Plug-in Hybrids

Plug-in Hybrid GM Trucks Coming, EV Transitions Delayed + More! Weekly Update

Plug-in Hybrid GM Trucks Coming, EV Transitions Delayed + More! Weekly Update

What’s up everybody metran here for another weekly updates there’s lots of exciting news to go over here this week lots of big stories here about companies changing their EV plans and even the government changing their EV plan but first I first want to mention I’ll be

Doing my usual weekly live stream at 900 p.m. eastern time on Sunday night here so join if you can it’s always a fun time hanging out and talking cards with all of you but anyway getting into that news here this week uh yeah a great week

For those who want to enjoy gas powered vehicles as long as possible new gas powered vehicles specifically of course but uh anyway so um the biggest news here this week it hasn’t been confirmed yet but Reuters is reporting here that the EPA will be revising their proposed requirements for new vehicle emissions

In the coming years so originally the epa’s uh plans here and their goals and requirements were for about 60% of new vehicles to be electric by 2030 um and 67% by 2032 uh due to stricter emissions requirements for the remaining gas powered vehicles the fleet averages were

Just so high that in order to offset that they would have needed to have that percentage of EVs and so supposedly these there’s going to be some revisions here and um that apparently the White House has been very open and receptive to the arguments that many car companies

And many uh groups have been uh kind of proposing and so uh supposedly when the revisions come out next month the percentage required uh by 2030 will be something less than 60% although we don’t know exactly what percentage it’ll be just yet if the alliance for automo Innovation um who’ve been pushing back

Against the rules uh which is an ironic name for someone that doesn’t like uh the progress of the EVS but anyway if they get their way um then the percentage would fall somewhere between 40 to 50% of EVS by 2030 so you know we’ll see where it lands it could be

Even less than that but I think you know it would make sense to maybe meet in the middle if you know government won 60 they’re saying 40 they compromise on 50 or something we’ll see but um you know still definitely headed in the direction of an electric future we’re still having

Half of all new vehicle sales by 2030 being electric so you know this isn’t like we’re throwing out you know EV uh goals or anything like that it’s just slowing them down a little bit um which a lot of the people that are you know proposing these slowdowns are saying you

Know just give consumers time to uh you know get used to the charging infrastructure and have the charging infrastructure get better have a bettery Tech you know have a little a few more years to evolve even though that’s also rapidly evolving um you know and so it’s

Just they want a little more time there for that and um you know a lot of people thought that the you know current uh proposals were a little unrealistic so so hopefully again slow things down a little bit but still you know head in that direction and uh so according to

The New York Times there also will still be a ramp up from 20130 to 2032 we’ll see you know where that ramp up you know how much of a ramp up that is at you know that point here but um you know so anyway you know again doesn’t change things wildly but does

You know buy a little more time make things a little more flexible there so anyway very interesting to hear that even before this news broke though about the the government’s changes here there’s been you been hearing I’ve been reporting for many weeks now about numerous car companies rolling back

Their EV plans and pumping the brakes and all this stuff um as the demand has cooled off a little bit um and so uh GM you know just recently announced I talked about recently about how they’re going to be rolling out some plugin hybrids after previously you know kind

Of tossing out that idea a few years back now they are you know um again interested in plugin hybrids and they’re going to get them out really soon apparently they’re going to use existing Tech from other plugin hybrids available in other parts of the world and we’ll probably have like a plug-in hybrid

Equinox pretty quickly and a few other things like that um but uh apparently according to a new report by Auto Week here uh their sources claim that plug-in hybrid versions of the Silverado and Sierra are headed to Market in a hurry as well and apparently they have like a

Crash team that’s like rapidly trying to like toss This Together which doesn’t sound like a great great idea as far as you know a welldeveloped product but you know I mean they’ve been doing hybrids they had hybrid tahos and stuff back in like 2008 so this isn’t something that

They’re you know foreigners to they understand how this stuff works and hopefully their Engineers can get it right even in a hurry but um you know whether as far as the plugin as far as the hybrids goes you know whether the these plugin hybrids are going to be

Like you know a copy of the Ram Charger with being basically an electric vehicle with a gas engine or if they will just be the more traditional type of having a smaller little battery pack um and then you know just having the gas engine to back it up after that but um

