Electric Motorcycles

LAND | Battery Overview

LAND | Battery Overview

Let’s go over land battery charging and the different battery types to open the battery container it’s the same key as your ignition flip the battery lid open for easy access to charge your batteries disconnect the center and the black connector plug the charging cable into the battery and then into the wall

Outlet the bike will not charge if done in the upset sequence let’s go over the different types of batteries the larger 5.5 KW Max battery is a single core Plus Battery up to 120 M range making the total bike weight 242 lb the smaller 2.2 KW Max battery is a

Single core battery with a range of up to 40 Mi and makes the bike weight 198 lb you can use two of the smaller batteries for an 80m range bringing the bike weight to 226 lb the smaller batteries go into the bike and connect up the same way as the larger one

LAND Battery 101: Learn more about the different batteries we offer for your LAND District and how to charge them.

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