Electric Cars

How You Can Charge Your Electric Vehicle For FREE

How You Can Charge Your Electric Vehicle For FREE

Hey you with your petrol car are you fed up paying £60 for a tank full of fuel or more hey you with your EVS are you disgusted with having to pay 85 P per kilowatt hour for public rapid charging well try something new try totally free EV charging yes charge your

EV absolutely totally free and Dave welcome to Dave takes it on so is this true okay let’s have a look at fueling because all the anti Brigade are so Keen to tell us about queuing at charges what they forget is that people will cue for petrol I’ve quoted before Leicester has

Got a Costco petrol station and they have regular cues there because they’re offering well it’s not free electricity not free petrol it’s actually six P off a liter 6p and they’re queuing up for that that there are other times when I I used to have petrol or diesel cars and I would

Queue up maybe just two or three cars and it didn’t take more than 10 or 15 minutes but you do queue up but it’s a fact that people will queue up if the price of the petrol that they’re selling is cheap now when it comes to EVS I’m absolutely amazed because free EV

Charging has actually been around forever in the early days when I first got my EV then the supermarket markets were offering totally free charging it was only 7 Kow but it was totally free so while you’re shopping you just get a top up and that was great and all the

Supermarkets followed suit and at one time you could just go to any supermarket and charge for free my local supermarket uh which is Tesco they actually had no restriction on the car park at all that’s no changed it’s now changed to 3 hours but at the time it

Was nothing and they had four public charges in their car Park p.1 7 KW and they were available and of course there’s a lot of people driving around in EVS but these were often half empty but regularly overnight the same cars would appear and they would just top up

Overnight they’d park there I assume they would live close and walk home and then they go walk down in the morning pick the car up and it’s absolutely full absolutely free and I know there’s one viewer of mine up in Scotland said they’ve been driving an Eevee around for

Free uh for years now um but that’s a slow charger and so it’s with the restrictions in the car park now down to 2 or 3 hours that’s actually not as attractive and in the meantime they’ve also stopped the free charging it was used originally as a marketing gimmick

To get people into the stores once everyone started doing it it no longer worked so they’ve stopped it and they now charge still cheap uh it’s in the 40p range but you’ve got a restriction on two or three hours but if we get away from supermar markets what about hotels

I do travel I do stay in hotels quite often and most hotels now have some form of charging available many of them offer it free of charge I regularly go down to meet family in Swansea and there’s a hotel in the center of Swansea big chain hotel

And that has absolutely free EV charging so that because it’s the same price as all the other hotels nearby is a target for me that’s where I will go and stay because I drive down there I can get down there on the single charge I arrive

With the battery pretty low I can plug it in book into the hotel go and have a meal meet the family and the car’s full in the morning so that’s bonus those are still available have a look in your local map uh things like the Tesla map

Uh the zap map or Whatsapp uh these all advertise free uh charging in hotel restaurants and other places most of them have a filter you can set I want free charging and they will list only the ones that are free of charge so besides hotels there are many restaurants one of my favorite

Restaurants locally does offer they have an 11 kilowatt charger and it’s totally free of charge to diners to people who are there and that means in a typical um the charging session that’s 11 KW I get about 35 miles per hour that I’m plugged in that means

If I go for a meal with a group of friends and we sit in there we have a drink before ALC alcohol free obviously uh drinks afterwards and stay around for a chat we can easily be two or three hours in there and I can get a 100 mile

Range added totally free that’s absolutely brilliant now also there’s car Parks uh for example uh in chy there’s a center a town center car park uh the car park is something like three for the first hour and then it’s 2 or three pound for the next two hours so you can

Stay there maximum 3 hours that’s the limit but the charges are totally free of charge so for three or four pound car parking fee you can get three or four hour uh two or three hours of charging totally free and again these are 11 Kow so again you’ll get 60 80 maybe 100

Miles of range added I go away quite regularly and holiday LS things like Airbnb and um um booking.com these actually allow you to select a filter which say which only shows those which offer uh EV charging for the cars and so if I’m going up to the Lakes it’s a

Really easy trip for me I charge up at home to about 80 85% that’s all I need I drive up there it’s less than an hour I’ll get there with just under half a uh half a battery full and then as soon as it get to the place just plug it in now