Anyway there’s a few the things are a little bit more of a bummer about this though because apparently um according to the report here this internal shakeup in the product plans means that the cool sounding little two-o truck with a low roof that sounded like a potential e

Camino that’s my own idea of coming up with instead of El Camino call it the E Camino I think would have been great uh automo of nudes got a glimpse of that about a year ago or so um and uh that apparently has been cancelled now that

Wasn’t a green lit thing just yet but it was something that GM had like done a full like life-size mockup of of you know trying to do like a Maverick competitor but electric and twodo and I was like yes a twodo little truck sounds awesome and then apparently that’s been

Shelv as a result they also have decided to cancel supposedly the electric van that would have been um based on the bright drop um cargo stuff but they were going to finally replace the Chevy Express which is ancient um with that but that seems like that’s now been put

On uh you know in the cancellation pile as well um and to me you know canceling this stuff seems like an overreaction because again like I just said we’re buying more time but we’re still saying half of everything in 2030 is going to be an electric car so you know just

Throwing out all your you know future EV plans or some of your future EV plans as a result just seems like a strange move honestly especially with how they’re so worried about you know the Chinese byd company coming in and gaining a foothold well you’re giving up all of your compe

Ing Vehicles by throwing them on the Shelf anyway um so apparently that’s something that’s happened also the cancellations don’t stop at GM cuz according to that auto we report they’re saying that Ford’s response to slowing EV sales growth which is still growing by the way every month of 2023 EV sales

Were higher than they were that month in 2022 so EV sales are still growing it’s 8% of the market share currently and it still is increasing as much as all the gloom and doom out there says oh no one wants an EV anymore they’re still selling a bunch of them they’re just

Finally having to be competitive with pricing and just not assuming that everyone’s going to pay markups and signing up for massive reservation lists for every brand new EV that drops like that’s obviously not going to be the case from now on they’re going to have to actually Market them and sell them

And be competitive like they used to have to be with every other car out there um and so you know that’s uh just kind of you know there’s been a lot of that out there like no one wants evbs anymore that’s not true it’s just they finally have to discount them and price

Them right but anyway um so as far as the Ford delays here and the things that they’re getting rid of so apparently according to Auto Week here the electric versions of the Maverick and the Bronco um haven’t been cancelled but they have been delayed as well as an electric

Ranger type thing um all of those are now not coming until at least the early 30s they said so um it’s uh going to be interesting to see but I think you know it sounds like prime time for byd to be like okay everyone’s going to just give

Up on EVS here because of a temporary slowdown in growth not the end of growth but a Slowdown in growth and everyone’s going to all right like let’s just give up on EVs and so you know byd and other companies vinfast going to come in with their cool little vf3 all these other

Companies they can take over to the market if you know all the large oems want to just throw up their hands in the air and and give up and run away at the slightest uh you know bit of uh struggle um then I think you know all these other

Companies will capitalize and uh we will see but I just talked about that last week byd looks like they’re going to be possibly setting up a factory in Mexico and we’ll probably take the US by storm with really affordable e v s if the American companies can’t get their act

Together soon here speaking of by though Ford and GM are both nervous about them as is Tesla but not nervous enough to keep products around apparently but anyway at the wolf research conference this past week Ford and GM CEOs both said they were open to collaborating to

Reduce costs uh to help them be more competitive against the potential wave of Chinese EVs and GM CEO said if there’s ways that we can partner with others especially on technologies that are not consumer facing and be more efficient with R&D as well as Capital we’re all in so sounds like they’re

Getting a little more desperate there you know but I think I guess they just want to maximize the stuff that they currently have and just sell mocky and Lightnings and uh you know Blazers for the next five or six years or something I don’t know um but I mean at least if

They’re talking about like you know these Arch Rivals you know they didn’t mention each other but if they’re talking about hey we’re both thinking maybe we should collaborate with people I mean that’s huge cuz I mean I feel like these those for and GM would not ever collaborate on basically anything

In a normal world so I mean definitely it seems like they’re getting desperate and the heat is getting turned up here but um again just seems strange that they’re you know canceling all a lot of their EV stuff here coming down the road anyway um the American companies aren’t

