Plug-in Hybrids

How To Power Your Home’s Heating System With Jeep Wrangler 4xe Plug-in Hybrid

How To Power Your Home’s Heating System With Jeep Wrangler 4xe Plug-in Hybrid

Hello my friends John gorum from torque news here today we’re going to talk about a very interesting way that you can power your home’s heating system using the Jeep Wrangler 4xe plug-in hybrid electric vehicle Jeep offers a very interesting product with this and it’s available on most trims what you do

Is you plug it into the electric car charging port and then there’s a box at the end it’s called a power box and the power box has four 115 volt power outlets now what you can do is you can run things that run on 115 with this using the electric vehicle’s

Battery and the electric vehicle’s batter is quite large 17 Kow in this vehicle that’s enough to power most of the things in your home for quite a long time during a power outage such as might occur during an ice storm what I’ve got hooked up here is an 1,00 watt SP space

Heater uh it may not look very large but a space heater is one of the most robust um energy draws you can have and still be at 115 power so I’ll go ahead and turn that on and as you can see it’s now operating so now how does this power

Your house you might ask of course your your house is not heated by little space heaters well my home here in massachusett where it’s always snowy and icy from basically October until May uh gets quite a lot of ice storms and what we do in New England is generally homes

Are powered excuse me homes are heated by either natural gas furnaces or by oil burning furnaces my older home here has an oil burning furnace and interestingly enough it’s a 115 volt system not 230 so I had an electrician install this device this is a power input box and it has a

Line off auto so that I can power power up my home’s heating system using an external source of power like a generator or like the 4xe power box so all I would need to do is connect an extension cord from the power box to the

Input of the energy and I could heat my home my 3000t home in Massachusetts using just the power from the power box and of course the oil burning system now I’m not one of these leites that doesn’t have an alternative system my home also has heat pumps that can heat the house

Throughout every uh every part of the living space at a very efficient rate um however it’s great in New England to have oil or gas heat because when the temperatures are really low it’s a lot more comfortable and a lot more practical to use either oil or gas to

Supplement your electric heating system so uh I just thought I’d share this with people it’s super simple to operate all you do is Plug and Play you plug in the power cord to the to the vehicle and then you use your extension cord to go from your power box to your power input

Box now that power input box cost me about $120 on Amazon and my electrician wired it up for about $150 labor cost uh you all listed um this is this is all good stuff now the power box you might be thinking how much power can that thing really put out interestingly

Enough it can put out 3.6 KW that’s enough to run not only one heating system in my home if I had two I could still run it or I could use those other three plugs to run my refrigerator my Internet modem maybe some lights so this power box is a really really great

Solution for those who live in a place like I do where it’s snowy and icy most of the wintertime and where short-term power outages are common this is a solution that’s a lot less expensive than having a full home generator back back up system and honestly full home

Generator backup systems come with a lot of compromises you have to maintain the generator you have to keep fresh fuel on hand and most of the power outages are less than 3 days and with the amount of power inside this Jeep you could run your home heating system no problem for

3 Days remember home heating systems don’t run continuously they’re intermittent they run for about 15 minutes and they take a break for an hour and a half or so and really you only need to maintain enough heat in the house to just make it through the storm so I just thought I’d highlight

Something that’s really really cool about the Jeep Wrangler 4xe and um I’ll supplement this video with a full story including more photos and more data um you can find the link below this um YouTube video thanks for watching

This is perhaps one of the most interesting videos that shows you how to power your house using your Jeep Wrangler 4xe PHEV.

In this video, Torque News reporter and EV expert John Goreham explains how the 2024 Jeep Wrangler 4xe’s Powerbox can be used as a power supply to enable your home heating system to operate during an outage. Please see our accompanying story for more facts, images, and details. We also ask that you forgive John for misspeaking at timestamp 0:46. John meant to say 17.3 kWh (kilowatt-hours) when referring to the Jeep’s battery storage capacity. Please tell us in the comments if you find this standard feature of the Jeep Wrangler 4xe to be interesting.

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.

John Goreham of Torque News: Jeep Wrangler 4xe Powerbox Lets You Run Your Home Heating During a Power Outage

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