If it’s limited to overnight which some of them are then it’ll charge up that night so every day I go out during my stay there I go out with a full battery every morning and in coming back just make sure the night before I charge up

To 85 90% and it’ll get me home absolutely brilliant why don’t more people use these but it’s now spreading and there’s a couple of new uh ideas that are coming that will make a big difference voxhall is one of these vool offer totally free charging and depending on which model

You get that can be up to 30,000 miles now we do 8,000 miles on average so 30,000 miles is between three and four years of Motoring so buy a Vox all hate the cars myself oh I hate the price of them the cars are right hate the price

Um but if you get a Vox all you can drive around free for the next three or four years absolutely brilliant there are others that offer that BMW have it offer on certain models where you can get free charging for a year or two years so look for those now

If you need a home charger go to British gas for example because not only do you get your charger there and it’s about the same price as everyone else is charging but you’ll get free charging for a whole year all these offers are out there and yet we just don’t use

Them now the very latest one is octopus energy now octopus are praised by most EV drivers because they do offer really really good rates but their latest scheme is an absolute Blinder they are offering totally free charging forever there’s a snag of course and the first snag is you have to

Be with octopus energy well that’s not a snag because they offer some very cheap rates anyhow typically about 7 and a half P overnight for charging and that’s great for most people but they’re now introducing an offer which is if you have an e to vehicle to

Grid uh charging system this means your car when it’s plugged in can take electricity from the grid to charge the battery but also discharge it back into your house if you have one of those and there’s not every car can do that in fact it’s quite limited number but a

Nissan Leaf for example is one that can so you get a Nissan Leaf what you do is you plug it in now what octobus says as long as you plug it in for a minimum of six hours a day you can charge it for free so why are they doing this well

They make money out of you now what happens is that they will trade electricity so during the day particularly in the summer when all the PV panels are working and the wind turbines are turning away merrily and we’re not using very much electricity the wholesale price of electricity drops

Dramatically and it often goes negative in other words they pay you to take electricity from a wind farm what uh octopus will do is they will charge up your Nissan Leaf battery or whatever other make you have and store it in the battery and they’ll get it for free or virtually

Nothing then at Peak time they’ll sell it back to the grid so they use your car as battery storage and they will trade electricity doing that allows them to make a profit and in return for for making a profit they will offer you unlimited free EV charging for your car

Now this is absolute Dynamite it’s a very limited number of cars at the moment but that is increasing rapidly uh models like Hyundai Ika are already starting to do uh vehicle to grid and most of the Chinese ones coming through now like the NEOS and bys an awful lot

Of them have vehicle to grid already others will follow suit Volvo have already said they’re going to offer v v G and so this will become common place and what it means is just as an example if there ends up with let’s say 10 million EVS in the UK at some point

And all of them are charged in for 6 hours a day and all of them have got a 50 kwatt hour battery these will be trading electricity like crazy throughout the day and they actually become just part of the grid so they’ll be buying it cheap and selling it dear

And that means that all of those motorists will be getting totally free charging the world is changing out there we didn’t make use of free electricity when it was offer when it was an on offer when it first came out years and years ago we really need to be looking

At these special offers now because they are absolutely brilliant imagine getting an EV and for as long as you own that car you never have to pay to charge it unless you go on a long trip and then once or twice a year you might have to

Bite the bullet and pay the 79 p a kilowatt hour at a public charger once you’re on holiday but if that’s all is going to cost you I think that’s a deal and a half well thanks for watching I’m Dave well thanks very much for watching if you have enjoyed this video please

Click the like button and if you’d like to see more please subscribe and click the notification Bell so we can notify you next time we launch a video and a massive thank you to all our patreon supporters it is your support that enables us to go out and make these

Videos for you so thank you very much for your contribution I’m Dave

There’s cheap and then there’s free. And whilst there were plenty of free chargers in the early days of electric vehicles, prices have increased at quite a pace ever since and it’s rare to be able to charge your electric vehicle for free. But, it’s still possible if you know where to look. So to find out what’s going on, stick around as Dave Takes It On.

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About The Channel:
Dave Takes It On was founded in 2023 and focuses primarily on content about electric vehicles and issues that impact drivers. Dave is based in the North West of the UK and owns a Tesla Model S. He regularly travels around the country, so if you see him feel free to say hello. The channel is supported by his son Jonas, who supports with thumbnails, titles, and technical aspects of the channel.

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