The only ones here Mercedes this week is also pumping the brakes on their EVS rolling back their previous plans to be fully electric by 2030 instead they really went a far step back they’re now saying that they’re only expecting 50% of their sales to be electrified by 2030

So not even not even going from like 100% to 50% EVS but like 50% of electrified which I think electrified qualifies from anything from a mild mild hybrid 48 volt system to just to run you know the active suspensions basically means I mean I don’t even know why

They’re saying 50% you can have 100% of your stuff be electrified because you’re talking about you know the weak 48 volt stuff if they mean true hybrids and plug-in hybrids that’s a little bit you know more of a advanced goal there but even still I mean that is like a real

Underhand softball pitch there to be like oh yeah we 50% of everything be electrified by 2030 I mean so they Mercedes really seems like they’re giving up pretty hard on the EVS as well which um I mean they struggled more than a lot of other companies with some of

Their EVS but um you know it’s just one of the things we’re in first gen Tech you know you have to give this stuff time to develop and get better and uh it seems like a lot of companies just don’t have the heart to stay stay in it here

As uh as much as uh we were all expecting I guess but anyway their CEO also told in that they will update their combustion vehicles of course cuz you got to have something to sell if you’re going to bail in all the electric stuff and they said that it almost is like we

Will have a new lineup in 2027 that will take us well into the 2030s uh meaning that Mercedes going all EV by even 20 2035 probably isn’t likely if they’re saying that these gas engines are going to take them well into the 2030s you know I guess 2035 is possible but sounds

Like um at least right now Mercedes is uh not having any kind of timeline as words as when they want to go fully electric so again huge changes and I mean I have to say I’ve been saying this stuff for years everyone was worried about oh you know everything’s going to

Be fully electric tomorrow and it’s the end of the world I’m like nope all this crap’s going to get pushed back thrown out whatever and we’re seeing it unfold I swear it’s you know it hasn’t even been a year or two and all of a sudden I

Like oh no we’re not having fast enough EV Sal so let’s just give up on the whole idea uh everyone’s forgetting that there’s 100,000 fast Chargers coming that there’s you know all this other advancements we have 600 batteries that are already in development and already you know working there’s been tests that

You know been out there it’s just to me this was just like a huge shock this week that everyone was like yeah let’s all bail on Eves and like a universal just like stomp off uh it was just kind of funny and the last company throwing out all their ambitious goals here is

Genesis they appear to be rolling back their plans although this one hasn’t been confirmed yet but according to the Korean economic daily and their Anonymous sources Genesis is reportedly planning their first ever hybrid to launch in 2025 which is a switch from their past announcements where they said

That they would they wouldn’t reveal anything other than electric vehicles from 2025 on so every new debut from 2025 on was going to be electric now they’re saying hey we’re going to have new HBS in 2025 which means obviously the idea of you know only EV debutes

From 2025 and on is out the window and they had previously said I think they wanted to be all electric by 2030 as well but I’m sure just like Mercedes uh you know Genesis can read the room and they see that oh everyone’s catch the train to uh backwards let’s all hop on

Board and so they’re all going to you know stick to uh you know the the safe approach here and um and so that seems like that’s what they’re going to do now as far as this uh report here um the report claims the hybrids will use a 2

And2 L 4-cylinder but that Hyundai has not determined whether to develop plug-in hybrid models under the Genesis brand meaning there’ll be probably just regular hybrids instead um so which models they’ll be is also a mystery still but it makes the most sense to probably go after the highest volume

Stuff I think um the report was saying the G80 and the gv70 and here in the states I’d say you know gv70 and just gv80 don’t even bother with the G80 since it doesn’t sell very well you know just go for the SUVs and that could be

The best way to kind of again boost that Cafe average with a highs if that’s what they want to do and uh so anyway but interesting to hear that moving on from the EV rollbacks but sticking with the hybrid theme though Porsche has rolled out two more variants of the new

Panamera this week so last fall the roll out started with a Bas V6 versions and the Turbo e hybrid this week they debuted the PanAm 4E hybrid and the 4S e hybrid and unlike the turbo e hybrid that uses a V8 these use the 2.9 L twin

