Electric Cars

Angry Electric Car Owners Fighting for the Revival of Gasoline Vehicles!

Angry Electric Car Owners Fighting for the Revival of Gasoline Vehicles!

In Chicago some tow truck businesses getting a boost David ber says he’s been busy in the cold we have seen an increase in cost from a lot of different owners that have electric vehicles while some learn to weather the inconvenience for others the challenges are too much

I’ll be getting a gas vehicle ASAP and it’s not it for you it’s not it for me as the world races towards a Greener future the automotive industry stands at a PIV Al Crossroads with electric vehicles EVS emerging as a promising solution to combat climate change and reduce Reliance on fossil fuels the

Shift towards EVS represents a significant Paradigm Shift promising cleaner air reduced carbon emissions and a transformative impact on Transportation in recent years EVS have garnered increasing attention and investment propelled by advancements in Battery Technology government incentives and growing consumer environmental awareness from Sleek sedans to rugged SUVs manufacturers are rolling out an

Impressive array of electric options promising style and sustainability however despite the growing enthusiasm surrounding EVS data shows that even EV owners do not want an EV as their second car but why is this and why is there a Slowdown in the EV Revolution join us on this journey as we

Navigate the electrifying world of electric vehicles and uncover what EV own ERS and dealers don’t talk about when selling you the promising future of EVs and without Much Ado let’s get started once hailed as the inevitable future of Transportation electric vehicles EVS were expected to Eclipse their gasoline powered

Counterparts however the reality has fallen short of the hype despite initial enthusiasm the demand for electric cars has failed to soore a recent survey reveals that interest in electric vehicles among drivers has dwindled this sentiment is echoed by rental giant herz’s decision to offload 20,000 electric cars from its Fleet one major

Reason behind this disillusionment among consumers is the inconvenience of charging electric vehicles the prospect of structuring one’s life around locating charging stations and waiting for Batteries to recharge is deterring many potential buyers and amidst the recent extreme cold weather that swept across Ross the US drivers faced extended weight times to fully charge

Their electric vehicles in freezing temperatures the delicate batteries of EVS consume more energy to stay warm prolonging the charging process despite the government’s efforts with subsidies and regulations consumers are leaning towards the convenience and reliability of gasoline powered cars moreover there’s a growing realization among consumers that electric vehicles haven’t

Lived up to their lofty environmental promises Cobalt a crucial element in EV batteries is predominantly sourced from mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo controlled by the Chinese Communist Party shockingly children as young as four toil in hazardous conditions earning meager wages of just a dollar or

Two a day following extraction the Cobalt is transported to China for processing despite this extensive supply chain only a mere 5% of lithium ion batteries are recycled the notion of electric vehicles being zero emission is also deceptive in reality most electricity powering EVS comes from coal and natural gas sources despite efforts

Through federal and state subsidies to drive an energy transition renewable energy sources still constitute only a fraction of the National Grid accounting for just about a quarter of the total energy mix this reality hasn’t escaped the notice of some as illustrated by a recent survey stating that most EV

Owners would not buy an EV as their second car at last Americans are waking up to the reality that the seemingly enticing sticker prices of electric vehicles boyed by Hefty taxpayer funded subsidies ultimately burden those least capable of bearing the cost surprisingly the recent Senate energy and natural resources hearing on federal electric

Vehicle incentives overlooked a crucial fact each electric vehicle sold imposes nearly $50,000 in additional expenses on taxpayers a sum that taxpayers undoubtedly wish they could reclaim the ramifications of the government’s favoritism toward electric vehicles extend beyond just our tax returns the proliferation of home and public charging stations exerts considerable

Pressure on the electric grid resulting in an average of $1,833 in shared costs per vehicle over a decade these expenses are ultimately passed on to us through our electricity bills prompting legitimate concerns about escalating utility expenses Rising utility costs aren’t merely an inconvenience they can have dire consequences according to the Energy

Information Administration 27% of American households struggled to afford their home energy bills in 2023 many were forced to foro Essentials like prescription refills or grocery trips to make ends meet While others resorted to unsafe home temperatures or faced potential utility shut offs a widely held belief suggests that electric vehicles require less maintenance

Compared to their internal combustion engine counterparts on the surface this seems logical EVS have far fewer moving Parts than traditional cars which combust small amounts of hydrocarbon fuel numerous times per minute however the empirical data paints a different picture surprisingly according to Consumer Reports CR data electric vehicles exhibit lower reliability than

Conventionally powered cars while CR is renowned for purchasing cars for its own testing purposes its annual Auto reliability survey takes a broader approach in 2023 the findings of This research were rather inconvenient for proponents of electric vehicles on average EVS exhibited 79% more reliability issues than their gasoline or diesel powered counterparts

Plug-in hybrids PHS fared even worse with a staggering 146% more problems on average than their conventional counterparts however traditional hybrids deviated from this pattern boasting 26% fewer reliability issues than conventionally powered vehicles moreover phevs presented the highest number of potential trouble areas while a conventional vehicle typically has 17

Main problem areas ranging from minor concerns like trim rattling to more significant issues like engine or transmission problems phbs have to contend with all these plus additional complexities such as Electric Motors High Voltage traction batteries and charging components in EVS most reliability complaints stemmed from Electric Motors charging and Battery

