I see is uh byd does not have um a lot of commercial vehicles out there and they’re saying okay look we will let we can they can still make deals directly with

Manufacturers and they can still make their own commercial vehicles but for third-party suppliers fin dreams gets the full license what do you think of that yes so they kind of shielded them or or B had a better deal kind of in that sense because then they can just

Have the Factory as an investment and then um have one customer like a fixed customer I mean they will be selling those anyway like hot cakes the the things they’re going to produce there and that’s why they they kind of secured this because if this was just the only

Deal like with the supplier I don’t think that they’re going to send maybe a smartphone battery over just for reference but not a factory they’re not going to build yeah sure and this is great for byd because they’re licensing the technology the chemistry the design of the equipment and the factory so this

Isn’t a big drain on byd mostly what they’re getting is uh money really they’re getting the ability to sell to commercial customers in in ways that their current funding wouldn’t allow them to their current factories can’t keep up with and if we’re just licensing

It to you you guys can do great you can screw up you can do whatever you want we just we know our chemistry works we know our process and procedures work so that’s kind of a good thing on Reddit I encountered a very skeptical person very

Angry that 4680 ramp is going so badly Tesla should be making 100% of their own batteries by now and I don’t recall that being part of the battery Day presentation uh what I heard was we will continue buying as many batteries as all of you guys can build yep for the

Foreseeable future but we’re also going to be making our own batteries which will apply give us some leverage in terms of pricing if you want to try and gouge us on prices we will be buying from everybody uh so that’s exciting now I know you’ve got a SR plus is that

Right a Shanghai built rear wheeel drive I I have a model 3 Highlands from Shanghai rear wheeel drive so standard range and also with lfp batteries yeah with the lfp so you’ve got either the byd blades or the CHL batteries would be my guess yeah yeah yeah I have to check

Maybe I just look under the car I think you can already see all the batteries hanging there like Honey Combs like yeah uhhuh yeah like like uh like fresh fruit that’s how that’s where batteries grow is on the vine yeah that’s true they have a lot of opportunities there well

The neat thing is we know that some were shipping with the byd blades and we know some have shipped with the catl um I think I’ve got another slide here that shows uh from on X Luca uh Luca is great if you want to know anything about Mega

Castings and Giga castings not just at Tesla but anywhere in the world he is your guy he is I mean that is his what what Jordan Gigi is to batteries Luca is to Giga castings so he’s pointing out here that there is a structural battery made with

Lfps made with the byd blade batteries now this hasn’t been fact checked I don’t know if this is correct but that appears to be the case um so that that means Tesla can use any batteries from anybody at any time and make it work as

Long as it fits in the floor it works so that’s very exciting I think yeah it is and also I wanted to to add something here because um I remembered still the discussion when byd announced that they’re going to do the blade batteries it was similar timing that that okay we

Have the 46 80s announcement and then like a few months or even a year maybe half a year past I’m not recording correctly now but I still remember how it was perceived in the media how they they told like byd competition oh God what will happen with the 468 form

Factor doesn’t make sense Tesla is failing hard nobody guessed in the news outlets that Tesla will buy Blade batteries as well they’re going to buy every good technology that makes sense that they have the yeah it’s just another form fact of lfp varage they already built into their cars and of

Course they’re going to take them and uh it’s not a competition also the CEO of uh byd also announc announced the the tight part or kind of a tight partnership with because they are a huge customer of byd as well that’s something to keep in mind

Here I think byd would love to sell 5 million 10 million 100 billion cars but in the meantime they have more batteries than they have cars to accept them they would be crazy not to sell them and as EV adoption expands it makes it easier for byd to sell their cars they could

Not go It Alone they couldn’t there wouldn’t be a charging Network there wouldn’t be any of the support you need need around it uh there there might not even be enough mining to go around but with everybody doing it together they can see that everybody wins and a

Reminder when it comes to a lot of people think well Tesla should be doing everything themselves no that’s that’s that’s not how it works if you look at when I talk to a part supplier it’s somebody who’s supplying parts for probably five or 10 different manufacturers and if I talk to three

Part suppliers I’ve probably got the entire Western Supply Chain covered in some every manufacturer covered in one part or another uh and for that matter we’ve seen companies where they’ll buy an entire car and just rebadge it there’s a great little seven seat station wagon that Toyota sells in

Mexico and it’s cheap it’s like 12,000 $15,000 or something like that it’s not a Toyota it just says Toyota they bought it from I don’t remember somebody else uh because it’s cheap and Toyota already has a distribution Network in Mexico so great throw on 500 bucks 1,000 bucks and

Now we’ve got a partnership that actually works selling an entire well shouldn’t Toyota just make their own car yeah it’s the same with with some of the yeah like for example the Toyotas um they are some models that are similar with other brands like for example we

Had like this brand was failing in Germany opal for example was also a car brand a smaller one um that is not as popular in Germany they didn’t pulled through kind of but they still there but small but um they also for example have the same it’s the same car with it kind

Of different styling at some points but I think it’s also like those Partnerships and this is also they they have a Subaru in from Japan there as well and dhatu and stuff like this they they they share this same car platform kind of that that’s something also like

An example where something like this happens yeah yeah well the Chevy Sprint was the geom metro and for that matter the BMW Z3 and the Toyota Supra are very similar cars made in the same Factory by magnet well what hey it it’s just how the business works so in summary on the byd

Deal with Ford I see this as a win for Ford I see it as a win for byd and really I see it as a win for all the customers as well because SK Innovations is still small and byd is as big as it gets in

Batteries so I think this is a winning combination all around absolutely yeah and what do you guys think in the comments uh did we miss something what did we miss what did we misunderstand leave it so we know everybody else like subscribe do the usual things maybe head

Over to Tesla fix see what he’s up to I don’t know don’t yeah don’t whatever you do don’t do that uh if you hate my stuff don’t please don’t subscribe don’t it only encourages you Channel M no don’t listen to that guy I’m gonna go come over and and uh

Um careful right yep yep yep so everybody else like subscribe do the usual things you know what you’re doing stay tuned stay juicy and I cannot wait to hear from you clever robots perhaps even in May in Austria at The X takeover ban and I will both be guests yes

Thank you Jan from @TeslaFix for joining the discussion.

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Edited by: Roshan Khatiwada

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