Turbo V6 from the regular PanAm and add an electric motor inside the ptk’s transmission housing to provide an extra 115 horsepower and 111 pound feet of torque for totals of 463 horsepower and 479 PB feet of torque for the 4E hybrid along with a 3.9 second Z to 60 the 4S e

Hybrid uh just basically bumps the output from both the gas engine and the e-motor for totals of 536 horsepower and 553 lb feet of torque and a 3 1/2 second Z to 60 they both run a bigger 21.8 KW hour usable battery they can recharge in

2 and 1/2 hours but uh no range was provided for these yet but the last one with a smaller battery did 19 miles so you know it’s safe to assume it’s going to be somewhere in the 20 something for the range here possibly and so when prices are going to be starting at

$7,495 for the 4E hybrid and $18,750 for the 4se hybrid and ordering is open now and deliveries will start in the fall volswagen has also revealed the id7 tour this week uh which is the wagon version of the id7 that sadly appears like it’s not going to be coming to the

US there’s no official word on that yet but um you know just pretty unlikely I’d love to be wrong and maybe they’ll surprise us but anyway it’s not a huge disappointment if we don’t get it since the regular id7 already has a really good cargo space there with its lift

Back design already which which is pretty cool but aside from the extra cargo space it’s the same as the regular id7 for this tor version uh with the same power trins presumed to be carrying over of course same interior all that for those in Europe that are interested

They’ll begin arriving at dealers this quarter so coming really fast but there’s no pricing for those yet I believe the id7 for anyone who’s curious should be arriving here in the states sometime this summer I believe and uh so stay tuned for that um and for the last

News story here this week Volvo’s UK division has revealed uh that the electric versions of the xc40 and the C40 which were previously called the xc40 recharge and C40 recharge those will now be thankfully simplified with their names to just ex40 and c and ec40 um with the XC name sticking around just

For those gas powered versions um and then you know the ex thing slots in nicely with the ex30 that’s beneath it and the ex90 and of course the rest of the lineup will get filled up eventually as well and so we’ll have to wait for a

US announcement but I think you for the states most likely 2025 B year I’m assuming is when they’ll switch that over but I’m honestly impressed that the xc40 sticking around this long cuz I mean that’s getting to be a pretty dated vehicle at this point I mean the whole

Volvo lineup really as far as the XCS they’re all pretty old and ancient but um I was expecting to see a new xc40 and you know the name change go in a good way to bring in a new model but instead they’re just going to slap the new

Badges on the old thing and uh at least it makes it easier to understand you know from a consumer standpoint with a new name but uh I’m I’m interested to see when we’re going to actually get a new ex40 at some point but anyway lastly

I want to thank all of you that are members of the mataran motoring Club so we did have uh one new member was able to join and many others were able to rejoin thanks to the very generous gifting uh that was done during the live stream by Kyle and Carlos roas so thank

You both so much for your very generous gifts I’m sure all those were able to rejoin really appreciate it and I want to give a big welcome to the new member that was able to join as well so big welcome to armchair eracer I hope you’re

Enjoying the perk so far and I hope you’ll continue sticking around here after that trial period is over and for anyone else that would like to join become a member and I get all those membership perks like that party answering on the live stream and all the

Other fun behind the- scenes stuff that you get as a member there’s always join buttons here on the video page on the channel page and also a link in the description but anyway thank you all very much for watching let me know your thoughts on all this crazy news in the

Comments below please also leave a like And subscribe to keep these videos coming and I’ll see you guys in the next one take care

News Topics:
0:00 Intro
0:20 EPA reportedly relaxing emissions requirements
3:03 Plug-in hybrid GM trucks coming and cancellations
6:05 Ford delays EV Bronco, Maverick and Ranger
8:02 Ford and GM CEOs open to collaboration
9:14 Mercedes rolling back EV plans
11:44 Genesis reportedly planning hybrids for 2025
13:18 2025 Porsche Panamera 4 + 4S E-Hybrid
14:35 2025 VW ID.7 Tourer
15:21 Volvo renaming XC40 + C40 Recharge
16:27 New member shoutout

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