Related issues it’s important to note that these charging problems pertain to the vehicle itself not the home or public charging Hardware Consumer Reports offers valuable advice for prospective EV buyers to resist the Allure of launch edition Vehicles Ashley Nunes a senior research associate at Harvard Law School notes that recent

Surges in EV sales were primarily driven by early adopters individuals who readily embraced the idea of owning an EV however he observed that most potential EV buyers from this demographic have already made their purchases the next target audience he suggests should be middle inome Americans unfortunately Nunes believes that companies have not effectively

Engaged this group to encourage them to enter the EV Market furthermore even among consumers who have purchased EVS there’s a notable trend of not completely replacing traditional gasoline powered vehicles instead of fully transitioning to electric power many consumers opt to supplement some of their cars with EVS according to Ashley

Nunes compell evidence indicates that most individuals who purchase electric cars also own a gasoline powered vehicle they’re not parting ways with their gasoline cars in favor of electric ones instead electric vehicles are predominantly bought as what economists term complements not substitutes essentially consumers are simply adding to their overall inventory of vehicles

Elizabeth Creer vice president of electric vehicle practice at consumer intelligence firm JD power points out another issue she notes that buyers seeking a replacement vehicle May struggle to find an EV that meets their needs only about 40% of Shoppers seeking an EV model compared to their desired

Petrol powered car will find one leaving 60% without suitable options now going back to our main issue a recent poll conducted by Yahoo finance and ipsos shows that a significant majority of respondents 57% indicated they were unlikely to opt for an electric vehicle EV when purchasing their next car among this majority 36%

Stated they were not at all likely to choose an EV while 21% expressed being not too likely the primary deterrence for potential EV buyers remain consistent echoing concerns often raised in similar surveys High vehicle costs hidden reliability issues limited driving range and in in adequate charging infrastructure notably the

Study also reveals a significant political Divergence among those interested in EVS with 41% of Democrats expressing willingness to purchase an EV compared to only 177% of Republicans a recent analysis by S&P Global Mobility also indicates that many households who own EVS subsequently purchase a gas fueled car owning an EV and an internal

Combustion engine ice vehicle May be practical for consumers who desire an EV for short daily trips while preferring another car better suited for longdistance Journeys due to this President Biden and his administration are puzzled by people’s persistent preference for gas- powerered vehicles however the reasons for this Choice are

Apparent and electric cars are perceived as inferior products moreover their staunchest Advocates have not thoroughly addressed their environmental impact and hidden economic drawbacks instead of pushing pushing for electric vehicles the Biden Administration should allow the free market to guide auto dealers in meeting consumer demands by stepping back the administration can also Foster

An environment where consumers preferences shape the future of the automotive industry so what are your thoughts on the future of electric vehicles are you ready to make the switch or will you hold out a little bit longer until most of the issues are addressed share your thoughts in the

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Angry Electric Car Owners: Fighting for the Revival of Gasoline Vehicles!

Angry Electric Car Owners: Fighting for the Revival of Gasoline Vehicles!

As the world races towards a greener future, the automotive industry stands at a pivotal crossroads, with electric vehicles (EVs) emerging as a promising solution to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

The shift towards EVs represents a significant paradigm shift, promising cleaner air, reduced carbon emissions, and a transformative impact on transportation.

In recent years, EVs have garnered increasing attention and investment, propelled by advancements in battery technology, government incentives, and growing consumer environmental awareness.

From sleek sedans to rugged SUVs, manufacturers are rolling out an impressive array of electric options, promising style and sustainability. However, despite the growing enthusiasm surrounding EVs, data shows that even EV owners do not want an EV as their second car. But why is this? And why is there a slowdown in the EV revolution?

In today’s video we look at Angry Electric Car Owners Fighting for the Revival of Gasoline Vehicles!…Keep watching to see renewable energy and hybrid cars and hybrid suv and Automotive and Evs and Ev and electric suv and zero emissions and top car reviews and ev owners switching back to gas and ev owners and ev owners going back to gas and no ev demand and ev bad and ev and ev news and ev market news and ev sales down and new ev report and ev market crash and survey shows ev owners will not go back to gas and ev report and ev repair and gm ev and ev market and ev car and ev sales and no ev future and ford ev and ev demand and ev owners are angry and ev ownership and ev cars.

Subscribe for EVS, hybrid cars, and electric suv. Inspired by ChargeDrive, Car Maniacs, and What Car?. .

Inspired by : HUGE NEWS! EV Owners Had Enough & DEMAND Gas Cars Back!

Inspired by : Why every 5th electric car owner returns to gasoline

Inspired by : Why Rental Car Companies Are Ditching Electric Vehicles for Gas Cars

Inspired by : The Truth About Electric Car Ownership in 2024

Also check out: https://youtu.be/2DwwdMmgiWs

On AUTO DRIVE we will go through Automotive, EVS, and hybrid cars. Stay tuned for the latest renewable energy, zero emissions, and top car reviews.

Welcome to AUTO DRIVE In this channel we will explore the billionaire lifestyle and their amazing luxury cars.We will also dive into the revolutionary ev industry and discuss hybrid suv , hybrid cats , electric cars and everything renewable energy.

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